


20:41 Ticket #2232 (FileSetAttrib help file example - hardcrash) closed by trancexx
Works For Me: Your report misses all the info that you should have provided. Even though help file examples for this function are catastrophic they don't error out in that manner for me.
20:16 Ticket #2232 (FileSetAttrib help file example - hardcrash) created by JFX
The help file example of FileSetAttrib with wildcards causes …


14:23 Ticket #2192 (New API...au3 include files conflict) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7128] in version:
09:53 Ticket #1571 (StringSplit - Add CaseSense parameter) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Case insensitive split would result in 100 bug reports by users using languages other than English. AutoIt string is not limited to ASCII character set.
09:37 Ticket #1674 (DirCopy()/DirMove() does not preserve the attributes of a folder) closed by trancexx
09:30 Ticket #263 (Drop PluginOpen()/PluginClose() in favor of an #import statement) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Plugin feature will not be developed further.


12:16 Ticket #2223 (Minor documentation correction for _WordErrorHandlerRegister) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7124] in version:
01:39 Ticket #2231 (ControlSend case of text inconsistent) closed by Valik
No Bug: You provided a script to reproduce the issue about as useful as the scripts 2 years ago. In other words, this is pointless. We can't reproduce it and the code looks fine on our end.


19:32 Ticket #2231 (ControlSend case of text inconsistent) created by multiades@…
This was reported previously, but it was closed 2 years ago as "no …


15:56 Ticket #2229 (Bug in Obfuscator.exe v1.0.30.1) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: This is not the correct place to report issues with SciTE4AutoIt or it's tools.
15:55 Ticket #2230 (MsgBox - Add Location Parameters) closed by Valik
Rejected: Message boxes are a standard Windows feature. Talk to Microsoft. Better yet spend about two seconds thinking about how you could achieve this on your own and you'll see you can do it already. I hear AutoIt is a good automation language for manipulating windows.
15:20 Ticket #2230 (MsgBox - Add Location Parameters) created by shmuelw1
I very often want a MsgBox that is NOT centered on the screen. How …


21:12 Ticket #2229 (Bug in Obfuscator.exe v1.0.30.1) created by UEZ
[…] I don't know who will maintain SciTE and its components in …


13:58 Ticket #2225 (_FileWriteToLine Bug) closed by trancexx
No Bug


18:39 Ticket #2226 (Please give your comments to avoid two windows which are getting opened.) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Hm. What to say. Try to put yourself into our shoes. You will then see how very little sense you make here.
15:14 Ticket #2227 (GUICtrlCreateEdit doesn't have full Unicode support) closed by trancexx
No Bug
12:57 Ticket #2228 (Cant post ??) closed by trancexx
No Bug: This trac is for AutoIt language. Anyway, be patient.
08:05 Ticket #2228 (Cant post ??) created by anonymous
I posted my first thread and it wont show to public cause no one has …
03:58 Ticket #2227 (GUICtrlCreateEdit doesn't have full Unicode support) created by sleeping.love@…
I found a problem with GUICtrlCreateEdit. When i added …


11:56 Ticket #2222 (Cyrillic names of COM object / methods) closed by trancexx
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7089] in version:
08:28 Ticket #2226 (Please give your comments to avoid two windows which are getting opened.) created by bhargavi.vittalsingh@…
While browsing for a file, two browse windows gets opening. I have …


16:38 Ticket #2225 (_FileWriteToLine Bug) created by MemphiZ@…
I found a bug in the _FileWriteToLine function of the File.au3 include …


23:47 Ticket #1866 (GUI $WS_EX_MDICHILD Top Alignment bug) closed by trancexx
Wont Fix: If anyone sees any sense in this then please make another report.
21:14 Ticket #1995 (Different results on x86 and x64) closed by trancexx
Wont Fix: Addressed by revision [7088].


23:15 Ticket #2224 (_FileReadToArray() Add optional parameter to disable row count return ...) created by Bowmore
Would it be possible to add an optional parameter to this UDF function …


17:39 Ticket #2215 (Wrong(?) syntax check of default parameter value with array variable) closed by trancexx
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7083] in version:


14:26 Ticket #2223 (Minor documentation correction for _WordErrorHandlerRegister) created by Tippex
The provided example script for _WordErrorHandlerRegister just has the …


17:33 Ticket #1993 (Forum [autoit] code abbreviates URLs - it shouldn't) closed by Valik
Fixed: This appears fixed with IPB 3.3.3.
17:13 Ticket #1631 (Get FilePath from file handle) closed by trancexx
Rejected: This really isn't necessary.
16:56 Ticket #1172 (.NET controls in beta closed by trancexx
16:30 Ticket #1265 (Au3Check support for Static) closed by trancexx
Completed: For some time now Au3Check handles Static correctly.
16:26 Ticket #2014 (Updated Array.au3 UDF to be used with 2D arrays) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Unfortunately something like this isn't currently needed. Thanks anyway.
16:20 Ticket #1691 (ControlCommand is not working for .net checkboxes.) closed by trancexx
16:14 Ticket #1887 (Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays with multiple sort columns) closed by trancexx
15:46 Ticket #2031 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetBkColor() not working) closed by trancexx
No Bug: It works all right. You don't see it working probably because your system forces default control style.
15:22 Ticket #1607 (ControlTreeView not fully working with SysTreeView32) closed by trancexx
14:26 Ticket #1803 (GuiRichEdit Zoom Set) closed by trancexx
Rejected: It's very hard to understand what's this about.
13:52 Ticket #2007 (#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel=None Creates "asInvoker" ...) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Check the latest SciTE4AutoIt. That's the only advice I can give regarding this.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.