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  1. I'm trying to create script that would login on my SAP WEBI "web page" and replace some uploaded excel files. But i'm having problem on even the log in. These are user fill elements with Firefox Inspector <input type="text" id="_id0:logon:CMS" name="_id0:logon:CMS"> <input type="text" id="_id0:logon:USERNAME" name="_id0:logon:USERNAME"> <input type="password" id="_id0:logon:PASSWORD" name="_id0:logon:PASSWORD"> LogOnButton <input type="submit" id="_id0:logon:logonButton" value="Log On" class="logonButtonNoHover logon_button_no_hover" onmouseover="this.className = 'logonButtonHover logon_button_hover';" onmouseout="this.className = 'logonButtonNoHover logon_button_no_hover';"> My example, I tried _IEGetObjByName and _IEGetObjById but the script only open page but will not even fill out the form #include <IE.au3> Call("signIn") Func signIn() Global $oIE = _IECreate("http://192.xxx.xxx.xx:xxx/BOE/BI") Sleep (5000) Local $server = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "_id0:logon:CMS") Local $username = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "_id0:logon:USERNAME") Local $password = _IEGetObjByName($oIE, "_id0:logon:PASSWORD") Local $button = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "_id0:logon:logonButton") _IEFormElementSetValue($server, "TestServer:1000") _IEFormElementSetValue($username, "MyUserName") _IEFormElementSetValue($password, "MyPass") ; THIS PART ABOUT BUTTON CLICK I DONT UNDERSTAND AT ALL $sSelector = "body > div:nth-of-type(2) > div > div:nth-of-type(3) > div > table > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr:nth-of-type(1) > td > div > div:nth-of-type(1) > form > div:nth-of-type(5) > button" $signInUC = $oIE.document.QuerySelector($sSelector) _IEAction($signInUC, "click") EndFunc ;==>signIn I would be very grateful for any help
  2. Greetings friends! I have been searching the help file and Google, with no success, to find a way to validate images from a folder and mark them somehow in a spreadsheet. My context is: I made a code with the help of the community that captures images from SAP and saves them in a folder. Now I'd like to identify which ones are black, if it's even possible. I read about PixelSearch, but did not get it to work. If someone could point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. The code I'm using: #include <File.au3> #include <ScreenCapture.au3> $x = InputBox("Title", "Amount of Images To Capture", "", "", 320, 150) If @error Then Exit $x = Number($x) $y = InputBox("Title", "Batch Name", "", "", 320, 150) If @error Then Exit $y = String($y) HotKeySet("{HOME}", "printscreen") Func printscreen() $FilePath =("C:\Fiscalizacao\Fotos"&"/") $FileName = $y & " - " $FileList = _FileListToArray($FilePath, $FileName & '*.jpg', 1) If Not IsArray($FileList) Then $FileName&= '1.jpg' Else $FileName &= $FileList[0] + 1 & '.jpg' EndIf _ScreenCapture_Capture($FilePath & "\" & $FileName, 354, 196, 673, 436) EndFunc HotKeySet("{BS}", "Terminate") Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc For $i = 1 to $x Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",2) If NOT WinExists("Relatorio") Then MsgBox(0, "Atenção!", "Relatório do MOM deve estar aberto!") Call("Terminate") EndIf Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",2) WinActivate("Relatorio") Sleep (250) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",2) SendKeepActive("Relatorio") Send("{ENTER}") Sleep (1000) Send("{HOME}") Sleep (200) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",2) WinActivate("Relatorio") Send("{DOWN}") Next
  3. here is a SAP hit tool ( like the SAP wizard) for anyone doing SAP automation windows 7. This lets you click on a control on any SAP GUI and highlights it just like the wizard did and tells you the control path. The SAP wizard has problems on windows 7 due to it use of Office Assistants Agents (remember Clippy?) which are no longer supported in windows 7. Note, GUI Scripting needs to be turned on see your system admin (or see transaction rz11 to turn on) Enjoy For general SAP automation see griffin the great's SAP.UDF tags SAP GUI scripting wizard not working SAPWizard.zip
  4. I need to select an item from a SAP combobox, could anyone help me or did something like that? I tried to use some AutoIt functions but without success. When i try to identify the combobox with au3Info, this is the return: Could anyone help me with this challange?
  5. I'm actually really proud of myself today. I'm always keen on using AutoIT wherever I can, as I've been developing in it since the age of 14 and whenever I meet any new technical staff or developers at the different clients I visit it always gets a mention and a demonstration. So we had a minor problem today at one of our clients, whereby they had an existing Windows Service implemented with a config file but the source-code was missing, which limited the ability of our company to enhance the interface in any way. Now considering the fact that I was paid to develop this I will refrain from divulging any company names or "secrets" as, of course, there are clauses in my contract that state that my work belongs to them. I am however a SAP ABAP developer by trade so anything that falls outside of the defined limits of this trade I can technically share, but regardless I'll keep the information limited. So the requirement was to pull data from IBM Websphere, write it out to a file and post it into SAP through a custom built RFC. It turned out to be much less complicated than I imagined and through the research on these forums, I had discovered that similar things had been attempted but that nothing concrete had been written for AutoIT specifically (The MQ part, not the SAP part). So without further adieu I present my thinking. I started out with the IBM Websphere dll using DllOpen and DllCall. After a few frustrating attempts at creating COM objects through the DLL Call. I finally discovered that there was another dll that I could register using regsrv32. It was called MQAX200.dll Once this dll was registered on the system I could access the following piece of code; EnvSet("MQSERVER", $iniServer) ;MQ Server Environment Variable $MQSess = ObjCreate("MQAX200.MQSession") $QMgr = ObjCreate("MQAX200.MQQueueManager") $QMgr = $MQSess.AccessQueueManager($iniQM) ;Queue Manager ConsoleWrite("Connected" & @CRLF) After this was complete and I successfully tested my connection I added the following to read from MQ; $Queue = $QMgr.AccessQueue($iniQueue, 2) ;Queue (2=MQOO_INPUT, 16=MQOO_OUTPUT) While 1 $GetMsg = $MQSess.AccessMessage $GetOptions = $MQSess.AccessGetMessageOptions $Queue.Get($GetMsg, $GetOptions) If $Queue.ReasonCode = 2033 Then ;When there aren't any new messages sleep for 2 seconds. Sleep(2000) Else #EndRegion Accessing MQ #Region Write File $MsgData = $GetMsg.MessageData .... I then wrote this out to a file and attempted my SAP connection using the following code; Dim $LoggedIn = False $oConnection = $LogonControl.NewConnection $oConnection.System = $System $oConnection.ApplicationServer = $AppServer $oConnection.SystemNumber = $SysNumb $oConnection.User = $User $oConnection.Password = $Password $oConnection.Client = $Client $oConnection.Language = $Language $LoggedIn = $oConnection.Logon(0, True) Return $LoggedIn which resulted in failure as the SAP COM object wasn't registered on the system. After attempting to register the correct object without installing SAP GUI, I ended up with a slightly different solution for an executable supplied by SAP called startrfc.exe; $foo = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & $RFCExec & " -3 -h " & $AppServer & " -s " & $SysNumber & " -F " & $RFC & " -u " & $User & " -p " & $Password & " -c " & $Client & " -l " & $Language & " -E FNAME=" & $FilePath & " -E PNAME=" & $Program, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) While 1 $line = StdoutRead($foo) If @error Then ExitLoop ConsoleWrite($line) $LogFile = FileOpen(StringReplace($FilePath, "\In\","\Logs\"), 2) FileWrite($LogFile, $Line) FileClose($LogFile) FileMove($FilePath, StringReplace($FilePath, "\In\","\Out\")) WEnd While 1 $line = StderrRead($foo) If @error Then ExitLoop ConsoleWrite($line) $ErrFile = FileOpen(StringReplace($FilePath, "\In\","\Errors\E"), 2) FileWrite($ErrFile, $Line) FileClose($ErrFile) FileMove($FilePath, StringReplace($FilePath, "\In\","\Errors\")) WEnd One last piece of code that you should keep in mind if you attempt this so that your program doesn't stop when a COM error is returned (MQ returns an error that indicates there is no data available on the queue as you see with the reason code check earlier); Global $oErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_ErrFunc") ;Catch COM errors In conclusion, I really enjoyed implementing something that'll be used for the foreseeable future at a powerful company and writing it in my favorite language. I hope you find some use in these snippets. This will be running as a Windows Service from now on using srvany.exe.
  6. With older Autoit Versions my script was working fine and i don´t know how i should change my script to work again... Basically my problem section does nothing more then selecting some menus in SAP then pressing 2 buttons in following popup-windows and the 3rd popup is a file save dialog... My script always stops executing after the 2nd button press (it is pressed, but it won´t get any further....) Connection to SAP is initiated with _SAPSessAttach("") from the SAP UDF but the commands are sent directly via the COM interface to SAP. _SAPSessAttach("") ConsoleWrite("Setze $AnalyseBlatt ..." & @CRLF) $AnalyseBlatt = @ScriptDir & "\test.xls" ConsoleWrite("Lösche $AnalyseBlatt ..." & @CRLF) If FileExists($AnalyseBlatt) Then FileDelete($AnalyseBlatt) EndIf $SAP_Session.findById("wnd[0]/shellcont[0]/shell/shellcont[2]/shell" ).expandNode("1000") $SAP_Session.findById("wnd[0]/shellcont[0]/shell/shellcont[2]/shell" ).selectItem("4000", "COL01") $SAP_Session.findById("wnd[0]/shellcont[0]/shell/shellcont[2]/shell" ).ensureVisibleHorizontalItem("4000", "COL01") $SAP_Session.findById("wnd[0]/shellcont[0]/shell/shellcont[2]/shell" ).topNode = ("0001") $SAP_Session.findById("wnd[0]/shellcont[0]/shell/shellcont[2]/shell" ).doubleClickItem("4000", "COL01") ConsoleWrite("Btn0 Press..." & @CRLF) $SAP_Session.findById("wnd[1]/tbar[0]/btn[0]").press ConsoleWrite("Btn5 Press..." & @CRLF) $SAP_Session.findById("wnd[1]/tbar[0]/btn[5]").press ;--------- SCRIPT STOPS HERE, without any error, it just hangs.... ConsoleWrite("Warte auf Speichern unter Dialog..." & @CRLF) WinWait("Speichern unter") ConsoleWrite("Setze Edit auf Analyseblatt..." & @CRLF) ControlSetText("Speichern unter", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", $AnalyseBlatt) Sleep(2000) ControlClick("Speichern unter", "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]")
  7. Hello community, here is my script integration library ScriptX. With this library is it very easy possible to integrate AutoIt inside SAPs programming language ABAP. Here an ABAP example: "-Begin----------------------------------------------------------------- Program ZSCRIPTX. "-Constants--------------------------------------------------------- Constants CrLf(2) Type c Value %_CR_LF. Constants SW_SHOWNORMAL Type i Value 1. "-Variables--------------------------------------------------------- Data oScriptX Type OLE2_OBJECT. Data Buffer Type String Value ''. Data WorkDir Type String Value ''. Data FileName Type String Value ''. Data rc Type i Value 0. "-Macros------------------------------------------------------------ Define _. Concatenate Buffer &1 CrLf Into Buffer. End-Of-Definition. Define Flush. Call Function 'AC_SYSTEM_FLUSH' Exceptions Others = 1. End-Of-Definition. "-Main-------------------------------------------------------------- Create Object oScriptX 'ScriptX'. If sy-subrc <> 0 Or oScriptX-Handle = 0 Or oScriptX-Type <> 'OLE2'. Call Function 'ZSCRIPTXDLL'. Create Object oScriptX 'ScriptX'. EndIf. If sy-subrc = 0 And oScriptX-Handle > 0 And oScriptX-Type = 'OLE2'. Call Method Of oScriptX 'About'. Flush. Call Function 'ZAUTOIT3EXE'. "-AutoIt Script begin--------------------------------------------------- _ 'MsgBox(0, "AutoIt", "Version " & @AutoItVersion)'. "-AutoIt Script end----------------------------------------------------- Call Method cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_sapgui_workdir Changing SAPWORKDIR = WorkDir Exceptions Others = 1. Concatenate WorkDir '\Version.au3' Into FileName. Flush. Call Method Of oScriptX 'WriteFile' Exporting #1 = FileName #2 = Buffer. Flush. Call Method Of oScriptX 'Shell' = rc Exporting #1 = 'AutoIt3.exe' #2 = 'Version.au3' #3 = SW_SHOWNORMAL #4 = 1. Flush. Free Object oScriptX. EndIf. "-End------------------------------------------------------------------- Good integration. Cheers Stefan
  8. Hello community, SAP offers different connectors to develop ABAP compatible components and applications. JCo for Java environments, NCo for dotNET languages and the NetWeaver RFC SDK for C++. But what's up if you work neither with Java or dotNET environments nor with C++? Here is another alternative, CCo - the COM Connector for SAP. CCo is a COM library and offers wrappers around all functions of the SAP NetWeaver RFC library. So it is possible to use all functionalities of the SAP NetWeaver RFC library inside any language which is COM-enabled, like AutoIt. With CCo it is easily possible to use the SAP NetWeaver RFC functions inside AutoIt. Hint: CCo has at the moment experimental character. Don't use it in production environments. Hint: CCo needs SAP RFC SDK, you find it here, SAP passport required. You find CCo here: cco.stschnell.de You find a few examples how to use CCo here, in particular three examples in AutoIt Script how to call BAPI functions - here BAPI_USER_ * functions. Cheers Stefan
  9. Hello community, here is an example code of a server application for an SAP system in AutoIt language. My problem is, that this AutoIt example crashs after the first function call of ABAPCall from an ABAP report. I try two methods: Use DllCallbackGetPtrUse CreateThread and get the address of the thread.But both methods crashs at the same code position, look at the example below. Is there any other way to use this kind of multithreading? Thanks for hints. Cheers Stefan ;-Begin----------------------------------------------------------------- ;-Directives---------------------------------------------------------- AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;-Constants----------------------------------------------------------- Const $RFC_OK = 0 Const $RFC_RETRY = 14 ;-Variables----------------------------------------------------------- Dim $SAP, $ABAPCall, $ptrABAPCall, $hDesc, $conPar[3] Dim $ptrConPar[3], $ConParPtr, $i, $rc, $hCon ; Dim $hThread ;-Function CreateThread----------------------------------------------- Func CreateThread($Handle) Local $Ret $Ret = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "handle", "CreateThread", "ptr", 0, _ "dword", 0, "long", DllCallbackGetPtr($Handle), "ptr", 0, _ "long", 0, "int*", 0) Return $Ret[0] EndFunc ;-Function GetThreadAddr---------------------------------------------- Func GetThreadAddr($hThread) Local $ThreadAddr = DllStructCreate("ptr") DllCall("NTDLL.dll", "long", "NtQueryInformationThread", _ "handle", $hThread, "long", 9, "ptr", _ DllStructGetPtr($ThreadAddr), "ulong", 4, "ulong*", 0) Return Number(DllStructGetData($ThreadAddr, 1)) EndFunc ;-Function OutputDebugString------------------------------------------ Func OutputDebugString($OutputString) Local $strOut = String($OutputString) DllCall("kernel32.dll", "none", "OutputDebugStringW", "wstr", _ $strOut) EndFunc ;-Function ABAPCall--------------------------------------------------- Func ABAPCall() MsgBox(0, "", "Ja") Return $RFC_OK ;-Important hint-------------------------------------------------- ;- ;- Program crashs here, because AutoIt is not able to use multi ;- threading with SAP NetWeaver RFC library ;- ;----------------------------------------------------------------- EndFunc ;-Main---------------------------------------------------------------- $SAP = ObjCreate("COMNWRFC") If IsObj($SAP) Then $ABAPCall = DllCallbackRegister("ABAPCall", "long", "") $hDesc = $SAP.RfcCreateFunctionDesc("ABAPCall") If $hDesc And $ABAPCall Then ;-Define RFC_CONNECTION_PARAMETER structures-------------------- For $i = 0 To 2 $conPar[$i] = DllStructCreate("wchar name[16];wchar value[16]") Next ;-Set RFC_CONNECTION_PARAMETER---------------------------------- DllStructSetData($conPar[0], "name", "program_id") DllStructSetData($conPar[0], "value", "AUTOITSERVER") DllStructSetData($conPar[1], "name", "gwhost") DllStructSetData($conPar[1], "value", "ABAP") DllStructSetData($conPar[2], "name", "gwserv") DllStructSetData($conPar[2], "value", "sapgw00") ;-Switch RFC_CONNECTION_PARAMETER strings to pointers----------- $ptrConPar = DllStructCreate("ptr;ptr;ptr;ptr;ptr;ptr") DllStructSetData($ptrConPar, 1, DllStructGetPtr($conPar[0], "name")) DllStructSetData($ptrConPar, 2, DllStructGetPtr($conPar[0], "value")) DllStructSetData($ptrConPar, 3, DllStructGetPtr($conPar[1], "name")) DllStructSetData($ptrConPar, 4, DllStructGetPtr($conPar[1], "value")) DllStructSetData($ptrConPar, 5, DllStructGetPtr($conPar[2], "name")) DllStructSetData($ptrConPar, 6, DllStructGetPtr($conPar[2], "value")) $ptrABAPCall = Number(DllCallbackGetPtr($ABAPCall)) ;-Alternative----------------------------------------------------------- ; ; $hThread = CreateThread($ABAPCall) ; If $hThread Then ; $ptrABAPCall = GetThreadAddr($hThread) ; If $ptrABAPCall Then ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- $rc = $SAP.RfcInstallServerFunction("", $hDesc, $ptrABAPCall) If $rc = $RFC_OK Then $ConParPtr = Number(DllStructGetPtr($ptrConPar)) $hCon = $SAP.RfcRegisterServer($ConParPtr, 3) If $hCon Then While $rc = $RFC_OK Or $rc = $RFC_RETRY $rc = $SAP.RfcListenAndDispatch($hCon, 1) Select Case $rc = $RFC_OK OutputDebugString("RFC_OK") Case $rc = $RFC_RETRY OutputDebugString("RFC_RETRY") EndSelect Sleep(256) Wend EndIf EndIf $SAP.RfcDestroyFunctionDesc($hDesc) DllCallbackFree($ABAPCall) ; DllCall("kernel32.dll", "boolean", "CloseHandle", _ ; "handle", $hThread) ; EndIf ; EndIf EndIf $SAP = 0 EndIf ;-End-------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Hello community, the SAP GUI Scripting offers excellent possibilities to automate your activities on the SAP presentation server. It is possible to record, replay and emulate the user input on an SAP GUI for Windows. It is very interesting for tests or only for recurring activities. To simplify the creation of SAP GUI scripts, there is the Scripting Tracker. It consists of two components. On one side of an Analyzer and on the other side of a Recorder. The Analyzer replaces the SAP GUI development tools and provides additional functionalities. The Analyzer component is fully available in the Lite version, which can be downloaded here: bebo.stschnell.de. The Recorder replaces the SAP GUI Scripting recorder and offers also extended functionalities. E.g. beside VBScript, it supports AutoIt and other scripting languages. With Scripting Tracker it is very easy possible to record your SAP GUI for Windows activities as AutoIt script. So it offers new horizons of integration between an SAP system and your presentation server. To get an impression look this video: http://youtu.be/jZQP6vwedsc Cheers Stefan
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