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  1. This UDF was created for give any kind of support for GDPR solutions in AutoIt. #include "GDPR.au3" #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check=Y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 #Tidy_Parameters=/sort_funcs /reel ; #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode=Y _Example() Func _Example() _GDPR_Crypter_Wrapper(_Example_Crypter) Local $sText = 'AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting.' MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber, _GDPR_Anonymize_String($sText)) Local $dCrypted = _GDPR_Crypt_String($sText) MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber, $dCrypted & @CRLF & @error & @CRLF & @extended) Local $sDecrypted = _GDPR_DeCrypt_AsString($dCrypted) MsgBox(0, @ScriptLineNumber, $sDecrypted & @CRLF & @error & @CRLF & @extended) _GDPR_Crypt_File(@ScriptFullPath, @ScriptFullPath & '.CRYPTED') If @error Then ConsoleWrite('! ---> @error=' & @error & ' @extended=' & @extended & ' : _GDPR_Crypt_File' & @CRLF) _GDPR_DeCrypt_File(@ScriptFullPath & '.CRYPTED', @ScriptFullPath & '.DECRYPTED.au3') If @error Then ConsoleWrite('! ---> @error=' & @error & ' @extended=' & @extended & ' : _GDPR_DeCrypt_File' & @CRLF) EndFunc ;==>_Example Func _Example_Crypter($dBinaryData, $bDataAlreadyEncrypted) _Crypt_Startup() ; Start the Crypt library. Local $dResult If $bDataAlreadyEncrypted Then $dResult = _Crypt_DecryptData($dBinaryData, 'securepassword', $CALG_3DES) ; Decrypt the data using the generic password string. The return value is a binary string. Else $dResult = _Crypt_EncryptData($dBinaryData, 'securepassword', $CALG_3DES) ; Encrypt the text with the new cryptographic key. EndIf _Crypt_Shutdown() ; Shutdown the Crypt library. Return $dResult EndFunc ;==>_Example_Crypter Download link: WIKI: This UDF was added here: https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/User_Defined_Functions
  2. Q1) How to do GUIDelete() while using the script when a specific process starts? Q2) How to change (X) "Close"button behavior? Q3) I am VPS Retailer and i want to control my Users that uses bad programs, such as Port Scanners and so on... I had created script to tell me what are they doing, but they removes my script from Windows Registry Startup paths, Common Startup paths, Task Schedules and so on... How to make my script protect itself from being closed and start as main process of windows at startup?
  3. Hi all, I am working on a GUI program to update Google's Dynamic DNS (API at https://support.google.com/domains/answer/6147083?authuser=1&hl=en if you scroll to bottom). I am not a programmer by any means - just a sysadmin who has picked up on some things along the way. I am sure that there's better ways to do a lot of things in this script; I'm just going with what I know. My challenge right now is that I'd like a better way to store the credentials both in memory as well as in system registry or INI file (not sure which way I want to go for local storage). How should I convert the passwords to a secure string in a manner that can't be easily reversed, yet is still accessible to the script? Is that even an option in AutoIt? Can anybody provide me with links to good reference posts, or coding suggestions for how best to achieve this in the script below? I am using the WinHTTP UDF (https://github.com/dragana-r/autoit-winhttp/releases) to make my API calls. #include<WinHTTP.au3> #include<GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include<EditConstants.au3> #include<iNet.au3> #include<Array.au3> DIM $aDomainList[1][4] $aDomainList[0][0] = 0 $gMainGUI = GUICreate("Overkill's Google DNS Updater",800,800) $gDomainLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("FQDN",21,8) $gDomainInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("",60,5,300) $gUserLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Username",5,36) $gUserInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("",60,32,130,Default,BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT,$ES_PASSWORD)) $gPasswordLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password",6,64) $gPassInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("",60,60,130,Default,BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT,$ES_PASSWORD)) $gAddButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("ADD DOMAIN",200,31,160,52) $gCurrentIP = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Current IP: " & _CheckIP(),5,780) $gDomainList = GUICtrlCreateListView("Domain | Resolved IP | Update Status",5,120,600,600) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$gMainGUI) while 1 $m = GUIGetMsg() IF $M = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE then Exit IF $M = $gAddButton Then $sAddDomain = GUICtrlRead($gDomainInput) $sAddUser = GUICtrlRead($gUserInput) $sAddPass = GUICtrlRead($gPassInput) $sResolveIP = _DNSCheck($sAddDomain) ;Google wants you to avoid sending updates when there are no changes If StringCompare($sResolveIP,_CheckIP()) = 0 Then $sStatus = "No change, not sending update" Else $sStatus = _DNSUpdate($sAddDomain,$sAddUser,$sAddPass) EndIf ;Check to make sure all fields are completed before continuing IF StringLen($sAddDomain) = 0 OR StringLen($sAddUser) = 0 OR StringLen($sAddPass) = 0 Then MsgBox(0,"","Please complete all fields") Else ; If the fields all have data, then continue ;Check to see if the entry exists in the array already $iSanity = _ArraySearch($aDomainList,$sAddDomain) IF $iSanity = 0 Then _ArrayAdd($aDomainList,$sAddDomain & "|" & $sAddUser & "|" & $sAddPass ) If @error = 0 Then $aDomainList[0][0] += 1 $aDomainList[$aDomainList[0][0]][3] = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($sAddDomain & "|" & $sResolveIP & "|" & $sStatus,$gDomainList) Else MsgBox(0,"","Error adding input to list") EndIf Else ; If $iSanity <> 0 ; Update existing info in array and listviewitem $aDomainList[$iSanity][0] = $sAddDomain $aDomainList[$iSanity][1] = $sAddUser $aDomainList[$iSanity][2] = $sAddPass GUICtrlSetData($aDomainList[$iSanity][3],$sAddDomain & "|" & $sResolveIP & "|" & $sStatus) EndIf ; If $iSanity = 0 EndIf ; If StringLen... EndIf ; If $m = $gaddbutton WEnd ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _DNSCheck($sFQDN) $sJSON = _INetGetSource("https://dns.google.com/resolve?name=" & $sFQDN & "&cd=1") ConsoleWrite($sJSON & @CRLF) $sIPAddress = StringRegExpReplace($sJSON,'^.*data": "(.*?)".*?$',"\1") Return $sIPAddress EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _DNSUpdate($sFQDN,$sUser,$sPass) Local $sGoogleAPIURI = "https://domains.google.com" Local $hOpen = _WinHttpOpen() Local $hConnect = _WinHttpConnect($hOpen, $sGoogleAPIURI) Local $sHeader = _ 'Authorization: Basic ' & _Base64Encode($sUser & ":" & $sPass) & @CRLF & _ 'Accept: */*' & @CRLF & _ 'User-Agent: AutoITScript/' & @AutoItVersion & @CRLF & _ 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' Local $aHTTPResponse = _WinHttpSimpleSSLRequest($hConnect, "POST", "/nic/update", Default, "hostname=" & $sFQDN, $sHeader, True, Default, Default, Default, True) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hConnect) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hOpen) If IsArray($aHTTPResponse) Then $sHTTPResponse = "Header:" & @CRLF & $aHTTPResponse[0] & @CRLF & "Data:" & @CRLF & $aHTTPResponse[1] & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF Return $aHTTPResponse[1] Else $sHTTPResponse = "NO REPLY" Return "No reply from " & $sGoogleAPIURI EndIf EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _Base64Encode($sData) Local $oXml = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument") If Not IsObj($oXml) Then SetError(1, 1, 0) EndIf Local $oElement = $oXml.createElement("b64") If Not IsObj($oElement) Then SetError(2, 2, 0) EndIf $oElement.dataType = "bin.base64" $oElement.nodeTypedValue = Binary($sData) Local $sReturn = $oElement.Text If StringLen($sReturn) = 0 Then SetError(3, 3, 0) EndIf Return $sReturn EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _CheckIP() Return _INetGetSource("https://domains.google.com/checkip") EndFunc ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Hello. Im trying to make my scripts safe - unnable to decompile. I search for obfuscators and other security methods but the search has come to nothing. Then one guy gave that idea below. If I rightly understood this idea lets we talk about example program with this secutiy method. Program have two parts, first is only login gui and the second part is the main program Second part (main program) is uploaded on ftp server lets say that on http://xxx/autoit/main_program.au3 So we have the first gui with login, we put correctly login and pass and this is the moment when code from http://xxx/autoit/main_program.au3 will be downloaded and executed Finally main program will be appear This is the similiar way like new games are protected by cracking. I have few questions in this moment about this: Is something like that even possible to do with the autoit? First part of program (login gui) must have somewhere given that link to download the rest of code - http://xxx/autoit/main_program.au3 to make it execute. As we know this first part of program is easy able to hack and retrieve this web url http://xxx/autoit/main_program.au3 where located is main part of program. Is the way to encrypt or secure it? If only code will be stored in .php we know it cannot be previewed. So it could for example get code from .php file instead of .au3 I know that methods works in other languages (I dont know exactly how) thats becouse I only speculates, maybe something may looks different in these solution? Other way would be compiling second part of code on web server (there are available web autoit servers) maybe this way is possible? Tell me anything U know about this ideas and if its even possible to achieve. Thanks for ur any response, advice or thoughts
  5. @Blueman @Damein Dear all, I couldn't find anything that related exactly to what I'm trying to achieve although I did find some examples from the two people I've tagged in which has gotten me so far. I understand this topic could be a contentious issue and perhaps that's why there's no threads that I could find that relate directly to it. If the subject is taboo then I'll completely understand it if this thread is deleted. I want to write a program that periodically posts the IP address and Geo/GPS location data to me some way e.g. ftp/POST/email - the back-story is below. Ok so recently I had a computer stolen from my office, the actual value of the computer is very low as it was 10 years old and just for basic office tasks. Whilst the important files were backed up I never got around to automating this process so I lost a couple of weeks work when it was stolen. Anyway, this computer was used mainly by one employee and as I wouldn't be at the office a lot of the time I would use VNC to help when they got stuck with a particular task. As the IP was dynamic I found the dynamic DNS solutions supported by the router not to be very reliable so I wrote a small AutoIt program that called the dynamic DNS update link every 15 minutes, this program was in the Start Menu -> Programs -> Start Up folder and worked fine. This computer was a desktop box with no Wifi so was connected via Ethernet. As the accounts on the machine are password protected, whoever ends up with the box is likely to format the HD and put a fresh OS on there so this program is unlikely to run again which is a shame because as it's a desktop box with no Wifi I could use the IP address to give to the Police who could get the users name and address by matching who that IP was assigned to at that time. This is very unlikely to be a coffee shop etc. So I'm a lot more security and disaster recovery minded now and have replaced that box with a laptop that the staff member can take home with them each day and it automatically backs up to OneDrive upon log in. I've put VNC and the dynamic DNS AutoIt program on there but as this is a laptop with Wifi it's obviously very portable and can be used to get online from more locations. What I want to do is create another program that gets the device location as well as the IP and sends it to me every 15 minutes or so. I'd plan to put this program in a Guest account that has no password so if this laptop were ever stolen the next user would actually be able to log in and this program would run. Even better would be for this program to be started as a service so it runs before logging in to an account, just like VNC does. Being a laptop it could be used by a thief or other unauthorised user in a coffee shop etc. The solution I have explored so far is have a local .htm file that is opened via AutoIt program which when it has loaded displays the latitude and longitude of the machine, the program then saves this to a file with IP address and date/time stamp and sends it to me somehow (I'll probably implement multiple ways of it notifying me just in case of firewalls). The instance of IE would load minimized and quit after the lat/long is read; as it is such a small page running locally this all happens very quickly so is hard for any user to detect and cancel/intercept. My only problem with this implementation is I can't find a way for the page to start the script and obtain the location without user interaction (clicking Allow). I know why this is like this, because it could be used to spy on peoples location so could be open to mis-use. So perhaps there is a better way, programmatically within AutoIt using Google Maps API (which I haven't looked into properly yet) to do this where there is no user interaction required? There are probably commercial applications to do just this (similar to FindMyiPhone) but I've not investigated the availability of those for Windows and don't see how such a commercial application would be any less open to mis-use so why not create my own little app if possible and avoid the cost.
  6. #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: usmiv4o Script Function: AutoIt script to check if files in directory are changed. It is usefull for security contra-inteligense measures. Function Name: LoadTripwireDB() Description: Loads database (text file tripwire.txt) and compare files in /test folder for changes. compares Hash (MD5) checksums. If they are not the same starts Initial() Function Name: Initial() Description: Checks directory and makes index of files and their MD5 checksums in text file (tripwire.txt) Function Name: Hush() Description: Checks file and returns its MD5 checksum. Requirement(s): Windows XP Return Value(s): On Success - Returns true. Files are the same as before. On Failure - return false. Example: LoadTripwireDB() #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <Crypt.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> $sDir = @ScriptDir & "\Test" $sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\tripwire.txt" Func Hush(ByRef $sFile) $sRead = FileOpen( $sFile) $dHash = _Crypt_HashData($sRead, $CALG_MD5) ; Create a hash of the text entered. ConsoleWrite("Hash of file " & $sFile & " is " & $dHash & @CRLF) EndFunc ;ConsoleWrite("Files in Dir are " & $aScriptDir[0] & @CRLF) ;$sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\Examples.txt" ;_FileWriteFromArray($sFilePath, $aScriptDir, 1) ;_ArrayDisplay($aScriptDir, "1D display") Func Initial() $aScriptDir = _FileListToArray($sDir) for $i = 1 To UBound($aScriptDir) - 1 $dHash = _Crypt_HashData($i, $CALG_MD5) ;ConsoleWrite("File " & $aScriptDir[$i] & " is " & $dHash & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite($aScriptDir[$i] & ":" & $dHash & @CRLF) ;Hush($aScriptDir[$i]) ;FileWrite $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, $FO_APPEND) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred when reading the file.") EndIf FileWrite($hFileOpen, $aScriptDir[$i] & ":" & $dHash & @CRLF) Next EndFunc Func Monitor() $aScriptDir = _FileListToArray($sDir) for $i = 1 To UBound($aScriptDir) - 1 Next EndFunc Func LoadTripwireDB() $comparison_ok = false $dArray = _FileListToArray($sDir) ;directory $dArray0 = UBound($dArray) - 1 $fArray = FileReadToArray($sFilePath) ;file $fArray0 = UBound($fArray) ;_ArrayDisplay($dArray, "files array") if $dArray0 = $fArray0 Then ; are file same as recorded in txt file? ;ConsoleWrite("files in monitoring dir: " & $dArray[0] & " = file recorded: " & $fArray0 & @CRLF & $fArray[0]& @CRLF) for $i = 1 To UBound($dArray) - 1 ;ConsoleWrite("i = " & $i & @CRLF) $dHash = _Crypt_HashData($i, $CALG_MD5) ;binary ;$dHash = BinaryToString($dHash) $ffhash = StringSplit( $fArray[$i-1],":") $fhash = $ffhash[2] ;ConsoleWrite("IsBinary $dHash " & IsBinary($dHash) & @CRLF) if $dHash = $fhash Then ;if compared hashes are equal ;ConsoleWrite($fhash & ":" & $dHash & " equal" & @CRLF) ;ConsoleWrite("File: " & $fhash & @CRLF & "Directory: " & $dHash & @CRLF & "equal: yes " & @CRLF) Else ;if compared hashes are not equal ;ConsoleWrite("File: " & $fhash & @CRLF & "Directory: " & $dHash & @CRLF & "equal: not " & @CRLF) ;MsgBox(0,"hash md5",$fhash & ":" & $dHash & " not equal") EndIf Next ;ConsoleWrite("hashes are equal" & @CRLF) $comparison_ok = true Else ConsoleWrite("number of files in monitoring dir are not same as recorded" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("directory: " & $dArray[0] &":"& "files: " & UBound($fArray) - 1 & @CRLF) EndIf Return $comparison_ok EndFunc #main if LoadTripwireDB() = true Then ConsoleWrite(" hashes are equal " & @CRLF) ElseIf LoadTripwireDB() <> true Then ConsoleWrite(" hashes are not equal " & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" hashes are not equal " & @CRLF) Initial() EndIf tripwire.au3 tripwire.txt
  7. ; Title .........: Password ; AutoIt Version : ; Description ...: UDF to work with passwords. Mostly ported from Javascript at http:rumkin.com/tools/password/passchk.php and improved a bit ; Author(s) .....: Fenzik + Team Adaptech ; #CURRENT# ===================================================================================================================== ;_Password_Generate ;_Password_GetcharsetSize ;_Password_GetEntropy ;_Password_IsCommonWord ;_Password_Startup ; =============================================================================================================================== It's my first UDF so please be nice.:) If somebody have better idea how to store common dictionary and frequency table please post here... Have fun! Fenzik Password.zip
  8. I am writing an obfuscator currently with quite a few features, as I have found no good obfuscators yet that are complex enough to be nearly impossible to deobfuscate (as of course it is impossible to reach a 100% level of obfuscation where no one can deobfuscate it). Current obfuscation methods include flow obfuscation, string encryption, proxy calls, unique renaming scheme (create gibberish WinAPI like name), junk codes, and removing all functions (merging them with the main script), traps to prevent automated deobfuscation, debugger detection, VM detection, moving strings to other parts of scripts (functions, proxy strings, etc), exit if not compiled, file integrity check. Decompile protection is also added (nothing that violates the reverse engineering clause of the ToS, I am using a PE loader with protections built into it.) Does anyone have any ideas for more obfuscation methods to add?
  9. is it a good option to use _Crypt_DecryptData for a small password manager utility for personal use ?
  10. Hi, please have a look at this vulnerability: https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/137077/AutoIT-3-DLL-Hijacking.html You have not replied for months, so it is already public now.
  11. I am looking for a way to set up either VIRTUAL_PROTECT or PAGE_GUARD for memory protection. I currently don't know how to do this, I have made the encryption for my EXE Protector, the RunPE module, and basically everything that I need. I also have made an advanced obfuscation tool, which I might release here on the forums in the future, to make sure the code is impossible to be understood. However, people can dump the original EXE from memory when I am injecting it. So how would I implement VIRTUAL_PROTECT, PAGE_GUARD or other methods of protecting memory?
  12. How secure is: _Crypt_EncryptFile _Crypt_DecryptFileI understand the strength of encryption is mainly down to the algorithm and password, but I’m not referring to either of these, I am looking to find out how strong the code behind crypt it. I have noticed when encrypting a file, it uses a “.tmp” file while encrypting. In my experience a “.tmp” file is temporary and is deleted after use. But does this file contain any data that is related to the file being encrypted, or worse the password itself. Even though the file is deleted, it could possibly be recovered with a tool like: https://www.piriform.com/recuva. I'm not quite sure if this is a potential security threat, and if anyone could say if it is or not then that would be much appreciated.
  13. Is it possible to display text in a GUI which cannot be detected by any tool (Ex. AutoIt Window Info)?
  14. http://sf.net/projects/softwarepolicy Basically, allows you to control which disk locations executables can be launched from. No changes to core functionality in this version, but better compatibility wtith Windows 7 and 8 when UAC/UAE is enabled.
  15. I will start that post like all my others sry for my bad english and HI! Ok everyone i got that script Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0) Opt("PixelCoordMode", 0) HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "Pause") HotKeySet("{ESCAPE}", "Exite") HotKeySet("{F1}", "Login1") HotKeySet("{F2}", "Login2") HotKeySet("{F3}", "Login3") HotKeySet("{F4}", "Login4") HotKeySet("{F5}", "Login5") Global $Paused Dim $var Dim $p MsgBox ( 0, "Merci", "Developpé par Jordane ***.") $SettingsFile = @SCRIPTDIR & '\Settings.ini' ;Emplacement du fichier ini pour le script $Login1 = IniRead ($SettingsFile, 'Login', 'Login1', "Corrigez le fichier ini svp") $Login2 = IniRead ($SettingsFile, 'Login', 'Login2', "Corrigez le fichier ini svp") $Login3 = IniRead ($SettingsFile, 'Login', 'Login3', "Corrigez le fichier ini svp") $Login4 = IniRead ($SettingsFile, 'Login', 'Login4', "Corrigez le fichier ini svp") $Login5 = IniRead ($SettingsFile, 'Login', 'Login5', "Corrigez le fichier ini svp") $Pw1 = IniRead ($SettingsFile, 'Mot de passes', 'Pw1', "Corrigez le fichier ini svp") $Pw2 = IniRead ($SettingsFile, 'Mot de passes', 'Pw2', "Corrigez le fichier ini svp") $Pw3 = IniRead ($SettingsFile, 'Mot de passes', 'Pw3', "Corrigez le fichier ini svp") $Pw4 = IniRead ($SettingsFile, 'Mot de passes', 'Pw4', "Corrigez le fichier ini svp") $Pw5 = IniRead ($SettingsFile, 'Mot de passes', 'Pw5', "Corrigez le fichier ini svp") ;~ Le programme attend While (1) Attendre () WEnd ;~ Fonction activer par la pression des touche Configurer plus haut Login1 () Login2 () Login3 () Login4 () Login5 () Pause () Exite () Func Login1 () Sleep (100) Send ($Login1) Sleep (500) Send ("{TAB}") Sleep (500) Send ($Pw1) Sleep (100) EndFunc Func Login2 () Sleep (100) Send ($Login2) Sleep (500) Send ("{TAB}") Sleep (500) Send ($Pw2) Sleep (100) EndFunc Func Login3 () Sleep (100) Send ($Login3) Sleep (500) Send ("{TAB}") Sleep (500) Send ($Pw3) Sleep (100) EndFunc Func Login4 () Sleep (100) Send ($Login4) Sleep (500) Send ("{TAB}") Sleep (500) Send ($Pw4) Sleep (100) EndFunc Func Login5 () Sleep (100) Send ($Login5) Sleep (500) Send ("{TAB}") Sleep (500) Send ($Pw5) Sleep (100) EndFunc Func Attendre () Sleep(1000) EndFunc ;~ Touche Quitter Func Exite () Exit EndFunc ;~ Touche Pause Func Pause() $Paused = NOT $Paused While $Paused Sleep (500) WEnd EndFunc; => Pause() The script: -just login one account if i hit F1 ; F2 ; F3 : F4 : F5 ..... My script is working Very well, now my question... The only probleme is a security probleme -as you can see it in the source code, it take the settings.ini informations to pick them in the login box* how can i do exactly the same thing and hide the password inside the "settings.ini" file Becose i whant to make that script for my work's mates and ofc i dont whant to make an other person able to see the password configured in the ini file any way ?? thx eveyone EDIT: i was wondering about that and the way for me ... is to compile the Executable AU3 script with password inside but i got no idea where to begin to do that.... EDIT 2: who know, may you need that too.... this is the settings.ini file and i whant to hide the value of these lines: Login1= Login2= Login3= Login4= Login5= Pw1= Pw2= Pw3= Pw4= Pw5= ;À modifier selon vos préférences [Login] ;Ici les logins desiré Login1=Test Login 1 Login2=Test Login 2 Login3=Test Login 3 Login4=Test Login 4 Login5=Test Login 5 [Mot de passes] Pw1=Test Password 1 Pw2=Test Password 2 Pw3=Test Password 3 Pw4=Test Password 4 Pw5=Test Password 5 ;1) Ne pas changer le nom du fichier ini ;2) Garder le fichier ini et l'exe dans le meme dossier ;4) Ne pas partager le fichier ini il contient vos mdp... ;========= TOUCHES =============== ;========= Escape = Quitter script ;========== Pause = Pause script ;============= F1 = ;============= F2 = ;============= F3 = ;============= F4 = ;============= F5 = ;Developpé par Jordane ***
  16. Hello, don't worry I don't inted to hack anything. I'm trying to make app that gathers information real time info from pokerstars (what everyone has done etc.) and when I normally try to select the text, which automatic dealer says, it works all fine. But when I make my script do that nothing happens, I bet pokerstars somehow blocks my autoit mousecommands. What to do? Ps. it works fine with other windows than pokerstars..
  17. I need to elevate certain applications, when launched, to run with an elevated (administrator level) security token. The token swap can happen on the fly or as an application wrapper. I have looked at several applications and find them ok, one even stands out above the rest, however my company is in extreme cost savings and are unable/unwilling to spend the money. I have seen Functions such as _Security__CreateProcessWithToken and _Security__AdjustTokenPrivileges, but I am still relatively new to AutoIT and am not sure how to utilize some of the advanced features. I appreciate any help. Thanks, Joshua Barnette
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