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Found 12 results

  1. A reasonably speedy and overly simplistic hash generator (definately not a cryptographic hash) I had a minor project that I didn't feel like putting in the effort to use any recognized hashing algorithm, so I made this one as a quick and dirty, just "for sh*ts and giggles" algorithm. Useable, but don't take it seriously. Maybe just an example of how you can compartmentalize your UDF and avoid using global variables. CornedBeefHash.au3
  2. Hello guys. Here is a small function to create a hash hmac similar to hash_hmac PHP function. Supported are: SHA512,SHA256,SHA1,SHA384,MD5 and RIPEMD160. Local $sSecret = "SecretKey" Local $sMessage = "AutoIt Rocks!!!" ConsoleWrite("HMAC-SHA256: " & @TAB & @TAB & _HashHMAC("SHA512", $sMessage, $sSecret) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("HMAC-SHA256: " & @TAB & @TAB & _HashHMAC("SHA256", $sMessage, $sSecret) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("HMAC-SHA1: " & @TAB & @TAB & _HashHMAC("SHA1", $sMessage, $sSecret) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("HMAC-SHA384: " & @TAB & @TAB & _HashHMAC("SHA384", $sMessage, $sSecret) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("HMAC-MD5: " & @TAB & @TAB & _HashHMAC("MD5", $sMessage, $sSecret) & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("HMAC-RIPEMD160: " & @TAB & _HashHMAC("RIPEMD160", $sMessage, $sSecret) & @CRLF) Func _HashHMAC($sAlgorithm, $bData, $bKey, $bRaw_Output = False) Local $oHashHMACErrorHandler = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_HashHMACErrorHandler") Local $oHMAC = ObjCreate("System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC" & $sAlgorithm) If @error Then SetError(1, 0, "") $oHMAC.key = Binary($bKey) Local $bHash = $oHMAC.ComputeHash_2(Binary($bData)) Return SetError(0, 0, $bRaw_Output ? $bHash : StringLower(StringMid($bHash, 3))) EndFunc ;==>_HashHMAC Func _HashHMACErrorHandler($oError) ;Dummy Error Handler EndFunc ;==>_HashHMACErrorHandler It requires .NET Framework 2.0 or higher. Saludos
  3. Hello everyone. I need to convert any string to 3-digit decimal. It is possible to convert through online tools. Is there any way to do this in AutoIt. For Example ; 8cdb3 = DECIMAL 056 099 100 098 051 Is it possible the conversion above by AutoIt? Thanks.
  4. Hi every body. Today I want to share this small aplication(source code only) to check Hash in virustotal. (it is not a best coding practices example lol) VirusTotal Hash Checker Allow you to check hash and files in virustotal.com using its Public API service. Aplication Information. -Add one or more Files -Add all files in a folder -Add a MD5 -Add a MD5 File List -Automatic verification -Check Single File -Show Scan -Show Scan in Web -Open in Folder -Clear List Capture: Files in the rar file. VirusTotal Hash Checker.au3 Detected.ico ok.ico wait.ico nofound.ico VirusTotal Hash Checker.rar Saludos
  5. I was looking for a way to calculate the sha512 value of files downloaded and eventually came across crypt.au3 in my include folder. It looks good but when I looked at the global constants the three values for Sha 2 are commented out. Is there a reason for that or should these be made available?
  6. #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: usmiv4o Script Function: AutoIt script to check if files in directory are changed. It is usefull for security contra-inteligense measures. Function Name: LoadTripwireDB() Description: Loads database (text file tripwire.txt) and compare files in /test folder for changes. compares Hash (MD5) checksums. If they are not the same starts Initial() Function Name: Initial() Description: Checks directory and makes index of files and their MD5 checksums in text file (tripwire.txt) Function Name: Hush() Description: Checks file and returns its MD5 checksum. Requirement(s): Windows XP Return Value(s): On Success - Returns true. Files are the same as before. On Failure - return false. Example: LoadTripwireDB() #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <Crypt.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> $sDir = @ScriptDir & "\Test" $sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\tripwire.txt" Func Hush(ByRef $sFile) $sRead = FileOpen( $sFile) $dHash = _Crypt_HashData($sRead, $CALG_MD5) ; Create a hash of the text entered. ConsoleWrite("Hash of file " & $sFile & " is " & $dHash & @CRLF) EndFunc ;ConsoleWrite("Files in Dir are " & $aScriptDir[0] & @CRLF) ;$sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\Examples.txt" ;_FileWriteFromArray($sFilePath, $aScriptDir, 1) ;_ArrayDisplay($aScriptDir, "1D display") Func Initial() $aScriptDir = _FileListToArray($sDir) for $i = 1 To UBound($aScriptDir) - 1 $dHash = _Crypt_HashData($i, $CALG_MD5) ;ConsoleWrite("File " & $aScriptDir[$i] & " is " & $dHash & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite($aScriptDir[$i] & ":" & $dHash & @CRLF) ;Hush($aScriptDir[$i]) ;FileWrite $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFilePath, $FO_APPEND) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred when reading the file.") EndIf FileWrite($hFileOpen, $aScriptDir[$i] & ":" & $dHash & @CRLF) Next EndFunc Func Monitor() $aScriptDir = _FileListToArray($sDir) for $i = 1 To UBound($aScriptDir) - 1 Next EndFunc Func LoadTripwireDB() $comparison_ok = false $dArray = _FileListToArray($sDir) ;directory $dArray0 = UBound($dArray) - 1 $fArray = FileReadToArray($sFilePath) ;file $fArray0 = UBound($fArray) ;_ArrayDisplay($dArray, "files array") if $dArray0 = $fArray0 Then ; are file same as recorded in txt file? ;ConsoleWrite("files in monitoring dir: " & $dArray[0] & " = file recorded: " & $fArray0 & @CRLF & $fArray[0]& @CRLF) for $i = 1 To UBound($dArray) - 1 ;ConsoleWrite("i = " & $i & @CRLF) $dHash = _Crypt_HashData($i, $CALG_MD5) ;binary ;$dHash = BinaryToString($dHash) $ffhash = StringSplit( $fArray[$i-1],":") $fhash = $ffhash[2] ;ConsoleWrite("IsBinary $dHash " & IsBinary($dHash) & @CRLF) if $dHash = $fhash Then ;if compared hashes are equal ;ConsoleWrite($fhash & ":" & $dHash & " equal" & @CRLF) ;ConsoleWrite("File: " & $fhash & @CRLF & "Directory: " & $dHash & @CRLF & "equal: yes " & @CRLF) Else ;if compared hashes are not equal ;ConsoleWrite("File: " & $fhash & @CRLF & "Directory: " & $dHash & @CRLF & "equal: not " & @CRLF) ;MsgBox(0,"hash md5",$fhash & ":" & $dHash & " not equal") EndIf Next ;ConsoleWrite("hashes are equal" & @CRLF) $comparison_ok = true Else ConsoleWrite("number of files in monitoring dir are not same as recorded" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("directory: " & $dArray[0] &":"& "files: " & UBound($fArray) - 1 & @CRLF) EndIf Return $comparison_ok EndFunc #main if LoadTripwireDB() = true Then ConsoleWrite(" hashes are equal " & @CRLF) ElseIf LoadTripwireDB() <> true Then ConsoleWrite(" hashes are not equal " & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" hashes are not equal " & @CRLF) Initial() EndIf tripwire.au3 tripwire.txt
  7. I've got a bunch of hash from files in a folder 0x45B265C13EC41DD3272E547A837EF0604E06EF6C 0x73418EE0D435F0995DE000A0CB9A895B8031D62B 0x6FB325DDFA9AFCB148B815F41C94F5BBC3735E0B 0xE8BC5E1676E64E9EE77A7EBD56D910D60D453A2A 0xFF311E2FEC610B2E0A3169435CBC48D5B1B53A57 0x728EDF8577DF247CBC69ED6F2F9EACB3BF845150 0x8CABC5A4BDA856E0D0E884D0F4A335CB2457941D 0xCEBB04B9099141009329E13EDBD8B5CFB14A49A5 0xD7AA968FCF6AC9691F6ED801BA9291EBBBAFED71 0xBBBA76A66C54D53BADE77245D9F205F1EB9CC685 0x39DD14E5DB99F39F68182494C0B48CEFB5DDFDDF 0x32C2A01B523D973D933FC004237CAB4B792231BF 0x6AE1A10B7505DDABEECEAFD13B2EC2A8D7286587 how can I make a sum of the hash to have a hash that'd represent these hash as a single hash resultant of these ?. I was thinking of sorting them and adding 'em to a string and hash that string but there may be a proper way to do it. Any and all ideas are welcomed.
  8. Dear AutoIt communities, I wish to perform SHA-256 hashing with AutoIt. I noticed Help File shows the use of MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1. To my knowledge, all of these aren't cryptographically secure anymore and SHA-2 (SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512) is the way to hash passwords. I poked around Crypt.au3 and found SHA-2 constants are commented out. Why is this? I'm using latest public release, v ; #CONSTANTS# =================================================================================================================== Global Const $PROV_RSA_FULL = 0x1 Global Const $PROV_RSA_AES = 24 Global Const $CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT = 0xF0000000 Global Const $HP_HASHSIZE = 0x0004 Global Const $HP_HASHVAL = 0x0002 Global Const $CRYPT_EXPORTABLE = 0x00000001 Global Const $CRYPT_USERDATA = 1 Global Const $CALG_MD2 = 0x00008001 Global Const $CALG_MD4 = 0x00008002 Global Const $CALG_MD5 = 0x00008003 Global Const $CALG_SHA1 = 0x00008004 ; Global Const $CALG_SHA_256 = 0x0000800c ; Global Const $CALG_SHA_384 = 0x0000800d ; Global Const $CALG_SHA_512 = 0x0000800e Global Const $CALG_3DES = 0x00006603 Global Const $CALG_AES_128 = 0x0000660e Global Const $CALG_AES_192 = 0x0000660f Global Const $CALG_AES_256 = 0x00006610 Global Const $CALG_DES = 0x00006601 Global Const $CALG_RC2 = 0x00006602 Global Const $CALG_RC4 = 0x00006801 Global Const $CALG_USERKEY = 0 Global Const $KP_ALGID = 0x00000007 I thought this could be compatibility issues, and older Windows doesn't support SHA-2. Without knowing what I am doing, MSDN help appears to say SHA256 is available since Windows Platform 10 (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.cryptography.sha256(v=vs.110).aspx) However other sources said SHA-2 has been supported since Win XP SP 3. What is happening? How can I implement SHA-2 with confidence that it will work on Win XP? Unfortunately I do not have an older computer or virtual PC to test it out. I'm running latest Windows 10 and SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 all works fine. (If you like to try on your machine, I've attached the help file hashing example with SHA-2 algo added) Thank you yet again Crash sdfsdaf.au3
  9. Hi all, I need to generate an HMAC hash using SHA512 according to a certain API's specs and the only HMAC example I've seen () does not work as I need it do, even adapting it from a 64-bit blocksize to 512 and adding Ward's_SHA512 UDF. I've tried the following: Func _HashHMAC512($key, $message) $key = _StringRepeat("0", 512 - StringLen($key)) & $key ; keys shorter than blocksize are zero-padded ('?' is concatenation) $o_key_pad = BitXOR(0x5c * 512, $key) ; Where blocksize is that of the underlying hash function $i_key_pad = BitXOR(0x36 * 512, $key) ; Where ? is exclusive or (XOR) Return _SHA512($o_key_pad & _SHA512($i_key_pad & $message)) EndFunc But, of course, it doesn't work (I suspect I'm doing something very blatantly wrong, but as I lack fundamental understanding about binary and hex number formats I can't see what's the issue right off the top of my head.) Note: in my case $key will always by 68 characters long so it will always prepend the leading zeroes. As a litmus test, I need to hash the message 1239348906120181 with the key ba63a816f030cefeea4803cd593569ce23f3815d0cc8c56d9194df6226dca2f0f48239698bc68991cfac387449b07b0f722f6f3df761dbc1fe8894dd65ff00b2 and receive 2610740031eeab61bbe6cd3f08daa6186ff0d59f5ec045dbb0e194fea8998b4f3d1da9aae0f718f8c126d6418302e081d68a82f0576eb266b68f26dc3459b62f as the output. I've been working on this for the past 4-odd hours now, to no avail. I really, really don't want to have to restart my project in python or php or somesuch... or, for that matter, write the hash function in js, python, or php and somehow bootleg that single function's results into my au3 project. I would greatly appreciate any help from ye wise ents, even if it's just a nudge in the right direction.
  10. Identicon.au3 v0.8 A simple UDF to create identicons or visual representations of any hash value. Based on Don Park's original Identicon program. Main features: 3x3 and 4x4 grid patterns.Aside from rotational symmetry there are also checkerboard and Space Invader (mirror symmetry) patterns.Adapted to handle hashes up to SHA512.Save as PNG, JPG, GIF or BMP identicons.Alpha-transparency support for PNG.The UDF and a demo:Identicon.au3 Identicon-Demo.au3 Version 0.8: * Initial public release. To do: * In the checkerboard pattern there is a bias for diamond shapes. * Improve image saving, BMP, GIF and JPG suck, much artifacts and dithering. * Transparency doesn't work with GIF (and BMP?) due to the wrong Bitmap format. * Add some more unique sprite shapes and preferably cap the shape arrays at powers of two as BitAND is faster than a modulus operation.
  11. _AutoMD5 allows you to input a string password and it outputs an md5 hash for you. It also allows you to test it via a pseudo GUI login. At the end of the script, it outputs the MD5 encrypted string as well as the source code for a simple autoit login prompt in a txt file. Notice in the source output, _Get_Stored_Encrytped_Password() is whatever method you use to store the original encrypted password. I.E. you create the encrypted password and store it in an INI file. Replace _Get_Stored_Encrypted_Password() with a function that's made to retireve it from the INI file.
  12. I would like to programmatically check to see if a given tracker has information on the torrent I specify. This requires that the SHA-1 Info Hash of a torrent be encoded to make valid requests. I read from: http://nakkaya.com/2009/12/03/bittorrent-tracker-protocol/ If you don't pay attention to the spec and send this directly to tracker you will get an error this should be in URL Encoded form. Padding every two chars with % sign also doesn't work, been there done that don't waste your time. Any hex in the hash that corresponds to a unreserved character should be replaced, a-z A-Z 0-9 -_.~ Partition the hex in to chunks of two and check if the hex corresponds to any of these values, if they do replace them with the unreserved char. So that a hash such as, 123456789abcdef123456789abcdef123456789a becomes, %124Vx%9a%bc%de%f1%23Eg%89%ab%cd%ef%124Vx%9a notice that hex 34 became 4 which is what it is in ASCII. You can test the correctness of your hashes using the tracker url but don't request from announce request from file, http://some.tracker.com/file?info_hash=hash If you get a torrent back that means you have the correct hash. I have tried the above and failed. Here's my code: $testStr = "123456789abcdef123456789abcdef123456789a" ConsoleWrite(_EncodeHash($testStr) & @CRLF) Func _EncodeHash($sString) If (Not IsString($sString)) Or $sString = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $aArray = StringRegExp($sString, "(?s).{1," & 2 & "}", 3), $sEncodedHash For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) -1 If StringInStr($sString, Chr(Dec($aArray[$i]))) Then $sEncodedHash &= Chr(Dec($aArray[$i])) Else $sEncodedHash &= "%" & $aArray[$i] EndIf Next Return $sEncodedHash EndFuncIf you follow the first link in my post there is an example but I'm unfamiliar with the language being used. Thanks for any help.
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