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Script to make any windows show always on top?

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WinSetOnTop >_>

TCP server and client - Learning about TCP servers and clients connection
Au3 oIrrlicht - Irrlicht project
Au3impact - Another 3D DLL game engine for autoit. (3impact 3Drad related)

There are those that believe that the perfect heist lies in the preparation.
Some say that it’s all in the timing, seizing the right opportunity. Others even say it’s the ability to leave no trace behind, be a ghost.

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Okay, with your helpful reply I found this page, which has something that is similar to what I want. I changed a couple of things and came up with this:

#Include <Constants.au3>

Global $Enabled = 0

$radio1 = TrayCreateItem("Enable - Always on Top", -1, -1, 1)
$radio2 = TrayCreateItem("Disable - Always on Top", -1, -1, 1)
$exititem = TrayCreateItem("Exit")

While 1
$msg = TrayGetMsg()
Case $msg = $radio1
TrayItemSetState($radio2, $TRAY_UNCHECKED)
WinSetOnTop("BBC iPlayer - The Killing Episode 15", "", 1)
$Enabled = 1

Case $msg = $radio2
TrayItemSetState($radio1, $TRAY_UNCHECKED)
WinSetOnTop("BBC iPlayer - The Killing Episode 15", "", 0)
$Enabled = 0

Case $msg = $exititem


I have some way to go before I understand this script, but it works fine.

Now, instead of having the window's name (BBC iPlayer - The Killing Episode 15) hardcoded, how could I use wildcards instead?

Even better, to make this truly multipurpose, is there a way of getting the window name inserted by clicking on the window after starting the script?

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Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 1) ;1=start *default, 2=subStr, 3=exact, 4=advanced, -1 to -4=Nocase

To change how will script adress to titles

Or WinGetHandle to use it if it change title after original title is displayed handle can b used instead of name

WinGetTitle("[active]") to get name of active win

Edited by bogQ

TCP server and client - Learning about TCP servers and clients connection
Au3 oIrrlicht - Irrlicht project
Au3impact - Another 3D DLL game engine for autoit. (3impact 3Drad related)

There are those that believe that the perfect heist lies in the preparation.
Some say that it’s all in the timing, seizing the right opportunity. Others even say it’s the ability to leave no trace behind, be a ghost.

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This is a slightly modified copy of code that I am using in another script. May I suggest you read up on: _IsPressed() and WinGetTitle().

Func GetTitle()
    Local $dll = DllOpen("user32.dll")
    While 1
        ToolTip("Click on the App now")
        If _IsPressed("01", $dll) Then ExitLoop
    MsgBox(4096, """, WinGetTitle("[active]"))
EndFunc   ;==>GetTitle

- Bruce /*somdcomputerguy */  If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

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@somdcomputerguy """ :)

Edited by bogQ

TCP server and client - Learning about TCP servers and clients connection
Au3 oIrrlicht - Irrlicht project
Au3impact - Another 3D DLL game engine for autoit. (3impact 3Drad related)

There are those that believe that the perfect heist lies in the preparation.
Some say that it’s all in the timing, seizing the right opportunity. Others even say it’s the ability to leave no trace behind, be a ghost.

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