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Simple Mouse Click

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I am new to Autoit Forum so please go easy on me. I am trying to do a simple interaction with a software program. Using the Autoit Window Info I am able to zero in on the exact location of the item I want to click on. For some reason my mouse moves ontop of it but it acts as if there is nothing their when clicked. Yet using my physical mouse it works perfect. I know this is an elementary problem but I am stuck. I can us mouseclick on ms excel no problem but not this one. I tried control click and nothing. Here is the print of the Window Info Tool

>>>> Window <<<<

Title: frmNewSearch

Class: WindowsForms10.window.8.app.0.378734a

Position: 528, 269

Size: 624, 481

Style: 0x16010000

ExStyle: 0x00010000

Handle: 0x00250DFC

>>>> Control <<<<

Class: WindowsForms10.STATIC.app.0.378734a

Instance: 1

ClassnameNN: WindowsForms10.STATIC.app.0.378734a1


Advanced (Class): [CLASS:WindowsForms10.STATIC.app.0.378734a; INSTANCE:1]

ID: 2757950

Text: Import

Position: 290, 107

Size: 44, 16

ControlClick Coords: 25, 8

Style: 0x5601000D

ExStyle: 0x00000000

Handle: 0x002A153E

>>>> Mouse <<<<

Position: 843, 384

Cursor ID: 0

Color: 0x3A00FF

>>>> StatusBar <<<<

>>>> ToolsBar <<<<

>>>> Visible Text <<<<




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>>>> Hidden Text <<<<

And I have simplified my code down to this just to get past this although it is not optimal yet. Some direction would be greatly appreciated.

MouseClick("left", 843, 384, 1)

I even tried control click. What I want to click on is the import button which the above data is for.

I have even delayed the click but nothing.

Thank you.

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Try to use this technic (this is not exact code as I have no much time):

(You have to know how much pixels are till button from center of your GUI = button coordinates considering your GUI x and y, not considering monitor!)

WinMove(-1, -1)
MouseMove("Window name", x,y)
;This string can help you too, for not moving window : GuiCreate("Window name", 200, 200, -1, -1)

have a nice coding...

Edited by electrico
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Try to use this technic (this is not exact code as I have no much time):

(You have to know how much pixels are till button from center of your GUI = button coordinates considering your GUI x and y, not considering monitor!)

BlockInput(1)WinMove(-1, -1)MouseMove(-1,-1)MouseMove("Window name", x,y)MouseClick({LEFT})BlockInput(0);This string can help you too, for not moving window : GuiCreate("Window name", 200, 200, -1, -1)

have a nice coding...

I'd advise you gripper, not to pay much attention to this post.

I dont really know what to make of it.

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JohnOne, propose your variant, dont shit on others.

I'm not shitting on anyone, I cannot improve on the OPs code, if you tell script to mouseclick somewhere and it dosen, I dont know what the problem is.

So the only advice I can offer the OP is to not waste time on code that looks like it will just error out and dosent realy do anything.

AutoIt Absolute Beginners    Require a serial    Pause Script    Video Tutorials by Morthawt   ipify 

Monkey's are, like, natures humans.

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I hate WindowsForms

Try one more time with whis line to click it (i know it look dumb but it worked for me)

ControlClick("Your win name","","WindowsForms10.STATIC.app.0.378734a1")

Make shure that win is active before trying to click so use winactivate winwaitactive and dont add other parametars on ControlClick command

Whats the name of the program that your trying to automate?

Edited by bogQ

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