OldCodger Posted September 5, 2013 Posted September 5, 2013 Morning.. I have searched the forums high and low and can't find an answer to my issue. I have two list views: The source has 3 columns and the target has 5 columns. I would like the capability to drag an item from source to target(which is easy) but modify the source item by adding a value to the start of the item and a value to the end of the item so it marries with the target listview columns... ..also the dropped modified item should be inserted at a row where the cursor is released in the target. Any ideas? Thanks.
Moderators Melba23 Posted September 5, 2013 Moderators Posted September 5, 2013 OldCodger,My GUIListViewEx UDF will allow drag/drop action between ListViews, but I specifically limited it to ListViews with the same number of columns as it got all too difficult to manage otherwise. But feel free to plunder the existing code as much as you want - just do not expect me to amend the UDF! M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
OldCodger Posted September 5, 2013 Author Posted September 5, 2013 (edited) OldCodger,My GUIListViewEx UDF will allow drag/drop action between ListViews, but I specifically limited it to ListViews with the same number of columns as it got all too difficult to manage otherwise. But feel free to plunder the existing code as much as you want - just do not expect me to amend the UDF! M23 I have had a play with that udf and although it's a peach, Melba(he he).. I can't suss how to use it for my issues.I am learning AutoIT(slowly) but some things do me tree in. Edited September 5, 2013 by Melba23 Fixed quote
Moderators Melba23 Posted September 5, 2013 Moderators Posted September 5, 2013 OldCodger,Post what you have so far (at least a GUI with a couple of filled 3/5 column ListViews) and I will see what I can do. M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
OldCodger Posted September 5, 2013 Author Posted September 5, 2013 (edited) Ok.. this is the cut down version. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <StringConstants.au3> #include <GUIListView.au3> #include <GUIImageList.au3> ;Dim Globals Global $blDragging = False, $hDragImage = 0, $hLwDragFrom = 0, $sInputSeason = "", $sInput17WS = "" #region GUI Global $hGUI = GUICreate("Test Listview drag", 900, 535) ;Input the target season code GUICtrlCreateLabel("Season", 40, 430, 80, 20, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800) Global $iInputSeason = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 40, 450, 80, 20) ;Input Target item description GUICtrlCreateLabel("Desc.", 130, 430, 80, 20, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800) Global $iInput17WS = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 130, 450, 80, 20) ;Define Source listview to recieve search results - 3 columns GUICtrlCreateLabel("Source", 10, 105, 250, 20, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800) Global $iLwSource = GUICtrlCreateListView("Director|Manager|Buyer", 10, 125, 250, 300, BitOR($LVS_REPORT, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS)) Global $hLwSource = GUICtrlGetHandle($iLwSource) For $i = 0 To 2 _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($hLwSource, $i, 75) Next For $i = 0 To 16 $item = _GUICtrlListView_AddItem($iLwSource, _makeJunkName()) _GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem($iLwSource, $item, _makeJunkName(), 1) _GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem($iLwSource, $item, _makeJunkName(), 2) Next ;Define Target listview to recieve segment selections - 5 columns GUICtrlCreateLabel("Target", 400, 10, 300, 20, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800) Global $iLwTarget = GUICtrlCreateListView("Season|Director|Manager|Buyer|Description", 330, 30, 480, 395) Global $hLwTarget = GUICtrlGetHandle($iLwTarget) _GUICtrlListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle($hLwTarget, $LVS_EX_GRIDLINES) For $i = 0 To 4 _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($hLwTarget, $i, 92) Next For $i = 0 To 16 $item = _GUICtrlListView_AddItem($iLwTarget, _makeJunkName()) _GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem($iLwTarget, $item, _makeJunkName(), 1) _GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem($iLwTarget, $item, _makeJunkName(), 2) _GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem($iLwTarget, $item, _makeJunkName(), 3) _GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem($iLwTarget, $item, _makeJunkName(), 4) Next GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "WM_NOTIFY") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_LBUTTONUP, "WM_LBUTTONUP") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) #endregion GUI ;Main control loop While 1 Sleep(10) Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) ; Create a junk name for testing Func _makeJunkName() Local $labelout = '' For $i = 1 To 10 $labelout &= Chr(Random(65, 90, 1)) Next Return $labelout EndFunc ;==>_makeJunkName Func WM_NOTIFY($hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam) #forceref $hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam Local $tNMHDR = 0, $hWndFrom = 0, $iIDFrom = 0, $iCode = 0 $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $ilParam) $hWndFrom = HWnd(DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "hWndFrom")) $iIDFrom = DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "IDFrom") $iCode = DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "Code") Switch $iIDFrom Case $iLwSource Switch $iCode Case $LVN_BEGINDRAG Local $tInfo = DllStructCreate($tagNMLISTVIEW, $ilParam) Local $iItem = DllStructGetData($tInfo, "Item") Local $aImageData = _GUICtrlListView_CreateDragImage($hWndFrom, $iItem) $hDragImage = $aImageData[0] _GUIImageList_BeginDrag($hDragImage, 0, -7, 3) $hLwDragFrom = $hWndFrom $blDragging = True EndSwitch EndSwitch Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_NOTIFY Func WM_LBUTTONUP($hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam) #forceref $hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam If Not $blDragging Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG _GUIImageList_DragLeave($hLwDragFrom) _GUIImageList_EndDrag() _GUIImageList_Destroy($hDragImage) Local $sInputSeason = GUICtrlRead($iInputSeason) Local $sInput17WS = GUICtrlRead($iInput17WS) Local $aNewCInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo($hGUI) ConsoleWrite("season = " & $sInputSeason & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("desc = " & $sInput17WS & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("dragging from " & $hLwDragFrom & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("hwnd = " & $hLwSource & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("CInfo = " & $aNewCInfo[4] & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Target = " & $hLwTarget & @CRLF) ; If we are moving from source to target and we ARE in target box If $hLwDragFrom = $hLwSource And $aNewCInfo[4] = $iLwTarget AND($sInputSeason <> "" AND $sInput17WS <> "") Then ;################################################################# ;#Add season to the start and Description to end and then drag to cursor row on the target... ;################################################################ _GUICtrlListView_CopyItems($hLwSource, $hLwTarget, 1) EndIf $blDragging = False Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_LBUTTONUP Thanks.. Edit: Corrected error in code. Edited September 5, 2013 by OldCodger
Moderators Melba23 Posted September 5, 2013 Moderators Posted September 5, 2013 OldCodger,Got it - do not hold your breath! M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
Moderators Melba23 Posted September 5, 2013 Moderators Posted September 5, 2013 OldCodger,That was easier than I thought it might be. I have modifed the UDF so that will work for your specific case - you can drag/drop inside each ListView but you can only drag from the 3 column to the 5 column when it will add the contents of the 2 inputs fore and aft. Here is your script as modified to initialise the ListViews and tell your UDF about the inputs:expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <StringConstants.au3> #include <GUIImageList.au3> #include "OC.au3" ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Your UDF ;Dim Globals Global $blDragging = False, $hDragImage = 0, $hLwDragFrom = 0, $sInputSeason = "", $sInput17WS = "" #region GUI Global $hGUI = GUICreate("Test Listview drag", 900, 535) ;Input the target season code GUICtrlCreateLabel("Season", 40, 430, 80, 20, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800) Global $iInputSeason = GUICtrlCreateInput("Summer", 40, 450, 80, 20) ;Input Target item description GUICtrlCreateLabel("Desc.", 130, 430, 80, 20, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800) Global $iInput17WS = GUICtrlCreateInput("Horrible", 130, 450, 80, 20) ; Tell the UDF about the inputs _OC_Inputs($iInputSeason, $iInput17WS) ;Define Source listview to recieve search results - 3 columns GUICtrlCreateLabel("Source", 10, 105, 250, 20, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800) Global $iLwSource = GUICtrlCreateListView("Director|Manager|Buyer", 10, 125, 250, 300, BitOR($LVS_REPORT, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS)) Global $hLwSource = GUICtrlGetHandle($iLwSource) For $i = 0 To 2 _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($hLwSource, $i, 75) Next For $i = 0 To 10 GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(_makeJunkName($i) & "|" & _makeJunkName() & "|" & _makeJunkName(), $iLwSource) Next ; Initialise this ListView $aArray = _OC_ReadToArray($iLwSource) $iSrc_Index = _OC_Init($iLwSource, $aArray) ;Define Target listview to recieve segment selections - 5 columns GUICtrlCreateLabel("Target", 400, 10, 300, 20, $SS_CENTER) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800) Global $iLwTarget = GUICtrlCreateListView("Season|Director|Manager|Buyer|Description", 330, 30, 480, 395) Global $hLwTarget = GUICtrlGetHandle($iLwTarget) _GUICtrlListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle($hLwTarget, $LVS_EX_GRIDLINES) For $i = 0 To 4 _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth($hLwTarget, $i, 92) Next For $i = 0 To 10 GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(_makeJunkName($i) & "|" & _makeJunkName() & "|" & _makeJunkName() & "|" & _makeJunkName() & "|" & _makeJunkName(), $iLwTarget) Next ; Initialise this ListView $aArray = _OC_ReadToArray($iLwTarget) $iTgt_Index = _OC_Init($iLwTarget, $aArray) ; Register the various messages _OC_MsgRegister() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) #endregion GUI ;Main control loop While 1 Sleep(10) Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) ; Create a junk name for testing Func _makeJunkName($sIndex = "") Local $labelout = $sIndex For $i = StringLen($sIndex) + 1 To 10 $labelout &= Chr(Random(65, 90, 1)) Next Return $labelout EndFunc ;==>_makeJunkNameAnd here is your UDF - save it as OC.au3: WARNING: Do not use this version of the UDF with any other script - it will crash for certain! expandcollapse popup#include-once ; #INDEX# ============================================================================================================ ; Title .........: GUIListViewEx ; AutoIt Version : 3.3 + ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Permits insertion, deletion, moving, dragging, sorting and editing of items within activated ListViews ; Remarks .......: - It is important to use _OC_Close when a enabled ListView is deleted to free the memory used ; by the $aOC_Data array which shadows the ListView contents. ; - Windows message handlers required: ; - WM_NOTIFY: All UDF functions ; - WM_MOUSEMOVE and WM_LBUTTONUP: Dragging ; - If the script already has WM_NOTIFY, WM_MOUSEMOVE or WM_LBUTTONUPhandlers then only set unregistered ; messages in _OC_MsgRegister and call the relevant _OC_WM_#####_Handler ; from within the existing handler ; - Uses 2 undocumented functions within GUIListView UDF to set and colour insert mark (thanks rover) ; - If ListView editable, Opt("GUICloseOnESC") set to 0 as ESC = edit cancel. Do not reset Opt in script ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Credits .......: martin (basic drag code), Array.au3 authors (array functions), KaFu and ProgAndy (font function) ; ==================================================================================================================== #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7 ; #INCLUDES# ========================================================================================================= #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <GUIImageList.au3> ; #GLOBAL VARIABLES# ================================================================================================= ; Array to hold registered ListView data Global $aOC_Data[1][12] = [[0, 0, -1]] ; [0][0] = Count [n][0] = ListView handle ; [0][1] = Active Index [n][1] = Native ListView ControlID / 0 ; [0][2] = Active Column [n][2] = Shadow array ; [0][3] = Item Depth [n][3] = Shadow array count element (0/1) & 2D return (+ 2) ; [n][4] = Sort status ; [n][5] = Drag image flag ; [n][6] = Checkbox array flag ; [n][7] = Editable columns range ; [n][8] = Editable header flag ; [n][9] = Edit cursor active flag ; [n][10] = Item depth for scrolling ; [n][11] = Edit combo flag/data ; Variables for all UDF functions Global $hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $iOC_SrcIndex, $aOC_SrcArray ; Variables for UDF dragging handlers Global $hOC_TgtHandle, $cOC_TgtID, $iOC_TgtIndex, $aOC_TgtArray Global $iOC_Dragging = 0, $iOC_DraggedIndex, $hOC_DraggedImage = 0 Global $iOC_InsertIndex = -1, $iOC_LastY, $fOC_BarUnder ; Variables for UDF edit Global $hOC_Editing, $cOC_EditID = 9999, $fOC_EditClickFlag = False, $fOC_HeaderEdit = False ; Variables for inputs Global $aOC_Inputs[2] ; #CURRENT# ========================================================================================================== ; _OC_Init: Enables UDF functions for the ListView and sets various flags ; _OC_Close: Disables all UDF functions for the specified ListView and clears all memory used ; _OC_SetActive: Set specified ListView as active for UDF functions ; _OC_GetActive: Get index number of ListView active for UDF functions ; _OC_ReadToArray: Creates an array from the current ListView content to be loaded in _Init function ; _OC_ReturnArray: Returns an array reflecting the current content of the ListView ; _OC_Insert: Inserts data just below selected item in active ListView ; _OC_Delete: Deletes selected item(s) in active ListView ; _OC_Up: Moves selected item(s) in active ListView up 1 row ; _OC_Down: Moves selected item(s) in active ListView down 1 row ; _OC_EditOnClick: Edit ListView items in user-defined columns when doubleclicked ; _OC_EditItem: Edit ListView items programatically ; _OC_EditHeader: Edit ListView headers programatically ; _OC_ComboData: Set data for edit combo ; _OC_MsgRegister: Registers Windows messages required for the UDF ; _OC_WM_NOTIFY_Handler: Windows message handler for WM_NOTIFY - needed for dall UDF functions ; _OC_WM_MOUSEMOVE_Handler: Windows message handler for WM_MOUSEMOVE - needed for drag ; _OC_WM_LBUTTONUP_Handler: Windows message handler for WM_LBUTTONUP - needed for drag ; ==================================================================================================================== ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#================================================================================================= ; _OC_ExpandCols: Expands column ranges to list each column separately ; _OC_HighLight: Highlights specified ListView item and ensures it is visible ; _OC_EditProcess: Runs ListView editing process ; _OC_GetLVFont: Gets font details for ListView to be edited ; _OC_EditCoords: Ensures item in view then locates and sizes edit control ; _OC_ReWriteLV: Deletes all ListView content and refills to match array ; _OC_GetLVCoords: Gets screen coords for ListView ; _OC_GetCursorWnd: Gets handle of control under the mouse cursor ; _OC_Array_Add: Adds a specified value at the end of an array ; _OC_Array_Insert: Adds a value at the specified index of an array ; _OC_Array_Delete: Deletes a specified index from an array ; _OC_Array_Swap: Swaps specified elements within an array ; ==================================================================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_Init ; Description ...: Enables UDF functions for the ListView and sets various flags ; Syntax.........: _OC_Init($hLV, [$aArray = ""[, $iStart = 0[, $iColour[, $fImage[, $iAdded[, $sCols]]]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $hLV - Handle or ControlID of ListView ; $aArray - Name of array used to fill ListView. "" for empty ListView ; $iStart - 0 = ListView data starts in [0] element of array (default) ; 1 = Count in [0] element ; $iColour - RGB colour for insert mark (default = black) ; $fImage - True = Shadow image of dragged item when dragging ; False = No shadow image (default) ; $iAdded - 0 - No added features (default). To get added features add the following ; + 1 - Sortable by clicking on column headers ; + 2 - Edit control available when double clicking on a subitem in user-defined columns ; + 4 - Edit continues within same ListView by triple mouse-click (only if ListView editable) ; + 8 - Headers editable by Ctrl-click (only if ListView editable) ; + 16 - Left/right cursor active in edit - use Ctrl-arrow to move to next item (if set) ; + 32 - Combo control used for editing ; $sCols - Editable columns - only used if Editable flag set in $iAdded ; All columns: "*" (default) ; Limit columns: example "1;2;5-6;8-9;10" - ranges expanded automatically ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: Index number of ListView for use in other GUIListViewEx functions ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: - If the ListView is the only one enabled, it is automatically set as active ; - If no array is passed a shadow array is created automatically ; - The $iStart parameter determines if a count element will be returned by other GUIListViewEx functions ; - The _OC_ReadToArray function will read an existing ListView into an array ; - Only first item of a multiple selection is shadow imaged when dragging (API limitation) ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_Init($hLV, $aArray = "", $iStart = 0, $iColour = 0, $fImage = False, $iAdded = 0, $sCols = "*") Local $iIndex = 0 ; See if there is a blank line available in the array For $i = 1 To $aOC_Data[0][0] If $aOC_Data[$i][0] = 0 Then $iIndex = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next ; If no blank line found then increase array size If $iIndex = 0 Then $aOC_Data[0][0] += 1 ReDim $aOC_Data[$aOC_Data[0][0] + 1][UBound($aOC_Data, 2)] $iIndex = $aOC_Data[0][0] EndIf ; Store ListView handle and ControlID (if it exists) If IsHWnd($hLV) Then $aOC_Data[$iIndex][0] = $hLV $aOC_Data[$iIndex][1] = 0 Else $aOC_Data[$iIndex][0] = GUICtrlGetHandle($hLV) $aOC_Data[$iIndex][1] = $hLV EndIf ; Store ListView content in shadow array $aOC_Data[$iIndex][2] = _OC_ReadToArray($hLV, 1) ; Store array count flag $aOC_Data[$iIndex][3] = $iStart ; Store 1D/2D array return type flag If IsArray($aArray) Then If UBound($aArray, 0) = 2 Then $aOC_Data[$iIndex][3] += 2 EndIf ; Set insert mark colour after conversion to BGR _GUICtrlListView_SetInsertMarkColor($hLV, BitOR(BitShift(BitAND($iColour, 0x000000FF), -16), BitAND($iColour, 0x0000FF00), BitShift(BitAND($iColour, 0x00FF0000), 16))) ; If drag image required If $fImage Then $aOC_Data[$iIndex][5] = 1 EndIf ; If sortable, store sort array If BitAND($iAdded, 1) Then Local $aLVSortState[_GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($hLV)] $aOC_Data[$iIndex][4] = $aLVSortState Else $aOC_Data[$iIndex][4] = 0 EndIf ; If editable If BitAND($iAdded, 2) Then $aOC_Data[$iIndex][7] = _OC_ExpandCols($sCols) ; Limit ESC to edit cancel Opt("GUICloseOnESC", 0) ; If move edit by click add flag to valid col list If BitAND($iAdded, 4) Then $aOC_Data[$iIndex][7] &= ";#" EndIf ; If header editable on Ctrl-click set flag If BitAND($iAdded, 8) Then $aOC_Data[$iIndex][8] = 1 EndIf Else $aOC_Data[$iIndex][7] = "" EndIf ; If Edit cursor If BitAND($iAdded, 16) Then $aOC_Data[$iIndex][9] = 1 EndIf ; If Combo If BitAND($iAdded, 32) Then Local $aComboData_Array[_GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($hLV)] $aOC_Data[$iIndex][11] = $aComboData_Array EndIf ; If checkbox extended style If BitAND(_GUICtrlListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle($hLV), 4) Then ; $LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES $aOC_Data[$iIndex][6] = 1 EndIf ; Measure item depth for scroll - if empty reset when filled later Local $aRect = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemRect($aOC_Data[$iIndex][0], 0) $aOC_Data[$iIndex][10] = $aRect[3] - $aRect[1] ; If only 1 current ListView then activate Local $iListView_Count = 0 For $i = 1 To $iIndex If $aOC_Data[$i][0] Then $iListView_Count += 1 Next If $iListView_Count = 1 Then _OC_SetActive($iIndex) ; Return ListView index Return $iIndex EndFunc ;==>_OC_Init ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_Close ; Description ...: Disables all UDF functions for the specified ListView and clears all memory used ; Syntax.........: _OC_Close($iIndex) ; Parameters ....: $iIndex - Index number of ListView to close as returned by _OC_Init ; 0 (default) = Closes all ListViews ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: Success: 1 ; Failure: 0 and @error set to 1 - Invalid index number ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_Close($iIndex = 0) ; Check valid index If $iIndex < 0 Or $iIndex > $aOC_Data[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If $iIndex = 0 Then ; Remove all ListView data Global $aOC_Data[1][UBound($aOC_Data, 2)] = [[0, 0]] Else ; Reset all data for ListView For $i = 0 To UBound($aOC_Data, 2) - 1 $aOC_Data[$iIndex][$i] = 0 Next ; Cancel active index if set to this ListView If $aOC_Data[0][1] = $iIndex Then $aOC_Data[0][1] = 0 EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_OC_Close Func _OC_Inputs($cCID_1, $cCID_2) $aOC_Inputs[0] = $cCID_1 $aOC_Inputs[1] = $cCID_2 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_SetActive ; Description ...: Set specified ListView as active for UDF functions ; Syntax.........: _OC_SetActive($iIndex) ; Parameters ....: $iIndex - Index number of ListView as returned by _OC_Init ; An index of 0 clears any current setting ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: Success: Returns previous active index number, 0 = no previously active ListView ; Failure: -1 and @error set to 1 - Invalid index number ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ListViews can also be activated by clicking on them ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_SetActive($iIndex) ; Check valid index If $iIndex < 0 Or $iIndex > $aOC_Data[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Local $iCurr_Index = $aOC_Data[0][1] If $iIndex Then ; Store index of specified ListView $aOC_Data[0][1] = $iIndex ; Set values for specified ListView $hOC_SrcHandle = $aOC_Data[$iIndex][0] $cOC_SrcID = $aOC_Data[$iIndex][1] Else ; Clear active index $aOC_Data[0][1] = 0 $hOC_SrcHandle = 0 $cOC_SrcID = 0 EndIf Return $iCurr_Index EndFunc ;==>_OC_SetActive ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_GetActive ; Description ...: Get index number of ListView active for UDF functions ; Syntax.........: _OC_GetActive() ; Parameters ....: None ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: Success: Index number as returned by _OC_Init, 0 = no active ListView ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_GetActive() Return $aOC_Data[0][1] EndFunc ;==>_OC_GetActive ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_ReadToArray ; Description ...: Creates an array from the current ListView content to be loaded in _Init function ; Syntax.........: _OC_ReadToArray($hLV[, $iCount = 0]) ; Parameters ....: $hLV - ControlID or handle of ListView ; $iCount - 0 (default) = ListView data starts in [0] element of array, 1 = Count in [0] element ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: Success: 2D array of current ListView content ; Empty string if ListView empty and no count element ; Failure: Returns null string and sets @error as follows: ; 1 = Invalid ListView ControlID or handle ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: If returned array is used in _OC_Init the $iStart parameters must match in the 2 functions ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_ReadToArray($hLV, $iStart = 0) Local $aLVArray = "", $aRow ; Use the ListView handle If Not IsHWnd($hLV) Then $hLV = GUICtrlGetHandle($hLV) If Not IsHWnd($hLV) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf EndIf ; Get ListView row count Local $iRows = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hLV) ; Check for empty ListView with no count If $iRows + $iStart <> 0 Then ; Get ListView column count Local $iCols = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($hLV) ; Create 2D array to hold ListView content and add count - count overwritten if not needed Local $aLVArray[$iRows + $iStart][$iCols] = [[$iRows]] ; Read ListView content into array For $i = 0 To $iRows - 1 ; Read the row content $aRow = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray($hLV, $i) For $j = 1 To $aRow[0] ; Add to the ListView content array $aLVArray[$i + $iStart][$j - 1] = $aRow[$j] Next Next EndIf ; Return array or empty string Return $aLVArray EndFunc ;==>_OC_ReadToArray ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_ReturnArray ; Description ...: Returns an array reflecting the current content of an activated ListView ; Syntax.........: _OC_ReturnArray($iIndex[, $iCheck]) ; Parameters ....: $iIndex - Index number of ListView as returned by _OC_Init ; $iCheck - If non-zero then the state of the checkboxes is returned (Default = 0) ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: Success: Array of current ListView content - _OC_Init parameters determine: ; Whether count in top element - $iStart = 0/1 ; 1D/2D array type - same as $aArray ; If no array passed then single col => 1D; multiple column => 2D ; Failure: Empty array returns null string and sets @error as follows: ; 1 = Invalid index number ; 2 = Empty array (no items in ListView) ; 3 = $iCheck set to True but ListView does not have checkbox style ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_ReturnArray($iIndex, $iCheck = 0) ; Check valid index If $iIndex < 1 Or $iIndex > $aOC_Data[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; Copy current array Local $aRetArray = $aOC_Data[$iIndex][2] ; Check if checkbox array If $iCheck Then If $aOC_Data[$iIndex][6] Then Local $aCheck_Array[UBound($aRetArray)] For $i = 1 To UBound($aRetArray) - 1 $aCheck_Array[$i] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemChecked($aOC_Data[$iIndex][0], $i - 1) Next ; Remove count element if required If BitAND($aOC_Data[$iIndex][3], 1) = 0 Then ; Check at least one entry in array If $aRetArray[0][0] = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ; Delete count element _OC_Array_Delete($aCheck_Array, 0) EndIf Return $aCheck_Array Else Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf EndIf ; Remove count element of array if required Local $iCount = 1 If BitAND($aOC_Data[$iIndex][3], 1) = 0 Then $iCount = 0 ; Check at least one entry in array If $aRetArray[0][0] = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ; Delete count element _OC_Array_Delete($aRetArray, 0) EndIf ; Now check if 1D array to be returned If BitAND($aOC_Data[$iIndex][3], 2) = 0 Then ; Get number of 2D elements Local $iCols = UBound($aRetArray, 2) ; Create 1D array - count will be overwritten if not needed Local $aTempArray[UBound($aRetArray)] = [$aRetArray[0][0]] ; Fill with concatenated lines For $i = $iCount To UBound($aTempArray) - 1 Local $aLine = "" For $j = 0 To $iCols - 1 $aLine &= $aRetArray[$i][$j] & "|" Next $aTempArray[$i] = StringTrimRight($aLine, 1) Next $aRetArray = $aTempArray EndIf ; Return array Return $aRetArray EndFunc ;==>_OC_ReturnArray ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_Insert ; Description ...: Inserts data just below selected item in active ListView - if no selection, data added at end ; Syntax.........: _OC_Insert($vData) ; Parameters ....: $vData - Data to insert, can be in array or delimited string format ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: Success: Array of current ListView with count in [0] element ; Failure: If no ListView active then returns "" and sets @error to 1 ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: - New data is inserted after the selected item. If no item is selected then the data is added at ; the end of the ListView. If multiple items are selected, the data is inserted after the first ; - $vData can be passed in string or array format - it is automatically transformed if required ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_Insert($vData) Local $vInsert ; Set data for active ListView Local $iArray_Index = $aOC_Data[0][1] ; If no ListView active then return If $iArray_Index = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; Load active ListView details $hOC_SrcHandle = $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][0] $cOC_SrcID = $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][1] ; Copy array for manipulation $aOC_SrcArray = $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][2] ; Create Local array for checkboxes (if no checkboxes makes no difference) Local $aCheck_Array[UBound($aOC_SrcArray)] For $i = 1 To UBound($aCheck_Array) - 1 $aCheck_Array[$i] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemChecked($hOC_SrcHandle, $i - 1) Next ; Get selected item in ListView Local $iIndex = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($hOC_SrcHandle) Local $iInsert_Index = $iIndex ; If no selection If $iIndex = "" Then $iInsert_Index = -1 ; Check for multiple selections If StringInStr($iIndex, "|") Then Local $aIndex = StringSplit($iIndex, "|") ; Use first selection $iIndex = $aIndex[1] ; Cancel all other selections For $i = 2 To $aIndex[0] _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($hOC_SrcHandle, $aIndex[$i], False) Next EndIf ; If empty array insert at 0 If $aOC_SrcArray[0][0] = 0 Then $iInsert_Index = 0 ; Get data into array format for insert If IsArray($vData) Then $vInsert = $vData Else Local $aData = StringSplit($vData, "|") Switch $aData[0] Case 1 $vInsert = $aData[1] Case Else Local $vInsert[$aData[0]] For $i = 0 To $aData[0] - 1 $vInsert[$i] = $aData[$i + 1] Next EndSwitch EndIf ; Increase count $aOC_SrcArray[0][0] += 1 ; Insert data into arrays If $iIndex = "" Then _OC_Array_Add($aOC_SrcArray, $vInsert) _OC_Array_Add($aCheck_Array, False) Else _OC_Array_Insert($aOC_SrcArray, $iInsert_Index + 2, $vInsert) _OC_Array_Insert($aCheck_Array, $iInsert_Index + 2, False) EndIf ; Rewrite ListView _OC_ReWriteLV($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $aOC_SrcArray, $aCheck_Array, $iArray_Index) ; Set highlight If $iIndex = "" Then _OC_Highlight($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hOC_SrcHandle) - 1) Else _OC_Highlight($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $iInsert_Index + 1) EndIf ; Store amended array $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][2] = $aOC_SrcArray ; Delete copied array $aOC_SrcArray = 0 ; Return amended array Return _OC_ReturnArray($iArray_Index) EndFunc ;==>_OC_Insert ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_Delete ; Description ...: Deletes selected item(s) in active ListView ; Syntax.........: _OC_Delete() ; Parameters ....: None ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: Success: Array of active ListView with count in [0] element ; Failure: Returns "" and sets @error as follows: ; 1 = No ListView active ; 2 = No item selected ; 3 = No items to delete ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: If multiple items are selected, all are deleted ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_Delete() ; Set data for active ListView Local $iArray_Index = $aOC_Data[0][1] ; If no ListView active then return If $iArray_Index = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") ; Load active ListView details $hOC_SrcHandle = $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][0] $cOC_SrcID = $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][1] ; Copy array for manipulation $aOC_SrcArray = $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][2] ; Create Local array for checkboxes (if no checkboxes makes no difference) Local $aCheck_Array[UBound($aOC_SrcArray)] For $i = 1 To UBound($aCheck_Array) - 1 $aCheck_Array[$i] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemChecked($hOC_SrcHandle, $i - 1) Next ; Check for selected items Local $iIndex = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($hOC_SrcHandle) If $iIndex = "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") ; Extract all selected items Local $aIndex = StringSplit($iIndex, "|") For $i = 1 To $aIndex[0] ; Remove highlighting from items _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($hOC_SrcHandle, $i, False) Next ; Decrease count $aOC_SrcArray[0][0] -= $aIndex[0] Local $aCheck_Array[UBound($aOC_SrcArray)] For $i = 1 To UBound($aCheck_Array) - 1 $aCheck_Array[$i] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemChecked($hOC_SrcHandle, $i - 1) Next ; Delete elements from array - start from bottom For $i = $aIndex[0] To 1 Step -1 _OC_Array_Delete($aOC_SrcArray, $aIndex[$i] + 1) _OC_Array_Delete($aCheck_Array, $aIndex[$i] + 1) Next ; Rewrite ListView _OC_ReWriteLV($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $aOC_SrcArray, $aCheck_Array, $iArray_Index) ; Set highlight If $aIndex[1] = 0 Then _OC_Highlight($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, 0) Else _OC_Highlight($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $aIndex[1] - 1) EndIf ; Store amended array $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][2] = $aOC_SrcArray ; Delete copied array $aOC_SrcArray = 0 ; Return amended array Return _OC_ReturnArray($iArray_Index) EndFunc ;==>_OC_Delete ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_Up ; Description ...: Moves selected item(s) in active ListView up 1 row ; Syntax.........: _OC_Up() ; Parameters ....: None ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: Success: Array of active ListView with count in [0] element ; Failure: Returns "" and sets @error as follows: ; 1 = No ListView active ; 2 = No item selected ; 3 = Item already at top ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: If multiple items are selected, only the top consecutive block is moved ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_Up() Local $iGLVExMove_Index, $iOC_Moving = 0 ; Set data for active ListView Local $iArray_Index = $aOC_Data[0][1] ; If no ListView active then return If $iArray_Index = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; Load active ListView details $hOC_SrcHandle = $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][0] $cOC_SrcID = $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][1] ; Copy array for manipulation $aOC_SrcArray = $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][2] ; Create Local array for checkboxes (if no checkboxes makes no difference) Local $aCheck_Array[UBound($aOC_SrcArray)] For $i = 1 To UBound($aCheck_Array) - 1 $aCheck_Array[$i] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemChecked($hOC_SrcHandle, $i - 1) Next ; Check for selected items Local $iIndex = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($hOC_SrcHandle) If $iIndex = "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf Local $aIndex = StringSplit($iIndex, "|") $iGLVExMove_Index = $aIndex[1] ; Check if item is part of a multiple selection If $aIndex[0] > 1 Then ; Check for consecutive items For $i = 1 To $aIndex[0] - 1 If $aIndex[$i + 1] = $aIndex[1] + $i Then $iOC_Moving += 1 Else ExitLoop EndIf Next Else $iGLVExMove_Index = $aIndex[1] EndIf ; Check not top item If $iGLVExMove_Index < 1 Then _OC_Highlight($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, 0) Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf ; Remove all highlighting _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($hOC_SrcHandle, -1, False) ; Move consecutive items For $iIndex = $iGLVExMove_Index To $iGLVExMove_Index + $iOC_Moving ; Swap array elements _OC_Array_Swap($aOC_SrcArray, $iIndex, $iIndex + 1) _OC_Array_Swap($aCheck_Array, $iIndex, $iIndex + 1) Next ; Rewrite ListView _OC_ReWriteLV($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $aOC_SrcArray, $aCheck_Array, $iArray_Index) ; Set highlight For $i = 0 To $iOC_Moving _OC_Highlight($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $iGLVExMove_Index + $i - 1) Next ; Store amended array $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][2] = $aOC_SrcArray ; Delete copied array $aOC_SrcArray = 0 ; Return amended array Return _OC_ReturnArray($iArray_Index) EndFunc ;==>_OC_Up ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_Down ; Description ...: Moves selected item(s) in active ListView down 1 row ; Syntax.........: _OC_Down() ; Parameters ....: None ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: Success: Array of active ListView with count in [0] element ; Failure: Returns "" and sets @error as follows: ; 1 = No ListView active ; 2 = No item selected ; 3 = Item already at bottom ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: If multiple items are selected, only the bottom consecutive block is moved ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_Down() Local $iGLVExMove_Index, $iOC_Moving = 0 ; Set data for active ListView Local $iArray_Index = $aOC_Data[0][1] ; If no ListView active then return If $iArray_Index = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) ; Load active ListView details $hOC_SrcHandle = $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][0] $cOC_SrcID = $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][1] ; Copy array for manipulation $aOC_SrcArray = $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][2] ; Create Local array for checkboxes (if no checkboxes makes no difference) Local $aCheck_Array[UBound($aOC_SrcArray)] For $i = 1 To UBound($aCheck_Array) - 1 $aCheck_Array[$i] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemChecked($hOC_SrcHandle, $i - 1) Next ; Check for selected items Local $iIndex = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($hOC_SrcHandle) If $iIndex = "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf Local $aIndex = StringSplit($iIndex, "|") ; Check if item is part of a multiple selection If $aIndex[0] > 1 Then $iGLVExMove_Index = $aIndex[$aIndex[0]] ; Check for consecutive items For $i = 1 To $aIndex[0] - 1 If $aIndex[$aIndex[0] - $i] = $aIndex[$aIndex[0]] - $i Then $iOC_Moving += 1 Else ExitLoop EndIf Next Else $iGLVExMove_Index = $aIndex[1] EndIf ; Remove all highlighting _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($hOC_SrcHandle, -1, False) ; Check not last item If $iGLVExMove_Index = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hOC_SrcHandle) - 1 Then _OC_Highlight($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $iIndex) Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf ; Move consecutive items For $iIndex = $iGLVExMove_Index To $iGLVExMove_Index - $iOC_Moving Step -1 ; Swap array elements _OC_Array_Swap($aOC_SrcArray, $iIndex + 1, $iIndex + 2) _OC_Array_Swap($aCheck_Array, $iIndex + 1, $iIndex + 2) Next ; Rewrite ListView _OC_ReWriteLV($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $aOC_SrcArray, $aCheck_Array, $iArray_Index) ; Set highlight For $i = 0 To $iOC_Moving _OC_Highlight($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $iGLVExMove_Index - $iOC_Moving + $i + 1) Next ; Store amended array $aOC_Data[$iArray_Index][2] = $aOC_SrcArray ; Delete copied array $aOC_SrcArray = 0 ; Return amended array Return _OC_ReturnArray($iArray_Index) EndFunc ;==>_OC_Down ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_EditOnClick ; Description ...: Edit ListView items and headers in user-defined columns when doubleclicked ; Syntax.........: _OC_EditOnClick([$iEditMode = 0[, $iDelta_X = 0[, $iDelta_Y = 0]]]) ; Parameters ....: $iEditMode - Only used if using Edit control: ; Return after single edit - 0 (default) ; {TAB} and arrow keys move to next item - 2-digit code (row mode/column mode) ; 1 = Reaching edge terminates edit process ; 2 = Reaching edge remains in place ; 3 = Reaching edge loops to opposite edge ; Positive value = ESC abandons current edit only, previous edits remain ; Negative value = ESC resets all edits in current session ; Ignored if using Combo control - return after single edit ; $iDelta_X - Permits fine adjustment of edit control in X axis if needed ; $iDelta_Y - Permits fine adjustment of edit control in Y axis if needed ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: If no double-click: Empty string ; After double-click on ListView item: ; 2D array of [row][column] items edited (both zero-based) - total edits in [0][0] ; After double-click just above ListView header: ; 2D array [column edited][new header text] ; Failure: Sets @error as follows: ; 1 - ListView not editable ; 2 - Empty ListView ; 3 - Column not editable ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function must be placed within the script idle loop. ; Edit control depends on _OC_Init $iAdded parameter: ; + 2 = Element editable - default edit control ; + 32 = Combo control used for editing ; Once item edit process started, all other script activity is suspended until following occurs: ; {ENTER} = Current edit confirmed and editing process ended ; {ESCAPE} = Current or all edits cancelled and editing process ended ; If using Edit control: ; If $iEditMode non-zero then {TAB} and arrow keys = Current edit confirmed & continue editing ; Click outside edit = Editing process ends and ; If $iAdded + 4 : Current edit accepted ; Else : Current edit cancelled ; If using Combo control: ; Combo actioned = Combo selection accepted and editing process ended ; Click outside edit = Edit process ended and editing process ended ; For header edit only {ENTER}, {ESCAPE} and mouse click are actioned - single edit only ; The function only returns an array after an edit process launched by a double-click. If no ; double-click has occurred, the function returns an empty string. The user should check that a ; valid array is present before attempting to access it. ; If header edited [0][1] element of returned array exists - if items edited this element is empty ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_EditOnClick($iEditMode = 0, $iDelta_X = 0, $iDelta_Y = 0) Local $aEdited, $iError ; If an item was double clicked If $fOC_EditClickFlag Then ; Clear flag $fOC_EditClickFlag = False ; Check Type parameter Switch Abs($iEditMode) Case 0, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33 ; Single edit or both axes set to valid parameter ; Allow Case Else Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndSwitch ; Set data for active ListView Local $iLV_Index = $aOC_Data[0][1] ; If no ListView active then return If $iLV_Index = 0 Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf ; Get clicked item info Local $aLocation = _GUICtrlListView_SubItemHitTest($hOC_SrcHandle) ; Check valid row If $aLocation[0] = -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf ; Get valid column string Local $sCols = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][7] ; And validate selected column If Not StringInStr($sCols, "*") Then If Not StringInStr(";" & $sCols, ";" & $aLocation[1]) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf EndIf ; Start edit $aEdited = _OC_EditProcess($iLV_Index, $aLocation, $sCols, $iDelta_X, $iDelta_Y, $iEditMode) $iError = @error ; Return result array Return SetError($iError, 0, $aEdited) EndIf ; If a header was double clicked If $fOC_HeaderEdit Then ; Clear the flag $fOC_HeaderEdit = False ; Wait until mouse button released as click occurs outside the control While _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState(0x01) Sleep(10) WEnd ; Edit header using the default values set by the handler $aEdited = _OC_EditHeader() $iError = @error ; Return result Return SetError($iError, 0, $aEdited) EndIf ; If nothing was clicked Return "" EndFunc ;==>_OC_EditOnClick ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_EditItem ; Description ...: Edit ListView items programatically ; Syntax.........: _OC_EditItem($iLV_Index, $iRow, $iCol[, $iEditMode = 0[, $iDelta_X = 0[, $iDelta_Y = 0]]]) ; Parameters ....: $iLV_Index - Index number of ListView as returned by _OC_Init ; $iRow - Zero-based row of item to edit ; $iCol - Zero-based column of item to edit ; $iEditMode - Only used if using Edit control: ; Return after single edit - 0 (default) ; {TAB} and arrow keys move to next item - 2-digit code (row mode/column mode) ; 1 = Reaching edge terminates edit process ; 2 = Reaching edge remains in place ; 3 = Reaching edge loops to opposite edge ; Positive value = ESC abandons current edit only, previous edits remain ; Negative value = ESC resets all edits in current session ; Ignored if using Combo control - return after single edit ; $iDelta_X - Permits fine adjustment of edit control in X axis if needed ; $iDelta_Y - Permits fine adjustment of edit control in Y axis if needed ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: Success: 2D array of zero-based [row][column] items edited - total number of edits in [0][0] element ; Failure: Sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid ListView Index ; 2 - ListView not editable ; 3 - Invalid row ; 4 - Invalid column ; 5 - Invalid edit mode ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Once edit started, all other script activity is suspended until following occurs: ; {ENTER} = Current edit confirmed and editing ended ; {ESCAPE} = Current edit cancelled and editing ended ; If $iEditMode non-zero then {TAB} and arrow keys = Current edit confirmed continue editing ; Click outside edit = Editing process ends and ; If $iAdded + 4 : Current edit accepted ; Else : Current edit cancelled ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_EditItem($iLV_Index, $iRow, $iCol, $iEditMode = 0, $iDelta_X = 0, $iDelta_Y = 0) ; Activate the ListView _OC_SetActive($iLV_Index) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf ; Check ListView is editable If $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][7] = "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, "") EndIf ; Check row and col values Local $iMax = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hOC_SrcHandle) If $iRow < 0 Or $iRow > $iMax - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, "") EndIf $iMax = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($hOC_SrcHandle) If $iCol < 0 Or $iCol > $iMax - 1 Then Return SetError(4, 0, "") EndIf ; Check edit mode parameter Switch Abs($iEditMode) Case 0, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33 ; Single edit or both axes set to valid parameter ; Allow Case Else Return SetError(5, 0, "") EndSwitch ; Declare location array Local $aLocation[2] = [$iRow, $iCol] ; Load valid column string Local $sValidCols = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][7] ; Start edit Local $aEdited = _OC_EditProcess($iLV_Index, $aLocation, $sValidCols, $iDelta_X, $iDelta_Y, $iEditMode) ; Return result array Return $aEdited EndFunc ;==>_OC_EditItem ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_EditHeader($iLV_Index = Default, $iCol = Default, $iDelta_X = 0, $iDelta_Y = 0) ; Description ...: Edit ListView headers programatically ; Syntax.........: _OC_EditHeader([$iLV_Index = Default[, $iCol = Default[, $iDelta_X = 0[, $iDelta_Y = 0]]]]) ; Parameters ....: $iLV_Index - Index number of ListView as returned by _OC_Init - default active ListView ; $iCol - Zero-based column of header to edit ; $iDelta_X - Permits fine adjustment of edit control in X axis if needed ; $iDelta_Y - Permits fine adjustment of edit control in Y axis if needed ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: Success: Array: 2D array [column][new text] ; Failure: Empty string and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid ListView Index ; 2 - ListView not editable ; 3 - Invalid column ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Once edit started, all other script activity is suspended until following occurs: ; {ENTER} = Current edit confirmed and editing ended ; {ESCAPE} or click on other control = Current edit cancelled and editing ended ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_EditHeader($iLV_Index = Default, $iCol = Default, $iDelta_X = 0, $iDelta_Y = 0) Local $aRet = "" If $iLV_Index = Default Then $iLV_Index = $aOC_Data[0][1] EndIf ; Activate the ListView _OC_SetActive($iLV_Index) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, $aRet) EndIf Local $hLV_Handle = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][0] Local $cLV_CID = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][1] ; Check ListView is editable If $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][7] = "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, $aRet) EndIf ; Check col value If $iCol = Default Then $iCol = $aOC_Data[0][2] EndIf Local $iMax = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($hLV_Handle) If $iCol < 0 Or $iCol > $iMax - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, $aRet) EndIf Local $tPoint = DllStructCreate("struct;long X;long Y;endstruct") ; Get position of ListView within GUI client area _OC_GetLVCoords($hLV_Handle, $tPoint) ; Get ListView client area to allow for scrollbars Local $aLVClient = WinGetClientSize($hLV_Handle) ; Get ListView font details Local $aLV_FontDetails = _OC_GetLVFont($hLV_Handle) ; Disable ListView WinSetState($hLV_Handle, "", @SW_DISABLE) ; Read current text of header Local $aHeader_Data = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumn($hLV_Handle, $iCol) Local $sHeaderOrgText = $aHeader_Data[5] ; Get required edit coords for 0 item Local $aLocation[2] = [0, $iCol] Local $aEdit_Coords = _OC_EditCoords($hLV_Handle, $cLV_CID, $aLocation, $tPoint, $aLVClient[0] - 5, $iDelta_X, $iDelta_Y) ; Now get header size and adjust coords for header Local $hHeader = _GUICtrlListView_GetHeader($hLV_Handle) Local $aHeader_Pos = WinGetPos($hHeader) $aEdit_Coords[0] -= 2 $aEdit_Coords[1] -= $aHeader_Pos[3] $aEdit_Coords[3] = $aHeader_Pos[3] ; Create temporary edit - get handle, set font size, give keyboard focus and select all text $cOC_EditID = GUICtrlCreateEdit($sHeaderOrgText, $aEdit_Coords[0], $aEdit_Coords[1], $aEdit_Coords[2], $aEdit_Coords[3], 0) Local $hTemp_Edit = GUICtrlGetHandle($cOC_EditID) GUICtrlSetFont($cOC_EditID, $aLV_FontDetails[0], Default, Default, $aLV_FontDetails[1]) GUICtrlSetState($cOC_EditID, 256) ; $GUI_FOCUS GUICtrlSendMsg($cOC_EditID, 0xB1, 0, -1) ; $EM_SETSEL ; Valid keys to action (ENTER, ESC) Local $aKeys[2] = [0x0D, 0x1B] ; Clear key code flag Local $iKey_Code = 0 ; Wait for a key press While 1 ; Check for valid key or mouse button pressed For $i = 0 To 1 If _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState($aKeys[$i]) Then ; Set key pressed flag $iKey_Code = $aKeys[$i] ExitLoop 2 EndIf Next ; Temp input loses focus If _WinAPI_GetFocus() <> $hTemp_Edit Then ExitLoop EndIf ; If edit moveable by click then check for mouse pressed outside edit If _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState(0x01) Then Local $aCInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo() If $aCInfo[4] <> $cOC_EditID Then $iKey_Code = 0x01 ExitLoop EndIf EndIf ; Save CPU Sleep(10) WEnd ; Action keypress Switch $iKey_Code Case 0x0D ; Change column header text Local $sHeaderNewText = GUICtrlRead($cOC_EditID) If $sHeaderNewText <> $sHeaderOrgText Then _GUICtrlListView_SetColumn($hLV_Handle, $iCol, $sHeaderNewText) Local $aRet[1][2] = [[$iCol, $sHeaderNewText]] EndIf EndSwitch ; Delete Edit GUICtrlDelete($cOC_EditID) ; Reenable ListView WinSetState($hLV_Handle, "", @SW_ENABLE) Return $aRet EndFunc ;==>_OC_EditHeader ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_ComboData ; Description ...: Set data for edit combo ; Syntax.........: _OC_ComboData($iLV_Index, $iCol, $vData, $fRead_Only = False) ; Parameters ....: $iLV_Index - Index number of ListView as returned by _OC_Init - default active ListView ; $iCol - Column of ListView to show this data. Use -1 for all columns ; $vData - Content of combo - either delimited string or 0-based array ; $fRead_Only - Whether combo is readonly - default editable ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: Success: 1 ; Failure: 0 and sets @error as follows: ; 1 - Invalid ListView Index ; 2 - Combo not enabled ; 3 - Invalid column parameter ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Once edit started, all other script activity is suspended until following occurs: ; Combo selection made or {ENTER} = Current edit confirmed and editing ended ; {ESCAPE} or click on other control = Current edit cancelled and editing ended ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_ComboData($iIndex, $iCol, $vData, $fRead_Only = False) ; Check valid index If $iIndex < 1 Or $iIndex > $aOC_Data[0][0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf ; Check if combo enabled If Not IsArray($aOC_Data[$iIndex][11]) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndIf ; Check if valid col If $iCol < -1 Or $iCol > _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($aOC_Data[$iIndex][0]) - 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) EndIf ; Extract array Local $aComboData_Array = $aOC_Data[$iIndex][11] ; Clear current combo data If $iCol = -1 Then For $i = 0 To UBound($aComboData_Array) - 1 $aComboData_Array[$i] = "" Next Else $aComboData_Array[$iCol] = "" EndIf Local $sCombo_Data = "" ; If array passed If IsArray($vData) Then ; Loop through at create delimited string For $i = 0 To UBound($vData) - 1 $sCombo_Data &= "|" & $vData[$i] Next Else ; Check for leading | If StringLeft($vData, 1) <> "|" Then $sCombo_Data = "|" & $vData EndIf EndIf ; Set readonly flag if required If $fRead_Only Then $sCombo_Data = "#" & $sCombo_Data EndIf ; Set new value into array If $iCol = -1 Then For $i = 0 To UBound($aComboData_Array) - 1 $aComboData_Array[$i] = $sCombo_Data Next Else $aComboData_Array[$iCol] = $sCombo_Data EndIf ; Store array $aOC_Data[$iIndex][11] = $aComboData_Array ; Show success Return 1 EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_MsgRegister ; Description ...: Registers Windows messages required for the UDF ; Syntax.........: _OC_MsgRegister([$fNOTIFY = True, [$fMOUSEMOVE = True, [$fLBUTTONUP = True]]]) ; Parameters ....: $fNOTIFY - True = Register WM_NOTIFY message ; $fMOUSEMOVE - True = Register WM_MOUSEMOVE message ; $fLBUTTONUP - True = Register WM_LBUTTONUP message ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: If message handlers already registered, then call the relevant handler function from within that handler ; WM_NOTIFY handler required for all UDF functions ; WM_MOUSEMOVE and WM_LBUTTONUP handlers required for drag ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_MsgRegister($fNOTIFY = True, $fMOUSEMOVE = True, $fLBUTTONUP = True) ; Register required messages If $fNOTIFY Then GUIRegisterMsg(0x004E, "_OC_WM_NOTIFY_Handler") ; $WM_NOTIFY If $fMOUSEMOVE Then GUIRegisterMsg(0x0200, "_OC_WM_MOUSEMOVE_Handler") ; $WM_MOUSEMOVE If $fLBUTTONUP Then GUIRegisterMsg(0x0202, "_OC_WM_LBUTTONUP_Handler") ; $WM_LBUTTONUP EndFunc ;==>_OC_MsgRegister ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_WM_NOTIFY_Handler ; Description ...: Windows message handler for WM_NOTIFY ; Syntax.........: _OC_WM_NOTIFY_Handler() ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: If a WM_NOTIFY handler already registered, then call this function from within that handler ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_WM_NOTIFY_Handler($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam ; Struct = $tagNMHDR and "int Item;int SubItem" from $tagNMLISTVIEW Local $tStruct = DllStructCreate("hwnd;uint_ptr;int_ptr;int;int", $lParam) If @error Then Return ; Check if enabled ListView For $iLV_Index = 1 To $aOC_Data[0][0] If DllStructGetData($tStruct, 1) = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][0] Then ExitLoop EndIf Next If $iLV_Index > $aOC_Data[0][0] Then Return ; Not enabled Local $iCode = BitAND(DllStructGetData($tStruct, 3), 0xFFFFFFFF) Switch $iCode Case $LVN_BEGINSCROLL ; if editing then abandon If $cOC_EditID <> 9999 Then ; Delete temp edit control and set placeholder GUICtrlDelete($cOC_EditID) $cOC_EditID = 9999 ; Reactivate ListView WinSetState($hOC_Editing, "", @SW_ENABLE) EndIf Case $LVN_COLUMNCLICK, -2 ; $NM_CLICK ; Set values for active ListView $aOC_Data[0][1] = $iLV_Index $hOC_SrcHandle = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][0] $cOC_SrcID = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][1] ; Get column index Local $iCol = DllStructGetData($tStruct, 5) ; Store it $aOC_Data[0][2] = $iCol ; If a column was clicked If $iCode = $LVN_COLUMNCLICK Then ; Scroll column into view ; Get X coord of first item in column Local $aRect = _GUICtrlListView_GetSubItemRect($hOC_SrcHandle, 0, $iCol) ; Get col width Local $aLV_Pos = WinGetPos($hOC_SrcHandle) ; Scroll to left edge if all column not in view If $aRect[0] < 0 Or $aRect[2] > $aLV_Pos[2] - 17 Then _GUICtrlListView_Scroll($hOC_SrcHandle, $aRect[0], 0) EndIf ; Look for Ctrl key pressed _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState(0x11) ; Needed to avoid double setting If _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState(0x11) Then ; Load valid column string Local $sValidCols = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][7] ; Check column is editable If StringInStr($sValidCols, "*") Or StringInStr(";" & $sValidCols, ";" & $iCol) Then ; Set header edit flag $fOC_HeaderEdit = True EndIf Else ; If ListView sortable If IsArray($aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][4]) Then ; Load array $aOC_SrcArray = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][2] ; Load current ListView sort state array Local $aLVSortState = $aOC_Data[$aOC_Data[0][0]][4] ; Sort column - get column from from struct _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($hOC_SrcHandle, $aLVSortState, $iCol) ; Store new ListView sort state array $aOC_Data[$aOC_Data[0][0]][4] = $aLVSortState ; Reread listview items into array Local $iDim2 = UBound($aOC_SrcArray, 2) - 1 For $j = 1 To $aOC_SrcArray[0][0] For $k = 0 To $iDim2 $aOC_SrcArray[$j][$k] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hOC_SrcHandle, $j - 1, $k) Next Next ; Store amended array $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][2] = $aOC_SrcArray ; Delete array $aOC_SrcArray = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf Case $LVN_BEGINDRAG ; Set values for this ListView $aOC_Data[0][1] = $iLV_Index ; Store source & target ListView data for eventual inter-LV drag $hOC_SrcHandle = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][0] $cOC_SrcID = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][1] $iOC_SrcIndex = $iLV_Index $aOC_SrcArray = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][2] $hOC_TgtHandle = $hOC_SrcHandle $cOC_TgtID = $cOC_SrcID $iOC_TgtIndex = $iOC_SrcIndex $aOC_TgtArray = $aOC_SrcArray ; Copy array for manipulation $aOC_SrcArray = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][2] ; Set drag image flag Local $fImage = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][5] ; Check if Native or UDF and set focus If $cOC_SrcID Then GUICtrlSetState($cOC_SrcID, 256) ; $GUI_FOCUS Else _WinAPI_SetFocus($hOC_SrcHandle) EndIf ; Get dragged item index $iOC_DraggedIndex = DllStructGetData($tStruct, 4) ; Item ; Set dragged item count $iOC_Dragging = 1 ; Check for selected items Local $iIndex = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($hOC_SrcHandle) ; Check if item is part of a multiple selection If StringInStr($iIndex, $iOC_DraggedIndex) And StringInStr($iIndex, "|") Then ; Extract all selected items Local $aIndex = StringSplit($iIndex, "|") For $i = 1 To $aIndex[0] If $aIndex[$i] = $iOC_DraggedIndex Then ExitLoop Next ; Now check for consecutive items If $i <> 1 Then ; Up For $j = $i - 1 To 1 Step -1 ; Consecutive? If $aIndex[$j] <> $aIndex[$j + 1] - 1 Then ExitLoop ; Adjust dragged index to this item $iOC_DraggedIndex -= 1 ; Increase number to drag $iOC_Dragging += 1 Next EndIf If $i <> $aIndex[0] Then ; Down For $j = $i + 1 To $aIndex[0] ; Consecutive If $aIndex[$j] <> $aIndex[$j - 1] + 1 Then ExitLoop ; Increase number to drag $iOC_Dragging += 1 Next EndIf Else ; Either no selection or only a single ; Set flag $iOC_Dragging = 1 EndIf ; Remove all highlighting _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($hOC_SrcHandle, -1, False) ; Create drag image If $fImage Then Local $aImageData = _GUICtrlListView_CreateDragImage($hOC_SrcHandle, $iOC_DraggedIndex) $hOC_DraggedImage = $aImageData[0] _GUIImageList_BeginDrag($hOC_DraggedImage, 0, 0, 0) EndIf Case -3 ; $NM_DBLCLK ; Only if editable If $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][7] <> "" Then ; Set values for active ListView $aOC_Data[0][1] = $iLV_Index; $hOC_SrcHandle = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][0] ; Copy array for manipulation $aOC_SrcArray = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][2] ; Set editing flag $fOC_EditClickFlag = True EndIf EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_OC_WM_NOTIFY_Handler ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_WM_MOUSEMOVE_Handler ; Description ...: Windows message handler for WM_NOTIFY ; Syntax.........: _OC_WM_MOUSEMOVE_Handler() ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: If a WM_MOUSEMOVE handler already registered, then call this function from within that handler ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_WM_MOUSEMOVE_Handler($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam Local $iVertScroll ; If dragging If $iOC_Dragging Then ; Get item depth to make sure scroll is enough to get next item into view If $aOC_Data[$aOC_Data[0][1]][10] Then $iVertScroll = $aOC_Data[$aOC_Data[0][1]][10] Else Local $aRect = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemRect($hOC_SrcHandle, 0) $iVertScroll = $aRect[3] - $aRect[1] EndIf ; Get window under mouse cursor Local $hCurrent_Wnd = _OC_GetCursorWnd() ; If not over the current tgt ListView If $hCurrent_Wnd <> $hOC_TgtHandle Then ; Is it another initiated ListView For $i = 1 To $aOC_Data[0][0] If $aOC_Data[$i][0] = $hCurrent_Wnd Then ; Clear insert mark in current tgt ListView _GUICtrlListView_SetInsertMark($hOC_TgtHandle, -1, True) ; Set data for new tgt ListView $hOC_TgtHandle = $hCurrent_Wnd $cOC_TgtID = $aOC_Data[$i][1] $iOC_TgtIndex = $i $aOC_TgtArray = $aOC_Data[$i][2] $aOC_Data[0][3] = $aOC_Data[$i][10] ; Set item depth ; No point in looping further ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf ; Get current mouse Y coord Local $iCurr_Y = BitShift($lParam, 16) ; Set insert mark to correct side of items depending on sense of movement when cursor within range If $iOC_InsertIndex <> -1 Then If $iOC_LastY = $iCurr_Y Then Return "GUI_RUNDEFMSG" ElseIf $iOC_LastY > $iCurr_Y Then $fOC_BarUnder = False _GUICtrlListView_SetInsertMark($hOC_TgtHandle, $iOC_InsertIndex, False) Else $fOC_BarUnder = True _GUICtrlListView_SetInsertMark($hOC_TgtHandle, $iOC_InsertIndex, True) EndIf EndIf ; Store current Y coord $iOC_LastY = $iCurr_Y ; Get ListView item under mouse Local $aLVHit = _GUICtrlListView_HitTest($hOC_TgtHandle) Local $iCurr_Index = $aLVHit[0] ; If mouse is above or below ListView then scroll ListView If $iCurr_Index = -1 Then If $fOC_BarUnder Then _GUICtrlListView_Scroll($hOC_TgtHandle, 0, $iVertScroll) Else _GUICtrlListView_Scroll($hOC_TgtHandle, 0, -$iVertScroll) EndIf Sleep(100) EndIf ; Check if over same item If $iOC_InsertIndex <> $iCurr_Index Then ; Show insert mark on current item _GUICtrlListView_SetInsertMark($hOC_TgtHandle, $iCurr_Index, $fOC_BarUnder) ; Store current item $iOC_InsertIndex = $iCurr_Index EndIf EndIf Return "GUI_RUNDEFMSG" EndFunc ;==>_OC_WM_MOUSEMOVE_Handler ; #FUNCTION# ========================================================================================================= ; Name...........: _OC_WM_LBUTTONUP_Handler ; Description ...: Windows message handler for WM_NOTIFY ; Syntax.........: _OC_WM_LBUTTONUP_Handler() ; Requirement(s).: v3.3 + ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: If a WM_LBUTTONUP handler already registered, then call this function from within that handler ; Example........: Yes ;===================================================================================================================== Func _OC_WM_LBUTTONUP_Handler($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) #forceref $hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam If Not $iOC_Dragging Then Return "GUI_RUNDEFMSG" EndIf ; Only allow dropping internally and from 3 to 5 If _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($hOC_SrcHandle) = 5 And _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($hOC_TgtHandle) <> 5 Then Return "GUI_RUNDEFMSG" EndIf ; Get item count Local $iMultipleItems = $iOC_Dragging - 1 ; Reset flag $iOC_Dragging = 0 ; Get window under mouse cursor Local $hCurrent_Wnd = _OC_GetCursorWnd() ; Abandon if mouse not within tgt ListView If $hCurrent_Wnd <> $hOC_TgtHandle Then ; Clear insert mark _GUICtrlListView_SetInsertMark($hOC_TgtHandle, -1, True) ; Reset highlight to original items in Src ListView For $i = 0 To $iMultipleItems _OC_Highlight($hOC_TgtHandle, $cOC_TgtID, $iOC_DraggedIndex + $i) Next ; Delete copied arrays $aOC_SrcArray = 0 $aOC_TgtArray = 0 Return EndIf ; Clear insert mark _GUICtrlListView_SetInsertMark($hOC_TgtHandle, -1, True) ; Clear drag image If $hOC_DraggedImage Then _GUIImageList_DragLeave($hOC_SrcHandle) _GUIImageList_EndDrag() _GUIImageList_Destroy($hOC_DraggedImage) $hOC_DraggedImage = 0 EndIf ; Dropping within same ListView If $hOC_SrcHandle = $hOC_TgtHandle Then ; Determine position to insert If $fOC_BarUnder Then If $iOC_DraggedIndex > $iOC_InsertIndex Then $iOC_InsertIndex += 1 Else If $iOC_DraggedIndex < $iOC_InsertIndex Then $iOC_InsertIndex -= 1 EndIf ; Check not dropping on dragged item(s) Switch $iOC_InsertIndex Case $iOC_DraggedIndex To $iOC_DraggedIndex + $iMultipleItems ; Reset highlight to original items For $i = 0 To $iMultipleItems _OC_Highlight($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $iOC_DraggedIndex + $i) Next ; Delete copied arrays $aOC_SrcArray = 0 $aOC_TgtArray = 0 Return EndSwitch ; Create Local array for checkboxes (if no checkboxes makes no difference) Local $aCheck_Array[UBound($aOC_SrcArray)] For $i = 1 To UBound($aCheck_Array) - 1 $aCheck_Array[$i] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemChecked($hOC_SrcHandle, $i - 1) Next ; Create Local array for dragged items checkbox state Local $aCheckDrag_Array[$iMultipleItems + 1] ; Amend arrays ; Get data from dragged element(s) If $iMultipleItems Then ; Multiple dragged elements Local $aInsertData[$iMultipleItems + 1] For $i = 0 To $iMultipleItems Local $aItemData[UBound($aOC_SrcArray, 2)] For $j = 0 To UBound($aOC_SrcArray, 2) - 1 $aItemData[$j] = $aOC_SrcArray[$iOC_DraggedIndex + 1 + $i][$j] Next $aInsertData[$i] = $aItemData $aCheckDrag_Array[$i] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemChecked($hOC_SrcHandle, $iOC_DraggedIndex + $i) Next Else ; Single dragged element Local $aInsertData[1] Local $aItemData[UBound($aOC_SrcArray, 2)] For $i = 0 To UBound($aOC_SrcArray, 2) - 1 $aItemData[$i] = $aOC_SrcArray[$iOC_DraggedIndex + 1][$i] Next $aInsertData[0] = $aItemData $aCheckDrag_Array[0] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemChecked($hOC_SrcHandle, $iOC_DraggedIndex) EndIf ; Delete dragged element(s) from arrays For $i = 0 To $iMultipleItems _OC_Array_Delete($aOC_SrcArray, $iOC_DraggedIndex + 1) _OC_Array_Delete($aCheck_Array, $iOC_DraggedIndex + 1) Next ; Amend insert positon for multiple items deleted above If $iOC_DraggedIndex < $iOC_InsertIndex Then $iOC_InsertIndex -= $iMultipleItems EndIf ; Re-insert dragged element(s) into array For $i = $iMultipleItems To 0 Step -1 _OC_Array_Insert($aOC_SrcArray, $iOC_InsertIndex + 1, $aInsertData[$i]) _OC_Array_Insert($aCheck_Array, $iOC_InsertIndex + 1, $aCheckDrag_Array[$i]) Next ; Rewrite ListView to match array _OC_ReWriteLV($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $aOC_SrcArray, $aCheck_Array, $iOC_SrcIndex) ; Set highlight to inserted item(s) For $i = 0 To $iMultipleItems _OC_Highlight($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $iOC_InsertIndex + $i) Next ; Store amended array $aOC_Data[$aOC_Data[0][1]][2] = $aOC_SrcArray ; Delete copied arrays $aOC_SrcArray = 0 $aOC_TgtArray = 0 Else ; Dropping in another ListView ; This can only be 3 to 5 ; Get additional items Local $sPrefix = GUICtrlRead($aOC_Inputs[0]) Local $sSuffix = GUICtrlRead($aOC_Inputs[1]) ; Determine position to insert If $fOC_BarUnder Then $iOC_InsertIndex += 1 EndIf ; Amend array ; Get data from dragged element(s) If $iMultipleItems Then ; Multiple dragged elements Local $aInsertData[$iMultipleItems + 1] For $i = 0 To $iMultipleItems Local $aItemData[UBound($aOC_SrcArray, 2) + 2] $aItemData[0] = $sPrefix For $j = 0 To UBound($aOC_SrcArray, 2) - 1 $aItemData[$j + 1] = $aOC_SrcArray[$iOC_DraggedIndex + 1 + $i][$j] Next $aItemData[$j + 1] = $sSuffix $aInsertData[$i] = $aItemData Next Else ; Single dragged element Local $aInsertData[1] Local $aItemData[UBound($aOC_SrcArray, 2) + 2] $aItemData[0] = $sPrefix For $i = 0 To UBound($aOC_SrcArray, 2) - 1 $aItemData[$i + 1] = $aOC_SrcArray[$iOC_DraggedIndex + 1][$i] Next $aItemData[$i + 1] = $sSuffix $aInsertData[0] = $aItemData EndIf ; Delete dragged element(s) from source array For $i = 0 To $iMultipleItems _OC_Array_Delete($aOC_SrcArray, $iOC_DraggedIndex + 1) $aOC_SrcArray[0][0] -= 1 Next ; Insert dragged element(s) into target array For $i = $iMultipleItems To 0 Step -1 _OC_Array_Insert($aOC_TgtArray, $iOC_InsertIndex + 1, $aInsertData[$i]) $aOC_TgtArray[0][0] += 1 Next ; Rewrite ListViews to match arrays _OC_ReWriteLV($hOC_SrcHandle, $cOC_SrcID, $aOC_SrcArray, $aOC_SrcArray, $iOC_SrcIndex, False) _OC_ReWriteLV($hOC_TgtHandle, $cOC_TgtID, $aOC_TgtArray, $aOC_TgtArray, $iOC_TgtIndex, False) ; Note no checkbox array needed ListViews with them are not interdraggable, so repass normal array and set final parameter ; Set highlight to inserted item(s) _OC_SetActive($iOC_TgtIndex) For $i = 0 To $iMultipleItems _OC_Highlight($hOC_TgtHandle, $cOC_TgtID, $iOC_InsertIndex + $i) Next ; Store amended arrays $aOC_Data[$iOC_SrcIndex][2] = $aOC_SrcArray $aOC_Data[$iOC_TgtIndex][2] = $aOC_TgtArray EndIf ; Delete copied arrays $aOC_SrcArray = 0 $aOC_TgtArray = 0 EndFunc ;==>_OC_WM_LBUTTONUP_Handler ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OC_ExpandCols ; Description ...: Expands column ranges to list each column separately ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OC_ExpandCols($sCols) Local $iNumber ; Strip any whitespace $sCols = StringStripWS($sCols, 8) ; Check if "all cols" If $sCols <> "*" Then ; Check if ranges to be expanded If StringInStr($sCols, "-") Then ; Parse string Local $aSplit_1, $aSplit_2 ; Split on ";" $aSplit_1 = StringSplit($sCols, ";") $sCols = "" ; Check each element For $i = 1 To $aSplit_1[0] ; Try and split on "-" $aSplit_2 = StringSplit($aSplit_1[$i], "-") ; Add first value in all cases $sCols &= $aSplit_2[1] & ";" ; If a valid range and limit values are in ascending order If ($aSplit_2[0]) > 1 And (Number($aSplit_2[2]) > Number($aSplit_2[1])) Then ; Add the full range $iNumber = $aSplit_2[1] Do $iNumber += 1 $sCols &= $iNumber & ";" Until $iNumber = $aSplit_2[2] EndIf Next EndIf EndIf ; Return expanded string Return $sCols EndFunc ;==>_OC_ExpandCols ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OC_HighLight ; Description ...: Highlights first item and ensures visible, second item has highlight removed ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OC_Highlight($hLVHandle, $cLV_CID, $iIndexA, $iIndexB = -1) ; Check if Native or UDF and set focus If $cLV_CID Then GUICtrlSetState($cLV_CID, 256) ; $GUI_FOCUS Else _WinAPI_SetFocus($hLVHandle) EndIf ; Cancel highlight on other item - needed for multisel listviews If $iIndexB <> -1 Then _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($hLVHandle, $iIndexB, False) ; Set highlight to inserted item and ensure in view _GUICtrlListView_SetItemState($hLVHandle, $iIndexA, $LVIS_SELECTED, $LVIS_SELECTED) _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($hLVHandle, $iIndexA) EndFunc ;==>_OC_Highlight ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OC_GetLVFont ; Description ...: Gets font details for ListView to be edited ; Author ........: Based on _GUICtrlGetFont by KaFu & Prog@ndy ; Modified ......: Melba23 ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OC_GetLVFont($hLVHandle) Local $iError = 0, $aFontDetails[2] = [Default, Default] ; Check handle If Not IsHWnd($hLVHandle) Then $hLVHandle = GUICtrlGetHandle($hLVHandle) EndIf If Not IsHWnd($hLVHandle) Then $iError = 1 Else Local $hFONT = _SendMessage($hLVHandle, 0x0031) ; WM_GETFONT If Not $hFONT Then $iError = 2 Else Local $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hLVHandle) Local $hObjOrg = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hFONT) Local $tFONT = DllStructCreate($tagLOGFONT) Local $aRet = DllCall('gdi32.dll', 'int', 'GetObjectW', 'ptr', $hFONT, 'int', DllStructGetSize($tFONT), 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($tFONT)) If @error Or $aRet[0] = 0 Then $iError = 3 Else ; Get font size $aFontDetails[0] = Round((-1 * DllStructGetData($tFONT, 'Height')) * 72 / _WinAPI_GetDeviceCaps($hDC, 90), 1) ; $LOGPIXELSY = 90 => DPI aware ; Now look for font name $aRet = DllCall("gdi32.dll", "int", "GetTextFaceW", "handle", $hDC, "int", 0, "ptr", 0) Local $iCount = $aRet[0] Local $tBuffer = DllStructCreate("wchar[" & $iCount & "]") Local $pBuffer = DllStructGetPtr($tBuffer) $aRet = DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "int", "GetTextFaceW", "handle", $hDC, "int", $iCount, "ptr", $pBuffer) If @error Then $iError = 4 Else $aFontDetails[1] = DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1) ; FontFacename EndIf EndIf _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hObjOrg) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hLVHandle, $hDC) EndIf EndIf Return SetError($iError, 0, $aFontDetails) EndFunc ;==>_OC_GetLVFont ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OC_EditProcess ; Description ...: Runs ListView editing process ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OC_EditProcess($iLV_Index, $aLocation, $sCols, $iDelta_X, $iDelta_Y, $iEditMode) Local $hTemp_Edit, $iKey_Code, $iCombo_State, $aSplit, $sInsert, $fClick_Move = False, $fCursor_Move = True ; Unselect item _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($hOC_SrcHandle, $aLocation[0], False) ; Declare return array - note second dimension [3] but only [2] returned if successful Local $aEdited[1][3] = [[0]] ; [Number of edited items][blank][blank] ; Load active ListView details $hOC_SrcHandle = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][0] $cOC_SrcID = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][1] ; Store handle of ListView concerned $hOC_Editing = $hOC_SrcHandle Local $cEditingID = $cOC_SrcID ; Valid keys to action ; ENTER, ESC Local $aKeys_Combo[2] = [0x0D, 0x1B] ; TAB, ENTER, ESC, up/down arrows Local $aKeys_Edit[5] = [0x09, 0x0D, 0x1B, 0x26, 0x28] ; Left/right arrows Local $aKeys_LR[2] = [0x25, 0x27] ; Set Reset-on-ESC mode Local $fReset_Edits = False If $iEditMode < 0 Then $fReset_Edits = True $iEditMode = Abs($iEditMode) EndIf ; Set row/col edit mode - default single edit Local $iEditRow = 0, $iEditCol = 0 If $iEditMode Then ; Separate axis settings $aSplit = StringSplit($iEditMode, "") $iEditRow = $aSplit[1] $iEditCol = $aSplit[2] EndIf ; Check if edit to move on click If StringInStr($aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][7], ";#") Then $fClick_Move = True EndIf ; Check if cursor to move in edit If $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][9] Then $fCursor_Move = False EndIf ; Check if combo Local $fCombo = False Local $fRead_Only = False If IsArray($aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][11]) Then ; Extract combo data for ListView Local $aComboData_Array = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][11] ; And then for this column Local $sCombo_Data = $aComboData_Array[$aLocation[1]] If $sCombo_Data Then $fCombo = True If StringLeft($sCombo_Data, 1) = "#" Then $fRead_Only = True $sCombo_Data = StringTrimLeft($sCombo_Data, 1) EndIf Else ; No combo data available Return EndIf EndIf Local $tPoint = DllStructCreate("struct;long X;long Y;endstruct") ; Get position of ListView within GUI client area _OC_GetLVCoords($hOC_Editing, $tPoint) ; Get ListView client area to allow for scrollbars Local $aLVClient = WinGetClientSize($hOC_Editing) ; Get ListView font details Local $aLV_FontDetails = _OC_GetLVFont($hOC_Editing) ; Disable ListView WinSetState($hOC_Editing, "", @SW_DISABLE) ; Start the edit loop While 1 ; Read current text of clicked item Local $sItemOrgText = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($hOC_Editing, $aLocation[0], $aLocation[1]) ; Ensure item is visible and get required edit coords Local $aEdit_Pos = _OC_EditCoords($hOC_Editing, $cEditingID, $aLocation, $tPoint, $aLVClient[0] - 5, $iDelta_X, $iDelta_Y) If $fCombo Then ; Create temporary combo - get handle, set font size, give keyboard focus If $fRead_Only Then $cOC_EditID = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", $aEdit_Pos[0], $aEdit_Pos[1], $aEdit_Pos[2], $aEdit_Pos[3], 0x03) ; $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST Else $cOC_EditID = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", $aEdit_Pos[0], $aEdit_Pos[1], $aEdit_Pos[2], $aEdit_Pos[3], 0x02) ; $CBS_DROPDOWN EndIf GUICtrlSetFont($cOC_EditID, $aLV_FontDetails[0], Default, Default, $aLV_FontDetails[1]) GUICtrlSetData($cOC_EditID, $sCombo_Data, $sItemOrgText) Local $tInfo = DllStructCreate("dword Size;struct;long EditLeft;long EditTop;long EditRight;long EditBottom;endstruct;" & _ "struct;long BtnLeft;long BtnTop;long BtnRight;long BtnBottom;endstruct;dword BtnState;hwnd hCombo;hwnd hEdit;hwnd hList") Local $iInfo = DllStructGetSize($tInfo) DllStructSetData($tInfo, "Size", $iInfo) Local $hCombo = GUICtrlGetHandle($cOC_EditID) _SendMessage($hCombo, 0x164, 0, $tInfo, 0, "wparam", "struct*") ; $CB_GETCOMBOBOXINFO $hTemp_Edit = DllStructGetData($tInfo, "hEdit") Local $aMPos = MouseGetPos() MouseMove($aMPos[0], $aMPos[1] + 20, 0) Sleep(10) MouseMove($aMPos[0], $aMPos[1], 0) _WinAPI_SetFocus($hTemp_Edit) Else ; Create temporary edit - get handle, set font size, give keyboard focus and select all text $cOC_EditID = GUICtrlCreateEdit($sItemOrgText, $aEdit_Pos[0], $aEdit_Pos[1], $aEdit_Pos[2], $aEdit_Pos[3], 0) $hTemp_Edit = GUICtrlGetHandle($cOC_EditID) GUICtrlSetFont($cOC_EditID, $aLV_FontDetails[0], Default, Default, $aLV_FontDetails[1]) GUICtrlSetState($cOC_EditID, 256) ; $GUI_FOCUS GUICtrlSendMsg($cOC_EditID, 0xB1, 0, -1) ; $EM_SETSEL EndIf ; Copy array for manipulation $aOC_SrcArray = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][2] ; Clear key code flag $iKey_Code = 0 ; Clear combo down/up flag $iCombo_State = False ; Wait for a key press or combo down/up While 1 If $fCombo Then ; Check for dropdown opena and close Switch _SendMessage($hCombo, 0x157) ; $CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE Case 0 ; If opened and closed act as if Enter pressed If $iCombo_State = True Then $iKey_Code = 0x0D ExitLoop EndIf Case 1 ; Set flag if opened If Not $iCombo_State Then $iCombo_State = True EndIf EndSwitch ; Check for valid key pressed For $i = 0 To 1 If _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState($aKeys_Combo[$i]) Then ; Set key pressed flag $iKey_Code = $aKeys_Combo[$i] ExitLoop 2 EndIf Next Else ; If edit moveable by click then check for mouse pressed outside edit If _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState(0x01) Then Local $aCInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo() If $aCInfo[4] <> $cOC_EditID Then If $fClick_Move Then $iKey_Code = 0x02 ; Confirm edit and end process Else $iKey_Code = 0x01 ; Abandon editing EndIf ExitLoop EndIf EndIf ; Check for valid key pressed For $i = 0 To 4 If _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState($aKeys_Edit[$i]) Then ; Set key pressed flag $iKey_Code = $aKeys_Edit[$i] ExitLoop 2 EndIf Next ; Check for left/right keys For $i = 0 To 1 If _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState($aKeys_LR[$i]) Then ; Check if left/right move edit If $fCursor_Move Then ; Set key pressed flag $iKey_Code = $aKeys_LR[$i] ExitLoop 2 Else ; See if Ctrl pressed If _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState(0x11) Then ; Set key pressed flag $iKey_Code = $aKeys_LR[$i] ExitLoop 2 EndIf EndIf EndIf Next EndIf ; Temp input loses focus If _WinAPI_GetFocus() <> $hTemp_Edit Then ExitLoop EndIf ; Save CPU Sleep(10) WEnd ; Check if edit to be confirmed Switch $iKey_Code Case 0x02, 0x09, 0x0D, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28 ; Mouse (with Click=Move), TAB, ENTER, arrow keys ; Read edit content Local $sItemNewText = GUICtrlRead($cOC_EditID) ; Check replacement required If $sItemNewText <> $sItemOrgText Then ; Amend item text _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($hOC_Editing, $aLocation[0], $sItemNewText, $aLocation[1]) ; Amend array element $aOC_SrcArray[$aLocation[0] + 1][$aLocation[1]] = $sItemNewText ; Store amended array $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][2] = $aOC_SrcArray ; Add item data to return array $aEdited[0][0] += 1 ReDim $aEdited[$aEdited[0][0] + 1][3] ; Save location & original content $aEdited[$aEdited[0][0]][0] = $aLocation[0] $aEdited[$aEdited[0][0]][1] = $aLocation[1] $aEdited[$aEdited[0][0]][2] = $sItemOrgText EndIf EndSwitch ; Delete temporary edit and set place holder GUICtrlDelete($cOC_EditID) $cOC_EditID = 9999 ; Check edit mode If $iEditMode = 0 Then ; Single edit ; Exit edit process ExitLoop Else Switch $iKey_Code Case 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x0D ; Edit lost focus, mouse button outside edit, ENTER pressed ; Wait until key/button no longer pressed While _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState($iKey_Code) Sleep(10) WEnd ; Exit Edit process ExitLoop Case 0x1B ; ESC pressed ; Check Reset-on-ESC mode If $fReset_Edits Then ; Reset previous confirmed edits starting with most recent For $i = $aEdited[0][0] To 1 Step -1 _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($hOC_Editing, $aEdited[$i][0], $aEdited[$i][2], $aEdited[$i][1]) Switch UBound($aOC_SrcArray, 0) Case 1 $aSplit = StringSplit($aOC_SrcArray[$aEdited[$i][0] + 1], "|") $aSplit[$aEdited[$i][1] + 1] = $aEdited[$i][2] $sInsert = "" For $j = 1 To $aSplit[0] $sInsert &= $aSplit[$j] & "|" Next $aOC_SrcArray[$aEdited[$i][0] + 1] = StringTrimRight($sInsert, 1) Case 2 $aOC_SrcArray[$aEdited[$i][0] + 1][$aEdited[$i][1]] = $aEdited[$i][2] EndSwitch Next ; Store amended array $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][2] = $aOC_SrcArray ; Empty return array as no edits made ReDim $aEdited[1][2] $aEdited[0][0] = 0 EndIf ; Wait until key no longer pressed While _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState(0x1B) Sleep(10) WEnd ; Exit Edit process ExitLoop Case 0x09, 0x27 ; TAB or right arrow While 1 ; Set next column $aLocation[1] += 1 ; Check column exists If $aLocation[1] = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($hOC_Editing) Then ; Does not exist so check required action Switch $iEditCol Case 1 ; Exit edit process ExitLoop 2 Case 2 ; Stay on same location $aLocation[1] -= 1 ExitLoop Case 3 ; Loop $aLocation[1] = 0 EndSwitch EndIf ; Check this column is editable If Not StringInStr($sCols, "*") Then If StringInStr(";" & $sCols, ";" & $aLocation[1]) Then ; Editable column ExitLoop EndIf Else ; Editable column ExitLoop EndIf WEnd Case 0x25 ; Left arrow While 1 $aLocation[1] -= 1 If $aLocation[1] < 0 Then Switch $iEditCol Case 1 ExitLoop 2 Case 2 $aLocation[1] += 1 ExitLoop Case 3 $aLocation[1] = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnCount($hOC_Editing) - 1 EndSwitch EndIf If Not StringInStr($sCols, "*") Then If StringInStr(";" & $sCols, ";" & $aLocation[1]) Then ExitLoop EndIf Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd Case 0x28 ; Down key While 1 ; Set next row $aLocation[0] += 1 ; Check column exists If $aLocation[0] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hOC_Editing) Then ; Does not exist so check required action Switch $iEditRow Case 1 ; Exit edit process ExitLoop 2 Case 2 ; Stay on same location $aLocation[0] -= 1 ExitLoop Case 3 ; Loop $aLocation[0] = -1 EndSwitch Else ; All rows editable ExitLoop EndIf WEnd Case 0x26 ; Up key While 1 $aLocation[0] -= 1 If $aLocation[0] < 0 Then Switch $iEditRow Case 1 ExitLoop 2 Case 2 $aLocation[0] += 1 ExitLoop Case 3 $aLocation[0] = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hOC_Editing) EndSwitch Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndSwitch ; Wait until key no longer pressed While _WinAPI_GetAsyncKeyState($iKey_Code) Sleep(10) WEnd ; Continue edit loop on next item EndIf WEnd ; Delete copied array $aOC_SrcArray = 0 ; Remove original text column from return array ReDim $aEdited[$aEdited[0][0] + 1][2] ; Reenable ListView WinSetState($hOC_Editing, "", @SW_ENABLE) ; Reselect item _GUICtrlListView_SetItemState($hOC_SrcHandle, $aLocation[0], $LVIS_SELECTED, $LVIS_SELECTED) Return $aEdited EndFunc ;==>_OC_EditProcess ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OC_EditCoords ; Description ...: Ensures item in view then locates and sizes edit control ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OC_EditCoords($hLV_Handle, $cLV_CID, $aLocation, $tPoint, $iLVWidth, $iDelta_X, $iDelta_Y) ; Declare array to hold return data Local $aEdit_Data[4] ; Ensure row visible _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($hLV_Handle, $aLocation[0]) ; Get size of item Local $aRect = _GUICtrlListView_GetSubItemRect($hLV_Handle, $aLocation[0], $aLocation[1]) ; Set required edit height $aEdit_Data[3] = $aRect[3] - $aRect[1] + 1 ; Set required edit width $aEdit_Data[2] = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumnWidth($hLV_Handle, $aLocation[1]) ; Ensure column visible - scroll to left edge if all column not in view If $aRect[0] < 0 Or $aRect[2] > $iLVWidth Then _GUICtrlListView_Scroll($hLV_Handle, $aRect[0], 0) ; Redetermine item coords $aRect = _GUICtrlListView_GetSubItemRect($hLV_Handle, $aLocation[0], $aLocation[1]) ; Check available column width and limit if required If $aRect[0] + $aEdit_Data[2] > $iLVWidth Then $aEdit_Data[2] = $iLVWidth - $aRect[0] EndIf EndIf ; Adjust Y coord if Native ListView If $cLV_CID Then $iDelta_Y += 1 EndIf ; Determine screen coords for edit control $aEdit_Data[0] = DllStructGetData($tPoint, "X") + $aRect[0] + $iDelta_X + 2 $aEdit_Data[1] = DllStructGetData($tPoint, "Y") + $aRect[1] + $iDelta_Y ; Return edit data Return $aEdit_Data EndFunc ;==>_OC_EditCoords ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OC_ReWriteLV ; Description ...: Deletes all ListView content and refills to match array ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OC_ReWriteLV($hLVHandle, $cLV_CID, ByRef $aLV_Array, ByRef $aCheck_Array, $iLV_Index, $fCheckBox = True) Local $iVertScroll, $sLine, $iNewItem ; Get item depth If $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][10] Then $iVertScroll = $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][10] Else ; If not already set then ListView was empty so determine Local $aRect = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemRect($hLVHandle, 0) $aOC_Data[$iLV_Index][10] = $aRect[3] - $aRect[1] ; If still empty set a placeholder for this instance If $iVertScroll = 0 Then ; And make sure scroll is likely to be enough to get next item into view $iVertScroll = 20 EndIf EndIf ; Get top item Local $iTopIndex_Org = _GUICtrlListView_GetTopIndex($hLVHandle) ; Check if native or UDF ListView If $cLV_CID Then ; Delete native created items For $i = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($hLVHandle) - 1 To 0 Step -1 GUICtrlDelete(_GUICtrlListView_GetItemParam($hLVHandle, $i)) Next ; Refill items from array For $i = 1 To $aLV_Array[0][0] ; Create item text $sLine = "" For $j = 0 To UBound($aLV_Array, 2) - 1 $sLine &= $aLV_Array[$i][$j] & "|" Next ; Create item GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(StringTrimRight($sLine, 1), $cLV_CID) ; Reset checkbox if they exist If $fCheckBox And $aCheck_Array[$i] Then _GUICtrlListView_SetItemChecked($hLVHandle, $i - 1) EndIf Next Else ; Delete UDF created items DllCall("user32.dll", "lresult", "SendMessageW", "hwnd", $hLVHandle, "uint", $LVM_DELETEALLITEMS, "wparam", 0, "lparam", 0) ; Refill items from array For $i = 1 To $aLV_Array[0][0] ; Add Item $iNewItem = _GUICtrlListView_AddItem($hLVHandle, $aLV_Array[$i][0]) ; Add new subitems For $j = 1 To UBound($aLV_Array, 2) - 1 _GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem($hLVHandle, $iNewItem, $aLV_Array[$i][$j], $j) Next ; Reset checkbox if required If $fCheckBox And $aCheck_Array[$i] Then _GUICtrlListView_SetItemChecked($hLVHandle, $i - 1) EndIf Next EndIf ; Now scroll to same place or max possible Local $iTopIndex_Curr = _GUICtrlListView_GetTopIndex($hLVHandle) While $iTopIndex_Curr < $iTopIndex_Org _GUICtrlListView_Scroll($hLVHandle, 0, $iVertScroll) ; If scroll had no effect then max scroll up If _GUICtrlListView_GetTopIndex($hLVHandle) = $iTopIndex_Curr Then ExitLoop Else ; Reset current top index $iTopIndex_Curr = _GUICtrlListView_GetTopIndex($hLVHandle) EndIf WEnd _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($hLVHandle) EndFunc ;==>_OC_ReWriteLV ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OC_GetLVCoords ; Description ...: Gets screen coords for ListView ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OC_GetLVCoords($hLV_Handle, ByRef $tPoint) ; Get handle of ListView parent Local $aWnd = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "GetParent", "hwnd", $hLV_Handle) Local $hWnd = $aWnd[0] ; Get position of ListView within GUI client area Local $aLVPos = WinGetPos($hLV_Handle) DllStructSetData($tPoint, "X", $aLVPos[0]) DllStructSetData($tPoint, "Y", $aLVPos[1]) _WinAPI_ScreenToClient($hWnd, $tPoint) EndFunc ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OC_GetCursorWnd ; Description ...: Gets handle of control under the mouse cursor ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Modified ......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OC_GetCursorWnd() Local $tPoint = DllStructCreate("struct;long X;long Y;endstruct") DllStructSetData($tPoint, "X", MouseGetPos(0)) DllStructSetData($tPoint, "Y", MouseGetPos(1)) Local $aHwnd = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "WindowFromPoint", "struct", $tPoint) Return $aHwnd[0] EndFunc ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OC_Array_Add ; Description ...: Adds a specified value at the end of an existing 1D or 2D array. ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OC_Array_Add(ByRef $avArray, $vAdd = "", $iStart = 0) ; Get size of the Array to modify Local $iIndex_Max = UBound($avArray) ; Get type of array Switch UBound($avArray, 0) Case 1 ReDim $avArray[$iIndex_Max + 1] $avArray[$iIndex_Max] = $vAdd Case 2 ; Get size of second dimension Local $iDim2 = UBound($avArray, 2) ; Redim the Array ReDim $avArray[$iIndex_Max + 1][$iDim2] ; Add new elements If IsArray($vAdd) Then ; Get size of Insert array Local $vAdd_Max = UBound($vAdd) For $j = 0 To $iDim2 - 1 ; If Insert array is too small to fill Array then continue with blanks If $j > $vAdd_Max - 1 - $iStart Then $avArray[$iIndex_Max][$j] = "" Else $avArray[$iIndex_Max][$j] = $vAdd[$j + $iStart] EndIf Next Else ; Fill Array with variable For $j = 0 To $iDim2 - 1 $avArray[$iIndex_Max][$j] = $vAdd Next EndIf EndSwitch Return $iIndex_Max EndFunc ;==>_OC_Array_Add ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OC_Array_Insert ; Description ...: Adds a value at the specified index of a 1D or 2D array. ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OC_Array_Insert(ByRef $avArray, $iIndex, $vInsert) ; Get size of the Array to modify Local $iIndex_Max = UBound($avArray) ; Get type of array Switch UBound($avArray, 0) Case 1 ; Resize array ReDim $avArray[$iIndex_Max + 1] ; Move down all elements below the new index For $i = $iIndex_Max To $iIndex + 1 Step -1 $avArray[$i] = $avArray[$i - 1] Next ; Add the value in the specified element $avArray[$iIndex] = $vInsert Return $iIndex_Max Case 2 ; If at end of array If $iIndex > $iIndex_Max - 1 Then Return $iIndex_Max = _OC_Array_Add($avArray, $vInsert) ; Get size of second dimension Local $iDim2 = UBound($avArray, 2) ; Redim the Array ReDim $avArray[$iIndex_Max + 1][$iDim2] ; Move down all elements below the new index For $i = $iIndex_Max To $iIndex + 1 Step -1 For $j = 0 To $iDim2 - 1 $avArray[$i][$j] = $avArray[$i - 1][$j] Next Next ; Insert new elements If IsArray($vInsert) Then ; Get size of Insert array Local $vInsert_Max = UBound($vInsert) For $j = 0 To $iDim2 - 1 ; If Insert array is too small to fill Array then continue with blanks If $j > $vInsert_Max - 1 Then $avArray[$iIndex][$j] = "" Else $avArray[$iIndex][$j] = $vInsert[$j] EndIf Next Else ; Fill Array with variable For $j = 0 To $iDim2 - 1 $avArray[$iIndex][$j] = $vInsert Next EndIf EndSwitch Return $iIndex_Max + 1 EndFunc ;==>_OC_Array_Insert ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OC_Array_Delete ; Description ...: Deletes a specified index from an existing 1D or 2D array. ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OC_Array_Delete(ByRef $avArray, $iIndex) ; Get size of the Array to modify Local $iIndex_Max = UBound($avArray) ; Get type of array Switch UBound($avArray, 0) Case 1 ; Move up all elements below the new index For $i = $iIndex To $iIndex_Max - 2 $avArray[$i] = $avArray[$i + 1] Next ; Redim the Array ReDim $avArray[$iIndex_Max - 1] Case 2 ; Get size of second dimension Local $iDim2 = UBound($avArray, 2) ; Move up all elements below the new index For $i = $iIndex To $iIndex_Max - 2 For $j = 0 To $iDim2 - 1 $avArray[$i][$j] = $avArray[$i + 1][$j] Next Next ; Redim the Array ReDim $avArray[$iIndex_Max - 1][$iDim2] EndSwitch Return $iIndex_Max - 1 EndFunc ;==>_OC_Array_Delete ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _OC_Array_Swap ; Description ...: Swaps specified elements within a 1D or 2D array ; Author ........: Melba23 ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _OC_Array_Swap(ByRef $avArray, $iIndex1, $iIndex2) Local $vTemp ; Get type of array Switch UBound($avArray, 0) Case 1 ; Swap the elements via a temp variable $vTemp = $avArray[$iIndex1] $avArray[$iIndex1] = $avArray[$iIndex2] $avArray[$iIndex2] = $vTemp Case 2 ; Get size of second dimension Local $iDim2 = UBound($avArray, 2) ; Swap the elements via a temp variable For $i = 0 To $iDim2 - 1 $vTemp = $avArray[$iIndex1][$i] $avArray[$iIndex1][$i] = $avArray[$iIndex2][$i] $avArray[$iIndex2][$i] = $vTemp Next EndSwitch Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_OC_Array_SwapEverything else in your UDF still works, so you should be able to do anythind else you need with the ListViews. Let me know how it works for you - it works fine for me. WARNING: Do not use this version of the UDF with any other script - it will crash for certain! And before anyone asks: No, I am not going to add a feature like this to the normal UDF - it is far too specific a case to be generalised. M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
OldCodger Posted September 5, 2013 Author Posted September 5, 2013 (edited) .....Let me know how it works for you - it works fine for me. Thanks M23.. It works(mostly).. Intermittently, it removes all target items and puts a numeric in row1-column1 eg '13' Edited September 5, 2013 by Melba23 Fixed quote
Moderators Melba23 Posted September 5, 2013 Moderators Posted September 5, 2013 OldCodger,I need a bit more to go on than that! Any particular lines in either ListView? Multiple or single drags? M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
OldCodger Posted September 5, 2013 Author Posted September 5, 2013 OldCodger, I need a bit more to go on than that! Any particular lines in either ListView? Multiple or single drags? M23 I've only tried single drag so far.. it's random.. no patterns to the error at all. Also, the drop is sometimes above, sometimes below the cursor item. I have to go now, so I'll let your genius flow. See you tomorrow.
Moderators Melba23 Posted September 5, 2013 Moderators Posted September 5, 2013 OldCodger,Are you using the scripts I posted or have you modified your original? If so, can I see it because there might be something else affecting the drag/drop. Also, the drop is sometimes above, sometimes below the cursor itemSome people are fussy! You can always drag it to the correct place afterwards you know! M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
OldCodger Posted September 6, 2013 Author Posted September 6, 2013 OldCodger, Are you using the scripts I posted or have you modified your original? If so, can I see it because there might be something else affecting the drag/drop. No, it's the sample code you delivered, I haven't changed anything yet and wouldn't modify my application until the code was ratified. Some people are fussy! You can always drag it to the correct place afterwards you know! Yeah I know, it's a nice to have, not imperative. Cheers.. Glenn.
OldCodger Posted September 6, 2013 Author Posted September 6, 2013 I have created a snapshot of the issue. Should you want to view it... Save the attached files to a folder Rename the .doc file to .swf Rename the .docx file to .js run the .htm for the snapshot I can't attach swf or js files, I understand why.. but if you know what you are doing as far as protection is concerned you can see what happens sometimes. ListviewDrag.htmListviewDrag.docListviewDrag.docx
Moderators Melba23 Posted September 21, 2013 Moderators Posted September 21, 2013 OldCodger,Apologies - I forgot all about this. I could reproduce the problem when the cursor had not actually moved over the existing items in the target ListView. In that case the UDF has not had a chance to recognise where it is on the target ListView and so it tries to insert the dragged item at position -1, with the reults that you see. I have added some code to prevent this happening - the dragged item should now be added at the end of the list if no specific position has been set. At worst it will be inserted at the top. See if it works for you: M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area
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