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Line 6816 Error: Variable used without being declared (EXE script)


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Hello everyone

I have a script that works in AU3 form, but not in drag/drop EXE form.  It tells me "Line 6816 Error: Variable used without being declared".  I've tested the script with Au3Check and there were no errors and no warnings.  I tried Au3Stripper to include all the Includes, so that I can see the line at which the error occurs, but the resultant file has only 247 lines, nowhere near 6816.

I used MsgBox instances in various places to find out at which point the error occurs, and I think I found it (see [#1] in the attached script). I found that if I add "Global $inputfile" to the top of the file, AutoIt no longer complained about line 6816, but... it then complains about line 6873.

Again using MsgBox instances I tried to narrowed down the offending variable, but I'm not sure if I've found it ($searchstring), (see [#2]).  Further fiddling yielded no luck.

The script works fine as both AU3 and EXE if I just double-click, but not with drag/drop.

The purpose of the script is to send text to the Google Translate API.  You can run it but without a Google Translate API key you may not be able to test it beyond the second error.

Got any idea what might be the issue?



#include <Inet.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

Global $searchstring
Global $bigtranslation = "" 


Rename your script from simplegoog###.au3 to simplegoog#YOUR_API_KEY#source_language#target_language.au3

1. Script gets API key, SL and TL from its own name.
2. Script asks for input file (or gets it from EXE or clipboard).
3. Ask user if it's okay to split by sentence. If yes, use abbreviation list find/replace.
4. Split input file by CRLF.
5. Use 20 lines at a time, encode them, add them to the URL, and send it to GT.
6. Parse replies:

To parse JSON reply:
Split by:
"translatedText": "
Then split [2] by "

; Also encode/decode any URL text.
; http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp

And write to a file.
With a TrayTip telling the progress.


; Determine if script file name contains "googx" or "googxy"

If StringInStr (@ScriptName, "googx") Then ; no prompts, split by paragraph
$noprompt = 1
$cliporno = 6
$scriptnamesplitinfo = 6
$noprompt = 0
If StringInStr (@ScriptName, "googxy") Then ; no prompts, split by sentence
$splitbysentence = 6
$splitbysentence = 7

; Get API key, SL and TL from script file name

$scriptnamesplit = StringSplit (@ScriptName, "#", 1)
If $scriptnamesplit[0] = 4 Then
$apikey = $scriptnamesplit[2]
$SL = $scriptnamesplit[3]
$TL = StringTrimRight ($scriptnamesplit[4], 4)
If $noprompt = 0 Then
$scriptnamesplitinfo = MsgBox (4, "Is this information correct?", "API key: " & $apikey & @CRLF & "Source language code: " & $SL & @CRLF & "Target language code: " & $TL, 0)
If $scriptnamesplitinfo = 7 Then
MsgBox (0, "Error 1", "Could not get API key, source language code or target language code from script file name." & @CRLF & "The script will now exit.", 0)
MsgBox (0, "Error 2", "Could not get API key, source language code or target language code from script file name." & @CRLF & "The script will now exit.", 0)

; Get input file (either via drag/drop, clipboard or file select)

If $CmdLine[0] > 0 Then
$inputfileopendialog = $CmdLine[1]
If $noprompt = 0 Then
$cliporno = MsgBox (4, "Translate the clipboard?", "Do you want to translate the clipboard, or a file?" & @CRLF & "Say 'Yes' to translate the clipboard.", 0)
If $cliporno = 6 Then
$inputfile = ClipGet ()
If @error > 0 Then
If $noprompt = 0 Then
MsgBox (0, "Clipboard error", "Unable to access clipboad, or clipboard is empty.", 0)
$inputfileopendialog = FileOpenDialog ("Source text file", @ScriptDir, "Text files (*.txt)|All files (*.*)")
$inputfile = FileRead (FileOpen ($inputfileopendialog, 128))
$outputfile = FileOpen ($inputfileopendialog & "_output.txt", 129)

; Load abbreviation list, for sentence segmentation

If FileExists (@ScriptDir & "\abbreviationlist.txt") Then
$abbreviationlistfile = FileRead (FileOpen (@ScriptDir & "\abbreviationlist.txt", 128))
$abbreviationlist = StringSplit ($abbreviationlistfile, ",", 1)
$abbreviationlist = StringSplit ("Apr.,Aug.,Corp.,D.,Dec.,Dept.,Dr.,D.C.,e.g.,etc.,Feb.,Jan.,Jun.,Jul.,Jr.,Inc.,i.e.,Lt.,Ltd.,Mar.,max.,min.,Mr.,Mrs.,Ms.,Oct.,Nov.,Pr.,Pres.,Rev.,rev.,Sep.,Sgt.,St.,Str.,vol.,vs.", ",", 1)

; Optionally, split input file further by sentence.

If $noprompt = 0 Then
$splitbysentence = MsgBox (4, "Segment further by sentence?", "Try to segment further by sentence?" & @CRLF & "Say 'No' if your text has one sentence per line already.", 0)
If $splitbysentence = 6 Then
$inputfile = StringReplace ($inputfile, ".", ".###")
$inputfile = StringReplace ($inputfile, "!", "!###")
$inputfile = StringReplace ($inputfile, "?", "?###")
For $i = 1 to $abbreviationlist[0]
$inputfile = StringReplace ($inputfile, $abbreviationlist[$i] & "###", $abbreviationlist[$i], 0, 1)
$inputfile = StringReplace ($inputfile, "###", @CRLF)
$inputfile = StringReplace ($inputfile, @CRLF & " ", @CRLF)

; Split input file by line

MsgBox (0, "", "x", 0) ; to see where the error occurs
$inputfilesplit = StringSplit ($inputfile, @CRLF, 1)
; [#1]
MsgBox (0, "", "y", 0) ; to see where the error occurs... it occurs here.
; Adding Global $inputfile to the top of the script fixes this
$startrowindex = 1
$endrowindex = 20
$numofstrings = 0
$numberofrepeats = Int ($inputfilesplit[0] / 20) ; + 1
$finalitems = $inputfilesplit[0] - ($numberofrepeats * 20) 

; First do all the multiples of 20

For $j = 1 to $numberofrepeats
$searchstring = "&q=" & _ArrayToString ($inputfilesplit, "&q=", $startrowindex, $endrowindex)
$startrowindex = $startrowindex + 20
$endrowindex = $endrowindex + 20
DoIt ()

; Then do the last few, after all the multiples of 20

$endrowindex = $startrowindex + $finalitems - 1
$searchstring = "&q=" & _ArrayToString ($inputfilesplit, "&q=", $startrowindex, $endrowindex)
DoIt ()

; Then give user end-report

If $cliporno = 6 Then
ClipPut ($bigtranslation)
If $noprompt = 0 Then
MsgBox (0, "Translation on clipboard", "The translation is on the clipboard.", 0)

$mousey = MouseGetPos ()
ToolTip ("The translation is on the clipboard.", $mousey[0], $mousey[1], "", 1, 1)
Sleep ("2000")

; ===================================

Func DoIt ()

; [#2]
MsgBox (0, "searchstring", $searchstring, 0) ; which turns up as "&q=" in the drag/drop version, but which is supposed to contain (among other things) 20 lines from the input file!
; Adding Global $j, $numberofrepeats, $inputfilesplit, $startrowindex, $endrowindex to the top of the script does not fix this, unfortunately.

If StringRight ($searchstring, 3) = "&q=" Then
$searchstring = StringTrimRight ($searchstring, 3)

$searchstring = StringReplace ($searchstring, "&q=&q=", "&q=")
$searchstring = StringReplace ($searchstring, "&q=&q=", "&q=")
$searchstring = StringReplace ($searchstring, "&q=&q=", "&q=")

$searchstring = StringReplace ($searchstring, "%", "%25")

; $searchstring = StringReplace ($searchstring, "&q=-", "&q=%2D")
; $searchstring = StringReplace ($searchstring, "$", "%24")
; $searchstring = StringReplace ($searchstring, "/", "%2F")
; $searchstring = StringReplace ($searchstring, "@", "%40")
; $searchstring = StringReplace ($searchstring, ":", "%3A")

$foo = InetRead ("https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key=" & $apikey & "&source=" & $SL & "&target=" & $TL & $searchstring, 0)

If @error Then
ClipPut ("https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key=" & $apikey & "&source=" & $SL & "&target=" & $TL & $searchstring)
MsgBox (0, "Error #" & @error, "Google is unhappy with the request.  We've added the URL to the clipboard.  Try pasting it in a browser and see if there's an error message." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Also double-check if the URL you paste is the same as the URL that is left after the page is visited.  If it says ""400, bad request"" then the search string may contain characters that we need to escape... or perhaps you use an invalid API key.", 0)

$foo = BinaryToString ($foo, 4)

If StringInStr ($foo, '"errors": [') Then
If $noprompt = 0 Then
MsgBox (0, "Google throws an error...", $foo, 0)

$foosplit = StringSplit ($foo, '"translatedText": "', 1)

For $m = 2 to $foosplit[0]

$foosplit2 = StringSplit ($foosplit[$m], '"', 1)
$translation = $foosplit2[1]

$translation = StringReplace ($translation, "\u200b", "")
$translation = StringReplace ($translation, "&#39;", "'")
$translation = StringReplace ($translation, "&quot;", '"')

If $cliporno = 6 Then
$bigtranslation = $bigtranslation & $translation & @CRLF
FileWrite ($outputfile, $translation & @CRLF)

If $noprompt = 0 Then
$numofstrings = $numofstrings + 1
TrayTip ("Progress...", $numofstrings & " done so far out of " & $inputfilesplit[0], 100)





simplegoog v2#12345#en#af.au3

Edited by leuce
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11 minutes ago, leuce said:

but the resultant file has only 247 lines

Did you add this line to just do the MergeOnly as I get 6885 lines after running au3stripper:


Likely $InputFile is the issue as it is defines within an If-EndIf and not by a Global statement.


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I eventually found the problem.  The user was supposed to be able to specify the input file in three ways: by drag and drop, by FileOpenDialog, and by ClipGet.  Now, way, way at the start of the script I had neglected to FileRead the $CmdLine[1] variable.  This meant that $inputfile was declared if the user was using the clipboard or had manually selected the input file, but not when the user was using drag-and-drop.  The final script (i.e. the version that does what it should, and nothing more) is attached.

simplegoog (for forum, without exe).zip

Edited by leuce
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