yasha Posted November 16, 2018 Share Posted November 16, 2018 quick question is there any button that aligns the code to left or center Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Earthshine Posted November 16, 2018 Share Posted November 16, 2018 (edited) No. Code should use tabs for indentation to be readable. There is the option to use tidy inside the editor to format your code properly Edited November 16, 2018 by Earthshine My resources are limited. You must ask the right questions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iamtheky Posted November 16, 2018 Share Posted November 16, 2018 in what, Scite? and center to what, window size? ,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-. |(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/ (_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_) | | | __ | (_)\/ | (_) | | .-. | | .-' | | \ |__| ) ( | | | | |)| | \ / | | | | | |)| | `--. | |) \ | | `-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_| '-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IAMK Posted November 16, 2018 Share Posted November 16, 2018 (edited) Code should never be centred. It would make scoping a nightmare. Take this as an example: . If($x = True) Then If($y = False And $z >10) THen Sleep(500000000) EndIf Else Callmyotherfunction() If($i = 0) Then MouseClick("Primary", 100, 400, 1, 0) EndIf Sleep(10) EndIf Edited November 16, 2018 by IAMK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yasha Posted November 16, 2018 Author Share Posted November 16, 2018 expandcollapse popup#include <ClipBoard.au3> #include <ClipBoard.au3> #include <array.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <ExcelConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> $variable1 = TimerInit AutoItSetOption ( "WinTitleMatchMode",2) AutoItSetOption ( 'MouseCoordMode',0) $reportname = StringSplit(" ","") $reportname[0] = "Reports" $reportname[1] = "1 SO (Outstanding Order)" $reportname[2] = "2 PRP Prod" $reportname[3] = "3 PRP Pur" $reportname[4] = "4 Prod Claim" $reportname[5] = "5 Pur Claim" $reportname[6] = "6 Buy to whs " $reportname[7] = "7 PRP whs (W2P and P2W)" $reportname[8] = "8 Proj to Proj" $reportname[9] = "9 Trigger list " $reportname[10]= "10 Sub con claim" $reportname[11]= "11 INV Plan Pur Orders" $reportname[12]= "12 INV Plan Prod Orders" $reportname[13]= "13 ITM data" $reportname[14]= "14 Material Issue Analysis" $reportname[15]= "15 IQA-LOC" $reportname[16]= "16 ILC INV data" $reportname[17]= "17 Economic stock" $reportname[18]= "18 Pro Closing Monitoring Report_ All" $reportname[19]= "19 Pro Closing Report_ All" $reportname[20]= "20 Pending IQA" $reportname[21]= "21 RUN reports 1 to 20 (All Range)" $reportname[22]= "22 Range PRP Purchase" $reportname[23]= "23 Range Economic stock" $reportname[24]= "24 Compile PRP Purchase and Economic stock" $reportname[25]= "25 RUN reports 22 to 24 (Selectable Range)" $reportname[26]= "26 view instructions" $reportname[27]= "27 Delete.xls files inside Auto download folder" $charcnt = 0 $reportname_show = "" while $reportname[$charcnt] <> " " $reportname_show = $reportname_show & @CR & $reportname[$charcnt] $charcnt = $charcnt + 1 WEnd $selection = InputBox("Baan Reports Selection",$reportname_show & @CR & @CR &"For instructions on what the program does key in 26" & @CR & "Please Enter selection as Numbers, with 1 space in-between" ,""," M",350,550,650,450) If @error Then Exit sleep(10) $charcnt = 1 $selected = "" $selectedflag = StringSplit(" ","") $reportname[0] = "" while $charcnt < 40 if int(Stringmid($selection, $charcnt,1)) >= 0 then if int(Stringmid($selection, $charcnt,2)) < 10 then $selected = $selected & @CR & $reportname[int(Stringmid($selection, $charcnt,1))] $selectedflag[$charcnt] = int(Stringmid($selection, $charcnt,1)) $charcnt = $charcnt + 2 Else $selected = $selected & @CR & $reportname[int(Stringmid($selection, $charcnt,2))] $selectedflag[$charcnt] = int(Stringmid($selection, $charcnt,2)) $charcnt = $charcnt + 3 EndIf EndIf WEnd $input = MsgBox(1, "", "Reports Selected -> START ALL RANGE:" & @CR & $selected & @CR & @CR &"Click Ok to proceed, Cancel to End") if $input = 2 Then Exit EndIf $baantmpdir = "C:\Users\" & @UserName & "\AppData\Local\Infor\BW\Baan IV\" $baandir = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Infor\BW\Baan IV\" $Baan = 'tipcs2401m020 : Print Projects Closing Report' $BaanNo = 'Print Projects Closing Report' $Baan2 = 'tipcs2521m010 : Display Customized Item Data' $BaanNo2 = 'Display Customized Item Data' $Baan3 ='tdilc1413m000 : Print Inventories by Item and Warehouse' $BaanNo3 = 'Print Inventories by Item and Warehouse' $Baan4 ='tdsls4408m000 : Print Sales Orders by Item' $BaanNo4 ='Print Sales Orders by Item [108]' $Baan5 = 'tiitm0401m000 : Print Item Data [108]' $BaanNo5 ='Print Item Data' $Baan6 = 'tdpur4408m000 : Print Purchase Orders by Item' $BaanNo6 = 'Print Purchase Orders by Item' $Baan7 = 'tipcs5431m000 : Print Planned PRP Warehouse Orders (Project to Project)' $BaanNo7 = 'Print Planned PRP Warehouse Orders' $Baan8 = 'tipcs5430m010 : Print Planned PRP Warehouse Orders (Wrh to Project)' $BaanNo8 = 'tipcs5430m010' $Nowtime = @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC $YY=StringFormat("%02i",@YEAR-2000) $MM=StringFormat("%02i",Int(@MON)) $DD=StringFormat("%02i",Int(@MDAY)) $Baan_exist = 0 If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then $Baan_exist = 1 EndIf $charcnt = 1 Global $flag = 0 while $charcnt < 40 If $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 26 Then MsgBox(1, "Instructions", _ "1) Enter the report number in the box with a space in between." & @LF & _ "2) Reports 1 to 20 are reports with All project range." & @LF & _ "3) If you key in 21 it will run all reports from 1 to 20." & @LF & _ "4) Reports 22 and 23 are reports where you select the project range." & @LF & _ "5) Number 24 runs a macro to compile reports 22 and 23 and saves it. " & @LF & _ "6) Before running 24,ensure the files to be compiled are there in the folder." & @LF & _ "7) Report 25 runs 22 to 24 together." & @LF & _ "8) Each report is saved in a default folder and the setting can be changed easily." & @LF & _ "9) 27 will delete all .xls files from autodownload/.xls folder." _ ) Exit if $input = 2 Then Exit EndIf EndIf Switch $selectedflag[$charcnt] case 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 If Not $flag Then $sFileSelectFolder = FileSelectFolder("Select a folder", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download") If @error Then ; Display the error message. MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "No folder was selected.") Exit Else ; Display the selected folder. MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "You chose the following folder:" & @CRLF & $sFileSelectFolder) $Flag = 1 ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Add this EndIf EndIf ; < ;1)SO if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 1 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410002' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410018' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") ;need to add enter SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(1000) $BaanDesc='tdsls4408m000' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") SendKeepActive("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) WinActive('tdsls4408m000 : Print Sales Orders by Item [108]') WinWaitActive("tdsls4408m000 : Print Sales Orders by Item [108]") Send('{TAB 7}31122900{TAB 7}') Send('{ENTER}{DOWN 2}') ;22 sleep(500) send('{ENTER}') Sleep(1000) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') sleep(100) WEnd sleep(100) Send("{ENTER}") $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\SO " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls") WinActivate($Baan4) WinClose($Baan4) WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\SO " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\SO " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) ;$oExcel = ObjCreate("Excel.Application") ; Create an Excel Object ;$oExcel.Visible = 1 ; Let Excel show itself ;$oExcel = _Excel_Open() ;$oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\SO " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) ;$oExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ( $sFileSelectFolder &"\SO " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xlsx",51,"","",False,False) ;$oExcel.ActiveWorkBook.Close WEnd EndIf sleep(10) ;2)PRP Pro if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 2 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxlo040001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxlo040007' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Sleep(500) Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'tccomlog01001' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') WinWaitActive("Queries Logistics employee - Zoom") Send ('{DOWN 5}{ENTER}') Sleep(500) WinWaitActive('ttadv3480m000') Send('{DOWN 3}') sleep(500) Send('confirmed') Sleep(500) Send('{DOWN}{RIGHT 12}') sleep(500) Send('1900'&'{DOWN}{RIGHT 12}' &'2900' & '{DOWN 5}{A}{DOWN 2}{Y}') Sleep(1000) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd Sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\PRP_Production " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinClose('tccompro03001 : Queries Project Monitoring (M&S) [108]') WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\PRP_Production " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\PRP_Production " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;3)PRP Pur if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 3 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxlo040001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxlo040007' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Sleep(500) Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'tccomlog01001' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}") Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') WinWaitActive('Queries Logistics employee') Send('{DOWN 4}{ENTER}') WinWaitActive("ttadv3480m000") Sleep(500) Send('{DOWN 3}') sleep(500) Send('confirmed') sleep(500) Send('{DOWN}{RIGHT 12}') Send('1900'&'{DOWN}{RIGHT 12}' &'2900' & '{DOWN 5}{A}{DOWN 4}{Y}') Sleep(1000) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd Sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") WinClose('tccompro03001 : Queries Project Monitoring (M&S) [108]') Sleep(1000) $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\PRP_purchase " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls" , 1) WinClose('tccompro03001 : Queries Project Monitoring (M&S) [108]') WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\PRP_purchase " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\PRP_purchase " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf sleep(10) ;4)Prod CLAIM if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 4 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410002' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410014' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") ;need to add enter SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(1000) $BaanDesc = 'tisfc1410m000' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') WinWaitActive("tisfc1410m000 : Print Production Order Planning by Priority [108]") Send('{TAB 7}31122900') sleep(500) Send('{TAB 2}31122900{TAB 9}31122900{TAB 4}31122900{TAB 4}E') sleep(500) Send('{TAB}{ENTER}') Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") $fileoutput = false While $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf Send("{ENTER}") FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Prod_Claim " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinActivate('tisfc1410m000') WinClose('tisfc1410m000') WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\Prod_Claim " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Prod_Claim " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;5)purchase claim(finished) if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 5 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,120) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410002' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410011' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(1000) WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") SendKeepActive("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanNo6 & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) WinWaitActive('tdpur4408m000') Send('{TAB 6}01011900{TAB}31122900{TAB 7}{ENTER}') Sleep(1000) Send('{DOWN}{ENTER}') Sleep(1000) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd Sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf WEnd FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Purchase_claim " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinActivate($Baan6) WinClose($Baan6) WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\Purchase_claim " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Purchase_claim " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) EndIf sleep(10) ;6)BUY 2 WHAREHOUSE if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 6 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Sleep(500) Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410002' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Sleep(500) Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410009' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(100) $Baan10= 'tdinv1450m000 : Print Planned Inventory Transactions by Item [108]' $BaanNo10 ='Print Planned Inventory Transactions by Item' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") SendKeepActive("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanNo10 & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) Send('{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{ENTER}') sleep(500) Send('{DOWN 5}{ENTER}') WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") $fileoutput = false While $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf Send("{ENTER}") FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\BUY_2_WHAREHOUSE " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinActivate($Baan10) WinClose($Baan10) WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\BUY_2_WHAREHOUSE " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\BUY_2_WHAREHOUSE " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;7)PRP whs(W2P and P2W) if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 7 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxlo040001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxlo040006' SendKeepActive ('Menu browser [User: SysPlan2 ] [108]') Sleep(500) Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(1000) WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") SendKeepActive("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanNo8 & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) WinWaitActive($Baan8) Send(' '&'{TAB 2}{TAB}999999{TAB}{W}{TAB}{P}{TAB 9} {TAB}31122900{TAB 2}{C}{TAB}{Y}{TAB}{Y}{TAB}{ENTER}') Sleep(500) Send('{DOWN 5}{ENTER}') WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf Send("{ENTER}") FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\W2P&P2W " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinClose('ttstps0014 : Print Planned PRP Warehouse Orders (Wrh to Project)') WinClose('Reports') WinActivate($Baan8) WinClose($Baan8) WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\W2P&P2W " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\W2P&P2W " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;8)proj to proj if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 8 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxlo040001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(1000) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxlo040005' SendKeepActive ('Menu browser [User: SysPlan2 ] [108]') Sleep(500) Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(1000) $BaanDesc='tipcs5431m000' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") SendKeepActive("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send( $BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") sleep(1000) WinWaitActive('tipcs5431m000 : Print Planned PRP Warehouse Orders (Project to Project) [108]') Send(' '&'{TAB 4}1{TAB}999999{TAB 2}PCS Project{TAB 9}') Sleep(500) Send('{TAB}31122900{TAB 2}') sleep(1000) Send('{C}{O}{TAB}{N}{TAB}{Y}{TAB}{ENTER}') Sleep(1000) Send('{DOWN 3}{ENTER}') WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") $fileoutput = false While $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf Send("{ENTER}") FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\P2P(with cost) " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinActivate($Baan7) WinClose($Baan7) WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\P2P(with cost) " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\P2P(with cost) " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;9)triggerlist program below if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 9 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410003' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'tccompro03001' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') WinWaitActive('Queries Project Monitoring') Send('{DOWN 23}') Sleep(1000) Send('{ENTER}') sleep(500) Send(' ') Sleep(500) Send('{DOWN 2}{Y}') Sleep(1000) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Triggerlist " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinClose('tccompro03001 : Queries Project Monitoring (M&S) [108]') WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\Triggerlist " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Triggerlist " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;10)sub con claim if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 10 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxsf020001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Sleep(500) Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxsf020010' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Sleep(500) Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc= 'tccomsfc02001' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Sleep(500) Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive('Queries shopfloor planning employee') Send('{DOWN 6}{ENTER}') Sleep(500) WinActive('ttadv3480m000') WinWaitActive('ttadv3480m000') Sleep(500) Send('{RIGHT 12}') sleep(500) Send('1900'&'{DOWN}{RIGHT 12}' & '2900' & '{DOWN 5}{DOWN 2}{Y}') Sleep(1000) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") $fileoutput = false While $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf Send("{ENTER}") FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\SUB_CON_CLAIM " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinActivate('tccomsfc02001') WinClose('tccomsfc02001') WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\SUB_CON_CLAIM " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\SUB_CON_CLAIM " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;11)INV Plan pur order if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 11 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpu010001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Sleep(500) Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpu010004' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Sleep(500) Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc= 'tdinv3420m000' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Sleep(500) Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") sleep(1000) WinWaitActive('tdinv3420m000') Send('{ENTER}') Sleep(500) Send('{DOWN 12}{ENTER}') Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") $fileoutput = false While $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf Send("{ENTER}") FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\INV_PLAN_PUR_ORDER " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinActivate('tdinv3420m000') WinClose('tdinv3420m000') WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\INV_PLAN_PUR_ORDER " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\INV_PLAN_PUR_ORDER " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;12)INV Plan Pro Orders if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 12 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxsf020001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Sleep(500) Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxsf020005' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Sleep(500) Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc= 'tdinv3410m000' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Sleep(500) Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") sleep(1000) WinWaitActive('tdinv3410m000') Send('{ENTER}') Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") $fileoutput = false While $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf Send("{ENTER}") FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\INV_PLAN_Pro_Order " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinActivate('tdinv3410m000') WinClose('tdinv3410m000') WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\INV_PLAN_Pro_Order " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\INV_PLAN_Pro_Order " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;13)itm data if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 13 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410002' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410005' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") ;need to add enter SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(1000) WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") SendKeepActive("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanNo5 & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") WinActive($Baan5) WinWaitActive($Baan5) Send('{TAB 16}{ENTER}') Sleep(1000) Send('{ENTER}') WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd Sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\ITM_DATA " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinClose('ttstps0014 : Print Item Data') WinActivate($Baan5) WinClose($Baan5) WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\ITM_DATA " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\ITM_DATA " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;14)material issue analysis if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 14 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") sleep(500) Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410003' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'tccompro03001' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') WinActive('Queries Project Monitoring') WinWaitActive('Queries Project Monitoring') Send('{DOWN 18}') Sleep(1000) Send('{ENTER}') sleep(500) WinActive('ttadv3480m000') Send(' ') Sleep(500) Send('{DOWN 4}{Y}') Sleep(1000) WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\material_issue_analysis " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinClose('tccompro03001 : Queries Project Monitoring (M&S) [108]') WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\material_issue_analysis " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\material_issue_analysis " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;15)IQA-LOC if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 15 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410002' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410022' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") ;need to add enter SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(1000) $BaanDesc='tdilc1413m000' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") SendKeepActive("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) WinActive($Baan3) WinWaitActive($Baan3) Send('{TAB}') Sleep(500) Send('{TAB 7}IQA-LOC') Sleep(500) Send('{TAB 2}{ENTER}{DOWN 10}{ENTER}') Sleep(1000) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd Send("{ENTER}") sleep(2000) $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\IQA_LOC " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinActivate($Baan3) WinClose($Baan3) WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\IQA_LOC " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\IQA_LOC " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;16)ILC INV Data if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 16 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410002' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410022' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") ;need to add enter SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(1000) $BaanDesc = 'tdilc1414m00' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') WinActive('tdilc1414m00') WinWaitActive('tdilc1414m00') Send('{ENTER}') sleep(500) Send('{DOWN 4}{ENTER}') Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(1000) Send("{ENTER}") $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf WEnd FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\ILC_INV_DATA " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinClose($BaanDesc ) WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\ILC_INV_DATA " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\ILC_INV_DATA " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) EndIf Sleep(10) ;17)ecnomic stock below if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 17 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410002' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410004' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") SendKeepActive("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanNo2 & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") WinActive($Baan2) WinWaitActive($Baan2) Send('^z') Sleep(500) Send('^e') Send('between') Sleep(500) Send('{TAB}440000') sleep(500) Send('{TAB}900000') Sleep(500) Send('^y') sleep(500) Send ('^p') sleep(500) WinWaitActive("Reports") SendKeepActive("Reports") Send('{DOWN 5}{ENTER}') Sleep(1000) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") sleep(1000) $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Economic_stock " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinClose('ttstpqbf : Query by Form [108]') WinActivate($Baan2) WinClose($Baan2) WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\Economic_stock " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Economic_stock " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf sleep(10) ;18) Pro Closing Monitoring Report_ All if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 18 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410002' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410007' SendKeepActive ('Menu browser [User: ') Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(100) ;searches for specfic file WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") SendKeepActive("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanNo & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") WinActive ($Baan) WinWaitActive($Baan) Sleep(500) Send( ' '& '{TAB}' ) ;add $project from and to here Sleep(500) Send('{TAB}{TAB}') Send('finished') Sleep(500) Send('{TAB 13}31122900{TAB 2}31122900{TAB 4}{ENTER}') sleep(1000) Send ('{DOWN}{ENTER}') WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") sleep(100) $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Project_closing_monitoring " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) WinClose($Baan) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\Project_closing_monitoring " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Project_closing_monitoring " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;19)Pro Closing Report_ All if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 19 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,120) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf ;Sleep(32400000) $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410002' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410007' SendKeepActive ('Menu browser [User: ') Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(100) ;searches for specfic file WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") SendKeepActive("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanNo & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") WinActive ($Baan) WinWaitActive($Baan) Sleep(500) Send( ' '& '{TAB}' ) ;add $project from and to here Sleep(500) Send('{TAB}{TAB}') Send('finished') Sleep(500) Send('{TAB 13}31122900{TAB 2}') sleep(500) send('31122900{TAB 4}{ENTER}') WinActive('Reports') Send('{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{DOWN}{ENTER}') Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(100) Send("{ENTER}") sleep(1000) $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Project_closing_warehouse " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinClose($Baan) WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\Project_closing_warehouse " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Project_closing_warehouse " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;20)Pending IQA if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 20 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 21 Then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410002' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410011' SendKeepActive ('Menu browser [User: ') Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(100) $BaanDesc = 'tipcs7461m000' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') WinActive('tipcs7461m000') WinWaitActive('tipcs7461m000') send(' {TAB}{TAB}{ENTER}') Sleep(500) send('{DOWN 5}{UP}{ENTER}') Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(100) Send("{ENTER}") sleep(1000) $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf WEnd FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Pending_IQA " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinClose('tipcs7461m000') WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\Pending_IQA " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\Pending_IQA " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) EndIf sleep(10) ;21)all reports (1 to 20) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;22)range PRP Pur if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 22 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 25 then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxlo040001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxlo040007' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Sleep(500) Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'tccomlog01001' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}") SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) Send('{ENTER}') WinWaitActive('Queries Logistics employee') Send('{DOWN 4}{ENTER}') Sleep(1500) Global $projectfrom1 $projectfrom1= InputBox('project from','please write the project no') Global $projectto $projectto= InputBox('project to','please write the project no') WinWaitActive('ttadv3480m000') Send($projectfrom1 & '{DOWN}'& $projectto & '{DOWN 2}' ) sleep(500) Send('confirmed') sleep(500) Send('{DOWN}{RIGHT 12}') Send('1900'&'{DOWN}{RIGHT 12}' &'2900' & '{DOWN 5}{A}{DOWN 4}{Y}') Sleep(1000) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd Sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") WinClose('tccompro03001 : Queries Project Monitoring (M&S) [108]') Sleep(1000) $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\range_PRP_Purchase " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinClose('tccompro03001 : Queries Project Monitoring (M&S) [108]') WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 22 Then Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\range_PRP_Purchase " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\range_PRP_Purchase " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) EndIf WEnd EndIf Sleep(10) ;23)ecnomic stock below(TEST AGAIN) if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 23 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 25 then If WinExists("Menu browser [User: ") then WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") EndIf If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) then Run($baandir & "bin\bw.exe", $baandir & "bin") WinWaitActive("Login for SU304001") WinActivate("Login for SU304001") SendKeepActive("Login for SU304001") Send('') EndIf WinWaitActive("Menu browser [User: ", "" ,60) If NOT(WinExists("Menu browser [User: ")) Then msgbox(1,"","No login yet. Program will Exit.") Exit EndIf $BaanDesc= 'mtgxxxpr410001' WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410002' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}{ENTER}") ;still need to add mouse click SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) $BaanDesc = 'mtgxxxpr410004' SendKeepActive ("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{DOWN}{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanDesc & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") Sleep(500) SendKeepActive("") Sleep(500) WinActivate("Menu browser [User: ") SendKeepActive("Menu browser [User: ") Send("!i{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") SendKeepActive("ttdsk1300m000 : Browser Data Entry [000]") Send($BaanNo2 & "{ENTER}{ENTER}") WinActive($Baan2) WinWaitActive($Baan2) Send('^z') Sleep(500) Send('^e') Send('between') Sleep(500) Global $projectfrom1 $projectfrom1= InputBox('project from','please write the project no') Global $projectto $projectto= InputBox('project to','please write the project no') sleep(500) Send('{TAB}'& $projectfrom1) Send('{TAB}'& $projectto) Sleep(500) Send('^y') sleep(500) Send ('^p') sleep(500) WinWaitActive("Reports") SendKeepActive("Reports") Send('{DOWN 5}{ENTER}') Sleep(500) WinWaitActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") WinActivate("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") SendKeepActive("ttstpsplopen : Select Device [000]") ClipPut("") While ClipGet() <> "EBAAN" sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send("EBAAN") sleep(100) Send("^e") sleep(100) Send('^c') WEnd sleep(500) Send("{ENTER}") sleep(1000) $fileoutput = false while $fileoutput = false WinWaitActive("Microsoft Excel - tmp") $title1 = WinGetTitle("Microsoft Excel - tmp", "") if fileexists($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt") then $filetime = filegettime ($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt",1,1) if $filetime > $nowtime then $fileoutput = true endif EndIf FileCopy($baantmpdir & "tmp\" & StringMid($title1,19,12) & ".txt", "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\range_Economic_stock " & $YY & $MM & $DD & ".xls", 1) WinClose('ttstpqbf : Query by Form [108]') WinActivate($Baan2) WinClose($Baan2) WinActivate($title1) WinClose($title1) if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 23 Then ;if running sepereatly Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\range_Economic_stock " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\range_Economic_stock " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xls") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) EndIf WEnd EndIf sleep(10) ;24) Run macro compile for range prp pur and economic stock if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 24 Or $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 25 then $oExcel = ObjCreate("Excel.Application") ; Create an Excel Object $oExcel.Visible = 1 ; Let Excel show itself $oExcel.Workbooks.Open('J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\7 - Automation\All Report macro.XLSM',0) $oExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Application.Run("ECONOMICSTOCKCOMPILE") $oExcel.ActiveWorkBook.Close Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Open returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) Global $sWorkbook = $sFileSelectFolder &"\range_Economic_stock(compile) " & $YY & $MM & $DD Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files\range_Economic_stock(compile) " & $yy & $mm & $dd & ".xlsb") If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookOpen returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook & ".xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault,True) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookSaveAs returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_BookClose returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) _Excel_Close($oExcel) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, "Error", "_Excel_Close returned @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) EndIf Sleep(10) ;25)all reports (run 22 to 24) EndSwitch if $selectedflag[$charcnt] = 27 Then $dir = "J:\OPS\OPS_Share\Planners\2 - Weekly Reports\Auto download\.xls files" DirRemove($dir,1) DirCreate($dir) EndIf $charcnt = $charcnt + 1 WEnd ;if $Baan_exist = 0 then ; WinClose("Menu browser [User: ") ;EndIf @iamthekyi want this entire bulk of code lines to the left in one fell swoop is it possible? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IAMK Posted November 16, 2018 Share Posted November 16, 2018 I have no idea why you would ever want that, but you just hold Shift+Tab. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
yasha Posted November 16, 2018 Author Share Posted November 16, 2018 thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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