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Getting 2nd Sunday into folder name from input date??

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Hello everyone!

I have a script I don't know how to fix.  It's for creating a "reporting" folder which hold documents that are saved to it that gets created every 2 weeks.  The input start date is fine but I've always done the 2nd date manually, while I know there'd be an easy way to AutoIt to enter the 2nd date automatically.

Here's an example of the end result:

2022.01.23.Sn-02.05.Sa- #14

The first date (2022.01.23.Sn) is the one input.

The 2nd date in MMM.DD.DDD format (02.05.Sa) is what AutoIt can hopefully calculate and input automatically, the 2nd Saturday from the first date input.

Here is my existing code:

#Include <Date.au3>
#include<_My_DATE.au3>     ; my date, time conventions, etc.
#NoTrayIcon     ; AutoIt's icon doesn't show in systray
TraySetIcon("Shell32.dll", 147)     ; changes the icon displayed in the systray
AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)     ; this allows partial window titles to be valid!


#Region --- CodeWizard generated code Start ---
;InputBox features: Title=Yes, Prompt=Yes, Default Text=Yes, Width=250, Height=125
If Not IsDeclared("sInputBoxAnswer") Then Local $sInputBoxAnswer
$BoxTitle  = "Reporting Period"
$LineTitle = "yyyy.mm.dd.ddd" & @CRLF & "(The _FIRST_SUNDAY_ of the reporting period ...)"
$BoxWidth  = "525"
$BoxHeight = "145"
$sInputBoxAnswer = InputBox($BoxTitle, $LineTitle & @CRLF & @CRLF, $YrDate_Long," ", $BoxWidth, $BoxHeight, Default, Default)    ; width, heigh, left ("Default" centers box), top ("Default" centers box).
    Case @Error = 0 ;OK - The string returned is valid
    Case @Error = 1 ;The Cancel button was pushed
        Exit     ; finished
    Case @Error = 3 ;The InputBox failed to open
        Exit     ; finished
#EndRegion --- CodeWizard generated code End ---

#Region --- CodeWizard generated code Start ---
;InputBox features: Title=Yes, Prompt=Yes, Default Text=Yes, Width=250, Height=125
If Not IsDeclared("sInputBoxAnswer") Then Local $sInputBoxAnswer
$sInputBoxAnswer = InputBox("Reporting Period?","What reporting period are you covering in this folder, i.e., ''1'', ''2'', or ''3'', ''1'' being the number corresponding to the very first report you input for ...","(1, 2, or 3, etc.)"," ","250","150", Default, Default)    ; width, height, left ("Default" centers box), top ("Default" centers box).
    Case @Error = 0 ;OK - The string returned is valid
        $PathAndFldrName = @ScriptDir & "\" & ClipGet() & "-" & @MON & "." & @MDAY & "." & $ShortDayMyFormat & "- #" & $sInputBoxAnswer
; Taking out syntax that creates subfolders, not needed here.
    Case @Error = 1 ;The Cancel button was pushed
        Exit     ; finished
    Case @Error = 3 ;The InputBox failed to open
        Exit     ; finished
#EndRegion --- CodeWizard generated code End ---

Thank you!  Any help appreciated.


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Didn't really follow the entire script, but you can use something like:

#include <Date.au3>
$sDate = "2022/01/23"
MsgBox(4096, "", _GetDate($sDate))

Func _GetDate($_sDate, $_iDayCount = 14)
    Local $aSrcDate = StringSplit($_sDate, "/", 2)
    Local $sSrcDate = StringReplace($_sDate, "/", ".")
    Local $sSrcDay = _GetDayofWeek(_DateToDayOfWeek($aSrcDate[0], $aSrcDate[1], $aSrcDate[2]))

    Local $sTgtDate = _DateAdd("D", $_iDayCount - 1, $_sDate)
    Local $aTgtDate = StringSplit($sTgtDate, "/", 2)
        $sTgtDate = StringReplace($sTgtDate, "/", ".")
    Local $sTgtDay = _GetDayofWeek(_DateToDayOfWeek($aTgtDate[0],$aTgtDate[1],$aTgtDate[2]))
    Local $sResult = $sSrcDate & "." & $sSrcDay & "-" & $aTgtDate[1] & "." & $aTgtDate[2] & "." & $sTgtDay & "- #" & $_iDayCount
    Return $sResult

Func _GetDayofWeek($_iDayofWeek)
    Local $sDay
    Switch $_iDayofWeek
            Case 1
            $sDay = "Sn"
        Case 2
            $sDay = "Mn"
        Case 3
            $sDay = "Tu"
        Case 4
            $sDay = "Wd"
        Case 5
            $sDay = "Th"
        Case 6
            $sDay = "Fr"
        Case 7
            $sDay = "Sa"
    Return $sDay


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Thank you!

Oh, dear, you lost me.  I'm a very basic AutoIt user even after all these years and I only know how to work with existing code and don't know how to work with something that is completely different esp. as this produces a popup and not anything with userinput and creating a folder (sorry!!).

How about this, I'm thinking that if there was an easy way to just add the date in this line:

$PathAndFldrName = @ScriptDir & "\" & ClipGet() & "-" & @MON & "." & @MDAY & "." & $ShortDayMyFormat & "- #" & $sInputBoxAnswer

specifically, where @MON & "." & @MDAY  gets the 2nd Saturday dumped in calculated from the first date as per user input that then gets dumped in via the ClipGet()??

Is that easier, perhaps?


Edited by Diana (Cda)
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Save this as createFolder.ps1 and it will do all the work for you from powershell in a few lines

$today=get-date # Todays date
$date1=$today.AddDays(-$today.Dayofweek.value__+1).date  #Calculate the date of the monday in the week you run this
$date2=$date1.AddDays(+13).date  #Just add 13 days
$newFolderName=$psscriptroot + '\' + $date1.tostring('yyyy.MM.dd.ddd') + '-' + $date2.tostring('yyyy.MM.dd.ddd')  #Format it
new-item $newFolderName -itemtype directory -ErrorAction Ignore

If you want from AutoIt then you do not need that clipget() and clipput() just refer to sInputBoxAnswer

Edited by junkew
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@Diana (Cda)

you mean like this..

The first date (2022.01.23.Sn) is the one input.

The 2nd date in MMM.DD.DDD format (02.05.Sa) 

$PathAndFldrName = @YEAR & "." & @MON + 4 & "." & @MDAY + 6 

or Maybe this:

#include <Date.au3>
;#include<_My_DATE.au3>     ; my date, time conventions, etc.
#NoTrayIcon     ; AutoIt's icon doesn't show in systray
TraySetIcon("Shell32.dll", 147)     ; changes the icon displayed in the systray
AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)     ; this allows partial window titles to be valid!


#Region --- CodeWizard generated code Start ---
;InputBox features: Title=Yes, Prompt=Yes, Default Text=Yes, Width=250, Height=125
If Not IsDeclared("sInputBoxAnswer") Then Local $sInputBoxAnswer
$BoxTitle = "Reporting Period"
$LineTitle = "yyyy.mm.dd.ddd" & @CRLF & "(The _FIRST_SUNDAY_ of the reporting period ...)"
$BoxWidth = "525"
$BoxHeight = "145"
$sInputBoxAnswer = InputBox($BoxTitle, $LineTitle & @CRLF & @CRLF, "2021.01.20.Sa", " ", $BoxWidth, $BoxHeight, Default, Default)   ; width, heigh, left ("Default" centers box), top ("Default" centers box).
    Case @error = 0 ;OK - The string returned is valid
    Case @error = 1 ;The Cancel button was pushed
        Exit     ; finished
    Case @error = 3 ;The InputBox failed to open
        Exit     ; finished
#EndRegion --- CodeWizard generated code Start ---
Global $YMD = $sInputBoxAnswer ;;"2022.01.20.Sa"
$NEXTMonth = 1 ;mean +1 the next month +1
$NEXTDay = -15 ; mean -15 the prev day -15
MsgBox(0, "", PDate($YMD, $NEXTMonth, $NEXTDay)) ;RESULT  = (02.05.Sa)
Func PDate($YMD, $INCM, $INCD)
    $QEE = StringMid($YMD, 9, 2)
    If Number($QEE) < Number("9") Then
        $state3 = "on"
    Global $inc, $add, $SData, $state = "on", $state2 = "on", $state3
    For $i = 1 To StringLen($YMD)
        If StringMid($YMD, $i, 1) = "." Then
            $inc = $inc + 1
            If $inc = 1 Then
                If $inc = 2 Or $inc = 3 Then
                    $add &= StringMid($YMD, $i, 1)
            If $inc = 1 Then
                If StringMid($YMD, $i, 2) > 9 Then
                    $add &= StringMid($YMD, $i, 2) + $INCM ;
                    If $state = "on" Then
                        $add &= "." & "0" & StringMid($YMD, $i, 2) + $INCM & "." ;
                        $state = "off"
            If $inc = 2 Then
                If StringMid($YMD, $i, 2) < 9 Then
                    If $state3 = "on" Then
                        $SData = StringMid($YMD, $i, 2)
                        $add &= "0" & StringMid($YMD, $i + 1, 2) ;
                        $state3 = "off"
                    If $state2 = "on" Then

                        $SData = StringMid($YMD, $i, 2)
                        $add &= StringMid($YMD, $i, 2) + $INCD & "." ;
                        $state2 = "off"

                ;   if $
            If $inc = 3 Then
                If StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") > 30 Then

                    $add = StringReplace($add, StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", ""), "1")
                If StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "1" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "12" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "15" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "22" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "29" Then $add &= "Tu"
                If StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "2" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "9" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "16" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "23" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "30" Then $add &= "We"
                If StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "3" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "10" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "17" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "24" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "31" Then $add &= "Tu"
                If StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "4" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "11" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "18" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "25" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "32" Then $add &= "Fr"
                If StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "5" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "12" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "19" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "26" Then $add &= "Sa"
                If StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "6" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "13" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "20" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "27" Then $add &= "Sn"
                If StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "7" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "14" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "21" Or StringReplace(StringRight($add, 3), ".", "") = "28" Then $add &= "Mn"

    Return $add
EndFunc   ;==>PDate


Edited by ad777

iam ِAutoit programmer.

best thing in life is to use your Brain to


everything you want.

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or just like this without any inputbox

#include <DateTimeConstants.au3>
#include <Date.au3>

local $today=_NowCalcDate ( ) ;~ Todays date
local $date1=_dateadd('D',-@WDay+1,$today) ;~Calculate the date of the monday in the week you run this
local $date2=_dateadd('D',+13,$date1) ;~ Just add 13 days

;~ Just to show during debug
consolewrite($today & @CRLF)
consolewrite($date1 & @CRLF)
consolewrite($date2 & @CRLF)

;~ Reformat
local $strDate1=stringreplace($date1,"/",".") & ".Sun"
local $strDate2=stringreplace($date2,"/",".") & ".Sat"
local $newFolderName=$strdate1 & "-" & $strDate2
consolewrite($newFolderName & @CRLF)

;~ Create the folder


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