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GuiCtrlEditGetLine() problems.

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When i use guictrleditgetline in my scripts it dosnt return the entire line.

anyone else with this problem.

or is it just me or my computer ? :)

#Include <GuiEdit.au3>
$h_edit = guictrlcreateedit('First line lala'&@CRLF&"Second line lala"&@CRLF&"Third line lala",1,1,250,250)
$totlines = _GUICtrlEditGetLineCount ( $h_edit )
for $i = 0 to $totlines
    msgbox(0,'',_GUICtrlEditGetLine($h_edit, $i))


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you are right yxrkt, it seems there is a bug in this function :D

it seems that the size of the line you read depend of the last one

as you can see if you add 2 spaces after "Third line lala " the second line is displayed correctly

very strange :)

#Include <GuiEdit.au3>
$h_edit = guictrlcreateedit('First line lala'&@CRLF&"Second line lala"&@CRLF&"Third line lala  ",1,1,250,250)
$totlines = _GUICtrlEditGetLineCount ( $h_edit )
for $i = 0 to $totlines
    msgbox(0,'',_GUICtrlEditGetLine($h_edit, $i))
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Yeah. Bug for Gary to work on. I modded the demo so I could see multiple results and with Prod It clips the last character off the second line. With Beta it only gives 8 characters on every line, and in Beta we're back to clipping the last character of the the second line:

#include <guiconstants.au3>
#Include <GuiEdit.au3>
GUICreate('', 260, 305)
$h_edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit('1st line.' & @CRLF & "Second line lalalala" & @CRLF & "Third line lalalala", 5, 5, 250, 250)
$h_butt = GUICtrlCreateButton('SHOW', 105, 265, 50, 30)
While 1
    Switch GUIGetMsg()
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $h_butt
            $totlines = _GUICtrlEditGetLineCount($h_edit)
            $Text = ""
            For $i = 1 To $totlines
                $Text &= "Line:" & $i & @TAB & _GUICtrlEditGetLine($h_edit, $i) & @CRLF
            MsgBox(0, 'Demo', $Text)


Edit: This is listed as a Bug Report (Fixed), but curiously the thread was closed on news it was GOING to be fixed, not that it already was... :)

Edited by PsaltyDS
Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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Does this give the output you want?

#include <guiconstants.au3>
#Include <GuiEdit.au3>
GUICreate('', 260, 305)
$h_edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit('1st line.' & @CRLF & "Second line lalalala" & @CRLF & "Third line lalalala", 5, 5, 250, 250)
$h_butt = GUICtrlCreateButton('SHOW', 105, 265, 50, 30)
While 1
    Switch GUIGetMsg()
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $h_butt
            $totlines = _GUICtrlEditGetLineCount($h_edit)
            $Text = ""
            For $i = 1 To $totlines
                $Text &= "Line:" & $i & @TAB & _GUICtrlEditGetLine_Debug($h_edit, $i) & @CRLF
            MsgBox(0, 'Demo', $Text)

Func _GUICtrlEditGetLine_Debug(ByRef $h_Edit, $i_line)
    Local $i_index = _GUICtrlEditLineIndex($h_Edit, $i_line)
    If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Local $length = _GUICtrlEditLineLength($h_Edit, $i_index - 1);Changed from _GUICtrlEditLineLength($h_Edit, $i_index)
    If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Local $struct_Buffer = DllStructCreate("short;char[" & $length + 2 & "]")
    If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    DllStructSetData($struct_Buffer, 1, $length, 1)
    If IsHWnd($h_Edit) Then
        _SendMessage($h_Edit, $EM_GETLINE, $i_line - 1, DllStructGetPtr($struct_Buffer))
        If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
        GUICtrlSendMsg($h_Edit, $EM_GETLINE, $i_line - 1, DllStructGetPtr($struct_Buffer))
        If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Local $struct_String = DllStructCreate("char[" & $length & "]", DllStructGetPtr($struct_Buffer))    
    If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Return DllStructGetData($struct_String, 1)

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Does this give the output you want?

Nope. Works correctly with Prod, fails with Beta First and second line showed first eight characters only, third line one less than that.


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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Nope. Works correctly with Prod, fails with Beta First and second line showed first eight characters only, third line one less than that.


:D I'm a little behind on my betas (works with :) )

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Try this one

Func _GUICtrlEditGetLine(ByRef $h_Edit, $i_line)
    If Not _IsClassName ($h_Edit, "Edit") Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Local $i_index = _GUICtrlEditLineIndex($h_Edit, $i_line - 1)
    If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Local $length = _GUICtrlEditLineLength($h_Edit, $i_index)
    If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Local $struct_Buffer = DllStructCreate("short;char[" & $length + 2 & "]")
    If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    DllStructSetData($struct_Buffer, 1, $length, 1)
    If Not IsHWnd($h_Edit) Then $h_Edit = GUICtrlGetHandle($h_Edit)
    Local $v_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessageA", "hwnd", $h_Edit, "int", $EM_GETLINE, "int", $i_line - 1, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($struct_Buffer))
    If $v_ret[0] = $EC_ERR Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Local $struct_String = DllStructCreate("char[" & $length & "]", DllStructGetPtr($struct_Buffer))
    If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Return DllStructGetData($struct_String, 1)
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlEditGetLine

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


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Where is _IsClassName()???


Edit: Oops... downloaded and I have _IsClassName() now.

The GuiEdit.au3 included with still causes the same problem, but I renamed the one you just posted to _GUICtrlEditGetLineBet() so it wouldn't conflict with the one in the include file, and it worked!

#include <guiconstants.au3>
#Include <GuiEdit.au3>
GUICreate('', 260, 305)
$h_Edit = GUICtrlCreateEdit('1st line.' & @CRLF & "Second line lalalala" & @CRLF & "Third line lalalala", 5, 5, 250, 250)
$h_butt = GUICtrlCreateButton('SHOW', 105, 265, 50, 30)
While 1
    Switch GUIGetMsg()
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $h_butt
            $totlines = _GUICtrlEditGetLineCount($h_Edit)
            $Text = ""
            For $i = 1 To $totlines
                $Text &= "Line:" & $i & @TAB & _GUICtrlEditGetLineBeta($h_Edit, $i) & @CRLF
            MsgBox(0, 'Demo', $Text)

Func _GUICtrlEditGetLineBeta(ByRef $h_Edit, $i_line)
    If Not _IsClassName ($h_Edit, "Edit") Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Local $i_index = _GUICtrlEditLineIndex($h_Edit, $i_line - 1)
    If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Local $length = _GUICtrlEditLineLength($h_Edit, $i_index)
    If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Local $struct_Buffer = DllStructCreate("short;char[" & $length + 2 & "]")
    If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    DllStructSetData($struct_Buffer, 1, $length, 1)
    If Not IsHWnd($h_Edit) Then $h_Edit = GUICtrlGetHandle($h_Edit)
    Local $v_ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessageA", "hwnd", $h_Edit, "int", $EM_GETLINE, "int", $i_line - 1, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($struct_Buffer))
    If $v_ret[0] = $EC_ERR Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Local $struct_String = DllStructCreate("char[" & $length & "]", DllStructGetPtr($struct_Buffer))
    If @error Then Return SetError($EC_ERR, $EC_ERR, "")
    Return DllStructGetData($struct_String, 1)
EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlEditGetLineBeta


Edited by PsaltyDS
Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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