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Hi, a little question.

If I paste this javascript into the browser & hit enter, it works. But I have like 500 files to DLso I cant really paste this into the url bar always. Is there any other way to send this?

I tried also with my IE sample scripts, but none of them was able to press the damn button:

If someone is interested, then hire is Form info:[it needs to press this downloadbutton]

<FORM id=downloadform action="" method=post><INPUT type=hidden value=1 name=free> </FORM>
<INPUT type=hidden value=1 name=free>
<INPUT class=downloadbutton onclick="java script:gospunk();document.getElementById('downloadform').submit();return true;" type=button value="Download file">

Working sample until sending the javascript

#Include <FF.au3>

Global $sURL = 'http://uploading.com/files/LOCNVRHK/Elegy_ENG.rar.html'


If _FFIsConnected() Then

    _FFOpenURL("java script:document.getElementById('downloadform').submit();")

Edited by goldenix
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_FFOpenURL("java script:document.getElementById('downloadform').submit();")
That's no URL so _FFOpenURL must fail.

If you wanna "click" on an element then just use _FFClick :)

<INPUT class=downloadbutton onclick="java script:gospunk();document.getElementById('downloadform').submit();return true;" type=button value="Download file">


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