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    Forex, windsurfing, programming, trading, flying, bicycling, rowing

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  1. I get Number of page faults: 4210 Peak working set size: 15052800 bytes Current working set size: 15052800 bytes Peak paged pool usage: 74772 bytes Current paged pool usage: 61788 bytes Peak nonpaged pool usage: 3128 bytes Current nonpaged pool usage: 2800 bytes Current space allocated for the pagefile: 12775424 bytes Peak space allocated for the pagefile: 12775424 bytes Current private space: 12775424 bytes still nothing process-related. I think I'll give up this route (AutoIt) and get the desired data via OCR of the Task Manager or a direct memory-read ... The underlying problem is a Java trading program that used to perform for an entire week uninterruptedly without problem. During the last two years there were a lot of programmer changes (at the program company) who added not functions, but obviously a lot of debugging information, bloating the software to a level, where I have to unload and reload the program about every two hours to prevent it from freezing the trading interface. My goal is to automate the refreshing cycles before the affected parts reach their critical limits.
  2. Is it possible to extract the desired value via MemGetStats?I only managed to get overall system memory info from it, nothing in relation to single processes.
  3. Nessie, your approach seemed promising at first. But since the Func _ProcessGetLocation($iPID) is pretty much a mystery to me, I cannot deduct the desired value (I'm not after the file size!). Your utility reports "The size of C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe is: 70144 bytes." - which is the file size of Notepad, not the size of the memory space it operates in, reported by Windows Task Manager as size of 2.944 k in the fifths column (here it's titled "Speicherauslastung") - sorry if I caused a confusion here, but "Speicherauslastung" was translated by Google as "size". guinness, During my research, I had come across (your?) Func _WinGetDetails($sTitle, $sText = '') and tried to adapt it to deliver that fifth column value, but did not succeed. I tried to follow your advice "Look at the return values of those functions and you will see why it doesn't work." ... to no avail! What can I deduct from a zero? It reads like "Eat an egg and you will know why it's not a chicken."
  4. I am dealing with a Java application, which creates multiple versions of a named window. The named windows give a result of 0 (zero) when called ConsoleWrite("!+ " & @ScriptLineNumber & " " & FileGetSize(WinGetProcess("javaw.exe" ,"")) & @CRLF) Requesting $list = ProcessGetStats("javaw.exe",1) _ArrayDisplay($list, @ScriptLineNumber & " " & $list) delivers the expected results, but not the size as posted in the fifth column of the task manager list. The PID handle is easy to get with WinGetHandle("xyzabc - era", ""), but I cannot find a way to get the matching size. Does anyone know a way?
  5. Look in the help system under _IE_Example and _IE_Introduction.
  6. Thanks, Melba! At least my ignorance (inability to find the proper context) was justified. Ultimately, your solution looks quite acceptable - way better than a frozen status bar, lol. Thanks for the help!
  7. When using multiple tabs, I am not capable to make the status bar information change accordingly. Based on Autoit's help system's GUICtrlCreateTab example I tried the following #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GuiStatusBar.au3> #include <Date.au3> Example() Func Example() Local $msg, $StatusBar1 Local $a_PartsRightEdge[5] = [50, 150, 220, 280, 300] Local $a_PartsText[5] = [" Info", "Details", "some data", _NowCalcDate(), " date+5= " & _DateAdd('d', 5, _NowCalcDate())] $topWindow = GUICreate("My GUI Tab") ; will create a dialog box that when displayed is centered GUISetBkColor(0x00E0FFFF) GUISetFont(9, 300) $tab0 = GUICtrlCreateTab(10, 10, 200, 100) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("tab0") GUICtrlCreateLabel("label0", 30, 80, 50, 20) GUICtrlCreateButton("OK0", 20, 50, 50, 20) GUICtrlCreateInput("default", 80, 50, 70, 20) $tab1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("tab----1") GUICtrlCreateLabel("label1", 30, 80, 50, 20) GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 20, 50, 60, 120) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Trids|CyberSlug|Larry|Jon|Tylo", "Jon") ; default Jon GUICtrlCreateButton("OK1", 80, 50, 50, 20) $tab2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("tab2") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_SHOW) ; will be display first GUICtrlCreateLabel("label2", 30, 80, 50, 20) GUICtrlCreateButton("OK2", 140, 50, 50) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") ; end tabitem definition GUICtrlCreateLabel("label3", 20, 130, 50, 20) GUISetState() $StatusBarmain = _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create($topWindow, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) $StatusBar0 = _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create($tab0, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) $StatusBar1 = _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create($tab1, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) $StatusBar2 = _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create($tab2, $a_PartsRightEdge, $a_PartsText) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($tab0, "Part 0", 2) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($tab1, "Part 11", 2) _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetText($tab2, "Part 222", 2) ; Run the GUI until the dialog is closed While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop WEnd EndFunc ;==>Example What is the proper way of changing the bar text when the new tab gets focus? (if there is any, lol) Currently, only the $StatusBarmain can be altered ...
  8. When using Scite (I'm not sure whether it is this or AutoIt itself) , it keeps growing its memory needs as long as Scite stays active - no matter whether a program gets closed there or not. Because I use a lot of ConsoleWrite() calls for debugging purposes, I always assumed that the amount of text displayed (and therefore stored) is the main culprit for loss of available memory. Like all the results from ConsoleWrite() never get erased until the program gets closed ... even in compiled *.exe s as far as I can tell.
  9. I have to agree. It took me 2 hours (maybe I'm getting slow and old, lol) to figure out that the feature is called "error.inline" and another hour to find the solution. One of my scripts is around 20000 lines long (without all the includes and other called *.au3 files) and ran fine since years. But with this change, everytime I edited some (other) program, I got warnings about something "possibly used before declaration" and Scite jumped away from the work-in-progress to some supporting file that has long been working without any faults ... But thanks to the helpful people in various places, we now know about error.inline=0 and maybe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Check=N but I haven't verified that last one yet - it might disable more than we wish for, lol.
  10. The last time I was confronted with this task was when a government official was trying to write a virus which would only be active when the screen of the infected computer showed "power off" status ... nothing worth supporting, IMHO.
  11. I doubt that: I'm using version will get in touch via Skype later tonight
  12. Hi there, I just ran across this by accident and it reminded me of a problem I tried to solve a few months ago, but wasn't able to: I can send messages to every single member of my Skype list, but we have a "group" that I tried to inform about a set of values at regular intervals (about once every 4 hours). The problem is that this step works, if I create a group and adress it, but for some unknown reason, our existing "group" (I'm writing it in parentheses, because Skype seems to treat it as something other than a group - and sadly, I did not create it) is not treated as such and DOES NOT show in the list of participants when I run your "Skype in AutoIT.au3". In my actual Skype contact's list, it shows with a logo similar to the "Online" symbol, but with a circle of 6 white points around the center. If I remember right, the lines $ichat = $oSkype.get_Chat("#xyz.dev/$febc24a082b613eb") For $aChat In $ichat.Chats If $aChat.Timestamp >= "20120907000149" Then $msgstring = $msgstring & @CR & $aChat.Timestamp & " | Groupname:" & $aChat.GroupName & " | Name:" & $aChat.Name & "| FriendlyName:" & $aChat.FriendlyName ConsoleWrite("-> " & @ScriptLineNumber & " " & $msgstring & @CRLF) EndIf Nextworked correctly on all other groups, but not this one. $oSkype.RecentChats reports all chats of that group with the name ("#xyz.dev/$febc24a082b613eb"), but all attempts at sending them a message with either $oSkype.SendMessage(...) or $oSkype.Client.OpenUserInfoDialog("#xyz.dev/$febc24a082b613eb") and similar fail. Your function displayChatProperties($aChat) reports (Label: some group of people - sensible easygoing chat.. (sun) Created at: 20120603013930 Last activity at: 20121028162704 Id: #xyz.dev/$febc24a082b613eb Blob: 9Ec90D8ftJYM4SvdywDZqXIzfMdkVvWkDU ... vlCwtU3h5QmoQEZJuCeZDYVA Description: Guidelines: My role: Master My status: Subscribed Type: Multichat Members: member1 member 2 memberxyz memberetc. Is anybody aware of a special command to send a message to a multichat (I couldn't fond any in the Skype docs either)?
  13. Try these ConsoleWrite("> " & @ScriptLineNumber & " makes color BLUE" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("! " & @ScriptLineNumber & " makes color RED" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("- " & @ScriptLineNumber & " makes color ORANGE" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("+ " & @ScriptLineNumber & " makes color GREEN" & @CRLF) Now I'm wondering if there is a way to color single text (like groups or single words) inside console text ...
  14. How to get the name of a group? Basic setup: groups get created and deleted as planned. But I am member of a group (which is always open & active) whose name does not show up in the resulting list of For $oChat In $oSkype.ActiveChats $msgstring = $msgstring & @CR & $oChat.Timestamp & " by " & $oChat.Name & " friendlyName:" & $oChat.FriendlyName Next nor does it show in For $oGroup In $oSkype.CustomGroups or $oSkype.HardwiredGroups Sending a message to individual participants using $oSkype.SendMessage("individual_user", "Wishing you a nice weekend!") works fine. But sending $oSkype.SendMessage("group_name", "Wishing you all a nice weekend!") or $ichat.SendMessage("group_name", "Wishing you all a nice weekend!") gets executed, but shows no new entry on the chat window. I already had renamed the group from a rather long name to a very simple one, but to no avail ... There is a function Skype_GroupVisible($aGroup, $aVisible) available in the groups.au3 script, but I have no idea how to apply that to a group that is not listed in the above results. Is there another way of finding out the name of the group (that is listed in the contact list)?
  15. Did you have $oSkype initialized? Like with Global $oSkype = ObjCreate("Skype4COM.Skype")
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