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Results (101 - 142 of 142)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Milestone Component Ticket
#2490 HttpSetUserAgent return value Feature Request AutoIt
#2495 _FileWriteFromArray for save _ExcelReadSheetToArray arrays Feature Request Standard UDFs
#2505 Array create without declaration Feature Request AutoIt
#2603 GUI Flickering on Windows 8 Bug AutoIt
#2622 Object method crash autoit Bug AutoIt
#2703 Soundsetvolume doesn't work with object Bug AutoIt
#2713 ByRef Copy Bug Bug AutoIt
#2753 "To" keyword incorrectly parsed in COM object Bug AutoIt
#2768 Error: missing separator character before keyword. Bug AutoIt
#2895 _FTP_ProgressUpload _FTP_ProgressDownload documentation Bug Documentation
#2906 TCPRecv can't detect closed client web browser sockets Bug AutoIt
#3007 Make {} the empty map. Feature Request AutoIt
#3014 Intelligent Forum Search Feature Request Other
#3017 The largest negative integer value we misinterpret Bug AutoIt
#3058 _WinAPI_IOCTL: New See Also link Bug Documentation
#3084 Fix file examples by replacing the FileCreate() function Bug AutoIt
#3100 IniRead typo Bug AutoIt
#3110 _ArrayUnique bug Bug AutoIt
#3115 TCPRecv doesn't detect closed socket Bug AutoIt
#3122 _ArrayUnique() seem to be broken. Bug AutoIt
#3156 Help: _Excel_ColumnToLetter / _Excel_ColumnToNumber wrong example Bug Documentation
#3168 Missing constants from AutoItConstants.au3 Bug Other
#3169 Missing constants for WinGetState Bug AutoIt
#3172 IniRead() function returns ANSI chars instead of Unicode Chars Bug AutoIt
#3185 Multiple FileInstall not working Bug AutoIt
#3195 Program crashes after repeated use of _IETableGetCollection Bug AutoIt
#3216 WinGetState, none of the states are declared. Bug AutoIt
#3234 Missing Online Documentation for Opt function. Bug Documentation
#3253 _GetIP() never get called in the first 5 minutes after pc restart Bug Standard UDFs
#3254 _GetIP() - The overload protection of the IP discovery sites dont work! Bug Standard UDFs
#3277 _IEFrameGetObjByName crashes Script after many uses on Win7 and newest AutoIt Version v3.3.14.2 Bug AutoIt
#3570 Array index statements are called twice when used in a assignment Bug AutoIt
#3592 _ArrayAdd doesn't work Bug AutoIt
#3596 _ArrayAdd fails to add a specified value at the end of an existing 1D array Bug AutoIt
#3598 _EventLog__Report example doesn't compile. Bug AutoIt
#3604 _ArrayAdd( .... ) doesn't work Bug AutoIt
#3612 AutoUpdateIt Bug AutoIt
#3736 _GUICtrlTreeView_Sort fails when there is just one item in TreeView Bug Standard UDFs
#3766 @IncludeScriptFullPath and @IncludeScriptName Feature Request AutoIt
#3770 Invalid calculation when using exponential form Bug AutoIt
#3897 incorrect arithmatic with Hex notation Bug AutoIt
#3955 Wiki code examples are broken Bug Documentation
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