


23:42 Ticket #2042 (Windows 8 support for @OS macros) closed by Valik
Completed: Added by revision [6473] in version:
23:10 Ticket #2061 (Rewrite OS_Version class) created by Valik
The code is an unwieldy mess of madness. It needs refactored so that …


18:10 Ticket #2059 (Open include (Alt+i) runs scripts, sometimes.) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: Regardless of what the root cause of this issue is, this is a SciTE bug. SciTE is not our project.


07:28 Ticket #2060 (UDFs Documentation issues) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6462] in version:
00:28 Ticket #2060 (UDFs Documentation issues) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
While translating AutoIt help file by the Russian community, we found …


21:18 Ticket #2059 (Open include (Alt+i) runs scripts, sometimes.) created by Shaggi
Not much to say, sometimes, like 40% of times when i use ALT+I on a …


23:34 Ticket #1973 (_IEAttach failes and crashes on some special window constellations) closed by trancexx
No Bug: This is not bug and that's not solution. Create and use COM error handler to avoid situations like that.
23:25 Ticket #2034 (_GUICtrlMenu_AppendMenu - bug when BitOr($MF_BYPOSITION, $MF_STRING) ...) closed by trancexx
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6454] in version:
17:30 Ticket #1802 (_WinAPI_CallWindowProc() and _WinAPI_DefWindowProc() are not Unicode ...) closed by trancexx
No Bug: Yashied you have registered a window class using Unicode version of that function. In that case the system passes text parameters of messages as Unicode, meaning your _MyWndProc() must use Unicode version functions you use. If you have done opposite of that _MyWndProc() would be correct. This proves that functions inside WinApi.au3 are not wrong. What's true is that WinApi.au3 misses Unicode versions of those functions as DllCall function calls ANSI versions of functions by default when there are any doubts. This is not a bug.


08:56 Ticket #1900 (Improvements for StringRegExpGUI) closed by trancexx
Rejected: The need for this script is questionable. Apparently community doesn't appreciate it enough.


17:53 Ticket #2055 (Convert UDF's to struct* type) closed by AdmiralAlkex
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6445] in version:
16:29 Ticket #1770 (Script getting pause when popup appears in IE) closed by Jpm
No Bug
16:29 Ticket #1770 (Script getting pause when popup appears in IE) reopened by Jpm


19:24 Ticket #1777 (Issues with Security.au3) closed by trancexx


09:50 Ticket #2041 (_FTP_ListToArrayEx Datetime Format) closed by Jpm
Duplicate: Replying to anonymous: > A few additional inforamtion: > > In the help file it says that with $b_Fmt=1 the format will be YYYY/MM/DD and with $b_Fmt=0 it will be MM/DD/YYYY. > > But as seen on the picture the output with $b_Fmt=1 is YYYY/DD/MM, so defnetly a bug. check with beta as it as been solved by #1509


12:54 Ticket #2058 (WinWait, WinWaitActive and WinActive calls are waiting indefinitely ...) created by Math
Few AutoItX functions are hanging when using in VS 2008(vb.net) IDE. …
12:41 Ticket #2057 (Advanced Window Descriptions - Add "PID" Property) created by firelion_84@…
Would be be possible to add "PID" as a property recognised in the …


11:16 Ticket #2056 (Excel.au3 - 5 Broken Functions) created by Aru Any reference to …
03:43 Ticket #2055 (Convert UDF's to struct* type) created by AdmiralAlkex
Just a reminder for myself.
02:51 Ticket #2054 (DirCreate incorrectly reports success when path is longer than 255 chars) created by wraithdu
DirCreate returns 1 (success) when the path is longer than 255 …


09:28 Ticket #262 (Plugins - array parameters) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Current implementation of "Plugin" feature and internal handling of array data type makes the request not worthy of the complexity that would be the result of having this feature. However plugins would be handled eventually one way or the other. When that happens this ticket would be rendered invalid simply because plugins require thorough evaluation that should address every aspect of the implementation including array support.


14:43 Ticket #269 (ImageSearch()) closed by trancexx
Rejected: After weighting gains and losses this ends up rejected.


19:08 Ticket #2053 (HotKeySet in AutoItX) closed by Valik
Rejected: Your host language should provide hotkey support, not AutoItX.
13:38 Ticket #2053 (HotKeySet in AutoItX) created by zorg@…
HotKeySet doesn't seem to be implemented in AutoItX. would it be …


21:45 Ticket #2052 (When using MSTSC Remote Desktop Connection, AutoIt and AU3Info only ...) closed by Valik
No Bug


21:53 Ticket #2052 (When using MSTSC Remote Desktop Connection, AutoIt and AU3Info only ...) created by anonymous
Great program! However, under Remote Desktop commands such as WinWait …
16:49 Ticket #1668 (Directory Macros for Default User Account) closed by trancexx
14:32 Ticket #1629 (Ability to destroy embedded IE objects to rehash browser settings) closed by trancexx
Works For Me: You not knowing how to do it doesn't mean it can't be done.
14:26 Ticket #1648 (UDF community) closed by trancexx
Works For Me: Send mail to the administrator.
14:20 Ticket #1158 (Global update the WinAPI.au3 library) closed by trancexx
Wont Fix: Anyone with access can add what ever they feel necessary. Ticket in this form doesn't make sense. Closing as "wont fix" because... because.


22:25 Ticket #2051 (Error at online documentation) closed by guinness
Completed: Changed by revision [6390] in version:
21:48 Ticket #2051 (Error at online documentation) created by Tweaky
Hi, at the following functions you should change "<a …
20:09 Ticket #2050 (Handle should bei called filehandle) closed by guinness
Completed: Changed by revision [6389] in version:
19:31 Ticket #2050 (Handle should bei called filehandle) created by Tweaky
Hi, in the functions FileFlush FileGetPos FileSetPos the parameter …


22:08 Ticket #2049 (Missing WM_MESSAGES in WindowsConstants.au3) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [6385] in version:
22:04 Ticket #2049 (Missing WM_MESSAGES in WindowsConstants.au3) created by guinness
The following list is missing from WindowsConstants.au3. Global Const …
21:12 Ticket #2048 (WindowsConstants containing invalid variables) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [6384] in version:
21:11 Ticket #2048 (WindowsConstants containing invalid variables) created by guinness
$WM_RBUTTONDBLCK & $WM_MBUTTONDBLCK in WindowsConstants.au3 should be …
21:09 Ticket #1862 (GUISetOnEvent should behave more like HotKeySet()) closed by Valik
Rejected: Receiving a second GUI message before handling of the first message is complete can be disastrous. You should never execute long-running tasks in a GUI callback function no matter what language. It's poor application design. Closing as rejected.
20:55 Ticket #1885 (CreateGUID and CreateGUIDSequential missing, but $tagGUID there) closed by Valik
Rejected: If someone wants to write and test a library that's fine but we are not going to do it. Closing as rejected.
20:52 Ticket #1903 (Au3Check, Globals, #OnAutoItStartRegister) closed by Valik
Rejected: Too complex to implement for very little gain. Rejected.
20:51 Ticket #1906 (reparse point) closed by Valik
Rejected: This seems like something that should be done via UDFs. Closing as rejected.
20:49 Ticket #1939 (Be able to put some text in a Progress control) closed by Valik
Rejected: This can already be done by overlapping controls. Rejected.
20:46 Ticket #1940 (GUI*OnEvent default functions) closed by Valik
Rejected: Trivial to write your own wrapper function to do this.
20:40 Ticket #1955 (Unable to select the appropriate option from combo box) closed by Valik
No Bug: Non-standard control (.NET I think). No bug.
20:36 Ticket #1909 (little problem with an updown control) closed by Valik
No Bug: No script, not wasting my time trying to chase this down. Closing as no bug.
20:32 Ticket #1789 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_Create blocking syntax error reporting while in SciTE) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Closing as a duplicate of #1319.
20:19 Ticket #2019 (File functions: Three help file issues and one bug) closed by Valik
No Bug: Seems we all covered this. Closing as no bug.
20:15 Ticket #2040 (_GUICtrlDTP_SetRange; MinYear never goes below 1/1/1752 00:00:00) closed by Valik
No Bug: Closing as no bug. I don't feel documenting this is all that big of a deal. How often do people really need those dates?
15:32 Ticket #1925 ($WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL missing in documentation) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [6383] in version:
07:41 Ticket #1719 (Expose the internal function that creates the $CmdLine array?) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Current solution is reckoned to be sufficient. For "function approach" consult different UDFs, as guinness did.
07:37 Ticket #998 (@VirtualDesktopWidth + @VirtualDesktopHeight + @DesktopMonitors) closed by trancexx
Rejected: This is clearly UDF's job. Thank you guinness.
07:30 Ticket #1683 (Displaying thumbnails of files in a GUI) closed by trancexx
Rejected: The accent is on using UDFs.


20:23 Milestone completed
20:09 Ticket #1945 (UPX is outdated in the latest beta's.) closed by Valik
Completed: upx was updated in revision [6163].
11:44 Ticket #134 (Add support for COM events to take ByRef parameters) closed by trancexx
No Bug: We do support this for some time now. Attached code have logical error. Run method of that object doesn't take parameters byref (in sense that it advertise altering the content).
10:19 Ticket #1966 (Transparent Tree View) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Who's nobody? If community is really interested than community would have solutions.
09:44 Ticket #1661 (AutoIT support for Stingray controls) closed by trancexx
09:42 Ticket #1739 (get/set cookie value function) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Manual cookie manipulation isn't something AutoIt should have built-in. UDFs are made for that.
09:35 Ticket #1889 (_ArrayDisplay optionaly display columns in hex.) closed by trancexx
09:31 Ticket #2005 (Active Directory) closed by trancexx
09:04 Ticket #1442 (_FileWriteLog to allow allow file handle or filename as first parameter) closed by guinness
Completed: Added by revision [6369] in version:
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.