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Found 6 results

  1. Hi everybody! Today, is for me the culmination of a long quest: to be able to load and display an OpenGL texture And I'ts finally done! (PS: Thanks to my recent learning of the Python language, and the fact that I came back to C/C++) In the archive: - A wrapper for OpenGL and GLU (almost all basic functions are written and tested) - A wrapper for GLFW (All functions that are needed are written, and the others (timer,threading, image loading) we don't really need them, either because they are implemented natively in AutoIt (Timers), or because they are more effective in: SOIL) - A wrapper for SOIL (Simple OpenGL Image Library): Most functions are translated (for the others, I will wait my skils to grow a little!) This is the library that allowed me to achieve my quest (loading textures)! - And some examples! I hope you enjoy it! PS: the functions used in the examples work fine, others were not tested, if you find bugs, you know where to find me! PS: it is necessary to know at least the basics of OpenGL to understand what happens in the examples! PS: I included the documentation of GLFW (pdf) Important: In order to the examples to work, you must place the dlls (soil.dll, glfw.dll) in the examples folder, or in c:WindowsSystem32 Important 2: The dlls are x86, don't expect them to work on x64 DOWNLOAD
  2. Here some graphical examples written completely in FreeBasic just for fun. _WinAPI_SetWindowTitleIcon Check for Numeric Entry in an EditBox using RegEx CreateWindowEx (hGUI) Example FB 3D Starfield Rotating Flight FB File2Bas Code Generator FB Fire Particles FB Fireworks FB GFX Examples FB Image to Trapezoid Transformation FB Layered Parallax Effect FB Plasma FB Puristic Clock FB Rotating Cube FB Rotating Earth FB Rutt Etra Izer Effect FB Simple Recursive Tree Generator FB Snowfall FB Tunnel Flight FB Water Effect FMOD Examples GDI - GDI+ 3D Sinus Wave GDI - GDI+ Animated Pythagoras Tree GDI - GDI+ Bezier Lines GDI - GDI+ Particles - Repulsive Force Sim v2.0 GDI - GDI+ Plasma v5 Booster GDI - GDI+ Random Pattern GDI - GDI+ Space Flight GDI - GDI+ Tunnel Flight - WipeOut Style GDI Classic Raytraced Tunnel GDI Elastic Twister Effect GDI Exploding Pixels GDI Infinite Image Zoom Flight GDI Liquid Pixels GDI Mandelbrot GDI Particle Repulsion Grid GDI Particles Mouse Attraction GDI Starfield GDI The Nautilus Raymarcher GDI Worm Tunnel Flight GDI+ 3D Starfield Scrolling v1 Booster GDI+ 3D Starfield Scrolling v3 Booster GDI+ Convert Bitmap to ASCII GDI+ GIF Anim to ASCII Player GDI+ Image Painting GDI+ Impossible Possible GDI+ Kaleidoscope GDI+ Performance Test - Au3 vs FB GDI+ Polar Clock GDI+ Rotating Earth GDI+ Spiral Text GDI+ Star Wars Scroller GDI+ Streamer GDI+ Swiss Railway Clock GDI+ The MATRIX Ini Read - Write Rutt_Etra_Izer_Booster Stack TitchySID uFMOD Download: FreeBasic Examples build 2019-05-08.rar I will add new examples from time to time. FreeBasic source codes are also included.
  3. I want to detect if exact process or window uses directx or opengl or maybe something else library used in applications. Thats becouse there could be many windows with same names and different names and the same with process. I got so much process names I want to my script works with all, so i want standardize. All of this processes uses DirectX or OpenGL so then If I check this window/process uses these libraries I will be sure thats the right process
  4. Here's the beginnings of SFML (the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) for AutoIT. This library provides a wealth of features for developing games and multimedia applications. You can read up more about SFML here -> http://www.sfml-dev.org. It uses OpenGL as the renderer for 2D graphics such as sprites, so it's performance is quite good. Currently my interest is in 2D sprite engines, so my focus is on the sprite and window APIs. This is the precursor to another separate UDF I'm working on and will release soon. If there's any interest I'll flesh out more of this API for the community. CSFML is the "C" binding / API for SFML, and it's this API that I'm building this UDF against. REQUIREMENTS: AutoIt3 3.2 or higher LIST OF FUNCTIONS (so far): _CSFML_Startup _CSFML_Shutdown _CSFML_sfClock_create _CSFML_sfClock_getElapsedTime _CSFML_sfClock_restart _CSFML_sfVector2f_Constructor _CSFML_sfVector2f_Update _CSFML_sfVector2f_Move _CSFML_sfColor_Constructor _CSFML_sfColor_fromRGB _CSFML_sfSizeEvent_Constructor _CSFML_sfEvent_Constructor _CSFML_sfVideoMode_Constructor _CSFML_sfRenderWindow_create _CSFML_sfRenderWindow_setVerticalSyncEnabled _CSFML_sfRenderWindow_isOpen _CSFML_sfRenderWindow_pollEvent _CSFML_sfRenderWindow_clear _CSFML_sfRenderWindow_drawText _CSFML_sfRenderWindow_drawSprite _CSFML_sfRenderWindow_display _CSFML_sfRenderWindow_close _CSFML_sfTexture_createFromFile _CSFML_sfSprite_create _CSFML_sfSprite_destroy _CSFML_sfSprite_setTexture _CSFML_sfSprite_setPosition _CSFML_sfSprite_setRotation _CSFML_sfSprite_rotate _CSFML_sfSprite_setOrigin _CSFML_sfFont_createFromFile _CSFML_sfText_create _CSFML_sfText_setString _CSFML_sfText_setFont _CSFML_sfText_setCharacterSize _CSFML_sfText_setFillColor EXAMPLE: Currently I only have one example, which is the "Short example" described in the CSFML API documentation, plus some extra features. Essentially a window (GUI) allowing you to move a sprite around with the keyboard (including rotation). DOWNLOAD: You can download this UDF, including the example and associated files, from the following GitHub page: https://github.com/seanhaydongriffin/CSFML-UDF Cheers, Sean.
  5. Minecraft is a game, where the objective is to mine blocks of a voxel based landscape and place them as you wish to construct what you wish within the confines of said voxel based patterns. Minor enemies come out at night, but there's no big boss, no real drive other than mining or building. So what happens if you're constructing something geometrically complex? There's an online flash based tool for this purpose (not by me) - http://www.plotz.co.uk/plotz.php Now, I liked this tool and wanted to make enhancements for my own purposes - what if I wanted intersecting spheres? what if I want spheres to act as erasers to voxels placed by another? Of course the sky is the limit with ideas like this, so I decided to start putting it into action instead of just wondering. Using libraries made by trancexx Same as attached (mirror) http://beomagi.dyndns.org/picture_net/techzamples/voxelEQ.zip The idea is I want to specify multiple spheres, some are inclusion "brushes" some are erasers, and eventually add parameters for skew, compression etc. perhaps other shapes too. Modify the entries in voxelEQ.txt to specify where to draw spheres and how large using simple coordinate system. ;s draw a sphere ;i include voxels from sphere ;e exclude these voxels ;s,i/e, x, y, z, radius s,i,0,0,-4,10 s,i,0,0,4,10 s,i,0,0,0,10 s,i,0,0,-8,8 s,i,0,0,8,8 s,e,0,2,-4,9 s,e,0,2,4,9 s,e,0,2,0,9 s,e,0,2,-8,6.5 s,e,0,2,8,6.5 s,e,0,20,0,23 Run VoxelEQ.exe/au3. This brings up the primary plotting tool, which shows how to build the shape in minecraft from bottom up. Either click plot ot start changing the "Y" level in the up-down box to start plotting. click on the 3d opengl button and it will simple open voxelEQ_GL.exe. Mouse button 1 - rotate about x/y axis Mouse button 2 - rotate about x/z axis Mouse button 1+2 - reset orientation Possible enhancements - Editor for the voxelEQ.txtFile selector for data fileColor option for voxelEQ.txtOther shapes..voxelEQ.zip
  6. Hi every body! I have a small questions to the C pros befor I go making something long and boring: I am creating a wrapper to GLFW, all OpenGL related stuff works well (creating a window, loading textures...), so it's good for this (PS: i'm gonna post it when i'm done) But, GLFW has some multithreading functions (see the doc) and i just wanna know il AutoIt will be capable of getting these functions to work? I mean, introducing Multithreading to AutoIt!!! I wanna know this befor making the wrappers, and find my self lost precious time! Thanks for answering!
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