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I am trying to use dllcall  to pass a variable to a dll that modifies the value of that variable.  But the variable does not appear to get modified as it should.  The relevant code is attached.  Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.




Do something like this:

locaL $get=10
Local $ret=DllCall("gslink.dll","none","gsupdate","int*",$get)

use stdcall

procedure gsupdate(var y: integer);  stdcall;



Ok, I know I can do it that way, but  I want to eventually do something more substantial --- namely  altering the elements of an array passed to the dll.  Are the changed values always going to have to be accessed as elements of the $ret array, as in the example you posted, and NOT from the original array as passed to the dll?


Yes, but still have to get the changed varaibles from $ret array?  Also, I notice that if I try to write to a file in the dll, then return back to autoit is corrupted so that autoit fails to continue, and morevover nothing ever gets written to the file, so I am unsure exactly what is getting corrupted and how.


I mean something like this:

local $t=dllstructurecreate("long mylong")




Now I have my dll working correctly as called from autoit via DllCall, however if I attempt to write to a file from within my dll,  there is no  return to autoit from my dll.  What could be causing this?  I am sure there is no error in the code which writes to the file, and no path not found problem or anything of that sort. My Dll is written in Free Pascal, and I am running under Windows 7.


Also,  if I run my dll as a stand-alone program, calculations differ from when I  run it as a dll.  In particular, some elements of a multidimensional array are not computed at all when run as a dll, while they are computed when run as a stand-alone program.  I tend to infer that  code within the dll gets corrupted when run as a dll from autoit.  Not sure what further tests I can try to resolve this problem.


Show us your code you have so far.

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