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Optimal settings for MouseClickDelay......

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Hi All,

Apologies if this has been asked/answered before.  I did search the forum but wasn't finding what I was looking for.

I have a script that I use on a website.  I have found that sometimes if I am trying to execute several clicks in rapid succession the website will not always register all the clicks.

As best I can figure this might be related to the MouseClickDelay or MouseClickDownDelay?  If there are other settings I should look at please let me know.  I am aware that using ControlClick is more reliable, however I cannot get it to work with specific controls on the site in question.

I am wondering if anyone can offer some advice as to the optimal MouseClickDelay or MouseClickDownDelay settings to use on a website if you want to improve reliability without sacrificing too much speed.  I think the documentation says the default for both of these is 10ms.  I am thinking I should just keep increasing both delays until I get it working reliably then maybe play with reducing one or the other to determine which setting is making the difference, or if it is a combination of the two?  Is slower always going to be more reliable or are there other factors that could be affecting the website not registering all my clicks?


Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer advice on this,





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Show your script.  What is the website you are trying to automate ?  MouseClick is not the best way to interact with the web, you should know that by now after 8 years of being a member of this forum.

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Thank you for your reply,

Yes, I am aware that MouseClick is not the best way to interact with the web as I stated in my original post, " I am aware that using ControlClick is more reliable, however I cannot get it to work with specific controls on the site in question."

My script is several thousand lines long and 99.99% would not be relevant to the question I am asking.

If anyone has experience using different settings with MouseClickDelay or MouseClickDownDelay and what kind of delay times resulted in reliable or unreliable operation when interacting with webpages I would very much appreciate any info you are willing to share.

One specific questions I would be interested to have the is answer to is, What is the minimum recommended delay time for these settings?  I see that the default is 10ms, so I have been going with that and for the most part it has worked without issue.  Now that I am having issues I am just looking for some rough numbers to use as a starting point, obviously I will need to do my own testing beyond that to determine what will work best for my specific application.


Thanks again for your input and to anyone else willing to share,





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Every application can handle different speeds.  Every browser can handle different speeds.  Websites can also vary.  Current system utilization probably also matters.

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