Closed Requests

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Results (101 - 200 of 1093)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Modified Component Ticket Milestone Resolution Summary
15 years Standard UDFs #271 Completed FTP - make it as standard include file (or native AutoIt)
11 years Standard UDFs #272 Rejected _FileListArrayEx() - with recursive option
16 years Standard UDFs #275 Completed Addition of _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPolygon() to GDIPlus.au3
16 years AutoIt #277 Completed @ProcessorArch
2 years AutoIt #279 Rejected AddressOfVar($VariableName), SizeOfVar($VariableName)
16 years AutoIt #281 Rejected CLI and help
16 years AutoIt #287 Rejected Suggestion: Add an optional parameter "Referrer" to the Fuction "InetGet()"
16 years AutoIt #288 Duplicate GuiSetTitle
16 years AutoIt #289 Rejected GuiSetTitle
16 years AutoIt #298 Rejected Active Directory & Groups
16 years Other #307 Future Release Completed Add a link to Trac
16 years AutoIt #310 Rejected visual Autoit studio
16 years AutoIt #311 Rejected GUICtrlCreateHotKey - as new native AutoIt control
16 years AutoIt #326 Rejected Autoit with Windows Mobile
16 years AutoIt #328 Completed Faster string manipulation with use of ASCII decimal values.
16 years Documentation #332 Completed Helpfile addition
15 years AutoIt #333 Completed Directive for disabling /AutoItExecuteScript
16 years Documentation #335 Rejected Sample Code, Help File, covering ToolTip( )
16 years AutoIt #336 Rejected Add DirGetTime function
16 years SciTE4AutoIt #338 Rejected Run scripts with no need to save them
16 years AutoIt #340 Rejected Marquee progress bar
16 years AutoIt #341 Rejected Extend TraySetIcon() undocumented keywords
16 years SciTE4AutoIt #342 Rejected Syntax Check after Build/Compile
16 years AutoIt #343 Rejected Window checks to return only visible windows (option)
11 years Standard UDFs #347 Rejected Add _WinAPI_SetFilePointer
16 years AutoIt #349 Rejected guiconstants.au3
16 years AutoIt #350 Rejected FileInstall fails when user login name is non-English chars
14 years AutoIt #351 Completed Reverse PixelSearch
15 years AutoIt #354 Rejected Transparency with images
16 years Standard UDFs #365 Rejected Forum for standard UDF candidates
16 years AutoIt #374 Rejected Pb with new RUNAS()
11 years AutoIt #382 Rejected Gui constants in Help file
12 years AutoIt #383 Completed Include A3X file as a script
16 years AutoIt #385 Rejected Option for _ArrayDisplay()
16 years AutoIt #391 Rejected TreeView to just accept select in the checkboxes
16 years AutoIt #397 Rejected Editor
16 years Other #401 Rejected Karma / Thanks Mod
16 years AutoIt #407 Completed Document For...In is read-only for AutoIt arrays
16 years Other #410 Rejected Have installation of Scite editor optional
16 years AutoIt #411 Rejected Topmost option
16 years AutoIt #413 Duplicate GUICtrlHotKeySet -Hot key input box GUI control.
15 years AutoIt #414 Completed Better OnAutoItStart/OnAutoItExit handling
16 years AutoIt #416 Rejected Ability to Hide all errors (or write them to a log)
16 years Documentation #419 Completed FileInstall - tip for path to source in current directory
16 years SciTE4AutoIt #423 Rejected samples
15 years AutoIt #424 Duplicate _Dec64()
16 years Other #425 Rejected Change to the registy by the installer
16 years AutoIt #426 Rejected Compability with cryptors & packers
16 years Other #427 Rejected add latest SciTE info to
16 years AutoIt #429 Rejected shellexecute() new feature
16 years Other #431 Rejected General help and support forum request.
16 years Standard UDFs #441 Duplicate Proposed changes to _StringAddThousandsSep()
15 years Standard UDFs #442 Completed Proposed changes to _StringAddThousandsSep()
16 years AutoIt #443 Rejected Return Tag String for Structure
16 years AutoIt #444 Rejected Clone Structures with Data and Tags
16 years AutoIt #445 Rejected SubStructure Support in Structure Tags
16 years SciTE4AutoIt #447 Rejected Display AutoIT Version infromation in About Screen
16 years Aut2Exe #448 Rejected Make AutoIt harder to extract embedded script
16 years AutoIt #454 Completed FileRead handle files as UTF-8 even BOM is missing
16 years AutoIt #455 Duplicate Request new feature guictrlgetbkcolor
17 months AutoIt #456 Rejected simple drawing commands
16 years AutoIt #459 Rejected need run under pure dos
16 years Aut2Exe #460 Completed Better error display during Aut2Exe
15 years AutoIt #461 Completed StringReplace to include right-to-left functionality
14 years AutoIt #462 Completed Send() can't send Unicode characters.
16 years Standard UDFs #463 Rejected date.au3 library // _DateToMonth()
16 years AutoIt #467 Duplicate Pass data to a function defined in GUISetOnEvent
16 years AutoIt #468 Completed Milliseconds Macro
16 years AutoIt #473 Rejected Suggested modification to the internal RunWait command
16 years Au3Info #474 Rejected About help
16 years AutoIt #477 Rejected Extract values from array at function runtime
16 years AutoIt #481 Completed Add margin parameter to SplashTextOn
16 years Documentation #485 Fixed missing related links in helpfile
11 years AutoIt #487 Rejected Associative arrays
12 years AutoIt #488 Completed ObjGet() needs an instance parameter
16 years AutoIt #489 Rejected Add _GDIPlus_ImageSaveAddImage & _GDIPlus_ImageSaveAdd to GDIPlus.au3
16 years AutoIt #490 Rejected Ability to have GUICtrlCreate... accept hide, show, enable and disable state options
16 years AutoIt #492 Rejected Add to GDIPlus Image functions for retrieving frames from multi-frame images.
16 years AutoIt #494 Rejected Add more resource functions to WinAPI.au3
16 years Standard UDFs #498 Rejected Make AutoIt release with UDF fixes
15 years AutoIt #508 Completed Static variables
16 years AutoIt #509 Rejected UDP Receive String
16 years Documentation #511 Rejected GUICtrlCreateTab - doc precision
16 years AutoIt #513 Rejected Request: checked row highlight style for Listview controls
16 years SciTE4AutoIt #515 Rejected Scite4AutoIt3 - add zoom-in zoom-out
16 years AutoIt #518 Rejected IniRead() optionally create default entry if not exists
16 years AutoIt #522 Rejected TrayMenu Select Option - Works on button down, not button up
11 years AutoIt #523 Rejected Associative arrays...
16 years AutoIt #524 Rejected MsgBox(): Text as first parameter
16 years AutoIt #528 Rejected Native Control Identification and Property Retrieval using Active Acessibility
15 years AutoIt #529 Completed Identifying .NET controls using WM_GETCONTROLNAME
16 years AutoIt #532 Rejected Adding Icons to Tray Menu
16 years AutoIt #535 Rejected don't pause the script when the tray menu is open or the gui title bar is right clicked
16 years Documentation #545 Rejected Add other possibility in FAQ, point 13. Howto: custom icon
11 years AutoIt #546 Rejected FileOpen() Shared/exclusive access
16 years AutoIt #548 Rejected Array initializing syntax everywhere
16 years Documentation #550 Rejected Run() - doc precision
16 years SciTE4AutoIt #556 Rejected Change to SciTE4AutoIt3.exe installer.
16 years AutoIt #564 Rejected Suggestion
16 years AutoIt #565 Rejected Calculate Membership in group or ranges
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.