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Results (1101 - 1200 of 2771)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ticket Summary Milestone Component Resolution Reporter
#3850 _WinAPI_GetDriveNumber never returns -1 as partition number Standard UDFs Fixed AspirinJunkie
#3851 Block Commented Includes SciTE4AutoIt Fixed seadoggie01
#3852 _ArrayToString -> speed optimization Standard UDFs Fixed Zedna
#3853 ArrayDisplayInternals.au3 - 6x ConsoleWrite() Standard UDFs Fixed Zedna
#3861 Typo in RunAs manual article AutoIt Fixed pferrucci@…
#3864 StringRegExp - AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:-1073741571 AutoIt Fixed mLipok
#3865 Image Control resizing behave as forced $GUI_DOCKWIDTH and $GUI_DOCKHEIGHT AutoIt Fixed anonymous
#3866 REGEXPCLASS broken in AutoIt Fixed Jon
#3867 Script Breaking Changes in 'SecurityConstants.au3' Documentation Fixed OJBakker
#3868 Directive #RequireAdmin can suppress ConsoleWrite/ConsoleWriteError output. SciTE4AutoIt Fixed OJBakker
#3869 Subtraction operator before power operation is parsed incorrectly AutoIt Fixed AspirinJunkie
#3870 [Bug in Regexptitle & regexpclass] AutoIt Fixed anonymous
#3871 _ArrayDisplay() Hang sorted array with Null element AutoIt Fixed Jpm
#3872 FTP-Server in AutoIt Help no longer accessible Documentation Fixed Musashi
#3875 GUICtrlSetResizing() performance AutoIt Fixed KaFu
#3876 Hex Number Arithmetic is incorrect AutoIt Fixed Zvend
#3877 $GUI_ONTOP hides the control when already on top AutoIt Fixed Nine
#3878 Tidy corrupts user defined include lines.. SciTE4AutoIt Fixed wimhek11@…
#3879 Dim doesn't change the type of Map to Array AutoIt Fixed jchd18
#3883 _DebugArrayDisplay produces uncalled console message Standard UDFs Fixed jchd18
#3885 SciTe - Save As - Dropdown empty SciTE4AutoIt Fixed anonymous
#3893 Blog doesn't mention latest version Documentation Fixed lwc
#3894 _WinAPI_GetProcessName returns incorrect result when process ID is invalid Standard UDFs Fixed danpollak2@…
#3900 REGEXPTITLE fails to match AutoIt Fixed meanarbez@…
#3902 Au3Check, Byref, Map.element Future Release Au3Check Fixed anonymous
#3903 _GuiCtrlTab_GetItem() fails to retrieve Tab text in AutoIt Standard UDFs Fixed pixelsearch
#3907 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add not supporting UNC path for ICO file SciTE4AutoIt Fixed mychaelsoft
#3908 using #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add with UNC path SciTE4AutoIt Fixed mychaelsoft@…
#3917 Au3Info and Au3Info_x64 generate "...has stopped working" under Windows 7 Au3Info Fixed anonymous
#3920 SciTE Jump: undeclared variable error in SciTE Jump.au3 SciTE4AutoIt Fixed TimRude
#3921 Help file - missing examples Documentation Fixed Tweaky
#3923 Typo in help file AutoIt Fixed pferrucci@…
#3925 With..EndWith should error out when associated with a DllStruct Aut2Exe Fixed jchd18
#3926 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetChildren functionality has changed AutoIt Fixed office@…
#3940 _GUICtrlTab_GetItemText does not work in V3.3.16.1 AutoIt Fixed anonymous
#3945 StringRegExp help about \s misses VT Documentation Fixed jchd18
#3949 ArrayDisplayInternals : incorrect indication in Func ArrayDisplay_GetData Standard UDFs Fixed pixelsearch
#3954 links do not work Documentation Fixed Tweaky
#3957 TCP functions have spelling errors Documentation Fixed lwc
#3959 _WinAPI_ShellUserAuthenticationDlg example not working AutoIt Fixed Nine
#3975 dead link in documentation Documentation Fixed rudi
#3986 Au3Check allows chars after ContinueCase but runtime triggers error Au3Check Fixed genius257
#3992 _WinAPI_DwmSetWindowAttribute() remove child proofing AutoIt Fixed argumentum <argumentum@…>
#4001 $tagNMITEMACTIVATE is used with wrong parameter names in many examples Documentation Fixed YuTang
#4003 _ArrayPush doesn't have its default direction directly documented Documentation Fixed lwc
#5 AVector[] out of bounds - AU3check should pick up on my error AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#6 StringInStr not reporting error AutoIt Rejected Volly
#11 WinWaitActive error AutoIt Rejected wooltown
#12 GuiCtrlSetData() not appending a single value if it already exists AutoIt Rejected Bowmore
#16 Dead link in helpfile Documentation Rejected Xenobiologist <th.meger@…>
#17 _WinAPI_MessageBeep with parameter 3 AutoIt Rejected Xenobiologist
#20 [:class:] in regex AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#44 Input, in InputBox use Send command AutoIt Rejected heryisme@…
#110 GUICtrlCreateObj controls do not correctly track focus. AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#227 _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect and transperent windows AutoIt Rejected Lakes
#229 @error and @extended not returning appropriate values for BinaryToString if input binary string contains 00 AutoIt Rejected steve8tch
#231 Modifier keys stick AutoIt Rejected herewasplato
#435 MyProg.exe (Not Responding) AutoIt Rejected jacobeamor@…
#649 GDI+ After ALT-TAB image Disapers (Zoom.au3 and others) AutoIt Rejected ronaldocouto@…
#771 Message to Valik AutoIt Rejected Valiks friend
#872 Re-Fix BugTrac #850: _ExcelReadSheetToArray() AutoIt Rejected PsaltyDS
#1018 SplashImageOn example not correct for Vista Documentation Rejected Emiel Wieldraaijer
#1097 Strange behavior with MSXML (COM) AutoIt Rejected spyro2000
#1131 Integration API AutoIt Rejected lin.yaxiong@…
#1231 strange wildcards behaviour with filecopy AutoIt Rejected xelotiac@…
#1317 UDFs & DllStructCreate() & char/wchar --> Unicode/ANSI problem Standard UDFs Rejected Zedna
#1336 Remove UDF hard-coded buffer sizes. Standard UDFs Rejected Valik
#1368 _ClipBoard_GetData($CF_BITMAP) not working on Standard UDFs Rejected eukalyptus
#1472 GUISetCursor Bug AutoIt Rejected VittGam <vittgam@…>
#1607 ControlTreeView not fully working with SysTreeView32 AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1650 Problem with Run("psexec", .., $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) on Vista 64bit AutoIt Rejected HighGuy
#1699 Send() in raw is not working in Windows 7 for the game AutoIt Rejected sergey.scobich@…
#1718 Autoit v3.3.6.1 can be decompiled Aut2Exe Rejected nikhilskynet
#1763 incorrect sequence during GUICtrlSetGraphic AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#1767 _IETableWriteToArray does not handle Rowspan, ColSpan, and strips tags inside data fields Standard UDFs Rejected ibigpapa@…
#1769 Au3Check does not Check "If Not IsDeclared("VAR") Then Then Global Const" Au3Check Rejected Emiel Wieldraaijer
#1786 ControlSend releases Caps Lock AutoIt Rejected MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
#1803 GuiRichEdit Zoom Set Standard UDFs Rejected luc.leveque@…
#1832 StringStripCR(): Clips strings at NUL-character. AutoIt Rejected mvg
#1863 UDPRecv halts script for 100ms when there is no data to recieve AutoIt Rejected qsek@…
#1953 FileExists returns 1 for non existing path AutoIt Rejected danbu
#2002 Try to find the cause of slow file operations. AutoIt Rejected Valik
#2018 It is not able to identify all Button from other Software Au3Info Rejected Daniel
#2039 Fix it on Hex Read & Write AutoIt Rejected aghili_farid@…
#2054 DirCreate incorrectly reports success when path is longer than 255 chars AutoIt Rejected wraithdu
#2058 WinWait, WinWaitActive and WinActive calls are waiting indefinitely irrespective of timeout. AutoItX Rejected Math
#2091 Au3Check and non-ANSI files Au3Check Rejected Valik
#2124 Au3RecordSetup(): Underscore is missing at the calling to the func, Error displayed. Other Rejected tzvielh6@…
#2127 Obfuscator /striponlyincludes does not process block comments correctly Other Rejected Koder <rick2000@…>
#2181 WinWaitActive() doesn't necessarily return active window AutoIt Rejected nf9b9d5ka4@…
#2189 white space after if statement is removed SciTE4AutoIt Rejected HighGuy
#2213 Problem with UDPOpen or UDPRecv an computer with more the one networc card AutoIt Rejected skyteddy <rainer@…>
#2246 Excel.au3: Some more constants Standard UDFs Rejected c.haslam@…
#2284 InetClose() always returns false, repeated Inetget() causes high memory usage AutoIt Rejected garbb
#2300 $WS_EX_MDICHILD style affects all childs created after it so they act like MDI childs AutoIt Rejected AoRaToS
#2310 FileGetShortName result wrong for long filenames AutoIt Rejected KaFu
#2312 Tray icon flashes into the black square AutoIt Rejected go2008to@…
#2313 InetGet's parameter: filename - bug AutoIt Rejected Relive
#2323 BlockInput(1) Unique Bug AutoIt Rejected bsimecek@…
#2339 IsAdmin() and Sandboxie AutoIt Rejected aurelien@…
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.