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The process PID and service questions


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If you have 'tasklist' available on your PC, you can use that to quickly output the services associated with each PID (with the '/svc' switch), which you can then parse.

You could also try out the Windows Services UDF by GEOSoft.

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If you have 'tasklist' available on your PC, you can use that to quickly output the services associated with each PID (with the '/svc' switch), which you can then parse.

You could also try out the Windows Services UDF by GEOSoft.

thanks , I have the batch for that ,How do I convert it to au3 ? thanks !

for /f "tokens=2 delims= " %%a in ('tasklist/svc^|find ^"TermService^"') do (taskkill /pid %%a /f)
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thanks , I have the batch for that ,How do I convert it to au3 ? thanks !

for /f "tokens=2 delims= " %%a in ('tasklist/svc^|find ^"TermService^"') do (taskkill /pid %%a /f)

Why would you want to kill all scheduled tasks in Vista?

If above is valid you can use _RunDOS

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Why would you want to kill all scheduled tasks in Vista?

If above is valid you can use _RunDOS

for /f "tokens=2 delims= " %%a in ('tasklist/svc^|find ^"TermService^"') do (taskkill /pid %%a /f)

The batch means to find the 'TermService' service corresponding to the process PID from all the processes , and kill it.

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You can run the command prompt from AutoIt and put that line without doubling up on the %'s (batch files need two %'s in 'for' statements, direct commands don't).

Try something like this:

Run(@ComSpec&' /c for /f "tokens=2 delims= " %a in (''tasklist/svc^|find ^"TermService^"'') do (taskkill /pid %a /f)')

You might replace /c with /k to ensure it's working, and then hide the window with @SW_HIDE.

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You can run the command prompt from AutoIt and put that line without doubling up on the %'s (batch files need two %'s in 'for' statements, direct commands don't).

Try something like this:

Run(@ComSpec&' /c for /f "tokens=2 delims= " %a in (''tasklist/svc^|find ^"TermService^"'') do (taskkill /pid %a /f)')

You might replace /c with /k to ensure it's working, and then hide the window with @SW_HIDE.

thank you very match......
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