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close a Window *it is not so easy like it sounds*


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Hello everbody...


since hours i am trying to close a window *but title changes every time*

Opt( "WinTitleMatchMode", 2 )
WinClose("part of title")


this works fine for some "normal" windows but this window is different...

----> i can get the handle but also the handle changes every time...

so my last idea is to close the window by the size *because the window has every time the same size*

but how can I close a window by a special size??

Thanks for all your hints and help...




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What is the application? Can you give a screenshot example of what the window looks like? Even if the title changes, is there text in the window that is consistent?

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Do you know the process name?  Perhaps this will aide.

edit: just tested this.  I think WinList might have changed iat some point.  Providing "" to WinList only returns the active window.  Change the line

$wins = WinList($winTitle)


$wins = WinList()

to return all windows

Edited by spudw2k
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