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AutoIt and web-based Apps like Electron

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More and more popular applications use Electron or similar as their basis (Slack, Skype, Discord, Spotify ...).
Skipping the part where I rage about how much I dislike this: How can AutoIt interact with such applications properly?

Yes, you can activate windows and send key strokes, you can click on position xy - but afaik you cannot interact with controls. Clicking on x y depends very much on the system so it is not really an approach that a developer would like (size and position of windows, size of the task bar and so on).

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Thank you for the buzzwords, however it would be nice to have a little more information.

I expect that IE is Internet Explorer and I don't see how this relates to Electron?
WbDriver - as I understand it - is a browser extension which allows you to interact with the browser (which interacts with a website). If I understand correcly this does not help either until I know how to inject the Chromium Wbdriver/ Selenium Extensions into  3rd-Party-Apps

UIAutomation on the other hand looks very promising - at first glance it looks like a successor to classic AU3Info tool with an imense bloat of information and complexity. I guess that is the best place to start tomorrow.

further comments welcome, of course.

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