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Results (1101 - 1200 of 2773)

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Component Ticket Milestone Reporter Resolution Summary
Documentation #1584 Zedna Fixed web - outdated year
AutoIt #1586 anonymous Fixed DllStructSetData(char, 1, string-with-NUL-character), junk data(?)
Standard UDFs #1587 jr@… Duplicate Modified Debug functionality
Standard UDFs #1588 jr@… Fixed Modified Debug functionality
AutoIt #1591 184661031@… No Bug about InetGetSize,InetRead......
AutoIt #1592 mward@… No Bug Int() does not set error status on fail
Standard UDFs #1597 anonymous Fixed Debug.au3, Message box mode.
AutoIt #1599 JamesBrooks Fixed TrayItemSetText Win7 x64
AutoIt #1600 ssmmhh@… No Bug please check "=" Operator bug
Standard UDFs #1601 doudou Fixed _GUIImageList_AddIcon returns wrong value if failed
AutoIt #1605 lt.brouwer@… No Bug FileExists/FileCopy can't handle spaces in file names
AutoIt #1607 anonymous Rejected ControlTreeView not fully working with SysTreeView32
Standard UDFs #1608 brainwilli@… Fixed Encrypting a file about 10 MB destroys the file - crypt.au3 bug ?
AutoIt #1609 Spiff59 No Bug GUICtrlCreateGroup() size/position affected by default font size.
AutoIt #1613 anonymous No Bug Default (keyword), Auto conversion.
AutoIt #1614 anonymous Fixed _ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd(): Ignoring that Right and Bottom are Bounding coordinates.
Standard UDFs #1615 doudou Fixed _GUICtrlTreeView_SetStateImageIndex() prohibits 0 in $iIndex parameter
SciTE4AutoIt #1616 Future Release SkinnyWhiteGuy Fixed AutoIt3Wrapper Icon Resource Error
AutoIt #1617 anonymous Fixed Lockup: failed GuiCreate + undeleted window.
AutoIt #1618 MrCreatoR <mscreator@…> Works For Me ShellExecute("C:\") causes script hanging
SciTE4AutoIt #1619 MrCreatoR <mscreator@…> Wont Fix Last line highlighting after undo operation in SciTE
Standard UDFs #1620 anonymous Fixed debug.au3: single(') quote problem.
Documentation #1621 Kealper Fixed Spelling error in TCPStartup remarks
Standard UDFs #1623 PsaltyDS Fixed _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes() uses Execute() unnecessarily
AutoIt #1624 brainwilli@… No Bug _crypt_DecryptData not working in Windows 2000
SciTE4AutoIt #1625 anonymous Wont Fix AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI: Compile, directives block update.
AutoIt #1626 txj Fixed TCPSend( ) only transmits half simplified Chinese characters
AutoIt #1630 joecool Fixed Documentation UDF History page seem to be broken v3.3.6.1
AutoIt #1633 funkey Fixed Second AdlibRegister function starts at once when first function is to slow
Documentation #1634 anonymous Fixed Doc,UDF: Encryption Management, wrong #include file.
AutoIt #1635 dwsandstrom@… No Bug 0 = ""
AutoIt #1637 GEOSoft No Bug Certain charactered missed by StringRegExp() and the replace
Other #1638 anonymous Duplicate _Date_Time_FileTimeToStr wrong format output if $bFmt=1
AutoIt #1639 Emiel Wieldraaijer No Bug Unable to delete ListviewItems created with _GUICtrlListView_AddItem
AutoIt #1644 Emiel Wieldraaijer Fixed _InetMail function does not work when Windows Live mail is default client
AutoIt #1647 anonymous No Bug StringInStr returns wrong value when 4th parm is "Default"
AutoIt #1650 HighGuy Rejected Problem with Run("psexec", .., $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) on Vista 64bit
Documentation #1653 anonymous Fixed Error on Windows Message Codes documentation.
Documentation #1654 Tlem Duplicate Mistake on Windows Message Codes documentation.
AutoIt #1655 trancexx No Bug GUICtrlSetImage issue on static controls
AutoIt #1656 FuryCell No Bug Object not being released properly
SciTE4AutoIt #1657 sheck@… Works For Me AutoIt3Wrapper on XP 64 bit error
AutoIt #1658 Frank <temp.kfl42ai@…> Fixed COM / OLE object access causes error code 80020003 - member not found
AutoIt #1659 HighGuy Fixed Example for WinSetTitle() in Help file does not work
AutoIt #1660 czardas Fixed Mod function causes AutoIt to crash
Other #1663 anonymous Fixed Au3Recorder x64 does not work on x64 machines.
Standard UDFs #1664 PsaltyDS Fixed _GuiCtrlTab_GetItem() fails to retrieve item text in some cases
AutoIt #1665 Emiel Wieldraaijer Fixed _ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd Bad capture on Windows 7 with Aero Theme
AutoIt #1666 GEOSoft Fixed Format conflict for date control And GUICtrlSetData()
AutoIt #1667 mvg Fixed WinMove, Child-Window, Default.
AutoIt #1669 ResNullius Fixed RegExpReplace strips "\" from replacement string
SciTE4AutoIt #1670 Future Release AdamUL Fixed SciTE4AutoIt3 Abbreviation Expanson Errors
Documentation #1671 jchd Fixed _WinAPI_WideCharToMultiByte third parameter is a ghost
AutoIt #1672 Yashied Fixed _WinAPI_GetObject() as ANSI version
AutoIt #1673 nirmal070125@… Fixed Error in the output of an example script
AutoIt #1675 anonymous Duplicate Problem with __EventLog_DecodeComputer
Documentation #1676 GEOSoft Fixed Ptr() documentation has empty example
AutoIt #1677 Ascend4nt Fixed ContinueLoop multiple level unpredictable behavior
AutoIt #1678 anonymous No Bug DirCreate() can return 1 (success) without creating any directory
AutoIt #1679 scott.a.pozner@… No Bug 0xc00000c3 error upon exe execution
AutoIt #1680 willichan No Bug Global variable gives "Variable used without being declared" in SQLite.au3
Documentation #1682 anonymous Fixed _GUICtrlRebar_SetColorScheme incorrect summary.
AutoIt #1684 ChiDragon Fixed FileRead: negative "count" value in binary mode causes "Error allocating memory"
Documentation #1685 mvg Fixed BitRotate, incorrect/misleading (old?) param info.
AutoItX #1686 ufotds ~ gmail Fixed AU3_PixelSearch crashes with access violation at address 0x00000008
AutoIt #1687 jorbazz@… No Bug _IECreate/Navigate dont support login in url
Documentation #1688 joshua.havins@… Fixed InetGet help file typo
Standard UDFs #1689 Tilb Fixed Standard _Debug UDF functions and Obfuscator
Standard UDFs #1690 Authenticity No Bug GuiTreeView.au3, GuiListView.au3 and possibly others ASCII mode Bug
AutoIt #1692 ziv_t@… No Bug GUICtrlSetOnEvent - during event fuction other event are waiting untill the function will finished.
Documentation #1693 Spiff59 Fixed _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create example
AutoIt #1694 mvg Fixed Number(), Fails to return proper value for int32 value range case.
AutoIt #1698 anonymous Fixed GUICtrlSetLimit, limit 32767
AutoIt #1699 sergey.scobich@… Rejected Send() in raw is not working in Windows 7 for the game
AutoIt #1701 card0384@… No Bug Bug in date control
Documentation #1702 sjmullock Fixed Example code does not match description for DllStructCreate
AutoIt #1703 avechuche No Bug I have a problem when using "filecopy" with extension. "vbe"
AutoIt #1705 anonymous No Bug Control Resizing before WinMove
Standard UDFs #1707 Melba23 Fixed _SoundPlay fails with Windows Media files in Vista/Win7
AutoIt #1708 medragn@… Fixed Error in Simple Notepad Automation Tutorial
Documentation #1711 anonymous Fixed TrayTip Help Error
AutoIt #1712 Spiff59 Fixed _FileWriteFromArray() crash.
AutoIt #1714 u.kolender@… Wont Fix controlID is not evaluated completely
AutoIt #1716 fielmann No Bug HotKeySet("^{F11}", "stamp")
AutoIt #1717 akann@… No Bug 32Bit Compiled exe with a Ping does not work on a 64 Bit Windows 7
Aut2Exe #1718 nikhilskynet Rejected Autoit v3.3.6.1 can be decompiled
AutoIt #1721 anonymous Works For Me Registry gets deleted automatically after reading
AutoIt #1722 anonymous No Bug GUICtrlSetStyle() and $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON
AutoIt #1725 anonymous Wont Fix LALT UP, RALT UP, LCTRL UP, and RCTRL UP do not release properly
AutoIt #1726 anonymous No Bug BlockInput(1) does not work on win7
Aut2Exe #1728 other.jt@… No Bug Windows of compiled script stuck in the Task Bar
Documentation #1729 nf67 No Bug Example code for _FTP_ProgressUpload / Download is not properly formatted (no code box).
AutoIt #1730 anonymous No Bug REQ: Add DATABASE support
AutoIt #1731 Emiel Wieldraaijer Fixed Inetget / Inetgetinfo / Inetclose helpfile contains grammar error
AutoIt #1732 Jim Dandy No Bug Compiled script gets terminated when running interactively under SYSTEM account and user logs off
AutoIt #1734 MrCreatoR <mscreator@…> Fixed GUICtrlCreateAvi with negative subfileid parameter crashes the script
AutoIt #1736 sliding4living@… No Bug Send keystroke don't works ont locked windows session
AutoIt #1738 pille2009@… Duplicate crypt.au3 - Calling of _Crypt_EncryptData
AutoIt #1740 me@… No Bug Cannot send Period (ASC 046) when using Italian OS
Documentation #1742 Drifter Fixed Spelling error found in help file
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.