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Results (1901 - 2000 of 3867)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Milestone Component Ticket
#1912 Run() does not work on x64 when compiled as x86 Bug AutoIt
#1913 Mod() Crashing when divisor is zero. Bug AutoIt
#1914 Error Codes for File operations Feature Request AutoIt
#1915 Running script in SCITE doesnt work Bug AutoIt
#1916 Dealing with TAdvStringGrid, TPanel, TRichEdit, TFormMain, TTollbar Feature Request AutoIt
#1917 InetGet() on WinXP SP3 Not Working AFTER v3.3.0.0 Bug AutoIt
#1918 IniReadSection Incorrect Bug AutoIt
#1919 Native IPv6 support Feature Request AutoIt
#1920 Script crashes with error reported in Security.au3 at line 85 Jon Bug AutoIt
#1921 _ArrayUnique Bug Documentation
#1922 Shell.Explorer.2-Object and cancel Navigation with BeforeNavigate2 fails Bug AutoIt
#1923 Memory consumption while FileOpen/FileClose Jon Bug AutoIt
#1924 Hiding one Edit affects the text in another. Bug AutoIt
#1925 $WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL missing in documentation guinness Feature Request AutoIt
#1926 Support for #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile_x64 Feature Request Aut2Exe
#1927 Add a macro for #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion / %fileversion% Feature Request AutoIt
#1928 SoundPlay does not work after FileOpenDialog Bug AutoIt
#1929 SetMenuColor() does not work on 64bit OS Jon Bug Documentation
#1930 _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort doesn't sort ItemParam Feature Request AutoIt
#1931 DoFile Feature Request AutoIt
#1932 Uninstaller, windows-register, App Paths. (+beta) Jon Bug AutoIt
#1933 _GetIP is outdated and could possibly fail. Valik Bug Standard UDFs
#1934 Au3check false error Valik Bug Au3Check
#1935 _IEBodyReadText with IE9 failed Bug AutoIt
#1936 _ExcelBookClose doesn`t work Bug AutoIt
#1937 _ExcelReadSheetToArray doesn`t work Bug AutoIt
#1938 _IEQuit IE9 Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#1939 Be able to put some text in a Progress control Feature Request AutoIt
#1940 GUI*OnEvent default functions Feature Request AutoIt
#1941 Generate syntax files for Forum, Wiki Jos Feature Request Other
#1942 Better support for online documentation. Feature Request Documentation
#1943 Build script to manage archived releases. Feature Request Other
#1944 AdlibUnRegister not working trusty Bug AutoIt
#1945 UPX is outdated in the latest beta's. Feature Request Future Release AutoIt
#1946 _WordCreate Error? Jon Bug AutoIt
#1947 Add "Forward" button in the AutoIt HTML help (.chm file) Valik Feature Request Documentation
#1948 _GUICtrlButton_SetImage function description on SciTE tooltip Valik Bug Documentation
#1949 If using a 'ContinueCase' statement causes a script to stop/crash... Bug AutoIt
#1950 Add APIConstants.au3 and WinAPIEx.au3 and APIErrors.au3 Feature Request AutoIt
#1951 UDF _SQLite_SQLiteExe debug flag is not specified guinness Bug Documentation
#1952 Autoit & https & _IEFormSubmit doesnt work. Bug AutoIt
#1953 FileExists returns 1 for non existing path Bug AutoIt
#1954 ListViewItem returns 0 (failure) even though it populates the ListView Jon Bug AutoIt
#1955 Unable to select the appropriate option from combo box Bug AutoIt
#1956 COM error getting reference to document in frame Jon Bug AutoIt
#1957 discuss beta here returns Bug Documentation
#1958 IniReadSection Problem Bug AutoIt
#1959 Input foucus bug Bug AutoIt
#1960 AdlibRegister - Parameter to call function instantly Feature Request AutoIt
#1961 Pixel functions feature/bug? Bug AutoIt
#1962 Au3Record.exe miss MSVCR100.dll Bug AutoIt
#1963 Ticket 1658 Still Not Working in Bug AutoIt
#1964 can't make zero-length array, array functions messed up Bug AutoIt
#1965 Round() sometimes don't work Bug AutoIt
#1966 Transparent Tree View Feature Request AutoIt
#1967 Infinite loop Feature Request Au3Info
#1968 SciTE abbreviation "mb2 " not working any more. Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#1969 User files for SciTE abbreviation Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#1970 Bug added to internal __FTP_ListToArray() guinness Bug Standard UDFs
#1971 _GUICtrlListBox_SetHeaderColor Feature Request AutoIt
#1972 Strange behavior with ControlClick and deactivated button on AutoIt GUI Bug AutoIt
#1973 _IEAttach failes and crashes on some special window constellations Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#1974 Tidy autoit source auto include and global comment Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#1975 IE object does not recognized as valid object type Valik Bug AutoIt
#1976 HotKeySet() - possible bug/conflict with F1 Bug AutoIt
#1977 _ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd - wrong capture on maximized window Bug Standard UDFs
#1978 Problem with Standby and hibernate program written by Bastel123 aka Sebastian Bug AutoIt
#1979 _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx() Don`t work with all idHook Gary Bug Standard UDFs
#1980 Forum app Feature Request AutoIt
#1981 ConsoleWrite is too obscure Feature Request Documentation
#1982 FileGetShortName crashes when path is too long trancexx Bug AutoIt
#1983 _IECreateEmbedded doesn't work anymore Bug AutoIt
#1984 Multiple SciTE instances Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#1985 _IEAction($element, "focus") does not work in IE9 Valik Bug AutoIt
#1986 FileSetTime() sets wrong the TIMESTAMP when Windows 7 x64 Bug AutoIt
#1987 _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamFromFile crashes AutoIt Bug AutoIt
#1988 LocalAppDataDir macro Feature Request AutoIt
#1989 #include fails badly if the included file has BOM Bug AutoIt
#1990 Is this a false positive? Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#1991 Include CAPTUREBLT flag in _ScreenCapture_Capture Bug Standard UDFs
#1992 RichEdit sometimes leaves a "ghost" scrollbar on maximize Bug AutoIt
#1993 Forum [autoit] code abbreviates URLs - it shouldn't Bug Other
#1994 Confusing helpfile info... Valik Bug AutoIt
#1995 Different results on x86 and x64 Bug AutoIt
#1996 _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort - no sort ItemParam guinness Bug Standard UDFs
#1997 GUICtrlCreateDummy(), @error=1 on failure., trivial. Bug AutoIt
#1998 fileflush bluescreen windows 7 x86 Bug AutoIt
#1999 DirCopy and DirMove have some bugs Bug AutoIt
#2000 Need help for Switching of operating system using symantic ghost images through automation. Feature Request AutoIt
#2001 _GUICtrlToolbar_SetButtonText: Example only works partially Valik Bug Documentation
#2002 Try to find the cause of slow file operations. Bug AutoIt
#2003 ProcessWaitClose() using too much CPU trancexx Bug AutoIt
#2004 _GUICtrlEdit_Find() Documentation guinness Bug Documentation
#2005 Active Directory Feature Request AutoIt
#2006 foreach Feature Request AutoIt
#2007 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel=None Creates "asInvoker" manifest Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#2008 timerinit does not return int, returns imprecise float, differences bad Bug AutoIt
#2009 _GUICtrlToolbar_Create: $BTNS constants don't apply to this function Valik Bug Documentation
#2010 Menu Tooltip Bug Bug AutoIt
#2011 Sorting the list by clicking the column name Feature Request AutoIt
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.