Custom Query


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Results (701 - 800 of 1093)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Milestone Component Resolution Reporter
#124 Active Directory Integration - being able to query/enumerate AD objects AutoIt Rejected ctwoodward@…
#125 codexecute AutoIt Rejected spyrorocks
#126 Add @LF to end of ConsoleWrite/WriteError AutoIt Rejected JamesB
#131 UDP socket and IP AutoIt Duplicate fabrizio2210
#132 Nothing and NULL AutoIt Rejected PThornett@…
#134 Add support for COM events to take ByRef parameters AutoIt No Bug Valik
#136 FolderSelect Control in GUI AutoIt Rejected i542
#137 Syntax highlighting for custom function names SciTE4AutoIt Rejected cyberempires@…
#138 Ability to add custom helpfile values Documentation Rejected anonymous
#139 window identification / fixing current window AutoIt Rejected _alexei@…
#142 Get Array from LDAP-Field Other Duplicate anonymous
#143 PHP-Like #Include AutoIt Rejected KentonBomb
#144 AutoIt AutoRecord AutoIt Rejected lifeforce4(at)
#147 Restore "Passphrase" Option in Aut2exe Aut2Exe Rejected anonymous
#156 Custom Defined Types - Recordset AutoIt Rejected Jonathan.Hirtler@…
#160 FileGetTime - Date UDF compatible format AutoIt Rejected WeaponX
#162 compile to .dll AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#168 RunAsSet() for 3.2.11.x AutoIt Rejected JayMan
#171 consolewrite() documentation addendum Documentation Rejected flyingboz
#175 _ProcessHide AutoIt Rejected Anthrax
#181 Could you make AutoIT Window Info Selectable? AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#188 Try...Catch AutoIt Rejected kiacolonel
#196 Enable shell printing of AutoIt source code AutoIt Rejected apoliak@…
#197 $CmdLine as @CmdLine AutoIt Rejected Richard Robertson
#199 Multi-Monitor Support Include File AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#202 Would like to be able to Branch on condition AutoIt Rejected Everseeker
#203 AutoIt3Wrapper - Work on backup files SciTE4AutoIt Rejected danielkza@…
#204 GUICtrlCreateListViewItem() - new optional parameter IconIndex AutoIt Rejected Zedna
#208 Expand Adlib functionality AutoIt Rejected CodeMaster Rapture
#210 File Unlocker AutoIt Rejected Larry
#220 FileInstall() with a default source file. AutoIt Rejected aGorilla
#221 Classes AutoIt Rejected JonnyThunder
#224 Ubound would return last index AutoIt Rejected amokoura
#225 Varible++ AutoIt Rejected Firestorm
#228 Parse and write XML AutoIt Rejected misi1967@…
#237 FileSearchLine() and _ArraySum() AutoIt Rejected Jayowee (jay_paans@…
#241 new dllcall type AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#247 Global variables scope AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#250 @CurrentScript AutoIt Rejected McGod
#253 Various TODO ideas AutoIt Rejected Zedna
#262 Plugins - array parameters AutoIt Rejected Zedna
#263 Drop PluginOpen()/PluginClose() in favor of an #import statement AutoIt Rejected Valik (inspired by Zedna)
#264 Debug mode AutoIt Rejected Zedna
#265 GUICtrlCreateToolBar - as native AutoIt control AutoIt Rejected Zedna
#266 GUICtrlCreateStatusBar - as native AutoIt control AutoIt Rejected Zedna
#267 SendMessage/PostMessage as native AutoIt function AutoIt Rejected Zedna
#268 SoundSet()/SoundGet() AutoIt Rejected Zedna
#269 ImageSearch() AutoIt Rejected Zedna
#270 Obfuscate /striponly functionality --> as default behaviour of Aut2Exe Aut2Exe Rejected Zedna
#272 _FileListArrayEx() - with recursive option Standard UDFs Rejected Zedna
#279 AddressOfVar($VariableName), SizeOfVar($VariableName) AutoIt Rejected Zedna
#281 CLI and help AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#287 Suggestion: Add an optional parameter "Referrer" to the Fuction "InetGet()" AutoIt Rejected rudi
#288 GuiSetTitle AutoIt Duplicate Jayowee
#289 GuiSetTitle AutoIt Rejected Jayowee
#298 Active Directory & Groups AutoIt Rejected umoshe0@…
#310 visual Autoit studio AutoIt Rejected superbem
#311 GUICtrlCreateHotKey - as new native AutoIt control AutoIt Rejected Zedna
#326 Autoit with Windows Mobile AutoIt Rejected webmaster@…
#335 Sample Code, Help File, covering ToolTip( ) Documentation Rejected rthilo
#336 Add DirGetTime function AutoIt Rejected fherrero@…
#338 Run scripts with no need to save them SciTE4AutoIt Rejected torels
#340 Marquee progress bar AutoIt Rejected Túlio
#341 Extend TraySetIcon() undocumented keywords AutoIt Rejected Queue
#342 Syntax Check after Build/Compile SciTE4AutoIt Rejected fherrero@…
#343 Window checks to return only visible windows (option) AutoIt Rejected amokoura
#347 Add _WinAPI_SetFilePointer Standard UDFs Rejected anonymous
#349 guiconstants.au3 AutoIt Rejected jennico
#350 FileInstall fails when user login name is non-English chars AutoIt Rejected ehaerim@…
#354 Transparency with images AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#365 Forum for standard UDF candidates Standard UDFs Rejected Wooltown
#374 Pb with new RUNAS() AutoIt Rejected cbarthelemy@…
#382 Gui constants in Help file AutoIt Rejected cramaboule
#385 Option for _ArrayDisplay() AutoIt Rejected sulfurious
#391 TreeView to just accept select in the checkboxes AutoIt Rejected Wooltown
#397 Editor AutoIt Rejected mlloz
#401 Karma / Thanks Mod Other Rejected anonymous
#410 Have installation of Scite editor optional Other Rejected BillY
#411 Topmost option AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#413 GUICtrlHotKeySet -Hot key input box GUI control. AutoIt Duplicate Caplan77
#416 Ability to Hide all errors (or write them to a log) AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#423 samples SciTE4AutoIt Rejected iceberg
#424 _Dec64() AutoIt Duplicate Albuquerque
#425 Change to the registy by the installer Other Rejected GEOSoft
#426 Compability with cryptors & packers AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#427 add latest SciTE info to Other Rejected rthilo
#429 shellexecute() new feature AutoIt Rejected lookinmyeyes
#431 General help and support forum request. Other Rejected MerkurAlex
#441 Proposed changes to _StringAddThousandsSep() Standard UDFs Duplicate anonymous
#443 Return Tag String for Structure AutoIt Rejected amel27
#444 Clone Structures with Data and Tags AutoIt Rejected amel27
#445 SubStructure Support in Structure Tags AutoIt Rejected amel27
#447 Display AutoIT Version infromation in About Screen SciTE4AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#448 Make AutoIt harder to extract embedded script Aut2Exe Rejected OptimusB@…
#455 Request new feature guictrlgetbkcolor AutoIt Duplicate Jmosley708@…
#456 simple drawing commands AutoIt Rejected richardbrew@…
#459 need run under pure dos AutoIt Rejected anonymous
#463 date.au3 library // _DateToMonth() Standard UDFs Rejected hunt2alaska
#467 Pass data to a function defined in GUISetOnEvent AutoIt Duplicate HeidiR
#473 Suggested modification to the internal RunWait command AutoIt Rejected ryan2morrow@…
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.