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ADODB Example


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Man, seems like I've been waiting for days for the site to come back up so I could post this.
I'm putting together a Scan Engine tool that collects system info (via WMI, Reg, etc...). It will collectively store the data on either a SQL server, or local MDB. Here's a simple UDF I made to handle the ADODB stuff. I'll share the rest (Scan Engine Builder) when it's ready.


#Region - Constants and Variables
Global $objConnection = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection")
Global $objRecordSet = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset")
Global $errADODB = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","_ErrADODB")
Global $adCurrentProvider = 0
Global $adCurrentDataSource = 0

Const $adOpenForwardOnly = 0
Const $adOpenKeyset = 1
Const $adOpenDynamic = 2
Const $adOpenStatic = 3
Const $adLockReadOnly = 1
Const $adLockPessimistic = 2
Const $adLockOptimistic = 3
Const $adLockBatchOptimistic = 4
Const $adProviderSQLOLEDB = "SQLOLEDB"
Const $adProviderMSJET4 = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
Const $adProviderMSJET12 = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"

#Region - Functions, Subs, Methods
Func _AddColumn($varTableName,$varColumnName,$varColumnType)
    If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1
    $strAddCol = "ALTER TABLE " & $varTableName & " ADD " & $varColumnName & " " & $varColumnType
    Return $objConnection.Execute($strAddCol)

Func _CloseConnection() 
    Return $objConnection.Close

Func _CloseRecordSet()
    Return $objRecordSet.Close

Func _CreateDatabase($varDatabaseName=0)
    If $adCurrentProvider = $adProviderMSJET4 Then
        $objADOXCatalog = ObjCreate("ADOX.Catalog")
        $strProvider = "Provider=" & $adCurrentProvider & ";Data Source=" & $adCurrentDataSource
        $objADOXCatalog = 0
        Return 0
    ElseIf $varDatabaseName Then
        $objConnection.Execute("CREATE DATABASE " & $varDatabaseName)
        Return $objConnection.Execute("USE " & $varDatabaseName)
    Return 0

Func _CreateTable($varTableName,$arrFields)
    If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1
    If Not IsString($varTableName) Then Return -2
    If Not IsArray($arrFields) Then Return -3
    $varFields = ""
    $varFieldCount = Ubound($arrFields)-1
    For $x = 0 to $varFieldCount
        $varFields &= $arrFields[$x]
        If $x < $varFieldCount Then $varFields &= " ,"
    Return $objConnection.Execute("CREATE TABLE " & $varTableName & "(" & $varFields & ")")

Func _DropColumn($varTableName,$varColumnName)
    If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1
    $strDropCol = "ALTER TABLE " & $varTableName & " DROP COLUMN " & $varColumnName
    Return $objConnection.Execute($strDropCol)

Func _DropDatabase($varDatabaseName=0)
    If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1
    If $adCurrentProvider = $adProviderMSJET4 Then
        If MsgBox(4+16,"Are you sure?","Are you sure you want to delete" & @CRLF & $adCurrentDataSource & " ?" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "This Cannot Be Undone!") = 6 Then 
            Return FileDelete($adCurrentDataSource)
        $objConnection.Execute("USE master")
        Return $objConnection.Execute("DROP DATABASE " & $varDatabaseName)

Func _DropTable($varTableName)
    If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1
    Return $objConnection.Execute("DROP TABLE " & $varTableName)

Func _GetRecords($varTable,$arrSelectFields,$arrWhereFields=0)
    If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1
    If Not IsObj($objRecordSet) Then Return -2
    If Not $objRecordSet.RecordCount Or ($objRecordSet.EOF = True) Then Return -3
    Dim $arrRecords
    $arrRecords = $objRecordSet.GetRows()
    Return $arrRecords

Func _GetTablesAndColumns($varSystemTables=0)
    If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1
    $objADOXCatalog = ObjCreate("ADOX.Catalog")
    $objADOXCatalog.ActiveConnection = $objConnection
    Dim $arrTables[1][2]=[['Table Name','Columns Array']]
    Dim $arrColumns[1][2]=[['Column Name','Column Type']]
    For $objTable In $objADOXCatalog.Tables
        Local $varSkipTable = 0
        If Not $varSystemTables Then
            If StringInstr($objTable.Type,"SYSTEM") or StringInstr($objTable.Name,"MSys")=1 Then $varSkipTable = 1
        If Not $varSkipTable Then
            ReDim $arrTables[UBound($arrTables)+1][2]
            $arrTables[UBound($arrTables)-1][0] = $objTable.Name
            ReDim $arrColumns[1][2]
            For $objColumn in $objTable.Columns
                ReDim $arrColumns[UBound($arrColumns)+1][2]
                $arrColumns[UBound($arrColumns)-1][0] = $objColumn.Name
                $arrColumns[UBound($arrColumns)-1][1] = $objColumn.Type
            $arrTables[UBound($arrTables)-1][1] = $arrColumns
    $objADOXCatalog = 0
    Return $arrTables

Func _InsertRecords($varTableName,$arrFieldsAndValues)
    If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1
    If Not IsArray($arrFieldsAndValues) Then Return -2
    For $y = 1 To UBound($arrFieldsAndValues)-1
        $strInsert = "INSERT INTO " & $varTableName & " ("
        $varFieldCount = UBound($arrFieldsAndValues,2)-1
        For $x = 0 To $varFieldCount
            $strInsert &= $arrFieldsAndValues[0][$x]
            If $x < $varFieldCount Then $strInsert &= ","
        $strInsert &= ") VALUES ("
        For $x = 0 To $varFieldCount
            $strInsert &= "'" & $arrFieldsAndValues[$y][$x] & "'"
            If $x < $varFieldCount Then $strInsert &= ","
        $strInsert &= ");"
        If $errADODB.number Then
            If Msgbox(4+16+256,"Insert Record Error","Statement failed:" & @CRLF & $strInsert & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Would you like to continue?") <> 6 Then Return -3
    Return 1

Func _OpenConnection($varProvider,$varDataSource,$varTrusted=0,$varInitalCatalog="",$varUser="",$varPass="")
    If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1
    $adCurrentDataSource = $varDataSource
    $adCurrentProvider = $varProvider
    If $adCurrentProvider = $adProviderMSJET4 Then
        If Not FileExists($adCurrentDataSource) Then
            If MsgBox(4+16,$adCurrentDataSource & " does not exist.","Would you like to attempt" & @CRLF & "to create it?") = 6 Then
                Return 0
    $strConnect = "Provider=" & $adCurrentProvider & ";Data Source=" & $adCurrentDataSource & ";"
    If $varTrusted Then $strConnect &= "Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
    If $varUser Then $strConnect &= "User ID=" & $varUser & ";"
    If $varPass Then $strConnect &= "Password=" & $varPass & ";"
    If $varInitalCatalog Then
        Return $objConnection.Execute("USE " & $varInitalCatalog)
        Return 1

Func _OpenRecordset($varTable,$arrSelectFields,$arrWhereFields=0,$varCursorType=$adOpenForwardOnly,$varLockType=$adLockReadOnly)
    If Not IsObj($objConnection) Then Return -1
    If Not IsObj($objRecordSet) Then Return -2
    $strOpen = "SELECT "
    $varFieldCount = UBound($arrSelectFields)-1
    For $x = 0 to $varFieldCount
        $strOpen &= "[" & $arrSelectFields[$x] & "]"
        If $x < $varFieldCount Then $strOpen &= ", "
    $strOpen &= " FROM " & $varTable
    If IsArray($arrWhereFields) Then
        $strOpen &= " WHERE "
        $varFieldCount = UBound($arrWhereFields)-1
        For $x = 0 to $varFieldCount
            $strOpen &= $arrWhereFields[$x]
            If $x < $varFieldCount Then $strOpen &= ", "
    Return $objRecordSet.Open($strOpen,$objConnection,$varCursorType,$varLockType)

Func _ErrADODB()
    Msgbox(0,"ADODB COM Error","We intercepted a COM Error !"      & @CRLF  & @CRLF & _
             "err.description is: "    & @TAB & $errADODB.description    & @CRLF & _
             "err.windescription:"     & @TAB & $errADODB.windescription & @CRLF & _
             "err.number is: "         & @TAB & hex($errADODB.number,8)  & @CRLF & _
             "err.lastdllerror is: "   & @TAB & $errADODB.lastdllerror   & @CRLF & _
             "err.scriptline is: "     & @TAB & $errADODB.scriptline     & @CRLF & _
             "err.source is: "         & @TAB & $errADODB.source         & @CRLF & _
             "err.helpfile is: "       & @TAB & $errADODB.helpfile       & @CRLF & _
             "err.helpcontext is: "    & @TAB & $errADODB.helpcontext _
    Local $err = $errADODB.number
    If $err = 0 Then $err = -1

Demo Script

#include <_ADODB.au3>
#include <Array.au3>   ;Only needed for This Demo Script

$adCurrentProvider = $adProviderMSJET4   ;Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0
$adCurrentDataSource = @ScriptDir & "\TEMPDB.MDB"

;Establish ADO Connection

;Create Table
Dim $arrFields[3]=["Firstname VARCHAR(50)","Lastname VARCHAR(50)","AnotherField VARCHAR(50)"]  ;Init Fields for Table Creation

;Insert Record
Dim $arrFieldsandValues[3][3]=[["Firstname","Lastname","AnotherField"],["John","Smith","Rulez"],["Dave","Thomas","Rulez"]]   ;Init Fields and Values for Insert

;Retrieve Records from Table
Dim $arrSelectFields[3]=["Firstname","Lastname","AnotherField"]   ;Init Select Fields for Recordset
$arrRecords = _GetRecords("TestTable",$arrSelectFields)

;Retrieve Records from Table with Where Clause
Dim $arrWhereFields[1]=["Firstname = 'Dave'"]
$arrRecords = _GetRecords("TestTable",$arrSelectFields,$arrWhereFields)

;Capture Tables and Colums
$tables = _GetTablesAndColumns(1)   ;Param causes display if SYSTEM tables.  Default (no param) hides these tables
_ArrayDisplay($tables)   ;Display Tables
For $x = 1 to UBound($tables)-1   ;Display Table Columns
    _ArrayDisplay($tables[$x][1],"Table Name: " & $tables[$x][0])

;Add Column to Table

;Drop Column from Table

;Drop Table

;Drop Database
_DropDatabase()   ;Closes ADO Connection first if using MS.JET.OLEDB.4.0

;Close ADO Connection

edit: Made a few small changes.

  • I added the ability to create JET DB Files (.MDB) so it is a bit more useful for demo purposes.
  • Added Where Clause to Example

Sooner or later I'll modify the GetTablesAndColumns to translate the field types into the literal data types (text,int,date,etc...) and make a more meaningful demo (Multiple tables and what ever else I can think of or someone recommends).

edit: Made a few changes based on inputs from Kinshima in post #10

edit: changed _GetRecords() func based on input from @kvcinu

Edited by spudw2k
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Thanks for this, spudw2k. This is very handy.

The _GetRecords function throws a COM error if it attempts to get records from a table that has no rows. How can I handle that error? I'm just learning how to work with COM objects.

Edited by Alomax
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Thanks for this, spudw2k. This is very handy.

The _GetRecords function throws a COM error if it attempts to get records from a table that has no rows. How can I handle that error? I'm just learning how to work with COM objects.

I made a generic error handler for this script. It simply returns the error message.

The Err Event is defined at the begging of the UDF script. [Global $errADODB = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","_ErrADODB")]

And the _ErrADODB is at the bottom of the script.

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  • 2 months later...


Can you give an exemple for _GetRecords with a Where

I tested that


$arrWhereFields[1]=["Fistname = 'Dave'"]


but don't work :D

Edited by Yogui
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Can you give an exemple for _GetRecords with a Where

I tested that


$arrWhereFields[1]=["Fistname = 'Dave'"]


but don't work :D

Watch your spelling

$arrWhereFields[1]=["Fistname = 'Dave'"]

Should Be

$arrWhereFields[1]=["Firstname = 'Dave'"]


$arrRecords = _GetRecords("TestTable",$arrSelectFields,$arrWhereFields)

I modified the demo script in the first post.

Edited by spudw2k
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Thanks for this and sorry ... for my inattention in my code

No prob; we've all made mistakes...hopefully we're attentive at learning from those mistakes.
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  • 4 years later...

Thanks for this, this script is wonderfull.

Works perfectly with access 2010.

Provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for Access 2007-2010

Provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for Access 2003

If you change in _OpenRecordset:

$strOpen &= $arrSelectFields[$x]


$strOpen &= '['&$arrSelectFields[$x]&']' 

Then you can use spaces in your Field Names in the tables.

If you add in _GetRecords:

Dim $arrRecords[1][1]

If $objRecordSet.EOF = False Then




Then you won't get COM Errors when trying to get data from an empty table.

Edited by Kinshima
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Glad you found use of it, and I appreciate your inputs.  I changed the first post to incorporate them:

Added 12.0 Provider
Added surrounding field brackets
Added .EOF check (If Not $objRecordSet.RecordCount Or ($objRecordSet.EOF = True) Then Return -3)

Edited by spudw2k
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  • 1 year later...

FYI. If working in a 64-bit (x64) environment and using Office x86 (32-bit) which is very common, be sure you specify NOT to compile 64-bit.

Otherwise you may experience COM Errors "Provider cannot be found. It may not be installed properly."


If you do NOT have two Data Sources shortcuts in Control Panel --> Administrative Tools, I'd recommend doing the following:

  1. Rename Existing "Data Sources (ODBC)" to "Data Sources (ODBC) 64-bit (x64)".
    • Target: %windir%\system32\odbcad32.exe
    • Start in: %windir%\system32
  2. Copy "Data Sources (ODBC) 64-bit (x64)" to "Data Sources (ODBC) 32-bit (x86)".
    • Target: %windir%\syswow64\odbcad32.exe
    • Start in: %windir%\syswow64

(YES! The default "System32" is 64-bit. The "SysWow64" is 32-bit)


Using the above shortcuts, you'll notice that if you try to "Create a New Data Source" under 64-bit, Access (Jet) will not be listed.

Hope this makes sense.







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  • 6 years later...

Hello thanks for this script,

What about the 'Update' with the returned affected rows ?
Do you have an exemple ?


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5 hours ago, cramaboule said:

Hello thanks for this script,

What about the 'Update' with the returned affected rows ?
Do you have an exemple ?


Still not working in AutoIt from here: 


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