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Great product, unusual stance.

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The first thing I wanted to say is:

I want to thank the developers of AutoIt. Never in my many, many years of programming have I found such ubiquitous usefulness out of one tool.

Excellent work guys!!!

The second thing I wanted to note is my opinion of a most unusual stance that the developers of AutoIt have taken in regards to "KeyLoggers" and the banning of discussions around the development thereof.

I have written a key-logger using AutoIt. I use it to record a series of keystrokes that I type. Then when done recording, I allow the series of keystrokes to be repeated by simply pressing one key. (Think of my use as a keyboard macro program.)

That being said, I do understand that one could argue either side of the "malicious intent coin"; whereby for every legitimate use for a key-logger one could find an illegitimate one. But then again, for every legitimate use for "FileDelete" or "ShellExecute" one can find an illegitimate one.

That being said, I think that forbidding topics of conversation that revolve around 'key logging' is actually a discouragement of creativity in the (failing) name of "keeping the bad guys at bay." A simple google search will show you that there is a plethora of Internet sites available for a "hacker" to obtain said key-logger.

My only problem with going to one of these "hacker" centric sites is the shadiness of the establishment (admins. etc) that run them. I would much rather have been able to search through this site and ask fellow reputable developers about the "best practices" of recording keyboard input in much the same way that I CAN ask them about best practices of Run() and ShellExecute() and FileDelete() and RegRead() etc, etc.

In closing, I want the developer(s) to know that I am thoroughly pleased with AutoIt in every way; and simply because my opinion on their anti-key-logging stance is a little critical does not mean anything to the contrary.



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This would have been better in Chat!

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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This would have been better in Chat!

New members can't access the chat forum for a short while.

ExigosMortis, I think everone goes through a stage of sending key sequences. AU3Recorder is a great tool for this. However discussion of keyloggers and other intrusive software is frowned upon here, and with good reason. Not everyone reads the forum rules like you have obviously done, so welcome to the forum. :x

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