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Raw Input endstruct query?


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Just looking at the raw input functions

If I do this:-

 ConsoleWrite($tagRAWINPUTMOUSE & @CRLF)

I get:

 ; struct;dword Type;dword Size;handle hDevice;wparam wParam;endstruct;ushort Flags;ushort Alignment;ushort ButtonFlags;ushort ButtonData;ulong RawButtons;long LastX;long LastY;ulong ExtraInformation;

I don't understand why "endstruct" isn't at the end? (although I presume it's correct as its the same in the help file)


The relevant code in WinAPISys.au3 is:-

#region Global Variables and Constants

; #CONSTANTS# ===================================================================================================================
Global Const $tagOSVERSIONINFOEX = $tagOSVERSIONINFO & ';ushort ServicePackMajor;ushort ServicePackMinor;ushort SuiteMask;byte ProductType;byte Reserved'
Global Const $tagRAWINPUTDEVICE = 'struct;ushort UsagePage;ushort Usage;dword Flags;hwnd hTarget;endstruct'
Global Const $tagRAWINPUTHEADER = 'struct;dword Type;dword Size;handle hDevice;wparam wParam;endstruct'
Global Const $tagRAWMOUSE = 'ushort Flags;ushort Alignment;ushort ButtonFlags;ushort ButtonData;ulong RawButtons;long LastX;long LastY;ulong ExtraInformation;'
Global Const $tagRAWKEYBOARD = 'ushort MakeCode;ushort Flags;ushort Reserved;ushort VKey;ushort;uint Message;ulong ExtraInformation;'
Global Const $tagRAWHID = 'dword SizeHid;dword Count;' ; & 'byte RawData[n];'

Also incidentally I think there is a typo in the APISysConstants.au3:  ; _WinAPI_*RowInput*() should read RawInput




Edited by dgm5555
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In DllStruct parlance, the struct; ... endstruct construct (no pun) is used to force correct alignment (padding) of C-style structures as members of an outer C-style structure. See help under DllStructCreate.

You could achieve the same effect by using an "align N" directive after the last member of the inner struct but N would then need to depend on OS architecture, a painful coding inconvenience to work around.

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On 9/1/2017 at 11:15 PM, dgm5555 said:

I think there is a typo in the APISysConstants.au3:  ; _WinAPI_*RowInput*() should read RawInput

Yes, but that line is commented out so it doesn't matter.


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About typos, these ones could be fixed - by adding the trailing 't'  :)


Global Const $tagRID_DEVICE_INFO_MOUSE = 'struct;dword Id;dword NumberOfButtons;dword SampleRate;int HasHorizontalWheel;endstruc'
Global Const $tagRID_DEVICE_INFO_KEYBOARD = 'struct;dword KbType;dword KbSubType;dword KeyboardMode;dword NumberOfFunctionKeys;dword NumberOfIndicators;dword NumberOfKeysTotal;endstruc'
Global Const $tagRID_DEVICE_INFO_HID = 'struct;dword VendorId;dword ProductId;dword VersionNumber;ushort UsagePage;ushort Usage;endstruc'


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On 9/3/2017 at 2:10 AM, careca said:

Yes, but that line is commented out so it doesn't matter.

@careca: I only mentioned because I was initially searching for the text and it didn't highlight. HOWEVER:-

@mikell THANKS!!!!!! you were right, the errors in the autoit core code were the cause of my problems in my other HID post (which cost me quite a few wasted hours trying various mutations of code!!

@jchd thanks for the explanation, I think I might have to read around a bit more about memory allocation, as I wouldn't have expected padding to be required in the middle of a data packet.


Edited by dgm5555
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