TheOne23 Posted November 21, 2018 Share Posted November 21, 2018 Hi Everyone, I have this very confusing issue on my script where after I compiled the script and run it, it prompts me with "Vendor_6.exe has stopped working" I got the details of the error: Problem Even Name: APPCRASH Fault Module Name: OLEAUT32 My program runs 2 Executable files. Vendor_6.exe and Mail_reader_v2.exe Mail_reader_v2.exe runs smoothly while Vendor_6.exe run for some time then crash on a specific process. I got no errors in the compiler SCITE console on both. Your help on this will be greatly appreciated. Thank you expandcollapse popupinclude <OutlookEX.au3> ; Note: I removed the # in the include since our security is blocking of sharing of files. include <Excel.au3> include <string.au3> include <FileConstants.au3> include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> include <Date.au3> include <File.au3> include <ImageSearch.au3> include <IE.au3> include <Array.au3> include <AD.au3> include <ButtonConstants.au3> include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> include <WindowsConstants.au3> include <AutoItConstants.au3> include <ScreenCapture.au3> Global $oExcel, $oWorkbook, $oWorkbook1 ,$oExcel_ps Global $xlup = -4162 Global $oExcel_2 = _Excel_Open() Global $VM_1, $NT_1 , $FN_1 , $Email_1, $VSC_1 Global $VM_2, $NT_2 , $FN_2 , $Email_2, $VSC_2 Global $VM_3, $NT_3 , $FN_3 , $Email_3, $VSC_3 Global $latest_file, $filename, $oExcel, $oWorkbook_poc Global $login_ids_final_lower, $login_ids_final, $string_test_3, $string_test_1, $string_test, $login_ids_final Global $col1, $row1, $login_ids, $vendor_i Global $body_final, $body_1, $body, $body_bp Global $request_vm, $request_vendor Global $oOutlook1 ;,$aOL_Item1 Global $check Global $file_2, $file_2_read, $file_3, $sWorkbook Global $Received_time , $EmailAddress_Sender ;============================================; ; For Password Reset Variables ; ;============================================; Global $result, $user_exist , $unlock_status ,$user_expired Global $SUserId ;Global $password = "Welcome1!" Global $password Global $aProperties[1][2] Global $cn, $fname,$sname Global $cn_final, $fname_final, $sname_final Global $split_range,$split_range_1, $array_find, $cells_1,$cells_2,$string ;============================================; ; For Ticketing Automation Variables ; ;============================================; Global $oIE2, $oIE Global $row = 0 Global $col = 0 Global $request_id_final Global $ticket_number ;============================================; Global $oItem , $oItem1 Global $oOutlook = _OL_Open() If @error <> 0 Then Exit MsgBox(16, "OutlookEX UDF", "Error creating a connection to Outlook. @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) ;Global $aOL_Item = _OL_ItemFind($oOutlook, "\Inbox\BP_automation", $olMail, "[UnRead]=True", "", "", "EntryID,body,Sender", "", 1) Global $aOL_Item = _OL_ItemFind($oOutlook, "\Inbox\BP_Automation\BP Password Reset", $olMail, "[UnRead]=True", "", "", "EntryID");,body,receivedtime,senderemailaddress", "", 2) ;_ArrayDisplay($aOL_Item) Global $oOL_Item = $oOutlook.Session.GetItemFromID($aOL_Item[1][0], Default) Global $oOL_Sender = $oOL_Item.Sender If $oOL_Sender.AddressEntryUserType = $olExchangeUserAddressEntry Or $oOL_Sender.AddressEntryUserType = $olExchangeRemoteUserAddressEntry Then Global $oExchangeUser = $oOL_Sender.GetExchangeUser ;MsgBox(0, "Mail", $oExchangeUser.PrimarySmtpAddress) $EmailAddress_Sender = $oExchangeUser.PrimarySmtpAddress ;MsgBox(0, "Mail", $EmailAddress_Sender) EndIf $oItem = _OL_ItemGet($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "body") $oItem1 = _OL_ItemGet($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "receivedtime") local $itime1 = $oItem1[1][1] local $itime_1 = stringright($itime1,6) local $itime_2 = stringregexpreplace($itime_1,'(.{2})(?!$)','$1:'); & @CRLF) local $iyear_1 = stringleft($itime1,4) local $idate_1 = StringTrimLeft($itime1,4) local $idate_2 = StringTrimRight($idate_1,6) local $fdate_1 = stringregexpreplace($idate_2,'(.{2})(?!$)','$1/'); & @CRLF) $Received_time = $fdate_1 & "/" & $iyear_1 & " " & $itime_2 ;MsgBox(0,"",$Received_time) $body_bp = _ArrayToString($oItem," ",1,1," ",1,1) ; body ;MsgBox(0,"",$body_bp) ;$body_1 = StringRegExpReplace($body, "\r\n|\r|\n", " ") $request_vendor = StringInStr($body_bp,"Vendor",0,1) $request_vm = StringInStr($body_bp,"VM",0,1) ;MsgBox(0,"","FTE: " & $request_fte & @CRLF & "BP: " & $request_bp) If $request_vendor <> 0 Then ; _OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP Password Reset") ;$VM_3, $NT_3 , $FN_3 , $Email_3, $VSC_3 _vendor() _range_finder($VM_3,$NT_3, $FN_3, $Email_3, $VSC_3) ElseIf $request_vm <> 0 Then _vm() _range_finder_vm($NT_3, $FN_3, $Email_3, $VSC_3) ;MsgBox(0,"","For VM process") EndIf ;_OL_Close(ByRef $oOL, $bOL_ForceClose = False) ;_OL_Close($oOutlook, False) Func _Vendor() $VM_1 = _StringBetween($body_bp,"Vendor name","NT Login") ;_ArrayDisplay($VM_1) $VM_2 = _ArrayToString($VM_1,"",0,0,"",0,0) $VM_3 = StringStripWS($VM_2,8) ;MsgBox(0,"Vendor name: ",$VM_3) $NT_1 = _StringBetween($body_bp,"NT Login","Full Name") ;_ArrayDisplay($NT_1) $NT_2 = _ArrayToString($NT_1,"",0,0,"",0,0) $NT_3 = StringLower(StringStripWS($NT_2,8)) ;MsgBox(0,"NT Login: ",$NT_3) $FN_1 = _StringBetween($body_bp,"Full Name","Email Address") ;_ArrayDisplay($FN_1) $FN_2 = _ArrayToString($FN_1,"",0,0,"",0,0) $FN_3 = StringStripWS($FN_2,3) ;MsgBox(0,"Full Name: ",$FN_3) $Email_1 = _StringBetween($body_bp,"Email Address","Vendor Security Code") ;_ArrayDisplay($Email_1) $Email_2 = _ArrayToString($Email_1,"",0,0,"",0,0) ;$Email_3 = StringStripWS($Email_2,3) ;MsgBox(0,"Email: ",$Email_2) if StringInStr($Email_2,"<") = 0 Then $Email_3 = StringStripWS($Email_2,3) ;MsgBox(0,"Email 1",$Email_3) Else local $Email_3i = StringSplit($Email_2, " ",2) ;_ArrayDisplay($Email_3i,"Email") local $Email_3ii = _ArrayToString($Email_3i,"",0,0,"",0,0) $Email_3 = StringStripWS($Email_3ii,3) ;MsgBox(0,"",$Email_3) EndIf $VSC_1 = _StringBetween($body_bp,"Vendor Security Code","Tool") ;_ArrayDisplay($VSC_1) $VSC_2 = _ArrayToString($VSC_1,"",0,0,"",0,0) $VSC_3 = StringStripWS($VSC_2,8) ;MsgBox(0,"Vendor Security Code: ",$VSC_3) EndFunc Func _VM() $NT_1 = _StringBetween($body_bp,"NT Login","Full Name") ;_ArrayDisplay($NT_1) $NT_2 = _ArrayToString($NT_1,"",0,0,"",0,0) $NT_3 = StringLower(StringStripWS($NT_2,8)) ;MsgBox(0,"NT Login: ",$NT_3) $FN_1 = _StringBetween($body_bp,"Full Name","Email Address") ;_ArrayDisplay($FN_1) $FN_2 = _ArrayToString($FN_1,"",0,0,"",0,0) $FN_3 = StringStripWS($FN_2,3) ;MsgBox(0,"Full Name: ",$FN_3) $Email_1 = _StringBetween($body_bp,"Email Address","Phone Number") ;_ArrayDisplay($Email_1) $Email_2 = _ArrayToString($Email_1,"",0,0,"",0,0) ;$Email_3 = StringStripWS($Email_2,3) ;MsgBox(0,"Email: ",$Email_2) if StringInStr($Email_2,"<") = 0 Then $Email_3 = StringStripWS($Email_2,3) ;MsgBox(0,"Email 1",$Email_3) Else local $Email_3i = StringSplit($Email_2, " ",2) ;_ArrayDisplay($Email_3i,"Email") local $Email_3ii = _ArrayToString($Email_3i,"",0,0,"",0,0) $Email_3 = StringStripWS($Email_3ii,3) ;MsgBox(0,"",$Email_3) EndIf $VSC_1 = _StringBetween($body_bp,"Phone Number","Tool") ;_ArrayDisplay($VSC_1) $VSC_2 = _ArrayToString($VSC_1,"",0,0,"",0,0) $VSC_3 = StringStripWS($VSC_2,8) ;MsgBox(0,"Vendor Security Code: ",$VSC_3) EndFunc Func _process_1() If FileExists(@scriptdir & "\test.txt") = 1 Then FileDelete(@scriptdir & "\test.txt") _OL_ItemExport(@ScriptDir & "\test.txt", " ", "", 1, "Subject,Body", $oItem) ;"Subject,Start,End,Body" $file_2 = FileOpen(@scriptdir & "\test.txt",0) $file_2_read = FileRead($file_2) ;MsgBox(0,"",$file_2_read) If FileExists(@scriptdir & "\test.xlsx") = 0 Then ;_Excel_BookOpenText($oExcel, $sTextFile, Default, $xlDelimited, Default, True, "|", $aFieldInfo, ",", ".") $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpenText($oExcel_2, @scriptdir & "\test.txt", Default, $xlDelimited, Default, True) If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Excel Error: ",@error) EndIf $sWorkbook = @ScriptDir & "\test.xlsx" _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook, Default, True) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook,true) _Excel_Close ($oExcel_2 ,True) ;MsgBox(0,"","excel") FileClose($file_2) if ProcessExists("EXCEL.EXE") Then ProcessClose("EXCEL.EXE") ;MsgBox(0,"","Done",3) Else FileDelete(@scriptdir & "\test.xlsx") $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpenText($oExcel_2, @scriptdir & "\test.txt", Default, $xlDelimited, Default, True) If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Excel Error: ",@error) EndIf $sWorkbook = @ScriptDir & "\test.xlsx" _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook, Default, True) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook,true) _Excel_Close ($oExcel_2 ,True) FileClose($file_2) if ProcessExists("EXCEL.EXE") Then ProcessClose("EXCEL.EXE") EndIf Else _OL_ItemExport(@ScriptDir & "\test.txt", " ", "", 1, "Subject,Body", $aOL_Item) ;"Subject,Start,End,Body" $file_2 = FileOpen(@scriptdir & "\test.txt",0) $file_2_read = FileRead($file_2) If FileExists(@scriptdir & "\test.xlsx") = 0 Then $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpenText($oExcel_2, @scriptdir & "\test.txt", Default, $xlDelimited, Default, True) If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Excel Error: ",@error) EndIf $sWorkbook = @ScriptDir & "\test.xlsx" _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook, Default, True) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook,true) _Excel_Close ($oExcel_2 ,True) FileClose($file_2) if ProcessExists("EXCEL.EXE") Then ProcessClose("EXCEL.EXE") Else FileDelete(@scriptdir & "\test.xlsx") $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpenText($oExcel_2, @scriptdir & "\test.txt", Default, $xlDelimited, Default, True) If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Excel Error: ",@error) EndIf $sWorkbook = @ScriptDir & "\test.xlsx" _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbook, $sWorkbook, Default, True) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook,true) _Excel_Close ($oExcel_2 ,True) FileClose($file_2) if ProcessExists("EXCEL.EXE") Then ProcessClose("EXCEL.EXE") EndIf EndIf $string = "NT LOGIN" $oExcel = _Excel_Open() ;MsgBox(0,"","test") $oWorkbook1 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, @ScriptDir & "\Test.xlsx" , false, True) $array_find = _Excel_RangeFind($oWorkbook1, $string, "A:A", Default, $xlPart, False) ;_ArrayDisplay($array_find) $rows_1 = UBound($array_find,1) ;MsgBox(0,"row: " , $rows_1) $columns_1 = UBound($array_find,2) ;MsgBox(0,"col: " , $columns_1) $split_range = _ArrayToString($array_find, "",0,$rows_1-1,@lf,2,2) ;MsgBox(0,"",$split_range) $split_range_1 = StringSplit($split_range,@crlf) ;_arraydisplay($split_range_1) For $i = 1 to $split_range_1[0] ;MsgBox(0,"",$split_range_1[$i]) $cells_1 = StringReplace($split_range_1[$i],"$A$","",0,0) $cells_2 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook1,$oWorkbook1.activesheet,"A" & $cells_1+2, Default) ;MsgBox(0,"",$cells_1) ;#cs local $letter = "B" local $number = "0" local $cell = $letter & $number $value = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook1,$oWorkbook1.activesheet,$letter & $number, Default) While $value <> "" or $value <> null or $value <> " " $number = $number + 1 $value1 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook1,$oWorkbook1.activesheet,$letter & $number, Default) If $value1 = "" or $value1 = " " or $value1 = null Then _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook1, $oWorkbook1.activesheet, StringStripWS((stringlower($cells_2)),8), "B" & $number,false,false) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd Next _Excel_RangeDelete ($oWorkbook1.activesheet, "B1" ,Default, 1) _Excel_BookSave($oWorkbook1) _Excel_Close($oExcel) _main_password_reset() EndFunc Func _FindLatest($dir) Local $latest[2] $files = _FileListToArray($dir, "Master List Business Partner Access POCs LOGINS with Vendor Security Codes *", 1) For $i = 1 To UBound($files) - 1 If FileGetTime($files[$i], 1, 1) > $latest[0] Or $i = 1 Then $latest[0] = FileGetTime($files[$i], 1, 1) $latest[1] = $i EndIf Next Return $files[$latest[1]] EndFunc ;==>_FindLatest Func _range_finder($vendor_i,$nt_login_i, $fname_i, $email_i, $v_security_i) $latest_file = _FindLatest("\\Path\") ; I removed the path due to confidentiality ;MsgBox(0,"",$latest_file) $filename = "\\Path\" & $latest_file ; I removed the path due to confidentiality $oExcel_poc = _Excel_Open() ;$oExcel.WorkBooks.Open($FileName, Default, 0, Default, $sPassword, Default) $oWorkbook_poc = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel_poc, $filename , true, True,"Safety",Default) If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf If @error Then MsgBox($MB_systemmodal, "Excel UDF","Error Opening Workbook",2) _Excel_Close($oExcel_poc) ShellExecute(@scriptdir & "\Excel_error_handling.exe",1) Exit EndIf $Vendor = _Excel_RangeFind($oWorkbook_poc, $vendor_i , "A:A",Default,$xlpart, Default) ;_ArrayDisplay($Vendor) $NT_login = _Excel_RangeFind($oWorkbook_poc, $nt_login_i , "E:E",Default,$xlpart, Default) ;_ArrayDisplay($NT_login) $fname_v = _Excel_RangeFind($oWorkbook_poc, $fname_i , "B:B",Default,$xlpart, Default) ;_ArrayDisplay($fname_v) $email_v = _Excel_RangeFind($oWorkbook_poc, $email_i, "C:C",Default,$xlpart, Default) ;_ArrayDisplay($email_v) $v_security = _Excel_RangeFind($oWorkbook_poc, $v_security_i, "F:F",Default,$xlpart, Default) ;_ArrayDisplay($v_security) If Ubound($Vendor) > 0 and Ubound($NT_login) > 0 and Ubound($fname_v) > 0 and Ubound($email_v) > 0 and Ubound($v_security) > 0 Then MsgBox(16,"Status: ", "Validation success",1) _process_1() ElseIf Ubound($Vendor) <= 0 Then MsgBox(16,"Status: ", "Validation Failed , Invalid Vendor Name") _OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP_Fallout") log_invalid_vendor_name() Exit ElseIf Ubound($NT_login) <= 0 Then MsgBox(16,"Status: ", "Validation Failed , Invalid NT Login") _OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP_Fallout") ; removed my mailbox name for confidentiality log_invalid_NT_ID() Exit ElseIf Ubound($fname_v) <= 0 Then MsgBox(16,"Status: ", "Validation Failed , Invalid Full Name") _OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP_Fallout") ; removed my mailbox name for confidentiality log_invalid_Fname() ElseIf Ubound($email_v) <= 0 Then MsgBox(16,"Status: ", "Validation Failed , Invalid Email Address") _OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP_Fallout") ; removed my mailbox name for confidentiality log_invalid_Email() Exit ElseIf Ubound($v_security) <= 0 Then MsgBox(16,"Status: ", "Validation Failed , Invalid Security Code") _OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP_Fallout") ; removed my mailbox name for confidentiality log_invalid_security_code() Exit ;Else ; MsgBox(16,"Status: ", "Validation failed") ; _OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP_Fallout") ;Email Script EndIf EndFunc Func _range_finder_vm($nt_login_i, $fname_i, $email_i, $v_security_i) $latest_file = _FindLatest("\\Path\"); I removed the path due to confidentiality ;MsgBox(0,"",$latest_file) $filename = "\\Path\" & $latest_file ; I removed the path due to confidentiality $oExcel_poc = _Excel_Open() ;$oExcel.WorkBooks.Open($FileName, Default, 0, Default, $sPassword, Default) $oWorkbook_poc = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel_poc, $filename , true, True,"Safety",Default) If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf If @error Then MsgBox($MB_systemmodal, "Excel UDF","Error Opening Workbook",2) _Excel_Close($oExcel_poc) ShellExecute(@scriptdir & "\Excel_error_handling.exe",1) Exit EndIf $NT_login = _Excel_RangeFind($oWorkbook_poc, $nt_login_i , "E:E",Default,$xlpart, Default) ;_ArrayDisplay($NT_login) $fname_v = _Excel_RangeFind($oWorkbook_poc, $fname_i , "B:B",Default,$xlpart, Default) ;_ArrayDisplay($fname_v) $email_v = _Excel_RangeFind($oWorkbook_poc, $email_i, "C:C",Default,$xlpart, Default) ;_ArrayDisplay($email_v) $v_security = _Excel_RangeFind($oWorkbook_poc, $v_security_i, "D:D",Default,$xlpart, Default) ;_ArrayDisplay($v_security) ;If Ubound($Vendor) > 0 If Ubound($NT_login) > 0 and Ubound($fname_v) > 0 and Ubound($email_v) > 0 and Ubound($v_security) > 0 Then MsgBox(16,"Status: ", "Validation success",1) _process_1() ElseIf Ubound($NT_login) <= 0 Then MsgBox(16,"Status: ", "Validation Failed , Invalid NT Login",1) _OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP_Fallout") ; removed my mailbox name for confidentiality log_invalid_NT_ID() Exit ElseIf Ubound($fname_v) <= 0 Then MsgBox(16,"Status: ", "Validation Failed , Invalid Full Name",1) _OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP_Fallout") ; removed my mailbox name for confidentiality log_invalid_Fname() Exit ElseIf Ubound($email_v) <= 0 Then MsgBox(16,"Status: ", "Validation Failed , Invalid Email Address",1) _OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP_Fallout") ; removed my mailbox name for confidentiality log_invalid_Email() Exit ElseIf Ubound($v_security) <= 0 Then MsgBox(16,"Status: ", "Validation Failed , Invalid Phone Number",1) _OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP_Fallout") ; removed my mailbox name for confidentiality log_invalid_phone() Exit ;Else ; MsgBox(16,"Status: ", "Validation failed") ; _OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP_Fallout") ;Email Script EndIf EndFunc ;=====================================================; ;=============== For Password Reset ==================; ;=====================================================; Func _main_password_reset() ;$password = "Welcome1!";MakePass() ; Password Generator ;MsgBox(0,"completed password: ", $text) _readexcel() EndFunc Func _readexcel() While 1 $oExcel_ps = _Excel_Open() $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel_ps, @ScriptDir & "\Test.xlsx", Default, True) Sleep(1000) $oWorkbook.activate ;$lastrow = $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("B1").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).Row $lastrow = $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.range("B65536").end($xlup).row $first = $lastrow $nameofrequester = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 2, "B3", 1) $emailofrequester = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 2, "B4", 1) ;MsgBox(0,'Name of Requestor',$nameofrequestor, 5) local $plusone = 0 local $emailplusone = 0 local $i = 1 For $i = 1 to $first $plusone = $plusone + 1 $xplusone = "B" & $plusone ;MsgBox(0,"",$xplusone) sleep(1000) ;$oWorkbook.activate $SUserId = StringLower(_Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, $xplusone, 3)) MsgBox(0,"NTlogin",$SUserId,3) $password = MakePass();"Welcome1!";place the funciton of password generator _AD_process() Sleep(3000) _login2();For ticketing function MsgBox(0,"Status","Ticketing Completed",3) ;_OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP Completed") Sleep(1000) Next Sleep(4000) _email_successful(); Email successful list _OL_ItemMove($oOutlook, $aOL_Item[1][0], Default, "\Inbox\BP_automation\BP Completed") ; removed my mailbox name for confidentiality _Refresh_BP_Success_logs() ;$oExcel_ps _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel_ps,false) ExitLoop WEnd EndFunc Func _AD_process() _AD_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox(16, "Active Directory Example Skript", "Function _AD_Open encountered a problem. @error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended,3) $aProperties = _AD_GetObjectProperties($SUserId,"cn,givenName,sn") $cn = _ArrayToString($aProperties,"",1,1,"",1,1) ; cn ;MsgBox(0,"",$cn) $fname = _ArrayToString($aProperties,"",2,2,"",1,1) ; fname ;MsgBox(0,"",$fname) $sname = _ArrayToString($aProperties,"",4,4,"",1,1) ; sname ;MsgBox(0,"",$sname) $cn_final = StringStripWS($cn,8) ;MsgBox(0,"",$cn_final) $fname_final = StringStripWS($fname,8) ;MsgBox(0,"",$fname_final) $sname_final = StringStripWS($sname,8) ;MsgBox(0,"",$sname_final) $user_exist = _AD_ObjectExists($SUserId,"") $user_expired = _AD_IsPasswordExpired($SUserId) If $user_exist = 1 Then MsgBox(64, "Active Directory Functions ", "User Exists",2) If $user_expired = 0 Then MsgBox(64, "Active Directory Functions", "User account '" & $SUserId & "' is not expired",2) If _AD_IsObjectLocked($SUserId) = 1 Then MsgBox(64, "Active Directory Functions", "User account '" & $SUserId & "' is locked",2) $unlock_status = _AD_UnlockObject($SUserId) If $unlock_status = 1 Then MsgBox(64, "Active Directory Functions ", "Object '" & $SUserId & "' successfully Unlocked",2) $result = _AD_SetPassword($SUserId, $password,0) If $result = 1 Then MsgBox(64, "Active Directory Functions ", "Password for the current user successfully changed",2) _AD_DisablePasswordChange($SUserId) log_unlocked_and_reset() ;FOR unlocked and reset logs ElseIf @error = 1 Then MsgBox(16, "Active Directory Functions ", "Error occurred when accessing the current user object!" & @LF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended,2) Else MsgBox(16, "Active Directory Functions ", "Error occurred when changing the password!" & @LF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended,2) EndIf Else MsgBox(64, "Active Directory Functions ", "Object '" & $SUserId & "' Unable to unlock",2) log_unable_to_unlock() ;FOR unable to unlock ID logs EndIf Else MsgBox(64, "Active Directory Functions ", "Object '" & $SUserId & "' is not locked",2) $result = _AD_SetPassword($SUserId, $password,0) If $result = 1 Then MsgBox(64, "Active Directory Functions ", "Password for the current user successfully changed",2) _AD_DisablePasswordChange($SUserId) log_reset_only() ;FOR reset only logs ElseIf @error = 1 Then MsgBox(16, "Active Directory Functions ", "Error occurred when accessing the current user object!" & @LF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended,2) Else MsgBox(16, "Active Directory Functions ", "Error occurred when changing the password!" & @LF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended,2) EndIf EndIf Else MsgBox(64, "Active Directory Functions ", "Object '" & $SUserId & "' Already Expired",2) log_expired() ;FOR Expired ID logs EndIf Else MsgBox(64, "Active Directory Functions ", "Object '" & $SUserId & "' Does not exist",3) log_user_not_found() EndIf ; Close Connection to the Active Directory _AD_Close() EndFunc Func MakePass() ; verify that password will have at least 1 of all three types of chars $GoodPass = 0 Do $chkPass = rndLayout() If StringInStr($chkPass, "1") Then If StringInStr($chkPass, "2") Then If StringInStr($chkPass, "3") Then $GoodPass = 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf Until $GoodPass = 1 ; Now that we have an acceptable layout for the password... populate it $password = "" For $x = 1 To 8 $password = $password & Convert(StringMid($chkPass, $x, 1)) ;MsgBox(0,"password convert: ", $password) Next ;MsgBox(0,"Final Password: ", $password) ClipPut($password) Return $password EndFunc ;==>MakePass Func Convert($cat) ; Numbers If $cat = 1 Then $val = Chr(Random(49, 57, 1)) ;MsgBox(0,"Converted value: ",$val) ; Capital Letters ElseIf $cat = 2 Then $val = Chr(Random(65, 90, 1)) ;MsgBox(0,"Converted value: ",$val) ; Lowercase Letters Else $val = Chr(Random(97, 122, 1)) ;MsgBox(0,"Converted value: ",$val) EndIf ; Subsitute undesired values to other values (personal preference) If $val = "l" Then $val = "x" If $val = "1" Then $val = "5" If $val = "i" Then $val = "y" If $val = "O" Then $val = "R" Return $val EndFunc ;==>Convert ; make a 7 char string of numbers 1 thru 3 Func rndLayout() $str = "" For $i = 1 To 7 $str = $str & Random(1, 3, 1) Next Return $str ;MsgBox(0,"Password String: " ,$str) EndFunc ;==>rndLayout ;========================================================================= ;=================== Logs Functions Successful Validation ================ ;========================================================================= Func log_expired() ;FOR Expired ID $oExcel3 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel3, @ScriptDir & "\log_bp_pw.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Processed").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:G2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$SUserId,"A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$Received_time,"B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, _NowTime(3), "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Expired ID", "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $FN_3, "E2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "F2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 ;_Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "G2") ; $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:G").AutoFit $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:G").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel3,false) $oExcel3 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel3, @ScriptDir & "\BP_Success.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Processed").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:F2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,"NT LOGIN","A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$SUserId,"B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $fname, "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $sname, "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "N/A", "E2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Expired ID", "F2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 ;_Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "G2") ; $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:F").AutoFit $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:F").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel3,false) EndFunc Func _Refresh_BP_Success_logs() $oExcel3 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel3, @ScriptDir & "\BP_Success.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Processed").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) If $oRange > 1 then _Excel_RangeDelete ($oWorkbook2.activesheet,"A2" &":E"&$oRange , Default , Default) EndIf ;if @error Then MsgBox(0,"",@error) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel3,false) EndFunc Func log_unable_to_unlock();FOR unable to unlock ID $oExcel3 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel3, @ScriptDir & "\log_bp_pw.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Processed").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:G2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$SUserId,"A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$Received_time,"B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, _NowTime(3), "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Unable to Unlock ID", "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $FN_3, "E2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "F2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:G").AutoFit $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:G").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel3,false) $oExcel3 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel3, @ScriptDir & "\BP_Success.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Processed").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:F2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,"NT LOGIN","A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$SUserId,"B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $fname, "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $sname, "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "N/A", "E2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Unable to Unlock ID", "F2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 ;_Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "G2") ; $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:F").AutoFit $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:F").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel3,false) EndFunc Func log_user_not_found() ;FOR user not found $oExcel3 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel3, @ScriptDir & "\log_bp_pw.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Processed").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:G2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$SUserId,"A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$Received_time,"B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, _NowTime(3), "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "User ID not found", "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $FN_3, "E2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "F2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:G").AutoFit $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:G").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel3,false) $oExcel3 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel3, @ScriptDir & "\BP_Success.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Processed").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:F2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,"NT LOGIN","A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$SUserId,"B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $fname, "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $sname, "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "N/A", "E2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "User ID not Found", "F2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 ;_Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "G2") ; $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:F").AutoFit $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:F").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel3,false) EndFunc Func log_unlocked_and_reset() ;FOR unlocked and reset $oExcel3 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel3, @ScriptDir & "\log_bp_pw.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Processed").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:G2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$SUserId,"A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$Received_time,"B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, _NowTime(3), "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Unlock and reset Successful", "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $FN_3, "E2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "F2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:G").AutoFit $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:G").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel3,false) $oExcel3 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel3, @ScriptDir & "\BP_Success.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Processed").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:F2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,"NT LOGIN","A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$SUserId,"B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $fname, "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $sname, "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $password, "E2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Unlock and reset successful", "F2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 ;_Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "G2") ; $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:F").AutoFit $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:F").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel3,false) EndFunc Func log_reset_only() ;FOR reset only $oExcel3 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel3, @ScriptDir & "\log_bp_pw.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Processed").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:G2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$SUserId,"A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$Received_time,"B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, _NowTime(3), "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "not locked - Reset only", "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $FN_3, "E2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "F2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:G").AutoFit $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:G").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel3,false) $oExcel3 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel3, @ScriptDir & "\BP_Success.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Processed").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:F2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,"NT LOGIN","A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$SUserId,"B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $fname, "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $sname, "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $password, "E2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Not locked - Reset Only", "F2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 ;_Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "G2") ; $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:F").AutoFit $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:F").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel3,false) EndFunc Func _email_successful() Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open() Local $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, @ScriptDir & "\BP_Success.xlsx") Local $oRange = $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Usedrange.Columns("A:F").select $oExcel.CopyObjectsWithCells = True $oExcel.Selection.Copy Local $oOutlook = ObjCreate("Outlook.Application") Local $oMail = $oOutlook.CreateItem(0) $oMail.Display $oMail.To = "" ; removed my email for confidentiality $oMail.Subject = "BP Successful Reset via Automation" ;$oMail.attachments.add(@ScriptDir & "\VM_Incorrect.xlsx") Local $sBodyHeader = "Hi " & @CRLF & @CRLF & "You are receiving this email because you requested to unlocked/reset the password of the following, please see status below: " & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF Local $sBodyFooter = @CRLF & @CRLF & " " & @CRLF & @CRLF & @CRLF Local $oWordEditor = $oOutlook.ActiveInspector.wordEditor $oWordEditor.Range(0, 0).Select $oWordEditor.Application.Selection.TypeText($sBodyHeader) $oWordEditor.Application.Selection.Paste $oWordEditor.Application.Selection.TypeText($sBodyFooter) $oMail.Display $oMail.Send Sleep(3000) _Excel_BookClose($oExcel,false) _Excel_Close($oExcel) EndFunc ;========================================================================= ;======================== Logs Functions fallouts ======================== ;========================================================================= Func log_invalid_NT_ID() ;FOR Incorrect NT ID $oExcel2 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel2, @ScriptDir & "\log_bp_pw.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Fall outs").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:E2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $Received_time, "A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Invalid NT ID", "B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, _NowTime(3), "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $FN_3, "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "E2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:E").AutoFit $oExcel2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:E").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel2.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel2,false) EndFunc Func log_invalid_Fname() ;FOR Incorrect Full Name $oExcel2 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel2, @ScriptDir & "\log_bp_pw.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Fall outs").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:E2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $Received_time, "A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Invalid Full Name", "B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, _NowTime(3), "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $FN_3, "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "E2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:E").AutoFit $oExcel2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:E").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel2.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel2,false) EndFunc Func log_invalid_Email() ;FOR Incorrect Email $oExcel2 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel2, @ScriptDir & "\log_bp_pw.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Fall outs").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:E2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $Received_time, "A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Invalid Email Address", "B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, _NowTime(3), "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $FN_3, "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "E2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:E").AutoFit $oExcel2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:E").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel2.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel2,false) EndFunc Func log_invalid_security_code() ;FOR Incorrect Security Code $oExcel2 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel2, @ScriptDir & "\log_bp_pw.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Fall outs").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:E2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $Received_time, "A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Invalid Security Code", "B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, _NowTime(3), "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $FN_3, "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "E2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:E").AutoFit $oExcel2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:E").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel2.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel2,false) EndFunc Func log_invalid_phone() ;FOR Incorrect phone number $oExcel2 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel2, @ScriptDir & "\log_bp_pw.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Fall outs").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:E2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $Received_time, "A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Invalid Phone Number", "B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, _NowTime(3), "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $FN_3, "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "E2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:E").AutoFit $oExcel2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:E").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel2.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel2,false) EndFunc Func log_invalid_vendor_name() ;FOR Incorrect Vendor Name $oExcel2 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel2, @ScriptDir & "\log_bp_pw.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Fall outs").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "A2:E2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $Received_time, "A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Invalid Vendor Name", "B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, _NowTime(3), "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $FN_3, "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "E2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:E").AutoFit $oExcel2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:E").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. $oExcel2.ActiveSheet.usedrange.Borders.LineStyle = 1 _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel2,false) EndFunc ;=====================================================; ;=============== For Ticketing System ==================; ;=====================================================; ;_login2() Func _login2() $oIE2 = _IECreate("Website") ; removed the website for confidentiality _IELoadWait($oIE2) Sleep(1000) $uname = _IEGetObjByName($oIE2, "username") $pass = _IEGetObjByName($oIE2, "pwd") $submit = _IEGetObjByName($oIE2, "login") $title = _IEPropertyGet($oIE2, "title") Sleep(1000) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) WinActivate ("BMC Remedy Mid Tier 9.1 - Login") _IEFormElementSetValue($uname, "xxxxxxx") ;I placed xxxxxx for confidentiality on this forum _IEFormElementSetValue($pass, "xxxxxx") ;I placed xxxxxx for confidentiality on this forum Sleep(1000) _IEAction($pass, "click") Send("{ENTER}") _IELoadWait($oIE2) ;MsgBox(0,'', 'done loading') If WinExists("Home (Search) - Internet Explorer","") Then WinActivate("Home (Search) - Internet Explorer","") Local $sMyString = "customer" Local $oLinks = _IELinkGetCollection($oIE2) For $oLink In $oLinks Local $sLinkText = _IEPropertyGet($oLink, "innerText") If StringInStr($sLinkText, $sMyString) Then _IEAction($oLink, "click") ExitLoop EndIf Next _initiate() EndIf EndFunc Func _initiate() $request_id_final = $SUserId ;"bp-123456678";"bp-mdizon015" WinActivate ("Home (Search) - Internet Explorer") $idfield1 = _IEGetObjById($oIE2,"arid_WIN_0_682000107") ;"arid_WIN_0_682001112") _IEAction($idfield1, "focus") _IEFormElementSetValue($idfield1, $request_id_final) _IEAction($idfield1, "focus") Send("{space}") Sleep(500) Send("{backspace}") Sleep(500) Send("{enter}") Sleep(3000) _ID_not_found() ; if BP ID is not found EndFunc Func _createticket_amelia() WinActivate("Home (Search) - Internet Explorer","") Local $sMyString = "create a new service request" Local $oLinks = _IELinkGetCollection($oIE2) For $oLink In $oLinks Local $sLinkText = _IEPropertyGet($oLink, "innerText") If StringInStr($sLinkText, $sMyString) Then _IEAction($oLink, "click") ExitLoop EndIf Next Sleep(5000) _click_cancel() Sleep(3000) If WinExists("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","") Then WinActivate("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","") WinSetState("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","",@SW_MAXIMIZE) _click_close() sleep(3000) If WinExists("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","") Then WinActivate("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","") WinSetState("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","",@SW_MAXIMIZE) sleep(3000) _click_Enter_Manually() _click_dropdown() sleep(300) send("{left}") sleep(300) send("{P}") sleep(300) send("{right}") sleep(300) Send("{P " & 3 & "}") sleep(300) send("{right}") sleep(300) send("{2}") sleep(300) Send("{UP " & 4 & "}") sleep(300) send("{Enter}") sleep(300) _click_Name1() _click_Email1() _phone1() _click_login_id1() sleep(300) _click_keyword() ;sleep(300) _click_arrowdown() sleep(1000) _click_drop_email() sleep(300) send("{UP}") sleep(300) send("{E}") sleep(300) send("{Enter}") sleep(300) _click_write_email() sleep(300) send("Password Reset request for " & $SUserId) ;($body) ($user_ID) sleep(300) _click_Name2() _click_Email2() _phone2() _click_login_id2() _click_submit() sleep(3000) _Service_request() sleep(5000) ticket_capture() sleep(3000) _click_acknowledge() sleep(3000) _click_Completed() sleep(4000) _click_keyword_completed() sleep(2000) _click_resolution() sleep(2000) _click_save_completed() sleep(2000) WinClose ("ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer" ,"") sleep(1000) WinClose ("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer" ,"") sleep(2000) _IEQuit($oIE2) sleep(1000) If WinExists("ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer" ,"") then WinClose ("ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer" ,"") EndIf sleep(1000) If WinExists("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer" ,"")then WinClose ("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer" ,"") EndIf sleep(5000) log_tickets() EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _createticket_normal() WinActivate("Home (Search) - Internet Explorer","") Local $sMyString = "create a new service request" Local $oLinks = _IELinkGetCollection($oIE2) For $oLink In $oLinks Local $sLinkText = _IEPropertyGet($oLink, "innerText") If StringInStr($sLinkText, $sMyString) Then _IEAction($oLink, "click") ExitLoop EndIf Next Sleep(5000) _click_cancel() Sleep(3000) If WinExists("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","") Then WinActivate("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","") WinSetState("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","",@SW_MAXIMIZE) _click_close() sleep(3000) If WinExists("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","") Then WinActivate("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","") WinSetState("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","",@SW_MAXIMIZE) sleep(3000) _click_Enter_Manually() _click_dropdown() sleep(300) send("{left}") sleep(300) send("{P}") sleep(300) send("{right}") sleep(300) Send("{P " & 3 & "}") sleep(300) send("{right}") sleep(300) send("{2}") sleep(300) Send("{UP " & 4 & "}") sleep(300) send("{Enter}") sleep(300) _click_Name1() _click_Email1() _phone1_VM() _click_login_id1() sleep(300) _click_keyword() _click_arrowdown() sleep(1000) _click_drop_email() sleep(300) send("{UP}") sleep(300) send("{E}") sleep(300) send("{Enter}") sleep(300) _click_write_email() sleep(300) send("Password Reset request for " & $SUserId) ;($body) ($user_ID) sleep(300) _click_Name2() _click_Email2() _phone2_VM() _click_login_id2() _click_submit() sleep(3000) _Service_request() sleep(5000) ticket_capture() sleep(3000) _click_acknowledge() sleep(3000) _click_Completed() sleep(4000) _click_keyword_completed() sleep(2000) _click_resolution() sleep(2000) _click_save_completed() sleep(2000) WinClose ("ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer" ,"") sleep(1000) WinClose ("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer" ,"") sleep(2000) _IEQuit($oIE2) sleep(1000) If WinExists("ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer" ,"") then WinClose ("ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer" ,"") EndIf sleep(1000) If WinExists("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer" ,"")then WinClose ("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer" ,"") EndIf sleep(5000) log_tickets() EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _click_dropdown() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("dropdown.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) ;sleep(1000) MouseClick("left",$x1-5,$y1-1,1) Else MsgBox(0,"dropdown.png","not found") EndIf EndFunc Func _click_close() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("close.png",1,$x1,$y1,50) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) MouseClick("left",$x1,$y1,2) ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff here...") Else MsgBox(0,"close.png","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_close_final() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("close_final.png",1,$x1,$y1,50) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) MouseClick("left",$x1,$y1,2) ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff here...") Else MsgBox(0,"close_final.png","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_cancel() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("cancel.png",1,$x1,$y1,0) If $result=1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) MouseClick("left",$x1,$y1,2) ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff here...") ;Else ;MsgBox(0,"cancel.png","not found") ;Exit EndIf $result = _ImageSearchArea("cancel.png",1,0,0,200,200,$x1,$y1,0) if $result=1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff in top left corner") EndIf EndFunc Func _click_arrowdown() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("arrowdown.png",1,$x1,$y1,0) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(1000) MouseClick("left",$x1-4,$y1+3,1) ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff here...") Else MsgBox(0,"arrowdown.png","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_write_email() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("write_email.png",1,$x1,$y1,50) if $result = 1 Then ;MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(500) MouseClick("left",$x1+20,$y1+10,1) ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff here...") Else MsgBox(0,"write_email","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_drop_email() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("drop_email.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(1000) MouseClick("left",$x1-16,$y1+3,1) ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff here...") Else MsgBox(0,"Drop_email","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_keyword() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("keyword.png",1,$x1,$y1,50) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(2000) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1-2,1) sleep(1000) send("87170") sleep(1000) send("{enter}") sleep(3000) ; 4000 MouseMove($x1,$y1+40,3) sleep(1000) MouseClick("left",$x1,$y1+40,2) Else MsgBox(0,"keyword","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_local_admin() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("local_admin.png",1,$x1,$y1,50) if $result = 1 Then ;MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(1000) MouseClick("left",$x1,$y1,2) sleep(1000) MouseClick("left",$x1,$y1,2) sleep(1000) MouseClick("left",$x1,$y1+10,2) Else MsgBox(0,"local_admin","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_submit() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("submit.png",1,$x1,$y1,50) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(1000) MouseClick("left",$x1+1,$y1,1) Else MsgBox(0,"Submit","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _Service_request() If WinExists("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","") Then WinActivate("Create a New Service Request (Search) - Internet Explorer","") sleep(2000) $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("Service_request.png",1,$x1,$y1,0) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(2000) ;MouseMove($x1+100,$y1,3) MouseClick("left",$x1+100,$y1,2) ;Send("N/A") ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff here...") Else MsgBox(0,"Service_request.png","not found",3) $result = _ImageSearchArea("Service_request.png",1,0,0,200,200,$x1,$y1,0) if $result=1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(2000) ;MouseMove($x1+100,$y1,3) MouseClick("left",$x1+100,$y1,2) ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff in top left corner") EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _ID_not_found() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("ID_not_found.png",1,$x1,$y1,0) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1-25,$y1+30,3) sleep(1000) MouseClick("left",$x1-25,$y1+30,3) sleep(3000) $request_id_final = "ainfos799";"bp-mdizon015" WinActivate ("Home (Search) - Internet Explorer") $idfield1 = _IEGetObjById($oIE2,"arid_WIN_0_682000107") ;"arid_WIN_0_682001112") _IEAction($idfield1, "focus") _IEFormElementSetValue($idfield1, $request_id_final) ;"bp-mdizon015") ; _IEAction($idfield1, "focus") Send("{space}") Sleep(500) Send("{backspace}") Sleep(500) Send("{enter}") Sleep(500) _createticket_amelia() ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff here...") Else ;MsgBox(0,"","not found") _createticket_normal() EndIf EndFunc Func ticket_capture() Local $hGUI If WinExists("ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer","") Then WinActivate("ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer","") WinSetState("ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer","",@SW_MAXIMIZE) local $title = "ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer" $hGUI = WinGetHandle("ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer","");Untitled - Notepad ; sleep(3000) ; Capture window _ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd(@ScriptDir & "\ticket.jpg", $hGUI,227,22,374,52) ;MsgBox(0,"","Done") run('"\\Path\Capture2Text_v4.6.0_32bit\Capture2Text\Capture2Text_CLI.exe" -i ticket.jpg -o ticket.txt',"",@SW_HIDE) ; ; removed network Path due to confidentiality ;ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\testing.jpg") sleep(3000) local $file_1 = FileOpen(@scriptdir & "\ticket.txt",0) local $file_read = FileRead($file_1) $ticket_number = $file_read ;MsgBox(0,"",$ticket_number) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Example Func _click_acknowledge() If WinExists("ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer","") Then WinActivate("ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer","") WinSetState("ESM:SR2 (Search) - Internet Explorer","",@SW_MAXIMIZE) $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("acknowledge.png",1,$x1,$y1,0) If $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(2000) MouseClick("left",$x1,$y1,1) Else MsgBox(0,"acknowledge.png","not found") Exit EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _click_Completed() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("completed.png",1,$x1,$y1,0) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(2000) MouseClick("left",$x1,$y1,1) Else MsgBox(0,"completed.png","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_keyword_completed() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("keyword_complete.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(2000) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1-2,1) sleep(1000) send("201") sleep(1000) send("{enter}") ;sleep(3000) ; 4000 Else MsgBox(0,"keyword_complete - 1", "not found",2) ;Exit $result = _ImageSearchArea("keyword_complete.png",1,0,0,200,200,$x1,$y1,0) if $result=1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff in top left corner") EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func _click_resolution() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("resolution.png",1,$x1,$y1,0) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(2000) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1-2,1) sleep(1000) send("Request Completed") sleep(1000) Else MsgBox(0,"resolution.png","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_save_completed() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("saved.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(2000) MouseClick("left",$x1,$y1,1) Else MsgBox(0,"saved.png","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func log_tickets() ;For Ticketing $oExcel3 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel3, @ScriptDir & "\log_bp_pw.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Processed").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) local $file_1 = FileOpen(@scriptdir & "\ticket.txt",0) local $file_read = FileRead($file_1) $ticket_number = $file_read ;MsgBox(0,"",$ticket_number) local $letter = "G" local $number = "1" local $cell = $letter & $number $value = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook2,$oWorkbook2.activesheet,$letter & $number, Default) While $value <>"" or $value <> null or $value <> " " $number = $number + 1 $value1 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook2,$oWorkbook2.activesheet,$letter & $number, Default) If $value1 = "" or $value1 = " " or $value1 = null Then _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, $oWorkbook2.activesheet, $ticket_number, "G" & $number,false,false) $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("G").AutoFit ;$oExcel3.ActiveSheet.Columns("G").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel3,false) ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndFunc Func log_tickets_summary() ;For Ticketing summary $oExcel3 = _Excel_Open() If WinExists("Microsoft Excel","") = 1 Then ControlClick("Microsoft Excel","Close the program","Button2","left",1) EndIf $oWorkbook2 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel3, @ScriptDir & "\log_bp_pw.xlsx", Default, True) $oWorkbook2.Sheets("Processed").Activate ;_Excel_RangeDelete ( $oWorksheet, $vRange [, $iShift = Default [, $iEntireRowCol = Default]] ) $oRange = $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.range("A2").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).row ;MsgBox(0,"",$oRange) Sleep(1000) _Excel_RangeInsert($oWorkbook2.Activesheet, "G2", $xlShiftDown , 1);Default) _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$SUserId,"A2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default,$Received_time,"B2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, _NowTime(3), "C2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, "Expired ID", "D2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $FN_3, "E2") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "F2") ;$EmailAddress_Sender ; $Email_3 ;_Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook2, Default, $EmailAddress_Sender, "G2") ; $oWorkbook2.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:G").AutoFit $oExcel3.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:G").HorizontalAlignment = $xlLeft ; Can be xlCenter, xlDistributed, xlJustify, xlLeft or xlRight of the XlHAlign enumeration. _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook2, True) _Excel_Close($oExcel3,false) EndFunc ;added functions Func _click_login_id1() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("login_id.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(500) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1-2,1) sleep(500) send($NT_3) sleep(500) Else MsgBox(0,"login_id.png", "not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_login_id2() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("login_id2.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(500) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1-2,1) sleep(500) send($NT_3) sleep(500) Else MsgBox(0,"login_id2.png", "not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_Email1() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("email1.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(500) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1-2,1) sleep(500) send($Email_3) sleep(500) Else MsgBox(0,"email1.png", "not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_Email2() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("email2.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(500) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1-2,1) sleep(500) send($Email_3) sleep(500) Else MsgBox(0,"email2.png", "not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_Name1() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("name1.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(500) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1-2,1) sleep(500) send($FN_3) sleep(500) Else MsgBox(0,"name1.png", "not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_Name2() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("name2.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(500) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1-2,1) sleep(500) send($FN_3) sleep(500) Else MsgBox(0,"name2.png", "not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _click_Enter_Manually() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("Enter_manually.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(500) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1-2,1) Else MsgBox(0,"Enter_manually.png", "not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _phone1() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("phone1.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(500) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1,2) sleep(500) Send("N/A") ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff here...") Else MsgBox(0,"phone1.png","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _phone2() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("phone2.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(500) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1,2) sleep(500) Send("N/A") ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff here...") Else MsgBox(0,"phone2.png","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _phone1_VM() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("phone1.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(500) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1,2) sleep(500) Send($VSC_3) ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff here...") Else MsgBox(0,"phone1.png","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Func _phone2_VM() $x1=0 $y1=0 ;_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance) $result = _ImageSearch("phone2.png",1,$x1,$y1,100) if $result = 1 Then MouseMove($x1,$y1,3) sleep(500) MouseClick("left",$x1+15,$y1,2) sleep(500) Send($VSC_3) ;MsgBox(0,"Found","Found a recycle bin with stuff here...") Else MsgBox(0,"phone2.png","not found") Exit EndIf EndFunc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juvigy Posted November 22, 2018 Share Posted November 22, 2018 When you manually run Vendor5 do you get a crash? Did you try #requireadmin or running it with 32 or 64 bit switch ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOne23 Posted February 6, 2019 Author Share Posted February 6, 2019 Hi Juvigy, Sorry for the late response. When I manually run Vendor5 via Scite, it won't get the Appcrash. I haven't tried to compile it to 64 bit. Script was compiled in 32 bit. I will try today and let you know. The Appcrash by the way randomly shows up while running the script then exits my script. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOne23 Posted July 16, 2019 Author Share Posted July 16, 2019 Hi Guys, Any updates on this thread? I am still having errors with this Appcrash with autoit. any help will be greatly appreciated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Earthshine Posted July 16, 2019 Share Posted July 16, 2019 (edited) at 2209 lines long, that is a monster. plus, no way to test, not that I would you need to add logging and debug statements. I recommend using log4a.au3 for logging, don't msgbox only, log it so you can trace what is going on and do your own debugging, you wrote it after all. And what's with all the ImageSearching? the error is telling you something is going wrong with whatever uses OLEAUT32.DLL which is probably related to your excel stuff. also, have you never run Tidy on your code from the tools menu of the Scite editor? it makes it a much nicer pig to deal with. Edited July 16, 2019 by Earthshine My resources are limited. You must ask the right questions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nine Posted July 16, 2019 Share Posted July 16, 2019 @TheOne23 I would highly recommend that you create a log file and log all the steps to identify the exact location in the script where it crashes. When you have that location, you should make a runable snippet that replicates the problem. Then we will be able to assist you. “They did not know it was impossible, so they did it” ― Mark Twain Spoiler Block all input without UAC Save/Retrieve Images to/from Text Monitor Management (VCP commands) Tool to search in text (au3) files Date Range Picker Virtual Desktop Manager Sudoku Game 2020 Overlapped Named Pipe IPC HotString 2.0 - Hot keys with string x64 Bitwise Operations Multi-keyboards HotKeySet Recursive Array Display Fast and simple WCD IPC Multiple Folders Selector Printer Manager GIF Animation (cached) Screen Scraping Multi-Threading Made Easy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheOne23 Posted July 17, 2019 Author Share Posted July 17, 2019 Hi EarthShine and Nine, Thank you for your feeedbacks and inputs. I will definitely do that. Can I have a copy of your log4a.au3 @Earthshine? Thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Earthshine Posted July 17, 2019 Share Posted July 17, 2019 Search the form it’s available on this forum My resources are limited. You must ask the right questions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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