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Seeking better way to confirm proper punctuation

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I'm parsing text to determine if each paragraph (terminated with a CRLF) ends with a proper punctuation mark.

As I've added to the set of what's "proper", my method (parse statement) has become unwieldy (and still doesn't cover all cases):

$proper = StringInStr($paragraph, '.' & @CRLF) + StringInStr($paragraph, '?' & @CRLF) + StringInStr$paragraph, '!' & @CRLF) + StringInStr($paragraph, '"' & @CRLF) + StringInStr($paragraph, ';' & @CRLF)

Can someone suggest a better approach?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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I'm a bit confused, are you checking only the punctuation mark at the very end of the paragraph, or the punctuation at the end of each sentence within? And when you say "proper punctuation" are you saying that it just needs to be some punctuation mark? Or do you expect it to know if that mark should be a "?" or a "!"?

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1 minute ago, JLogan3o13 said:

only the punctuation mark at the very end of the paragraph

Yes.  And "yes", it needs to be some punctuation mark (not just a symbol like ^ for example).  There will need to be 8 or 10 in the "dictionary" of proper marks.

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As I don't exactly know the final purpose this is a simple try (for the concept)

#Include <Array.au3>

$s = "AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting" & @crlf & _
"It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys);  " & @crlf & _
"AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on all versions of Windows out-of-the-box with no annoying runtimes required"

$s = StringRegExpReplace($s, '\h*\R|$', @crlf)
$res = StringRegExp($s, '([^\.\?!;"])\r', 3)



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Hi all,
I tried a regexp approach, using a "negative lookbehind" assertion to search for the character before any newline sequence (\R matches @CRLF or lone @CR or @LF) not being one of those indicated by Qwert.
I typed ERROR HERE in the Replace Pattern tab . Here are the results, where a comma ending a line is detected :


Thanks to our regexp gurus for commenting, if the expression can be improved :)

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