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Regex: remove all duplicate lines from a sorted file


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Hello everyone

I have a text file with lines of text, and some lines occur more than once.  I would like to delete all lines that occur more than once (i.e. including all instances of that particular line).  The lines are already sorted alphabetically.  The problem is that I can't quite figure out how to write the regular expression.

#include <Array.au3>

$fo = FileOpen ("testfile.txt", 128)
$fwo = FileOpen ($fo & "_output.txt", 129)
$fr = FileRead ($fo)

$freg = StringRegExpReplace ($fr, '(.+?\R){2,}', '')
; I also tried:
; $freg = StringRegExpReplace ($fr, '(.+?\R)+', '')
; $freg = StringRegExpReplace ($fr, '(.+?' & @CRLF & '){2,}', '')
; $freg = StringRegExpReplace ($fr, '^(.+?\R){2,}', '')
; $freg = StringRegExpReplace ($fr, '(?m)^(.+?\R){2,}', '')

FileWrite ($fwo, $freg)

In the test file attached, only one line ("The quick brown fox.") should remain in the file.



PS. The alternative approach is to use an array and compare array items with each other in a series of loops, but I'm hoping the regex solution is viable.


Edited by leuce
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Sorry, I misread the original request. :doh:



Edited by TheXman
Changed to use the text file data as-is
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Sorry, I misread the original request. :doh:

Edited by TheXman
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Sorry, I read the original request wrong.  :doh:

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Just now, TheXman said:

Is that not what you get?

Sure - what's the problem with this?
That's what leuce wanted:

34 minutes ago, leuce said:

In the test file attached, only one line ("The quick brown fox.") should remain in the file.

But your result could also be achieved with a slightly shorter pattern:

$sNew = StringRegExpReplace(FileRead("testfile.txt"), '(?ms)^(\V+)$\R(?=.*\1)', '')



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44 minutes ago, AspirinJunkie said:

Maybe a slightly simpler pattern:

$sNew = StringRegExpReplace(FileRead("testfile.txt"), '(?ms)^(\V+)$.*\1\R', '')


But it only works if the rows are already sorted - as you wrote.

Thanks, that regex works for the short test file and it works for slightly longer test files too, but then on one specific longer test file it fails near the middle of the file for no immediately apparent reason (larger test file attached). By "fail" I mean it deletes about 60 lines that are not duplicates.

(Added: I see both the first and the last line in the group of lines that is erroneously deleted end on the same word).

Ideally the script should rather delete too few than too many lines (i.e. if there are any lines that are not properly sorted, then those lines should just be ignored).

I'll see if I can figure out what happens with the long test file.  But thanks again for the regex help -- it definitely is not my strong point.



Edited by leuce
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In the mean time, I figured out how to do this using array item comparisons and loops instead of regular expressions.

I know this is not relevant to regex but I thought I'd post it since this was my second option at a solution to my overall problem.

#include <Array.au3>

$j = 0

$fo = FileOpen ("testfile.txt", 128)
$fws = FileOpen ($fo & "_sorted.txt", 129)
$fwo = FileOpen ($fo & "_output.txt", 129) ; one can then compare these two files in e.g. WinMerge
$fr = FileRead ($fo)

$farr = StringSplit ($fr, @CRLF, 1)
$count = $farr[0]
_ArraySort($farr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
$fstr = _ArrayToString ($farr, @CRLF)
FileWrite ($fws, $fstr)

While $j < $count

If $farr[$j] = $farr[$j+1] Then
$farr[$j] = "x"
$j = $j + 1
If $j <> $count Then
If $farr[$j] <> $farr[$j+1] Then
$farr[$j] = "x"
$j = $j + 1


$fstr2 = _ArrayToString ($farr, @CRLF)

FileWrite ($fwo, $fstr2)


Edited by leuce
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My philosophy is to avoid RegEx at all costs. Probably unfounded. This stems from a bitter disagreement with colleagues some years ago.

Anyway, this is how I would solve this problem. It works. and gets rid of the blank line.

#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>

Dim $aText
_FileReadToArray("C:\Users\user\Downloads\testfile.txt", $aText)

_ArraySort($aText, Default, 1) ; optional, as apparently the text is already sorted

$i = 1
While $i <= $aText[0] - 1
  If $aText[$i] = $aText[$i + 1] Or $aText[$i] = "" Then
    _ArrayDelete($aText, $i)
    $aText[0] -= 1
    $i += 1

_FileWriteFromArray("C:\Users\user\Downloads\testfileout.txt", $aText, 1)


Phil Seakins

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@leuce !

If you prefer arrays, then you could also consider _ArrayUnique :

#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
Global $aArrSource, $aArrUnique
If Not _FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\testfile.txt", $aArrSource, $FRTA_NOCOUNT) Then Exit MsgBox(BitOR(4096, 16), "Message : ", "Error : _FileReadToArray")
_ArraySort($aArrSource, Default, 0) ; optional : sort array
$aArrUnique = _ArrayUnique($aArrSource, 0, 0, 1, $ARRAYUNIQUE_NOCOUNT)
_FileWriteFromArray(@ScriptDir & "\testfile_unique.txt", $aArrUnique)



"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."

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9 hours ago, leuce said:

Thanks, that regex works for the short test file and it works for slightly longer test files too, but then on one specific longer test file it fails near the middle of the file for no immediately apparent reason (larger test file attached). By "fail" I mean it deletes about 60 lines that are not duplicates.

Yes this is because this string of the line appears again later as part of another line. You can fix this by writing a ^ in front of the \1 in the pattern.

However, the following pattern is much more efficient (FactFinders Pattern is good too for the result but expensive):

$sNew = StringRegExpReplace(FileRead("testfile.txt"), "(?m)^(.+\R)\1+", '')


@pseakins, @Musashi

He wanted to completely delete the lines that appear several times - not only the doubles.
In your solutions only the duplicates are removed - one line of them still remain.

Edited by AspirinJunkie
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36 minutes ago, AspirinJunkie said:

He wanted to completely delete the lines that appear several times - not only the doubles.
In your solutions only the duplicates are removed - one line of them still remain.

Regarding this point, according to his description(s), I was not quite sure about it anyway. The title reads "... remove all duplicate lines...". The post states "I would like to delete all lines that occur more than once...". You're probably right, though.

This would therefore mean that :

Element A
Element B
Element B
Element C

becomes :

Element A
Element C

and not :

Element A
Element B
Element C



"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."

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2 hours ago, AspirinJunkie said:

He wanted to completely delete the lines that appear several times - not only the doubles.

Yes, I totally missed that requirement. Here's my second attempt. *** It doesn't work, please ignore ***

#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>

Dim $aText
$sPrevLine = "xyzplugh"
_FileReadToArray("C:\Users\user\Downloads\testfile.txt", $aText)

_ArraySort($aText, Default, 1)

$i = 1
While $i <= $aText[0] - 1
  ; enable one or the other of the next two lines depending if you want to delete null lines
  ; If $aText[$i] = $aText[$i + 1] Or $aText[$i] = $sPrevLine Or $aText[$i] = "" Then
  If $aText[$i] = $aText[$i + 1] Or $aText[$i] = $sPrevLine Then
    $sPrevLine = $aText[$i]
    _ArrayDelete($aText, $i)
    $aText[0] -= 1
    $i += 1

_FileWriteFromArray("C:\Users\user\Downloads\testfileout.txt", $aText, 1)


Ignore this last post of mine - it is rubbish - my code does not work correctly.

Edited by pseakins
irrelevant post

Phil Seakins

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@leuce :

If you want to remove all lines that appear multiple times, then a regular expression (see examples from @Factfinder or @AspirinJunkie) is probably most suitable :

#include <WinAPIFiles.au3>
#include <FileConstants.au3>
Global $hSourceFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\testfile.txt", BitOR($FO_READ, $FO_UTF8))
If $hSourceFile = -1 Then Exit MsgBox(BitOR(4096, 16), "Message : ", "Error : reading the file")
Global $hTargetFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\testfile_target.txt", BitOR($FO_OVERWRITE, $FO_UTF8))
If $hTargetFile = -1 Then Exit MsgBox(BitOR(4096, 16), "Message : ", "Error : writing the file")
FileWrite($hTargetFile, StringRegExpReplace(FileRead($hSourceFile), "(?m)^(.+\R)\1+", ''))



"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."

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Yes it does :).  Tested speed with :

#include <Constants.au3>

$hTimer = TimerInit()
$freg = StringRegExpReplace (FileRead("testfile.txt"), '(?s)(.+?)\R(\1(\R|$))+', '')
ConsoleWrite (TimerDiff($hTimer) & @CRLF)

$hTimer = TimerInit()
$sNew = StringRegExpReplace(FileRead("testfile.txt"), "(?m)^(.+?)\R(\1(\R|$))+", '')
ConsoleWrite (TimerDiff($hTimer) & @CRLF)

MsgBox ($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", $freg = $sNew)

+>Setting Hotkeys...--> Press Ctrl+Alt+Break to Restart or Ctrl+BREAK to Stop.
+>08:07:28 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:0

Both provide the same result.

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