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GUI Combo Box - Select string within Combo

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Simple question: 

A GUI Combo has a list of place names. How do I get the code to select one of the place names using a string and have it be set to the selected place (while still having the ability to change it).

In depth:

I have a combo what contains a list of data from a file_1. in a second file (file_2) is a list of data that might corresponds to file_1. If there is data in file_2 that corresponds to file_1 then I want to set the string in File_2 (the same string is also found in File_1 but along with the other data also) to be the string selected in the combo in the GUI.

File_1 = list of places |place|place|place....

File_2 = the place it was last time (but written differently) , and the single place (written like it is in File_1)

File_3 = the place written differently only.

So File_3 looks at File_2 IF it finds its funny written place it will be converted to the correct way of writing it and then File_2 will selected from the list of places that was entered into the combo from File_1 ELSE if the place is not found in File_2 the user will have to select it manually from the combo.

I want the combo to always be there because File_2 might not always be correct.

$sets = _FileCountLines($File_3)
For $i=1 To $sets Step 1
    $String = StringSplit(FileReadLine($File_3,$i),",")
    $temp = GUICtrlCreateLabel($String[1]&"  -  "&$String[2],5,$top,($GUIWidth/5)*3-5)
    $Input[$i] = GUICtrlCreateCombo("",($GUIWidth/5)*3,$top,($GUIWidth/5)*2-5,-1,0x0003)
    For $j=1 To _FileCountLines($File_2) Step 1
        $temp2 = StringSplit(FileReadLine($File_2,$j),',')
        If $temp2[1] = $string[3] And $top=1 Then

At the moment the code just adds the place a second time but does not seem to see that the exact same string is already there. 

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Since your snippet is useless and unrunable for us, it will be hard to help you.  We have no idea of the files content (File_1, File_2, File_3).  We have no idea what you are expecting as a result.

If you decide you want help, I strongly suggest you make your request clearer, complete and runable.

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I found a solution.

Using _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_Create(), _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_AddString($string) and _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_SetCurSet()

If $string = the known place name then save to a temp var the index location of the _GUI....._AddString() function then use the _...._SetCurSet($combo,$temp_var_indext_ID).

Sorry it was a supper complex program with files that contain sensitive information so I could not upload it to the point of being about to run it without witting a whole example script.

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