- 20:05 Ticket #78 (Regex in CLASS for window titles) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 14:12 Ticket #159 (Add a Date: header in _inetsmtpmail) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 12:51 Ticket #170 (FileCopy unable to copy new files when source files number excess 10k) closed by
- No Bug
- 12:24 Ticket #150 (Can´t open hidden file) closed by
- No Bug
- 11:02 Milestone completed
- 10:56 Ticket #177 (PixelGetColor third param not accepted (AutoIt error)) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 08:08 Ticket #128 (Accelerator Tables) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 04:48 Ticket #177 (PixelGetColor third param not accepted (AutoIt error)) created by
- Perhaps the modification was not included when the latest beta was …
- 02:34 Ticket #176 (Check for Updates on Windows XP x64) closed by
- Duplicate: Didn't bother searching, I see. Resolving as duplicate of #165.
- 02:06 Ticket #176 (Check for Updates on Windows XP x64) created by
- Just built a new x64 system and installed and beta. …
- 21:12 Ticket #174 (au3.api for v3.2.10.0 is missing RunAsSet) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed and Uploaded installer with this update.
- 13:53 Ticket #175 (_ProcessHide) closed by
- Rejected: I have no idea what you want, however, the name doesn't sound all that encouraging for this function being used for good things. Rejected.
- 13:27 Ticket #175 (_ProcessHide) created by
- Aloha, It would be nice if you could implement a ProcessHide-Function …
- 10:05 Ticket #174 (au3.api for v3.2.10.0 is missing RunAsSet) created by
- The au3.api files in the definitions have the RunAs & …
- 21:26 Ticket #173 (SysListView32 and, Gets different instance than created by
- Hi, I presume there has been a change in obtaining windows in this …
- 20:59 Ticket #172 (StructureConstants.au3 - $tagREBARINFO) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 17:50 Ticket #165 ('Check for Updates' on Vista x64) closed by
- Fixed
- 17:04 Ticket #172 (StructureConstants.au3 - $tagREBARINFO) created by
- […] should be […] It's used in GuiReBar.au3 --> Func …
- 16:40 Ticket #171 (consolewrite() documentation addendum) closed by
- Rejected: This doesn't appear to be a bug (I can reproduce it with a simple C++ program). However, it is not an AutoIt feature, either. It seems to be a feature/bug/quirk in the command interpreter. I don't feel that we should be documenting the functionality of other programs.
- 14:53 Ticket #171 (consolewrite() documentation addendum) created by
- Assuming the behavior is desired, and not leveraging a bug... If there …
- 23:17 Ticket #160 (FileGetTime - Date UDF compatible format) closed by
- Rejected: Resolving as rejected due to lack of activity combined with how trivial the request is.
- 23:06 Ticket #153 (Running process with $STDOUT_CHILD kills ConsoleWrite.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 20:37 Milestone completed
- 19:11 Ticket #167 (SciTe4AutoIt3 8-3-2008 Installs beta Aut2exe.exe) closed by
- Fixed: Uploaded a updated SciTE4AutoIt3 installer containing an aut2exe that is backwards compatible with the AutoIT3 version. (Thanks Valik)
- 04:57 Ticket #170 (FileCopy unable to copy new files when source files number excess 10k) created by
- When using filecopy with wildcard, like FileCopy ("X:\*.bin", …
- 22:31 Ticket #169 (GUIRegisterMsg return value) created by
- Investigate whether GUIRegisterMsg()'s return value is being honored. …
- 18:52 Ticket #137 (Syntax highlighting for custom function names) closed by
- Rejected
- 14:29 Ticket #168 (RunAsSet() for 3.2.11.x) closed by
- Rejected: RunAsSet() is a security risk that we do not need. The RunAs() and RunAsWait() functions are superior in syntax, functionality and security (although they are still not 100% secure, they are at least now more secure than RunAsSet()).
- 13:08 Ticket #166 (_ArrayMax() runs on invalid array.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 09:34 Ticket #168 (RunAsSet() for 3.2.11.x) created by
- Is it possible to leave the RunAsSet() function in 3.2.11.x? I …
- 09:28 Ticket #167 (SciTe4AutoIt3 8-3-2008 Installs beta Aut2exe.exe) created by
- When installing SciTe3AutoIt3 released on 8-3-2008 (with definitions …
- 23:25 Ticket #166 (_ArrayMax() runs on invalid array.) created by
- See http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=66284. The …
- 19:38 Ticket #163 (Obsfuscator wrongly reporting error "File contains records longer ...) closed by
- No Bug
- 13:36 Ticket #165 ('Check for Updates' on Vista x64) created by
- When using the 'check for updates' utility under Vista x64, it fails …
- 16:00 Ticket #158 (ControlClick not working on some Vista windows.) closed by
- No Bug: Replying to llombard@nexthop.com: > How can this window, or my other area, be a non-standard window? These window's are part of the Vista OS. The ControlClick command works in all other locations, why not here? Are there any plans to remedy these issues? > Don't just assume "Hey, Microsoft made this, it must be standard". Microsoft have a history of using non-standard controls in their software. Microsoft are the software company *least likely* to use a Microsoft control, in my experience. > I realize that this is a free program and you aren't required to support these issues, but if you don't want to fix something, just say so instead of stating it is a non-standard control that is part of the Vista OS. There is nothing to fix. User expectations not being met does not mean software bug, in your case, it means the user is expecting something unreasonable. We are not going to add support for this stuff at this time. We can't very well go around supporting every single control type implemented on Windows by various vendors, even if that vendor happens to be Microsoft. There is a certain core set of controls that are considered standard, we support those. Things outside that core set are generally not specifically supported by AutoIt. That doesn't mean you can't interact with them, many you can, but if you can't, well, you're on your own and will have to learn how to interact with the control yourself. As I stated, this is a Support question. Do not re-open this ticket just because you don't agree with the resolution. Please read WikiStart and follow those guidelines in the future.
- 15:49 Ticket #164 (VISTA - MAXIMIZE does not work) closed by
- No Bug: There never has been any guarantee that any window would accept the *hint* parameter. This should have been posted in the Support forum first. Resolving as No Bug.
- 15:40 Ticket #158 (ControlClick not working on some Vista windows.) reopened by
- How can this window, or my other area, be a non-standard window? These window's are part of the Vista OS. The ControlClick command works in all other locations, why not here? Are there any plans to remedy these issues? I realize that this is a free program and you aren't required to support these issues, but if you don't want to fix something, just say so instead of stating it is a non-standard control that is part of the Vista OS.
- 08:53 Ticket #164 (VISTA - MAXIMIZE does not work) created by
- This statement (below) works fine on XP, starts ie in a max. window …
- 19:31 Ticket #163 (Obsfuscator wrongly reporting error "File contains records longer ...) created by
- WinXP Home/Pro SP2 AutoIt Beta Obsfuscator.exe ( …
- 19:10 Ticket #162 (compile to .dll) closed by
- Rejected: Don't waste our time with requests like this.
- 17:41 Ticket #162 (compile to .dll) created by
- allow the use of a new autoit function such as installpics() then …
- 21:07 Ticket #161 (ControlSend() working buggy on Vista) closed by
- Works For Me: You haven't provided a test script. You haven't really provide any useful details for how to reproduce this. After following the link to your thread, I discover the application you are using is a game which doesn't even have Window controls. I'm inclined to say this is Works For Me until you can give something that can be reproduced which doesn't involve a game.
- 20:10 Ticket #161 (ControlSend() working buggy on Vista) created by
- Well, on Vista only it works buggy. So, what is the bug: I want …
- 17:13 Ticket #160 (FileGetTime - Date UDF compatible format) created by
- FileGetTime string format is not compatible with any of the Date UDF …
- 13:19 Ticket #159 (Add a Date: header in _inetsmtpmail) created by
- E-mails sent with _inetsmtpmail do not include a Date: header line. So …
- 16:54 Ticket #157 (AutoIT Info does not see all controlls in windows Vista) closed by
- No Bug: Much like #158, you are trying to interact with a non-standard control. It is comes as no surprise to me that there are elements in Vista you can't see because they are not built using the basic control types we support. This does not mean it is a bug. As mentioned in #158, you should be posting Support questions on the forum. This, too, is no bug and is being resolved as such.
- 16:51 Ticket #158 (ControlClick not working on some Vista windows.) closed by
- No Bug: Alright, you really need to provide examples that we can all use even if it's not specific to your current problem. I can't reproduce the dialog so I'm only partially guessing here. With that in mind... It doesn't respond to a ControlClick(), so what? That's not terribly uncommon when you're trying to automate a non-standard control. And judging by the name of the class for the control, it's most definitely non-standard. This is not a bug and I'm closing it as such. You should have asked for Support on the forum first.
- 15:38 Ticket #158 (ControlClick not working on some Vista windows.) created by
- AutoIT Version: This problem is observed trying to click …
- 15:24 Ticket #157 (AutoIT Info does not see all controlls in windows Vista) created by
- Using the following code to get to the window in question, you will …
- 05:22 Ticket #156 (Custom Defined Types - Recordset) closed by
- Rejected: Replying to Jonathan.Hirtler@qr.com.au: > It would be good to... ... read this page before creating new tickets so you don't waste your time and more importantly my time asking for things we've gone out of our way to explicitly state we won't do.
- 03:47 Ticket #156 (Custom Defined Types - Recordset) created by
- It would be good to be able to define a custom type or record set. …
- 20:25 Ticket #148 (_StringProper) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 15:36 Ticket #116 (Windows menu bug) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 14:41 Ticket #155 (Auto resize of GUICtrlCreateGraphic control notify area. (?)) closed by
- Wont Fix: In fact Graphic ctrl are not real control just drawing so the resizing mechanism does not apply to such "control"
- 00:18 Ticket #155 (Auto resize of GUICtrlCreateGraphic control notify area. (?)) created by
- Hi Run into something that stuck me as odd. Other than than I'm not …
- 16:16 Ticket #152 (StdoutRead maxes CPU on process (when not run from SciTe).) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 15:39 Ticket #151 (Constant redeclaration bug) closed by
- No Bug: Do not re-open this. You have a SUPPORT issue, ask it on the forum. The odds of this actually being a bug are very small. Closing this again.
- 14:46 Ticket #151 (Constant redeclaration bug) reopened by
- Ok i found the exact problem it is with the "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\" for some reason scite does not have an issue with it when you git go however the double click does Still a BUG
- 12:13 Ticket #154 (Error : Can not redeclare a constant) closed by
- No Bug: using your info cannot reproduce the problem. perhaps reinstallation of AutoIt can solve your problem
- 11:55 Ticket #151 (Constant redeclaration bug) closed by
- No Bug: when using #include<...>, Autoit is suppose to retrieve the installed include. I don't know if you have really installed Autoit which the setup.exe not the sfx.exe stuff. that could explain your problem. NOBUG
- 11:44 Ticket #149 (FileRead does not return EOF but does return @Error =0, an ...) closed by
- No Bug: In fact your fileread is reading the entire file so as the reading is successful @error is set to 0. NOBUG if you were using the count EOF can be signalled if you try to read after the last data.
- 10:40 Ticket #154 (Error : Can not redeclare a constant) created by
- Hello ! I'm a new user of AutoIt ( For start, i used the …
- 08:50 Ticket #153 (Running process with $STDOUT_CHILD kills ConsoleWrite.) created by
- When the following code is run nothing appears in the console. It's …
- 08:45 Ticket #152 (StdoutRead maxes CPU on process (when not run from SciTe).) created by
- There appears to be a bug with StdoutRead that causes the spawned …
- 04:58 Ticket #108 (IE.AU3 _IEAttach windowtitle using not existing registry entry) closed by
- No Bug: Closing due to lack of activity.
- 09:06 Ticket #151 (Constant redeclaration bug) created by
- Works from the GO command in scite but not when you run it from a …
- 03:58 Ticket #146 (Boolean numeric conversion) closed by
- No Bug
- 21:13 Ticket #150 (Can´t open hidden file) created by
- I tried to open a hidden file with FileOpen funcion in "2" mode(Write …
- 20:13 Ticket #149 (FileRead does not return EOF but does return @Error =0, an ...) created by
- […]
- 10:59 Ticket #148 (_StringProper) created by
- The func will only work this letters [a-zA-Z]. There are languages …
- 23:28 Ticket #147 (Restore "Passphrase" Option in Aut2exe) closed by
- Rejected: We no longer provide a decompiler, which is why the options were removed. Resolving as rejected.
- 22:05 Ticket #147 (Restore "Passphrase" Option in Aut2exe) created by
- Documentation seems to indicate that there was once a "Passphrase" …
- 15:41 Ticket #145 (IniWrite() and whitespaces) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 15:02 Ticket #146 (Boolean numeric conversion) created by
- […] P.S. Did I submit this ticket correctly? I never used the Trac …
- 14:36 Ticket #145 (IniWrite() and whitespaces) created by
- The IniWrite function requires two pairs of quotes, if any white …
- 23:04 Ticket #144 (AutoIt AutoRecord) created by
- I don't know if this was requested before or even suggested. I was …
- 22:57 Ticket #143 (PHP-Like #Include) closed by
- Rejected: Stupid request. Think about it for 5 seconds and you'll realize why.
- 21:51 Ticket #143 (PHP-Like #Include) created by
- I've seen this posted in the Support forums many times. The request is …
- 23:37 Ticket #140 (Add ToolbarWindow32 information on buttons) reopened by
- Replying to Gary: > Write a wrapper function of what you want. > > I believe also much of what you are wanting can be done thru WM_NOTIFY. Are we talking about the same here. I am talking about the AU3INFO.EXE window spying tool. I understand I can write functions to analyze an hwnd ToolbarWindow32 deeper but that means run a function before analysis can be done. I feel that the AutoIt Window Info tool is build for that purpose and now its only showing the main window information of a toolbar but not the actual buttons that are on the toolbar. I am not talking about activating/clicking the buttons thru code but having the AU3INFO.EXE tool immediately showing me the commandid's tooltips etc. of the buttons on the toolbar so I can easily find out what code I have to write to use it actually.
- 15:59 Ticket #140 (Add ToolbarWindow32 information on buttons) closed by
- Rejected: Write a wrapper function of what you want. I believe also much of what you are wanting can be done thru WM_NOTIFY.
- 15:55 Ticket #142 (Get Array from LDAP-Field) closed by
- Duplicate: I believe this is a duplicate of https://svn.autoitscript.com/trac/ticket/50
- 15:06 Ticket #142 (Get Array from LDAP-Field) created by
- When the Function _ADGETObjectInOU from ADFunctions.au3 Version 3.1.2 …
- 05:51 Ticket #138 (Ability to add custom helpfile values) closed by
- Rejected: Doesn't sound useful. Resolving as Rejected.
- 23:43 Ticket #141 (_GUICtrlToolbar_ClickButton is documented but does not exist) closed by
- No Bug: Already fixed in beta
- 21:25 Ticket #141 (_GUICtrlToolbar_ClickButton is documented but does not exist) created by
- _GUICtrlToolbar_PressButton has a reference to click in remarks but …
- 21:22 Ticket #140 (Add ToolbarWindow32 information on buttons) created by
- Would be nice if buttons on toolbar windows are recognized or at least …
- 15:47 Ticket #139 (window identification / fixing current window) closed by
- Rejected: Replying to _alexei@sbcglobal.net: > Currently, AutoIt can not guarantee keystrokes sent by Send would go to the particular window. Focus may change because of many reasons (other app. activity, system popup, user interference, etc.) What's your point? This is true if you're are sending keystrokes via your keyboard as well. > There is no simple way to find a window with particular relation to already known window in terms of child/parent/sibling/owner of any level, also, verifying window class and other properties. That's pretty easy to implement by verifying each window in Z-chain against specified properties and relations. There certainly is. The Windows API function GetWindow(), which allows traversal of the Z-Order is exposed by the UDF _WinAPI_GetWindow(). > I want to be 100% sure AutoIt clicks the button (or sends keystrokes to the window) it was programmed to. Then you ControlSend(), ControlClick() or ControlCommand(). You can't expect something that's "global" like Send() or MouseClick() to work any better than human interaction because it suffers from the same pitfalls. > Bottom line: util window identification becomes reliable, AutoIT is just a dangerous toy, unsuitable to serious applications. You do not know what you are talking about. Your statement is needlessly inflammatory because of your own incompetence. Window identification is reliable, it's just apparent you can't be bothered to learn how to use the language properly to facilitate that. > BTW, "special treatment" of controls creates unnecessary limitations, as controls are just windows with specific relations to the parent/owner. And what are these limitations you don't mention? It's trivial to obtain the HWND of a control and pass it to any AutoIt function expecting an HWND, or to anything else expecting an HWND. The fact is, treating controls as special is just syntactic convenience for a special parent/child relationship. But it is not a limitation, you have the option to obtain the HWND and use whatever function you like on that HWND. Once again, I think you are criticizing the language yet you are a long way from actually knowing how to use it. This has been a waste of my time and your time. You haven't suggested a feature here. You've just went on a mini-rant out of your own ignorance of the language. I'm resolving this as Rejected.
- 10:43 Ticket #139 (window identification / fixing current window) created by
- Currently, AutoIt can not guarantee keystrokes sent by Send would go …
- 04:42 Ticket #138 (Ability to add custom helpfile values) created by
- Lets say that person Y makes a script they could also use this to have …
- 04:39 Ticket #137 (Syntax highlighting for custom function names) created by
- Have the scite4autoit highlight the custom functions in a script I …
- 16:48 Ticket #136 (FolderSelect Control in GUI) closed by
- Rejected: It's somewhat unclear what you want, but whatever it is, you can likely achieve it by embedding the shell itself into your program (As an ActiveX control) and access it through it's COM interface. Resolving as Rejected.
- 15:35 Ticket #136 (FolderSelect Control in GUI) created by
- Well, as far as I go, I've been lacking an FolderSelect control. …
- 15:06 Ticket #135 (FileWrite, FileWriteLine extended to set write mode and pointer position) created by
- Suggested Syntax: …
- 18:34 Ticket #127 (GUICtrlCreateDate -> GUICtrlSetData wrong on Timefields) closed by
- No Bug: […] This script works as expected
- 15:54 Ticket #134 (Add support for COM events to take ByRef parameters) created by
- We need to support objects being passed to COM events by reference. …
- 13:28 Ticket #133 (Wrong information in the Help File) closed by
- No Bug: Already fixed in beta
- 13:21 Ticket #133 (Wrong information in the Help File) created by
- The wrong information is in the "_GUICtrlListBox_DeleteString" …
- 03:11 Ticket #132 (Nothing and NULL) closed by
- Rejected: Replying to PThornett@gmail.com: > It doesn't seem possible to disconnect an ADO recordset, because the required syntax is missing! What is required is an equivalent to the vbs statement > Set rs.ActiveConnection = Nothing > (there are many more situations where the ability to set something in COM to Nothing would be very useful). I'm sure there's a proper value to assign it to close it. Probably 0 or "". If it's an AutoIt variable, however, assigning it anything will cause the COM object to be released. I would advise asking for support on the forum as I'm certain there is a way to do it without the need for a magical keyword. > While I'm at it, there's no keyword NULL in AutoIt. Again, there are some situations where this could be usefull (and I don't thing Chr(0) is the same thing in all cases). AutoIt doesn't really need a NULL keyword. We've managed to make it 5 years without one, I think we'll be alright in the future as well.
- 23:46 Ticket #132 (Nothing and NULL) created by
- It doesn't seem possible to disconnect an ADO recordset, because the …
- 21:03 Ticket #55 (Show function ToolTip in SciTE) closed by
- Wont Fix
- 21:03 Ticket #55 (Show function ToolTip in SciTE) reopened by
- 21:02 Ticket #54 (_DateDiff) closed by
- Fixed
- 21:02 Ticket #54 (_DateDiff) reopened by
- 21:01 Ticket #8 (loop bug) closed by
- No Bug
- 21:01 Ticket #8 (loop bug) reopened by
- 21:13 Ticket #131 (UDP socket and IP) created by
- I ask for know the source IP of a UDP packet received with UDPRecv(). …
- 03:50 Ticket #130 (_GUICtrlListView_InsertGroup incorrect parameters order in the docs) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 22:52 Ticket #130 (_GUICtrlListView_InsertGroup incorrect parameters order in the docs) created by
- Description in the help file for _GUICtrlListView_InsertGroup …
- 19:47 Ticket #129 ("Bugs" on the main Trac page (Jon's links do not work)) closed by
- Fixed: Oops, I realize what I did now. I hit "Review Changes" instead of "Submit Changes", didn't realize it and closed the window. That's why they weren't updated when I thought I did it yesterday. Thanks Saunders, fixed now.
- 19:45 WikiStart edited by
- Update queries to support renamed stuff. (diff)
- 03:13 Ticket #123 (I have added two user functions to array.au3) closed by
- Rejected: You're right, it's really not the best way to go about it.
- 01:47 Ticket #123 (I have added two user functions to array.au3) reopened by
- Is this even the proper way to submit UDFs? Forgetting for a moment that these would be rejected anyway, shouldn't he have gone through different channels?
- 01:43 Ticket #129 ("Bugs" on the main Trac page (Jon's links do not work)) created by
- I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place... The links to custom …
- 01:06 Ticket #128 (Accelerator Tables) created by
- Edited by Valik Add native support for accelerator tables.
- 21:59 Ticket #127 (GUICtrlCreateDate -> GUICtrlSetData wrong on Timefields) created by
- Hi, when you create a Datepicker with GUICtrlCreateDate and make it …
- 20:02 Ticket #126 (Add @LF to end of ConsoleWrite/WriteError) closed by
- Rejected: Do you think the answer has changed since ticket #77 was closed? Resolving as Rejected.
- 17:49 Ticket #126 (Add @LF to end of ConsoleWrite/WriteError) created by
- Hi, Recently I have been working on a couple of functions which I use …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.