- 21:04 Ticket #209 (Another guictrldelete win32 exception) created by
- Using guictrldelete() on a natively created listview which has had all …
- 10:53 Ticket #170 (FileCopy unable to copy new files when source files number excess 10k) closed by
- No Bug: Replying to Nitrogen: > But I think we expect FileCopy() will "copy all new files and skip existing files". Filecopy is doing what Windows does and stop when Windows stop. You cannot expect such behavior I will close again
- 19:08 Milestone completed
- 18:37 Ticket #208 (Expand Adlib functionality) closed by
- Rejected: What is stopping you from calling more than one function from a single "master" AdLib callback? If you need callbacks on separate timers, it's trivial to do that as well. Or you could use WM_TIMER and GUIRegisterMsg(). Changing this to a feature request and closing as rejected (really, a bug? Come on).
- 14:30 Ticket #79 (Allow searching for windows/controls by position.) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 10:14 Ticket #39 (Add HWND to common dialogs) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 09:22 Ticket #208 (Expand Adlib functionality) created by
- I found out the hard way that you can only have one function called …
- 16:02 Ticket #170 (FileCopy unable to copy new files when source files number excess 10k) reopened by
- Here is my test code […] Ooops! The new files aren't copied! […]
- 09:50 Ticket #207 (Auto Propercase in Comments) created by
- When Auto Propercase is turned on, function names in comments are …
- 20:04 Ticket #205 ([Vista64] PixelGetColor returns color of desktop picture instead of ...) closed by
- No Bug: Closing as No Bug.
- 15:00 Ticket #206 (Sleep Documentation Incorrect) closed by
- No Bug: You are missing the point. All functions must return a value, so no function returns a value of "none". But the point is, the return value is not clearly defined. We do not guarantee Sleep() will return 1. If you choose to rely on this value, you do so at your own risk that at some point we may change the value. Hence, the return value is not documented.
- 10:59 Ticket #206 (Sleep Documentation Incorrect) created by
- The documentation of the function Sleep( delay ) is incorrect. It …
- 15:54 Ticket #199 (Multi-Monitor Support Include File) closed by
- Rejected: This doesn't seem like something we need in the official distribution at this time.
- 15:52 Ticket #204 (GUICtrlCreateListViewItem() - new optional parameter IconIndex) closed by
- Rejected
- 16:21 Ticket #205 ([Vista64] PixelGetColor returns color of desktop picture instead of ...) created by
- When trying to determine the color of a pixel via PixelGetColor in a …
- 10:54 Ticket #204 (GUICtrlCreateListViewItem() - new optional parameter IconIndex) reopened by
- >Sorry, but none AutoIt function can depend of an UDF. If none AutoIt function can depend of an UDF then just add _GUICtrlListView_SetImageList() as native one GUICtrlListView_SetImageList() This will be very simple change and will make much more flexible icons operations with ListView/TreeView with native functions. >You can build your own UDF GUICtrlCreateListViewItemEX($itemtext, $ListView1, $index [,$imagefile]) I thought about that already but creating ListView items by UDF functions is much more slower (several times!) then native one. See this post about that: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=67829
- 07:59 Ticket #187 (AutoIt3.chm::/html/script_breaking_changes.htm) closed by
- Completed
- 07:44 Ticket #181 (Could you make AutoIT Window Info Selectable?) closed by
- Rejected: see the info above the listview, it say double-click and you get what you want without switching to the summary page
- 07:27 Ticket #204 (GUICtrlCreateListViewItem() - new optional parameter IconIndex) closed by
- Rejected: Sorry, but none AutoIt function can depend of an UDF. You can build your own UDF GUICtrlCreateListViewItemEX($itemtext, $ListView1, $index [,$imagefile])
- 01:04 Ticket #201 (DLLCall: $aRet[4] is invalid in AutoIT closed by
- Duplicate: Closing as duplicate since it's long fixed, like I suspected.
- 23:43 Ticket #202 (Would like to be able to Branch on condition) closed by
- Rejected: It doesn't matter if I have a solution or not, that's not what the issue tracker is for. Don't re-open the ticket.
- 23:19 Ticket #204 (GUICtrlCreateListViewItem() - new optional parameter IconIndex) created by
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem() - new optional parameter IconIndex $iImage …
- 22:57 Ticket #203 (AutoIt3Wrapper - Work on backup files) created by
- It would be very nice if there was an option ,when compiling …
- 22:39 Ticket #202 (Would like to be able to Branch on condition) reopened by
- So, do YOU have a solution? Or do you think the "Add 700 identical statements" is the best way ?
- 22:14 Ticket #202 (Would like to be able to Branch on condition) closed by
- Rejected: This actually sounds worse than Goto... not happening.
- 21:58 Ticket #202 (Would like to be able to Branch on condition) created by
- Before you whack this request for a GoTo, let me explain... Consider a …
- 15:38 Ticket #185 (Limit of GUI Controls -> (eat up CPU)) closed by
- No Bug
- 05:01 Ticket #201 (DLLCall: $aRet[4] is invalid in AutoIT created by
- Hi, I'm new here. I've been creating a script with AutoIT that uses …
- 16:29 Ticket #200 (_ArrayDisplay) closed by
- No Bug: Please stop asking *QUESTIONS* on here. This is for reporting bugs or asking for new features. It is not for asking for clarification on things. That's what the forum is for. As to your question, virtually all functions that work with arrays should take them ByRef for performance reasons. _ArrayDisplay() was brought more in line with other functions that take arrays and going forward most functions that take an array should be taking them ByRef. Closing this. Please direct future questions to the forum, not here.
- 11:21 Ticket #200 (_ArrayDisplay) created by
- HI Gary/Ultima, there was a change on the array functions between …
- 07:13 Ticket #199 (Multi-Monitor Support Include File) created by
- I have taken several scripts from the AutoIt form and created a …
- 22:42 Ticket #197 ($CmdLine as @CmdLine) closed by
- Rejected: First, I don't think the macro system supports array's so it could be quite a bit of work under the hood to enable that. Second, but more importantly, in 5 years this hasn't been an issue more than a handful of times. Yet it's a change that will break an extremely large number of scripts.
- 21:59 Ticket #198 (_FileReadToArray) created by
- Hi, this is no really big bug, but it would be nice if someone could …
- 18:18 Ticket #197 ($CmdLine as @CmdLine) created by
- I propose that $CmdLine may be changed to a macro to reduce confusion. …
- 00:03 Ticket #196 (Enable shell printing of AutoIt source code) closed by
- Rejected: You kind of ramble on a bit making it somewhat unclear what you are asking for. However, the only thing I can fathom that actually involves us making any change to anything is for us to add the print verb to the file association when registered by the installer. To me, this doesn't sound very useful. Rejecting this.
- 23:02 Ticket #196 (Enable shell printing of AutoIt source code) created by
- Most document types (at least the ones that come from Microsoft), …
- 13:47 Ticket #193 (guictrldelete on context menu already deleted causes win32 exception) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 13:33 Ticket #195 (GUICtrlSetDefColor() causing a problem) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 13:23 Ticket #194 (Minor SciTeConfig error) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in v Jos
- 21:22 Ticket #195 (GUICtrlSetDefColor() causing a problem) created by
- You don't need any test code for this one. Just create a GUI with a …
- 04:53 Ticket #191 (Aut2Exe adds aditional empty icon into EXE) closed by
- No Bug
- 23:52 Ticket #194 (Minor SciTeConfig error) created by
- Not anything major. If you go to SciTe Config from the Tools menu in …
- 13:04 Ticket #191 (Aut2Exe adds aditional empty icon into EXE) reopened by
- OK. But then this should be mentioned in documentation/changelog or AutoIt3.chm::/html/script_breaking_changes.htm. As you can see in my Log_View project (pictures in attachment) all my added icons have changed index in EXE after recompilation with 3.2.11. So I must change icon indexes in all my: GUICtrlSetImage(-1, @ScriptFullPath, $index)
- 12:47 Ticket #190 (_SQLite_GetTable2d crashes script if column field is null or unset) closed by
- Duplicate: already solved in Beta since december
- 12:34 Ticket #193 (guictrldelete on context menu already deleted causes win32 exception) created by
- Attempting to use guictrldelete on a control created by …
- 11:58 Ticket #191 (Aut2Exe adds aditional empty icon into EXE) closed by
- No Bug
- 01:17 Ticket #192 (Version column on is outdated in "Create New Ticket") closed by
- No Bug: That's because it's manual and we don't do it very often. It'll be updated when I finish scripting it. Closing this as NO BUG since... since it'll be taken care of when I finish the script.
- 22:48 Ticket #192 (Version column on is outdated in "Create New Ticket") created by
- Version column on is outdated in "Create New Ticket" There is …
- 22:18 Ticket #191 (Aut2Exe adds aditional empty icon into EXE) created by
- I discovered BUG in Aut2Exe. In latest beta it places into …
- 18:40 Ticket #190 (_SQLite_GetTable2d crashes script if column field is null or unset) created by
- I have incurred a fatal error that occurs during the call to …
- 02:52 Ticket #189 (#Include Conflict: Constants.au3 + ScrollBarConstants.au3 = Duplicates) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 01:25 Ticket #189 (#Include Conflict: Constants.au3 + ScrollBarConstants.au3 = Duplicates) created by
- […] […] They both set $OBJID_HSCROLL, $OBJID_VSCROLL, and …
- 00:08 Ticket #188 (Try...Catch) closed by
- Rejected: Not going to happen.
- 00:03 Ticket #188 (Try...Catch) created by
- Hi! I thought maybe a Try...Catch feature would be cool to have for AutoIt.
- 16:41 Ticket #186 (GUICtrlSetDefColor - related) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 02:14 Ticket #187 (AutoIt3.chm::/html/script_breaking_changes.htm) created by
- add UDFs section for 3.2.10 version: In many UDF were changed/renamed …
- 01:54 Ticket #186 (GUICtrlSetDefColor - related) created by
- AutoIt3.chm in beta GUICtrlSetDefColor - as related could be …
- 22:36 Ticket #108 (IE.AU3 _IEAttach windowtitle using not existing registry entry) reopened by
- Replying to Dale Hohm <DaleHohm@msn.com>: Dutch Windows 2000 version Internet Explorer version 7 (7.0.5730.11) Title shown when I read this issue #108 (IE.AU3 _IEAttach windowtitle using not existing registry entry) – AutoIt – Trac - Windows Internet Explorer
- 18:52 Ticket #185 (Limit of GUI Controls -> (eat up CPU)) created by
- Hi, on my CPU 1,8 Ghz Pentium M XP SP 2 I cannot create 300 GUIs. CPU …
- 18:01 Ticket #109 (_SQLite_GetTable - Memory error) closed by
- Works For Me
- 17:58 Ticket #178 (GUIRegisterMsg: change of behaviour in WM_NCHITTEST message handler) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 15:20 Milestone completed
- 11:08 Ticket #184 (Child window must use GUICtrlSetTip() if the parent uses it too) closed by
- No Bug
- 07:50 Ticket #131 (UDP socket and IP) closed by
- Rejected: to use UDPRecv you need to call first UDPBind so just set the IP and port as global variable and you can reuse them when you need. the global variables can be by socket if you need them
- 02:08 Ticket #184 (Child window must use GUICtrlSetTip() if the parent uses it too) created by
- [http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=67000&view …
- 00:34 Ticket #182 (Add GUISetColor() by analogue of GUISetFont()) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 11:18 Ticket #183 (Event of radio control fired when the GUI is reactivated) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 22:47 Ticket #183 (Event of radio control fired when the GUI is reactivated) created by
- For some reason, when we create a radio control, the same event is …
- 01:32 Ticket #182 (Add GUISetColor() by analogue of GUISetFont()) created by
- GUISetFont cover all controls that will be created and set Font for …
- 00:49 Ticket #180 (Could you make AitoIT Window Info Selectable?) closed by
- No Bug: Uhh, rather than create a new ticket, you could have just... mentioned your mistake and let us change it. But whatever.
- 21:56 Ticket #181 (Could you make AutoIT Window Info Selectable?) created by
- On all pages, not just the Summary page?
- 21:55 Ticket #180 (Could you make AitoIT Window Info Selectable?) created by
- On all pages, not just the Summary page?
- 14:05 Ticket #54 (_DateDiff) closed by
- Fixed: I am providing the Definitions as distributed by the AutoIt3 installer. It is correct in the current Beta definitions. Jos
- 16:52 Ticket #54 (_DateDiff) reopened by
- _DateDiff is still again not highlighted in latest Scite.
- 15:40 Milestone completed
- 23:17 Ticket #179 (The use of "[CLASS:classnane; TEXT:controltext]" method to identify ...) closed by
- Duplicate: I know it doesn't sound like it, but this is actually a duplicate of #173. The bug is, the advanced title matching is only reading up to the first ; character. It should be fixed in Closing this as Duplicate, re-open if you experience the same behavior with when it's released.
- 22:27 Ticket #179 (The use of "[CLASS:classnane; TEXT:controltext]" method to identify ...) created by
- Win XP Home/Pro SP2 AutoIt beta The use of …
- 21:04 Ticket #173 (SysListView32 and, Gets different instance than closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 15:53 Ticket #169 (GUIRegisterMsg return value) closed by
- Duplicate: Resolving as a duplicate of #178 as I'm certain the issue is the same. That ticket is better as it provides a test script.
- 07:09 Ticket #178 (GUIRegisterMsg: change of behaviour in WM_NCHITTEST message handler) created by
- WM_NCHITTEST message handler for moving gui form by client area with …
- 20:05 Ticket #78 (Regex in CLASS for window titles) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 14:12 Ticket #159 (Add a Date: header in _inetsmtpmail) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 12:51 Ticket #170 (FileCopy unable to copy new files when source files number excess 10k) closed by
- No Bug
- 12:24 Ticket #150 (Can´t open hidden file) closed by
- No Bug
- 11:02 Milestone completed
- 10:56 Ticket #177 (PixelGetColor third param not accepted (AutoIt error)) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 08:08 Ticket #128 (Accelerator Tables) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 04:48 Ticket #177 (PixelGetColor third param not accepted (AutoIt error)) created by
- Perhaps the modification was not included when the latest beta was …
- 02:34 Ticket #176 (Check for Updates on Windows XP x64) closed by
- Duplicate: Didn't bother searching, I see. Resolving as duplicate of #165.
- 02:06 Ticket #176 (Check for Updates on Windows XP x64) created by
- Just built a new x64 system and installed and beta. …
- 21:12 Ticket #174 (au3.api for v3.2.10.0 is missing RunAsSet) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed and Uploaded installer with this update.
- 13:53 Ticket #175 (_ProcessHide) closed by
- Rejected: I have no idea what you want, however, the name doesn't sound all that encouraging for this function being used for good things. Rejected.
- 13:27 Ticket #175 (_ProcessHide) created by
- Aloha, It would be nice if you could implement a ProcessHide-Function …
- 10:05 Ticket #174 (au3.api for v3.2.10.0 is missing RunAsSet) created by
- The au3.api files in the definitions have the RunAs & …
- 21:26 Ticket #173 (SysListView32 and, Gets different instance than created by
- Hi, I presume there has been a change in obtaining windows in this …
- 20:59 Ticket #172 (StructureConstants.au3 - $tagREBARINFO) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 17:50 Ticket #165 ('Check for Updates' on Vista x64) closed by
- Fixed
- 17:04 Ticket #172 (StructureConstants.au3 - $tagREBARINFO) created by
- […] should be […] It's used in GuiReBar.au3 --> Func …
- 16:40 Ticket #171 (consolewrite() documentation addendum) closed by
- Rejected: This doesn't appear to be a bug (I can reproduce it with a simple C++ program). However, it is not an AutoIt feature, either. It seems to be a feature/bug/quirk in the command interpreter. I don't feel that we should be documenting the functionality of other programs.
- 14:53 Ticket #171 (consolewrite() documentation addendum) created by
- Assuming the behavior is desired, and not leveraging a bug... If there …
- 23:17 Ticket #160 (FileGetTime - Date UDF compatible format) closed by
- Rejected: Resolving as rejected due to lack of activity combined with how trivial the request is.
- 23:06 Ticket #153 (Running process with $STDOUT_CHILD kills ConsoleWrite.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.