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How to check is a Window is moving ?


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I really got stuck today with this problem. How can i check if a window is moving ? I did this for the GUI created with AutoIT, via GUIRegisterMsg (). But how can i do this for other windows ?

Thank you very much,


[size="2"]SFXMaker[/size] - The most complete switchless installer creator software[indent][/indent]
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That will not work. For example, if i just click the top part of a window (where title is placed), without actually moving it, GUIRegisterMsg () will return that the window is moving, what i cannot do with WinGetPos.

Any other suggestions ?

[size="2"]SFXMaker[/size] - The most complete switchless installer creator software[indent][/indent]
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a click on top of the window doesn't mean that the window is really moved. It's 'prepared' for moving.

This is tested with Winword 2003 and only fired if the window is really moved:

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)
ShellExecute ("winword.exe")
WinWait ("Word")
$getpos1st = WinGetPos ("Word")

While ProcessExists ("Winword.exe")
    $getpos2nd = WinGetPos ("Word")
    If $getpos1st [0] <> $getpos2nd [0] Or $getpos1st [1] <> $getpos2nd [1] Then
        $getpos1st [0] = $getpos2nd [0]
        $getpos1st [1] = $getpos2nd [1]
        ConsoleWrite ("Window moved" & @CRLF)
    Sleep (50)



Edited by 99ojo
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Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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It will not register the windows movement.

Looks like the OP is stuck using position polling or writing SetWindowsHookEx method then.


Or placing their own GUI as a child to the window in question, and using the GUIRegisterMsg() method that way.

Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Looks like the OP is stuck using position polling or writing SetWindowsHookEx method then.


Or placing their own GUI as a child to the window in question, and using the GUIRegisterMsg() method that way.

SmOke_N, i tried the method you mentioned, the one with child GUI. It doesn't work. If you move the parent window, the child window does not respond as it is moved. Here's the code i tried :D

#include "WinAPIEx.au3"
_WinAPI_SetParent($ChildGUI, $ParentWindow)

Func IsMoving ($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam) 
    ConsoleWrite("Working" & @CRLF)

While 1

Did i do something wrong ?

[size="2"]SFXMaker[/size] - The most complete switchless installer creator software[indent][/indent]
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