Yashied Posted April 12, 2010 Share Posted April 12, 2010 When I create Combo by using _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_Create() I can control it through WM_NOTIFY message. But if I add icons, messages are not received. Has anyone encountered this problem?Thanks.expandcollapse popup#Include <GUIComboBoxEx.au3> #Include <GUIImageList.au3> #Include <WindowsConstants.au3> GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, 'WM_NOTIFY') Global $Index = -1 $hForm = GUICreate('MyGUI', 400, 300) $hCombo = _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_Create($hForm, '', 2, 2, 394, 268, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) $Label = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 4, 280, 40, 16) GUISetState() ;$hImage = _GUIImageList_Create(16, 16, 5, 1) ;_GUIImageList_AddIcon($hImage, @SystemDir & '\shell32.dll', 4) ;_GUICtrlComboBoxEx_SetImageList($hCombo, $hImage) ;$Index = 0 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_AddString($hCombo, 'String1', $Index, $Index) _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_AddString($hCombo, 'String2', $Index, $Index) _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_AddString($hCombo, 'String3', $Index, $Index) _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_SetCurSel($hCombo, 0) Do Until GUIGetMsg() = -3 Func WM_NOTIFY($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $tNMCOMBOBOXEX = DllStructCreate($tagNMCOMBOBOXEX, $lParam) Local $hWndFrom = DllStructGetData($tNMCOMBOBOXEX, 'hWndFrom') Local $Code = DllStructGetData($tNMCOMBOBOXEX, 'Code') Switch $hWndFrom Case $hCombo Switch $Code Case $CBEN_GETDISPINFOA, $CBEN_GETDISPINFOW GUICtrlSetData($Label, DllStructGetData($tNMCOMBOBOXEX, 'Item')) EndSwitch EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>WM_NOTIFY My UDFs: iKey | FTP Uploader | Battery Checker | Boot Manager | Font Viewer | UDF Keyword Manager | Run Dialog Replacement | USBProtect | 3D Axis | Calculator | Sleep | iSwitcher | TM | NetHelper | File Types Manager | Control Viewer | SynFolders | DLL Helper Animated Tray Icons UDF Library | Hotkeys UDF Library | Hotkeys Input Control UDF Library | Caret Shape UDF Library | Context Help UDF Library | Most Recently Used List UDF Library | Icons UDF Library | FTP UDF Library | Script Communications UDF Library | Color Chooser UDF Library | Color Picker Control UDF Library | IPHelper (Vista/7) UDF Library | WinAPI Extended UDF Library | WinAPIVhd UDF Library | Icon Chooser UDF Library | Copy UDF Library | Restart UDF Library | Event Log UDF Library | NotifyBox UDF Library | Pop-up Windows UDF Library | TVExplorer UDF Library | GuiHotKey UDF Library | GuiSysLink UDF Library | Package UDF Library | Skin UDF Library | AITray UDF Library | RDC UDF Library Appropriate path | Button text color | Gaussian random numbers | Header's styles (Vista/7) | ICON resource enumeration | Menu & INI | Tabbed string size | Tab's skin | Pop-up circular menu | Progress Bar without animation (Vista/7) | Registry export | Registry path jumping | Unique hardware ID | Windows alignment More... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
picea892 Posted April 12, 2010 Share Posted April 12, 2010 Hi Yashied. Does this code help? expandcollapse popup#include <GuiComboBoxEx.au3> #include <GuiImageList.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) _Main() Func _Main() Global $msg, $hGUI, $hImage, $combobox, $button, $sText ; Create GUI $hGUI = GUICreate("ComboBoxEx Get Text with Icon", 400, 300) $combobox = _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_Create($hGUI, "", 2, 2, 394, 100) GUISetState() $button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Get text", 50, 150, 100, 20) $hImage = _GUIImageList_Create(16, 16, 5, 3) For $x = 0 To 20 _GUIImageList_AddIcon($hImage, @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", $x) Next _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_SetImageList($combobox, $hImage) _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_InitStorage($combobox, 150, 300) _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_BeginUpdate($combobox) For $x = 0 To 20 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_AddString($combobox, StringFormat("%03d : Random string", Random(1, 200, 1)), $x, $x) Next _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_EndUpdate($combobox) GuiRegisterMsg($WM_COMMAND,"MY_WM_COMMAND") Global $fComboFocused = False While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $button _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_GetItemText($combobox, _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_GetCurSel($combobox), $sText) MsgBox(4160, "Information", "Edit Text: " & $sText) EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>_Main Func MY_WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $msg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $nNotifyCode = _HiWord($wParam) Local $nID = _LoWord($wParam) ; Local $hCtrl = $lParam Switch $lParam Case $combobox Switch $nNotifyCode Case $CBN_SETFOCUS ConsoleWrite("Focus"&@crlf) Case $CBN_KILLFOCUS ConsoleWrite("Kill Focus"&@crlf) Case $CBN_SELCHANGE ConsoleWrite("Selection Changed"&@crlf) Case $CBN_DROPDOWN ConsoleWrite("Drop Down"&@crlf) EndSwitch EndSwitch Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>MY_WM_COMMAND Func _HiWord($x) Return BitShift($x, 16) EndFunc ;==>_HiWord Func _LoWord($x) Return BitAND($x, 0xFFFF) EndFunc ;==>_LoWord Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yashied Posted April 12, 2010 Author Share Posted April 12, 2010 Hi picea892. Thanks, but i need $CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification. My UDFs: iKey | FTP Uploader | Battery Checker | Boot Manager | Font Viewer | UDF Keyword Manager | Run Dialog Replacement | USBProtect | 3D Axis | Calculator | Sleep | iSwitcher | TM | NetHelper | File Types Manager | Control Viewer | SynFolders | DLL Helper Animated Tray Icons UDF Library | Hotkeys UDF Library | Hotkeys Input Control UDF Library | Caret Shape UDF Library | Context Help UDF Library | Most Recently Used List UDF Library | Icons UDF Library | FTP UDF Library | Script Communications UDF Library | Color Chooser UDF Library | Color Picker Control UDF Library | IPHelper (Vista/7) UDF Library | WinAPI Extended UDF Library | WinAPIVhd UDF Library | Icon Chooser UDF Library | Copy UDF Library | Restart UDF Library | Event Log UDF Library | NotifyBox UDF Library | Pop-up Windows UDF Library | TVExplorer UDF Library | GuiHotKey UDF Library | GuiSysLink UDF Library | Package UDF Library | Skin UDF Library | AITray UDF Library | RDC UDF Library Appropriate path | Button text color | Gaussian random numbers | Header's styles (Vista/7) | ICON resource enumeration | Menu & INI | Tabbed string size | Tab's skin | Pop-up circular menu | Progress Bar without animation (Vista/7) | Registry export | Registry path jumping | Unique hardware ID | Windows alignment More... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
picea892 Posted April 13, 2010 Share Posted April 13, 2010 Okay, how about this? expandcollapse popup#include <GuiComboBoxEx.au3> #include <GuiImageList.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) _Main() Func _Main() Global $msg, $hGUI, $hImage, $combobox, $button, $sText ; Create GUI $hGUI = GUICreate("ComboBoxEx Get Text with Icon", 400, 300) $combobox = _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_Create($hGUI, "", 2, 2, 394, 100) GUISetState() $button = GUICtrlCreateButton("Get text", 50, 150, 100, 20) $hImage = _GUIImageList_Create(16, 16, 5, 3) For $x = 0 To 20 _GUIImageList_AddIcon($hImage, @SystemDir & "\shell32.dll", $x) Next _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_SetImageList($combobox, $hImage) _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_InitStorage($combobox, 150, 300) _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_BeginUpdate($combobox) For $x = 0 To 20 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_AddString($combobox, StringFormat("%03d : Random string", Random(1, 200, 1)), $x, $x) Next _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_EndUpdate($combobox) GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "WM_NOTIFY") ; GuiRegisterMsg($WM_COMMAND,"MY_WM_COMMAND") Global $fComboFocused = False While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $button _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_GetItemText($combobox, _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_GetCurSel($combobox), $sText) MsgBox(4160, "Information", "Edit Text: " & $sText) EndSwitch WEnd EndFunc ;==>_Main Func WM_NOTIFY($hWnd, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam) Local $hWndFrom, $iIDFrom, $iCode, $tNMHDR $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $ilParam) $hWndFrom = HWnd(DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "hWndFrom")) $iIDFrom = DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "IDFrom") $iCode = DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "Code") Switch $hWndFrom Case $combobox Switch $iCode Case $CBEN_BEGINEDIT ; Sent when the user activates the drop-down list or clicks in the control's edit box. ConsoleWrite("Beginedita"&@CRLF) Return 0 Case $CBEN_DRAGBEGINA, $CBEN_DRAGBEGINW ConsoleWrite("Drag Begins"&@CRLF) ; return is ignored Case $CBEN_ENDEDITA, $CBEN_ENDEDITW ; Sent when the user has concluded an operation within the edit box or has selected an item from the control's drop-down list. ConsoleWrite("Endedita"&@CRLF) Return False ; accept the notification and allow the control to display the selected item ;~ Return True ; otherwise Case $CBEN_GETDISPINFOA, $CBEN_GETDISPINFOW ; Sent to retrieve display information about a callback item ConsoleWrite("CBEN_GETDISPINFOA"&@CRLF) Return 0 Case $CBEN_INSERTITEM ConsoleWrite("CBEN_INSERTITEM"&@CRLF) Return 0 EndSwitch EndSwitch Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_NOTIFY Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
doudou Posted April 13, 2010 Share Posted April 13, 2010 (edited) When I create Combo by using _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_Create() I can control it through WM_NOTIFY message. But if I add icons, messages are not received. Has anyone encountered this problem? In order to receive CBEN_GETDISPINFO the text of the combobox item must be set to LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK which is an integer equal -1 (s. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb775746%28v=VS.85%29.aspx ). Not sure if ComboboxEx UDF supports it. There's a similar problem in ToolTip UDF however (s. #1513) and here's a workaround. Edited April 13, 2010 by doudou UDFS & Apps: Spoiler DDEML.au3 - DDE Client + ServerLocalization.au3 - localize your scriptsTLI.au3 - type information on COM objects (TLBINF emulation)TLBAutoEnum.au3 - auto-import of COM constants (enums)AU3Automation - export AU3 scripts via COM interfacesTypeLibInspector - OleView was yesterday Coder's last words before final release: WE APOLOGIZE FOR INCONVENIENCEÂ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
supersonic Posted April 17, 2010 Share Posted April 17, 2010 Hi! WM_NOTIFY works somehow stange... I'm trying to tell WM_NOTIFY to respond when an item in the ComboBox control is clicked... Has there an other event to be triggered? The events in your sample scripts seem not to work. No luck so far... Any ideas? Greets, -supersonic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
doudou Posted April 17, 2010 Share Posted April 17, 2010 I'm trying to tell WM_NOTIFY to respond when an item in the ComboBox control is clicked...Has there an other event to be triggered?There is no such event. Comboboxes send messages when an item is selected or the box itself is clicked.The events in your sample scripts seem not to work.Would you explain, whom do you mean by "you"? And what scripts? Strange way asking for help... UDFS & Apps: Spoiler DDEML.au3 - DDE Client + ServerLocalization.au3 - localize your scriptsTLI.au3 - type information on COM objects (TLBINF emulation)TLBAutoEnum.au3 - auto-import of COM constants (enums)AU3Automation - export AU3 scripts via COM interfacesTypeLibInspector - OleView was yesterday Coder's last words before final release: WE APOLOGIZE FOR INCONVENIENCEÂ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
picea892 Posted April 17, 2010 Share Posted April 17, 2010 Going through the includes...these are your options Global Const $CBN_CLOSEUP = 8 Global Const $CBN_DBLCLK = 2 Global Const $CBN_DROPDOWN = 7 Global Const $CBN_EDITCHANGE = 5 Global Const $CBN_EDITUPDATE = 6 Global Const $CBN_ERRSPACE = (-1) Global Const $CBN_KILLFOCUS = 4 Global Const $CBN_SELCHANGE = 1 Global Const $CBN_SELENDCANCEL = 10 Global Const $CBN_SELENDOK = 9 Global Const $CBN_SETFOCUS = 3 Global Const $CBEN_FIRST = (-800) Global Const $CBEN_LAST = (-830) Global Const $CBEN_BEGINEDIT = ($CBEN_FIRST - 4) Global Const $CBEN_DELETEITEM = ($CBEN_FIRST - 2) Global Const $CBEN_DRAGBEGINA = ($CBEN_FIRST - 8) Global Const $CBEN_DRAGBEGINW = ($CBEN_FIRST - 9) Global Const $CBEN_ENDEDITA = ($CBEN_FIRST - 5) Global Const $CBEN_ENDEDITW = ($CBEN_FIRST - 6) Global Const $CBEN_GETDISPINFO = ($CBEN_FIRST - 0) Global Const $CBEN_GETDISPINFOA = ($CBEN_FIRST - 0) Global Const $CBEN_GETDISPINFOW = ($CBEN_FIRST - 7) Global Const $CBEN_INSERTITEM = ($CBEN_FIRST - 1) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
supersonic Posted April 18, 2010 Share Posted April 18, 2010 @doudou: I'm sorry. I don't wanna offend anybody. @picea: Thank you, I will try one of these... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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