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create new variables ?


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Im doing basic filesearch, but with the returned result in the loop instead of showind it up in guyctrlcreateedit i want it to create new variable for each found file.

There can be 100's of files found and displaying them in the edit box is good idea to see them, but to read individual file name from editbox is complicated.

IS there a way to make my script to "once found file matchinc the pattern" create new variable and assign filename to that variable ?

This way i dont have to create 1000000 variables in my script in case if there are 1000000 files found :)

$SearchHandle = FileFindFirstFile ($Address & "\" & $Pattern) ;pattern *.*
While 1
    $Search = FileFindNextFile ($SearchHandle)
    If $Search > "" Then
        Assign ("created variable ?",$Search,2) ;2 to create global ?
        GUICtrlSetData ($List,$Search & @CRLF,"Edit") ; put found name into editbox

At the "Assign ("created variable ?",$Search,2)" its not creating anything as i would expect it too. Is there something wrong or i dont understand how this works ?

Please help, this bugges me for a very long time and puts my work to limits allot.

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#include <GUIConstants.au3>
Local $nFiles[2]
$nFiles[0] = ""
$FileHandle = FileFindFirstFile("C:\Users\Khan\Documents\*.*")
    If Not @error Then
        While 1
            $n=$n+1                     ;Count
            ReDim $nFiles[$n+1]         ;Changes the array size to add one more "Found" file
            $nFiles[$n] = FileFindNextFile($FileHandle)
            If @error Then ExitLoop     ;When it finds no more files with the pattern, it will stop adding file paths to the array.
ReDim $nFiles[$n-1]                     ;Removes the last blank line
$nFiles[0] = $n-2                       ; sets $nFiles[0] to state the number of files found
$GUI = GUICreate("List", 500, 300)
$List = GUICtrlCreateList("", 10, 10, 480, 280)
For $i=1 To $nFiles[0]
    GUICtrlSetData($List, $nFiles[$i] & "|")
While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
        Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

$nFiles[0] returns the number of files it found

was this helpful?

Edited by SNawazK786
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Using ReDim is not a good idea because it reduces the enumerating speed.


$List = ''
$hSearch = FileFindFirstFile(@SystemDir & '\*')
If $hSearch <> -1 Then
    While 1
        $File = FileFindNextFile($hSearch)
        If @error Then ExitLoop
        If Not @extended Then $List &= $File & ';'
$List = StringSplit(StringTrimRight($List, 1), ';', 2)
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Ok this is interesting::

My script 1st searches and outputs found files into editbox (not into array)

Then with a press of another button i want to move found files.

Problem is that i cant move those files without stringing whole editbox (somehow) to read individual filenames to move one at the time.

So i thought if once files found and displayed, each found file would also have its own $n bumber to which i can refference in filemove command.

for example:


Picture shows that there are multiple file names reflected in editbox

How do i read those filenames off that editbox in loop function and move those files (rename in this case)?

I could do the search and move again using your examples, but then it wont be "Move listed" since user might remove some files from the list.

Edited by madasraka
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bump :)

How do i read those filenames off that editbox in loop function and move those files (rename in this case)?

I could do the search and move again using your examples, but then it wont be "Move listed" since user might remove some files from the list.

If possible then maybe create a new variable for every single found file, so then i can use those variables, but then i dont know how to get this done.

Edited by madasraka
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ALso: you are referencing an "edit box" but the code provided uses a list control. Guictrlread handles both, but differently.


addendum: I wrote a possible solution to this post but did not provide for dynamic renaming..was working on that but is now on the back burner.

Am interested in whatever solution you come up with.

Edited by kylomas

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