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Passing variables between two programs?

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Is there any way to have a program that receives variables from another program? Like lets say you have a game in which you have two programs that run it, one main one that generates the graphics and a secondary one that does all of the calculations and sends those variables to the first one for the graphics. Is there any way to do this simply?


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When I need -my- scripts to talk to each other I use a ini file to store the communication data, and the other script checks to see if there is new data there in its run loop. If the data is there it grabs the needed variables and then deletes them from the ini to keep it clean. I have a several scripts that I have that I want to run multi-processes on so I use ini's to have them talk to each other all the time. I'm sure there is a better way of resolving the issue but ini's are easy to use :)

Alternatively there are several UDF's for inter-script communication that I have seen while doing searches.



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Look in my signature for WM_COPYDATA OR Search the Forum for Script Communication.

Edited by guinness

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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When I need -my- scripts to talk to each other I use a ini file to store the communication data, and the other script checks to see if there is new data there in its run loop. If the data is there it grabs the needed variables and then deletes them from the ini to keep it clean. I have a several scripts that I have that I want to run multi-processes on so I use ini's to have them talk to each other all the time. I'm sure there is a better way of resolving the issue but ini's are easy to use :)

Alternatively there are several UDF's for inter-script communication that I have seen while doing searches.


Thats a great idea! Thanks! I have seen some things, but they are so complicated that I didn't want to get lost :)

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I'd say the easiest method is using the registry. It's amazing what you can do with the Reg commands.

RegWrite, RegRead, etc.

I'd suggest checking it out as an alternative to ini files. Only problem is Windows 7 sometimes has problems if you don't force it to run in admin mode.


[sub]My UDF[/sub][sub] - Basics and Time extensions. Great for those new at AutoIt, also contains some powerful time extensions for pros.[/sub][sub]ScrabbleIt[/sub][sub] - Scrabble done in pure AutoIt. (In Progress)[/sub][sub]Nerd Party Extreme | My Portfolio | [email="fett8802@gmail.com"]Contact Me[/email][/sub]
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When I need -my- scripts to talk to each other I use a ini file to store the communication data, and the other script checks to see if there is new data there in its run loop. If the data is there it grabs the needed variables and then deletes them from the ini to keep it clean. I have a several scripts that I have that I want to run multi-processes on so I use ini's to have them talk to each other all the time. I'm sure there is a better way of resolving the issue but ini's are easy to use :)

Alternatively there are several UDF's for inter-script communication that I have seen while doing searches.



Could you please take a look at this.

...and give some examples of how you use ini files to communicate with your scripts.

I am attempting to resolve this issue without the use of external files.

Thank You

"You're not smart enough for me to open my inbox, so stop sending me mail."
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I'd say the easiest method is using the registry. It's amazing what you can do with the Reg commands.

RegWrite, RegRead, etc.

I'd suggest checking it out as an alternative to ini files. Only problem is Windows 7 sometimes has problems if you don't force it to run in admin mode.


Thanks! This is Awesome! I have seen this command before, but I never realized what it could be used to do!
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