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Had anybody tried microsoft power automate?


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21 minutes ago, xuzo said:

Is powerautomate a viable alternative to AutoIT

No, because

21 minutes ago, xuzo said:

it's literally 100 times slower than AutoIt


This is the case with all these 'no-code/low-code' packages, it's actually one of the reasons I decided to learn how to code, I tried out practically every no-code RPA solution out there and they were all ridiculously slow.

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26 minutes ago, xuzo said:

Is powerautomate a viable alternative to AutoIT?

 I rather code it in AutoIt but, haven't tried the other one. Tho you kind of answered the reason I would not like it. Build some experience and let us know what you ended up using and why :) 

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90% of my contracts nowadays are RPA (Automation Anywhere & UIPAth mainly), and I have used PowerAutomate. To your questions:

  • I have not noticed extreme slowness with Power Automate. I guess it depends on what version you are using (Base or Desktop) and what you are trying to do.
    • To dig in to why it is running so slowly for you, I would agree with the above comment - this is really not the best place for that. A Power Automate forum should be your next stop.
  • As to a viable alternative to AutoIt, that is comparing apples and oranges
    • It does indeed do things natively AutoIt does not, such as IDP with applied AI and ML
    • It also comes with a very high price tag, depending on your Microsoft licensing model - you could be charged per bot in some cases.
    • Power Automate's base package is only intended for automating the O365 suite of MS applications. If you want a broader range of automation you need to purchase Desktop.
  • Finally, if true RPA is what you're after (it sounds like you're unsure what it actually is), Power Automate is a distant 4th behind Automation Anywhere, UIPath, and Blue Prism. If, after doing some research, you find that is the path you want to take, I would suggest investigating the other platforms before investing in this one.

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Hi totally agree with @JLogan3o13 as I also experienced almost the same during my professional path as a Software Test Engineer (for Test Automation).
There is not much to add out of my perspective, but I had good experience with UIPath in the past.



17 hours ago, noellarkin said:

[...] This is the case with all these 'no-code/low-code' packages, it's actually one of the reasons I decided to learn how to code, I tried out practically every no-code RPA solution out there and they were all ridiculously slow. [...]

It depends 😅 . Do things on your own with pure code instead of RPA solutions seems to be better, you're right. Until the point you want to share and extend your approach with non-technical team members or at least with not well experienced ones.

Best regards

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