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Continually updating MsgBox?

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Hi, I'm new to AutoIt (and to scripting in general).

So I've been looking for a way to make a window show up and keep showing varying values while up; I can't seen to find anything in the help menu of with the search. An example of this would be a script that calculates my ping to some server. I tell the script how many times to ping, but I would like for it to show me the current ping on a persistent window. Or maybe a window showing "Working" or "Running".

I tried putting it in a while loop but the loops stops until I hit OK. Is there such a feature?

Also, while I'm here, can someone tell me why AutoIt crashes when I put in the commented-out code?

$x=inputbox("Count","How many times should I count?","10")
while $i<$max
    $var = Ping("PVP.net")
    If $var Then; also possible:  If @error = 0 Then ...
        if $var>$max Then ;way of finding the max
        if $var<$min Then ;way of finding the min
        $err=$err+1;count the errors

msgbox(0,"Result","Count= " & $i & @LF & "The average was: " & $result & @LF & "and there were " & $err & " errors.")

Whenever I put the comments in, AutoIt starts but never finishes. When I leave the comment out, it works fine.

PS: Also, I know that I can do this much easier with a Batch file (I have) but I want to learn AutoIt for future reference. Also, AutoIt does the pinging much faster.


Edited by Nacht
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If you want to display a value that changes as it changes, a MsgBox is not the way to go. Opening a messagebox pauses the execution of the script until the box times out or is closed.

Consider using the Tooltip() function, or designing a GUI.

Edited by Paulie
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Welcolme to the forums ! Posted Image

Try this

$x=inputbox("Count","How many times should I count?","10")
while $i<$max
    $var = Ping("PVP.net")
    If $var Then; also possible:  If @error = 0 Then ...
        if $var>$max Then ;way of finding the max
        if $var<$min Then ;way of finding the min

        $err=$err+1;count the errors

    $result=Round ( $sum/$i )
    $message = "Count= " & $i & @LF & "The average was: " & $result & @LF & "and there were " & $err & " errors."
    If Not $_Splash Then
        $_Splash = SplashTextOn ( "Result", $message, 300, 100, -1, -1, 48 )
        ControlSetText ( $_Splash, "", "Static1", $message )
    Sleep ( 500 )

See SplashTextOn for more details.

Edited by wakillon

AutoIt X86 - SciTE 3.6.0WIN 8.1 X64 - Other Example Scripts

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Its been answered and a MsgBox() isn't really the best solution, but a MsgBox's Text can be updated "on the fly" using the AutoIt commandline /AutoIt3ExecuteLine, of course this is just a proof of concept and is a little pointless to use when SplashTextOn or a ProgressBar is better!

Global $ChangeText[4] = [3, "Enable", "Disable", "Quit"]
_MsgBoxEx(3, "My Program", "Monitoring >> 0", 0, $ChangeText)

Func _MsgBoxEx($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText, $iTimeOut = 0, $aButtonText = "")
    Local $sMsgBox = '"' & "ConsoleWrite(MsgBox(" & $iFlag & ', ""' & $sTitle & '"", ""' & $sText & '"", ' & $iTimeOut & '"))'
    Local $iPID = Run(@AutoItExe & " /AutoIt3ExecuteLine " & $sMsgBox, "", @SW_SHOW, 6)
    Until WinExists($sTitle)
    If IsArray($aButtonText) Then
        For $A = 1 To $aButtonText[0]
            ControlSetText($sTitle, "", "Button" & $A, $aButtonText[$A])
        ControlSetText($sTitle, "", "Button1", $aButtonText)

    Local $sStdoutRead, $iCount = 0
    While ProcessExists($iPID)
        ControlSetText($sTitle, "", "Static1" ,"Monitoring >> " & $iCount)
        $iCount += 1
        $sStdoutRead = StdoutRead($iPID)
        If Number($sStdoutRead) Then Return $sStdoutRead
    If IsArray($aButtonText) Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0)
    Return SetError(1, 0, 1)
EndFunc   ;==>_MsgBoxEx

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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