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Random number in file

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How to make random combinations

Did you look to see if Random appeared in the Help file? Probably not or you would have found it. :)


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That could be correct, but without any code it can be a little difficult to diagnose the problem :)

Edit: Check the flags for FileOpen()

Global $sRandom = Random(0, 100)
Global $hFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\Test.bin", 2)
FileWrite($hFile, $sRandom)
Edited by guinness

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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What is it > 59.7735021729022 ?

test.bin must coming random combinations - take test.txt comb. and make random in test.bin

one example of 100 - not work

$sData = FileRead(@ScriptDir & "\test.txt")
$random1 = Random($sData,0)
$hFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\test.bin", 18)
FileWrite($hFile, $random1)
Edited by Read
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If I have understood your first post correctly, then I think this may be what you are looking for.

#include <file.au3> 

local $aData,$MaxRow,$rmd,$temp,

_FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & "\test.txt", $aData)
$MaxRow = UBound($aData) - 1
For $i = 1 To $MaxRow
    $rnd = Random(1, $MaxRow, 1)
    $temp = $aData[$i]
    $aData[$i] = $aData[$rnd]
    $aData[$rnd] = $temp
$hFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\test.bin", 18)
For $i = 1 To $MaxRow
    FileWrite($hFile, $random1)

Edit: fixed bug in script

Edited by Bowmore

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning."- Rick Cook

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Script in previous post has now been fixed.

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning."- Rick Cook

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What is it &gt; 59.7735021729022 ?

The Random() function has flags too. Change

$random1 = Random($sData,0)


$random1 = Random($sData,1)

<strike>or</strike> and, read thru the Help file some more.

Edited by somdcomputerguy

- Bruce /*somdcomputerguy */  If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

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Random ( [Min [, Max [, Flag]]] )


Min [optional] The smallest number to be generated. The default is 0.

Max [optional] The largest number to be generated. The default is 1.

Flag [optional] If this is set to 1 then an integer result will be returned. Default is a floating point number.

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"Believing what you know ain't so" ...

Knock Knock ...

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You should be capable of fixing that yourself. Just remove the stray comma at the end of the line as indicated by the error message.

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning."- Rick Cook

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$random1 looks to be a code mistake.

Replace it with:



After looking at that code, I don't see you still getting the results you want.

There was no exception made for carriage return/Line feeds.

And it's still reading an "ansi" text file, then writing it to a binary file... not sure why we'd do that.

Edited by SmOke_N
missed code tag

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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Yes, not work.

What would be a working code?

The working solution could happen much faster if you took the time and did some tutorials.

You are showing us no desire to either read the help file, comprehend it, or both.


Keep in mind, anyone that helps you here is because they want to. There are no have to's.

I assume this is what you're after.

#region Example only data
Global $gs_filefrom = @ScriptDir & "\test.txt"
Global $gs_fileto = @ScriptDir & "\test.bin"

If Not _my_FileToRandomLines($gs_filefrom, $gs_fileto) Then
    Switch @error
        Case 1
            MsgBox(16 + 262144, "Error", "Error opening " & $gs_filefrom)
        Case 2
            MsgBox(16 + 262144, "Error", "Empty file " & $gs_fileto)
        Case 3
            MsgBox(16 + 262144, "Error", "Error opening " & $gs_fileto)
#region Example only data

; Param 1: The file to read from
; Param 2: The file to write to
; Param 3: The read flag ( default is 0 for reading standard text file )
; Param 3: The write flag ( default is 2 for erasing old content and creating a new standard text file )
Func _my_FileToRandomLines($s_filein, $s_fileout, $i_readflag = 0, $i_writeflag = 2)

    If $i_readflag = -1 Or $i_readflag = Default Then $i_readflag = 0
    If $i_writeflag = -1 Or $i_writeflag = Default Then $i_writeflag = 2

    ; open with reader flag mode
    Local $h_open = FileOpen($s_filein, $i_readflag)
    If $h_open = -1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)

    Local $s_fread = FileRead($h_open)

    If $s_fread = "" Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)

    ; open write to file
    $h_open = FileOpen($s_fileout, $i_writeflag)
    If $h_open = -1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0)

    ; split file lines
    Local $a_lines = StringSplit(StringStripCR($s_fread), @LF)

    ; shuffle lines, start at index 1, index 0 is only count
    Local $a_writelines = _ArrayShuffle($a_lines, 1)

    For $iline = 1 To $a_writelines[0]
        FileWriteLine($h_open, $a_writelines[$iline])


    Return 1

Func _ArrayShuffle($a_arr, $i_lb = 0)
    Local $i_ub = UBound($a_arr) - 1

    Local $v_tmp, $i_rndm
    For $irow = $i_lb To $i_ub
        $v_tmp = $a_arr[$irow]
        $i_rndm = Random($i_lb, $i_ub, 1)
        $a_arr[$irow] = $a_arr[$i_rndm]
        $a_arr[$i_rndm] = $v_tmp

    Return $a_arr
Edited by SmOke_N

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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