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AutoIt User Protection


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I suspect not but I'm curious all the same if AutoIt has any sort of runtime protection system. As an example, droid mobile applications are required to inform the user of the service requirements the application needs to run and then the user chooses whether to run it or not. Does AutoIt have anything like that (yet)?

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That sounds like something you would want at a OS level (I think that's how it works in Android) or else applications would just assign themselves all rights without asking the user.

Why are you asking?

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That sounds like something you would want at a OS level (I think that's how it works in Android) or else applications would just assign themselves all rights without asking the user.

Why are you asking?

I was going to download some of those example/tools from the site and the first thing that crossed my mind is, wow, I know what AutoIt can do, how can I trust any of these. I haven't looked to see if you download the source and then compile first but, that's what got me to ask.

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Not sure what tools you mean but the examples are all just source.

The Tools we provide in SciTE4AutoIt3 is a mix:

All tools written in AutoIt3 are provide including source.

Some tools I have written like Tidy, Obfuscator are provided without source and is a matter of trust.


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Firstly look through the script (if available) before you run it, otherwise if you're new to AutoIt or the source code isn't available (which isn't required by the coder) then you could look at running it in a VirtualMachine or a 'sandbox like' application. Personally I look through the code and trust the reputation of the coder on an individual basis.

Edit: I presume you're talking about example scripts in the examples forum.

Edited by guinness

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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Dude, after your recent bumpy start, if you cant trust the program or the scripts written with it..

I would uninstall it and go find something else to do.

Think yourself lucky that people upto and including the Dev's release their stuff so you can see whats inside and use it to try and learn to do the more advanced things

The only time i would never download a compiled script from the examples section is if the person only has a few posts and never participates in the forums.

The rest of the stuff is fine, if your that worried i would get your money back from your Internet provider and go and live in a monastery.

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