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is that multithread? Are there any disadvantages In this method?


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Regardless of what I know or don't and whether you're right or wrong, doesn't excuse the fact that what the interpreter does, doesn't mean the language should replicate that same functionality. More often than not developers in AutoIt don't need multithreading and if they did then don't use AutoIt, as clearly you know what you're talking about and should use an appropriate language that supports multithreading. Now I have said my bit I am going.

Edited by guinness

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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From what I understand from some comments here, I'm not the only one who says that it is some kind of multithread and I really want to be careful with my words (this is difficult for me because my English)

I do not want you to understand that I call it a multithread.

I call it - a way to run few pieces of code at the same time (from a human perspective) in an easy way

About my own case, I was interested in "multithread" because I want to "run few pieces of code at the same time" and this option allows me to do so under a number of restrictions that I'm still learning

In title="is that multithread? Are there any disadvantages In this method?: post #30">#30, AutID Gave a familiar way to "run few pieces of code at the same time".

He described that there 2 "pieces of code" that need to run at the same time:

1) The main code ("main project") - code that must work always

2) "mini script"

He suggested to run each code in different exe file: the main code in exe 1 and the "mini script" in exe 2.

With this method my idea is run 1 with AdlibRegister and any other code that needs to run always, and run every code not needs to run always in regular way.

I did some tests, and according to my tests, this is an excellent approach..

Edited by Guest
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So no one asks from you, guinness, add support for multithreading.

I'm just saying that it does not support in AutoIt, except a single built in function InetGet. o:)

You are crossing the line of being rude. Guinness is a respected dev in this place and showing him disrespect is poor form. Please do not do that again. Thank you.

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You are crossing the line of being rude. Guinness is a respected dev in this place and showing him disrespect is poor form. Please do not do that again. Thank you.


I think you are misinterpreting gil900's non-native English. My interpretation of what gil900 said is that he does not expect anyone to add features to AutoIt on his request.

@ gil900 - Running separate executables is as close as you can get to multithreading with AutoIt. This can be useful to prevent blocking actions occuring with some AutoIt functions, or initiated by Windows. The downside is that you will probably need the different processes to share information. There are several examples (in Example Scripts) of ways to send and receive data between your scripts.

Edited by czardas
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