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Results (1 - 100 of 1570)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Milestone Component Resolution Reporter
#3955 Wiki code examples are broken Documentation Duplicate lwc
#4019 Little bug in ArrayDisplayInternals AutoIt Works For Me pixelsearch
#3987 Aut2Exe creates a temp folder without deleting it Aut2Exe No Bug lwc
#4006 incomplete read missing key in IniReadSection AutoIt No Bug itdev721@…
#4002 Only some _ArrayX functions have their Failure Return value documented Documentation No Bug lwc
#3996 Unexpected silent conversion of several AutoIt types when used as keys in maps AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#3974 Key Stuck when using HotKeySet + Send AutoIt Works For Me anonymous
#3796 Execute() cause crash (-1073741819) with some strings containing punctuation. AutoIt Works For Me steipal@…
#1729 Example code for _FTP_ProgressUpload / Download is not properly formatted (no code box). Documentation No Bug nf67
#3950 Silent crash without triggering recursion warning AutoIt Works For Me anonymous
#3993 _WinAPI_SetWindowTheme() - remove limits Standard UDFs No Bug argumentum
#3989 SplashOff() not being parsed correctly by SyntaxCheck Prod and Tidy Au3Check Wont Fix GUIDTracker
#3994 AutoIT crashes in IsDeclared if $vVar is not declared AutoIt No Bug torchrish@…
#3982 _ClipPutFile should not free memory AutoIt Works For Me Nine
#3980 Hexadecimal notation in the range 0x80000000 to 0xFFFFFFFFFF AutoIt Rejected AspirinJunkie
#3977 Return problem by PixelSearch/PixelGetColor AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#3971 Integer not handled properly when calling object method AutoIt No Bug BiatuAutMiahn@…
#3967 About fixing the vulnerability of AutoIt AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#3881 Missing Extras\WM_NOTIFY.au3 file AutoIt No Bug Kloud
#3951 Autoit3.exe - has no digital signature AutoIt No Bug gmmg
#314 FileCreateShortcut cannot create for non-existing Universal Naming Path AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#3936 PixelChecksum not working correctly, tried PixelCoordMode options AutoIt No Bug ribo75016@…
#3181 Can't press Alt+Tab when HotKeySet - Alt+Esc AutoIt Works For Me BitByteBit
#3928 WinWaitActive() prevents Raw Input's WM_INPUT messages from queueing up (drops messages?), resulting in poor responsiveness AutoIt Works For Me nurupo
#3930 DllStructs created in one scope gets dropped if chained with a function that returns a re-structured-by-pointer version of it AutoIt No Bug AutoXenon
#3914 SciTE-Lite 4.4.6 bad font AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#3915 unknown _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes AutoIt Works For Me anonymous
#3898 Wrong references in au3.api AutoIt No Bug Jos
#3899 _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem issue with remote desktop AutoIt No Bug raffaelet@…
#3896 Single non-ANSI character failure in BinaryToString AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#3897 incorrect arithmatic with Hex notation AutoIt Duplicate anonymous
#3831 GUICtrlSetPos and $GUI_DOCKHCENTER AutoIt No Bug kAnon
#2906 TCPRecv can't detect closed client web browser sockets AutoIt Duplicate anonymous
#233 Inetget + "automatically detect proxy settings" = HUGE RAM usage AutoIt Works For Me anonymous
#234 GUIList.au3 error AutoIt No Bug Michael W. Bayley <m_bayley@…>
#3862 Calling AutoItX.PixelSearch() throws access violation AutoItX No Bug anonymous
#3860 Declared var not detected Standard UDFs No Bug KaFu
#3856 FileOpenDialog passing unseen information AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#3855 _ArrayToString for 1D array, for used in the Combo Box AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#3854 Setting Control Color has unintended consequences in GUI AutoIt Wont Fix paul.keselman@…
#800 runas from a network path AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#3845 Hotkeys don't work SciTE4AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#3176 possible error in DriveMapAdd documentation AutoIt No Bug rick.narveson@…
#3841 COM Error Handling AutoIt No Bug kAnon
#3703 2 ^ 49 and further return wrong results AutoIt Wont Fix timsky
#3815 Remark in help regarding return value of _ArrayDelete is wrong Documentation No Bug anonymous
#3803 ControlClick unaffected by MouseClickDownDelay AutoIt No Bug kianisan@…
#3802 Window is not activated by a partial title AutoItX No Bug jamsnsou@…
#3801 AutoIt #include does not handle symlinks right if included file has #include-once AutoIt Wont Fix genius257
#3001 Added AutoIt3x_64.dll to Excel Add-in list loads it as initial spreadsheet. AutoItX Works For Me whittamr@…
#3799 _ChooseFont (Canceling the dialog) suggestion. AutoIt No Bug Dan_555
#3718 AU3_ControlSend of AutoItX3_x64.dll doesn't work properly AutoItX No Bug k.schaefer@…
#2870 AutoIt send key combinations do not work sometimes AutoIt No Bug icemang2@…
#2668 Subclassing issue on CallWindowProc AutoIt No Bug FireFox
#3694 WinGetSize function missing from AutoItX3_64 AutoItX No Bug dennis@…
#3786 DirMove function returns success instead of failure AutoIt Wont Fix Factfinder
#2319 _Singleton is not working at all AutoIt Works For Me Eugenii
#3164 problem with the function ToolTip COM Interface AutoItX Wont Fix blackrodger@…
#3782 Au3 stripper fail. Au3Check No Bug anonymous
#3573 Unable to use backspace in GUI-controls with embedded IE object AutoIt Works For Me anonymous
#2943 Disabled dummy control reacts on accelerators AutoIt Works For Me Synix <…>
#3777 Au3Check Custom Includes Au3Check No Bug seadoggie01
#3097 AutoIt crash with Objects AutoIt Works For Me mLipok
#3163 Windows PE - Unknown software exeption 0xc000001d AutoIt Wont Fix Tom1969
#2950 Dircopy cannot copy own dir or subfolders on network drive AutoIt Works For Me woldhek
#3152 FileCopy doesn't cope well with copying files with embedded spaces in their name to UNC destinations AutoIt No Bug pscales@…
#3141 Wrong Screen Size Dimension Problem in Windows10 in Combination with the preferences „size of text apps and other items“ > 100% AutoIt Wont Fix k.knetsch@…
#2979 AdlibUnregister failing to release timer AutoIt Works For Me czardas
#3730 Send("{BROWSER_HOME}") does not work anymore with newest Win10 and newest Autoit AutoIt Works For Me Exit
#3255 Drag & Drop not working when Windows DPI setting is above 100% AutoIt Works For Me antonis@…
#3572 TCPSend can hang forever without returning an error AutoIt Works For Me ferbfletcher
#2937 TCPRecv() set @error to -1 when a telnet client connect on socket AutoIt Works For Me antoine@…
#2670 TCP connection lost on blocking functions. AutoIt Works For Me FireFox
#2596 TCPRecv not returning data, and setting @error to -1 AutoIt Works For Me diegomainster@…
#3125 ListView does not generate events when pressing Return AutoIt No Bug anonymous
#3020 ObjGet() crashes -1073741819 AutoIt Works For Me shane0000
#3015 Object Schedule.Service AutoIt Rejected syperjazz@…
#2932 embedded Windows-Explorer under Windows 7 / 8.1 and Drag & Drop fails AutoIt Works For Me card0384@…
#2900 Control ID returned by GUIGetCursorInfo when use with overlapped controls AutoIt Works For Me anonymous
#2884 AutoIt tries to call COM VariantClear() on uninitialized memory AutoIt Wont Fix coderpro@…
#2879 objcreate("Microsoft.Update.Session","REMOTEHOST") is not connecting to REMOTEHOST AutoIt Wont Fix devilman16
#2815 GUICtrlSetImage resets the icon size AutoIt Wont Fix Tweaky
#2786 MDI childs don't adjust to parent windows client rect #2 AutoIt Wont Fix Synix <…>
#2513 TCPSend() Not functioning with string over 225 characters in length. AutoIt Rejected NullSchritt
#3017 The largest negative integer value we misinterpret AutoIt Duplicate anonymous
#3773 Return value in SetError() is limited to 32-bit valuies AutoIt No Bug jchd18
#3770 Invalid calculation when using exponential form AutoIt Duplicate anonymous
#3723 Odd problem with _GUICtrlRichEdit_ReplaceText Standard UDFs Rejected qwert
#3648 _ISPressed not working with "GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG" Standard UDFs No Bug Memnon
#3726 _WinAPI_PathGetArgs / _WinAPI_PathRemoveArgs -- using like the help example can lead to errors Standard UDFs Works For Me BugFix
#3762 au3-files are missing in src-archive Documentation No Bug Tweaky
#3690 ieCreate function failing with Windows 10 update 1804 AutoIt Works For Me helpdesk@…
#3756 send() bug with individual spanish apostrophe ( ´ ) AutoIt No Bug mlwainsten@…
#3749 Example in help file is wrong (StdoutRead) Documentation Wont Fix anonymous
#3745 bug appears on windows 10, writing to edit control freezes script and crashes it. AutoIt No Bug TheAutomator
#3748 Running a script from a compiled script is not launching AutoIt No Bug Nine
#3746 Reason behind why compiled 32-bit .exe are showing as 64-bit OS / Machine AutoIt No Bug MarkIT
#3736 _GUICtrlTreeView_Sort fails when there is just one item in TreeView Standard UDFs Duplicate Andy289
#3735 _DebugOut all output on one line AutoIt Works For Me anonymous
#3729 GUICtrlSetDefColor and GUICtrlSetDefBkColor cause inputs to fire other controls' events AutoIt Wont Fix mainmaster@…
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.