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Multi dimensional array to MsgBox


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I have searched the forum, but I can't find anything regarding what I want to achieve. I have an AD query which outputs to a multidimensional array and I want to present the results in a MsgBox, without the identifiers.

_ArrayToClip() and _ArrayToString() will only work with a 1 dimensional array, and I don't really want to write the output to file.

I'm probably missing something really simple (apologies if it's something silly). Any ideas gratefully received.

[font='Comic Sans MS']Eagles may soar high but weasels dont get sucked into jet engines[/font]

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You can use _arraydisplay() to view the array or you can use a For loop to pull just the index that you want to display via msgbox

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Czardas - it's a 2 dimensional array

nitekram - _ArrayDisplay displays all the array identifiers, which I don't want and a loop will only list the items one at a time.

The output of a _AD_GetProperties() query, for example, can output over 40 rows and two columns, which I want to present in a clean and easy-on-the eye display.

Thanks for the replies

Edited by shornw

[font='Comic Sans MS']Eagles may soar high but weasels dont get sucked into jet engines[/font]

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When going through the loop of the array elements, then you would use something like

$oldval = $oldval & $newval

you would be combining all the array elements into a single variable you could then use in a msgbox




Edited by kaotkbliss



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You can concatenate the elements in each row and use whatever delimiter you like. For example TAB.

Dim $array[3][3] = [[10,54,73],[87,23,1],[5,64,71]]

Dim $ret
For $i = 0 To 2
    For $j = 0 To 2
        $ret &= $array[$i][$j] & @TAB
    $ret &= @LF

MsgBox(0, "2D display", $ret)

I would personally not use a message box. Instead I would use a list view control, but that's just about the same as using _ArrayDisplay

Edited by czardas
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The output of a _AD_GetProperties() query, for example, can output over 40 rows and two columns, which I want to present in a clean and easy-on-the eye display.

If by "clean and easy-on-the eyes" you mean to remove some of the lines you could pass the properties you want to get returned to _AD_GetObjectproperties.


_AD_GetObjectProperties(@UserName, "samaccountname")
only returns one of the 40 properties.

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Thanks for all suggestions.

In the end, as I needed something quick, I went with concatenating the two dimensions and writing the result to a single dimension array, copying that to clip and writing into MsgBox(). It's not as pretty as I would have liked, but it will do for now.

I intend to create a much better alternative, where users can select the results they require.

This is the function that did the work. Feel free to pick holes/suggest improvements etc.

Func ADquery()
Dim $test
Dim $out[1]
_ArrayAdd($out, GUICtrlRead($name))
GUIDelete("AD Query")
For $i = 1 to UBound($aProperties) -1
$test &= $aProperties[$i][0] & " = " & $aProperties[$i][1]
_ArrayAdd($out, $test)
$test = ""
_ArrayToClip($out, 2)
MsgBox(0, " Properties of " & $out[1], ClipGet())


[font='Comic Sans MS']Eagles may soar high but weasels dont get sucked into jet engines[/font]

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