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Results (3101 - 3200 of 3867)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Milestone Component Ticket
#3142 Auto-Complete in SciTE Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3143 Beta Help File Option in SciTE Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3144 Givenchy Handbags, Givenchy Bags & Givenchy Antigo Bug AutoIt
#3145 ObjGet dont work Bug AutoIt
#3146 RegRead documentation incorrect or deprecated Bug Documentation
#3147 Kindly add some extra features to SciTE4AutoIt to make it a real IDE Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3148 Add new events to GUIGetMsg() Feature Request AutoIt
#3149 Add new functions to SQLite UDF Jpm Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3150 Add new functions to GuiListView UDF Feature Request AutoIt
#3151 TCPConnect() return always -1 on a public ip Bug AutoIt
#3152 FileCopy doesn't cope well with copying files with embedded spaces in their name to UNC destinations Jon Bug AutoIt
#3153 AU3Check to change SciTE console results output sequence Feature Request Au3Check
#3154 Description of \s is wrong in StringRegExp help file guinness Bug Documentation
#3155 _Excel_RangeWrite with $bForceFunc=True doesn't transpose array Bug Standard UDFs
#3156 Help: _Excel_ColumnToLetter / _Excel_ColumnToNumber wrong example Bug Documentation
#3157 Run \ Runwait functions fail to run programs with the requested execution level set to requireadministrator in the program manifest Bug AutoIt
#3158 Ping() cached Bug AutoIt
#3159 ObjCreateInterface and BOOL type. Jon Bug AutoIt
#3161 Constants for MemGetStats's returned array Jpm Feature Request AutoIt
#3162 RunWait command does not return the exit code of the program that was run on XP systems Bug AutoIt
#3163 Windows PE - Unknown software exeption 0xc000001d Bug AutoIt
#3164 problem with the function ToolTip COM Interface Jon Bug AutoItX
#3165 Call() function called with an empty array results in APPCRASH Jon Bug AutoIt
#3166 Error in Arrays wiki Bug Documentation
#3167 COM Error Handler - not always fires event Jon Bug AutoIt
#3168 Missing constants from AutoItConstants.au3 Bug Other
#3169 Missing constants for WinGetState Bug AutoIt
#3170 IniRead() functions returns ANSI chars instead of Unicode Chars Bug AutoIt
#3171 Count of Keys in Returned Array of MapKeys Feature Request AutoIt
#3172 IniRead() function returns ANSI chars instead of Unicode Chars Bug AutoIt
#3173 Beta Helpfile won't launch if Stable Helpfile is open and vice versa Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#3174 New functionality for Maps and Arrays in String() Function Feature Request AutoIt
#3175 Orthospell (Spell Checker) integration in SciTE4AutoIt Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3176 possible error in DriveMapAdd documentation Bug AutoIt
#3177 _WinAPI_ShowWindow() does not give True if successful Bug AutoIt
#3178 _WinAPI_SaveHICONToFile function error Variable used without being declared mLipok Bug Standard UDFs
#3179 Number failure with lower case hex Jon Bug AutoIt
#3180 Zip and Unzip Feature Request Other
#3181 Can't press Alt+Tab when HotKeySet - Alt+Esc Bug AutoIt
#3182 MouseGetPos may return the wrong value when used with mulitple display screens. Jon Bug AutoIt
#3183 Aut2Exe: Exe won't run "Unable to open the script file" (with Aut2Exe_x64.exe it works) Bug Aut2Exe
#3184 _Net_Share UDF Doc Issue Jpm Bug Documentation
#3185 Multiple FileInstall not working Bug AutoIt
#3186 Special characters change after filewrite to *.csv Bug AutoIt
#3187 Cannot access forums. Bug Other
#3188 Typo Bug Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#3189 "Run" and "RunWait" functions call an A3X multiple times with an compiled file Bug AutoIt
#3190 Aut2exe crashes Bug Aut2Exe
#3191 SciTE Won't save hidden scripts. Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#3192 Regression with reference Bug AutoIt
#3193 .chm Array example wrong Jpm Bug Documentation
#3194 autoIT script in selenium IDE Feature Request AutoIt
#3195 Program crashes after repeated use of _IETableGetCollection Bug AutoIt
#3196 Feature request: conditional code in curly braces Feature Request AutoIt
#3197 .chm debug example fix Bug Documentation
#3198 Not Able to Open auto IT script giving error unable to open the script Bug AutoIt
#3199 TopMost fo GUI attribute is not set when using GuiSetStyle Bug AutoIt
#3200 Ternary operator for functions Bug Au3Check
#3201 _IEImgGetCollection Example 1 mLipok Bug Documentation
#3203 IE - Variable contents are lost when navigating to any page Bug AutoIt
#3204 "if" function does not see variables that contain _IE objects as being "true" Bug AutoIt
#3205 [Suggestion] Allow functions to be also defined with the keyword "Function" Feature Request AutoIt
#3206 New remark for the "root dir" parameter for FileSelectFolder Melba23 Feature Request Documentation
#3207 _GUICtrlListView_AddArray Error when add single dimension array Bug AutoIt
#3208 Changes in documentation for _Crypt_Hash* functions. Jpm Feature Request Documentation
#3210 None of the $iCharSets are declared in GuiRichEdit.au3 Jpm Feature Request AutoIt
#3211 PixelCheckSum not honouring hwnd parameter Jpm Bug AutoIt
#3212 Fast Shutdown Feature Request AutoIt
#3213 _Arraydisplay() (from Array.au3) may truncate headers since their max widths are unchecked Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3214 Kenntnisse anhand der Inhaltsstoffe von Lumaar WellFit Bug AutoIt
#3215 GUICtrlCreateUpdown looses GUICtrlSetResizing value on GUICtrlSetState change Jon Bug AutoIt
#3216 WinGetState, none of the states are declared. Bug AutoIt
#3217 FileInstall() memory leak Bug AutoIt
#3218 _Timer_KillTimer don't kill timer. Bug AutoIt
#3219 dllCall cause error with SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo Bug AutoIt
#3220 _ArrayBinarySearch Help text incomplete/misleading Melba23 Bug Documentation
#3221 AutoItWrapper not stopping if #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before fails Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3222 FileInstall Jpm Feature Request Documentation
#3223 _IEPropertySet - On Success returns 0 instead 1 mLipok Bug Standard UDFs
#3224 _ArrayConcatenate wrong parameters in description Bug Documentation
#3225 Interrupt function not work when working with GUICtrlRichEdit Bug AutoIt
#3226 StringRegExp : "complete description of PCRE patterns link" not found mLipok Bug Documentation
#3228 Return empty string on failure for _ArrayToString Feature Request AutoIt
#3229 Aut2Exe - Shows popup dialoags from AutoIt3Wrapper when running silent Jos Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt
#3230 _WideCharToMultiByte fails with double-byte codepages Jon Bug Standard UDFs
#3231 second in Date.au3 Melba23 Bug AutoIt
#3232 Issue when parsing scientific notation literals Jon Bug AutoIt
#3233 _GUICtrlListBox_GetSelCount returns 0 also if $hwnd isn't a handle guinness Bug AutoIt
#3234 Missing Online Documentation for Opt function. Bug Documentation
#3235 Floor isn't accurate Bug AutoIt
#3236 HotKey NumpadEnter Bug AutoIt
#3237 _EventLog__Read has an error in the __EventLog_DecodeDesc Function, Insertions replace unintended variables after %1- %9 Jon Bug Standard UDFs
#3238 Au3info doesn't compensate for DPI scaling Jon Feature Request Au3Info
#3239 _IEFormElementOptionSelect Doesn't Return Error on NoMatch mLipok Bug Standard UDFs
#3240 Constanst for _PathSplit's returned array guinness Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3241 Cheap_Links defect AutoIt
#3242 Buy_Backlinks defect AutoIt
#3243 _WinAPI_MoveFileEx(...$sNewFile = "" for delete not 0 Jpm Bug AutoIt
#3244 Codewizard.au3 Icon Fix poposal for Messagebox Tab and Tooltip Tab Jos Bug SciTE4AutoIt
#3245 _MemVirtualAllocEx - pointer types Bug AutoIt
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.